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Posted: December 20th, 2021

APU SCIN360 full course [ all forums all assignments and all quizes ]

Cholesterol Levels

A bacon cheeseburger and french fries
Forum Instructions:For this assignment you
must reply to this post and provide answers to the questions below, prior to
11:55 PM Eastern Time on Wednesday.
Continue to follow your classmates’ posts
for the remainder of the week and post at least 2 follow-up messages to your
classmates’ posts prior to 11:55 PM Eastern Time Sunday. Your follow-up posts
can add additional insight to your classmates’ opinions and can challenge their
opinions. Be sure to read the follow-up posts to your own posts and reply to
any questions or requests for clarification.

You should conduct research on the topic of
discussion and use this research to support your answers. You can use Internet
articles, journals, text books, etc. In fact, I strongly recommend that you
utilize the APUS Online Library for your research as they offer a plethora of
reliable and pertinent research sothers’ stances………after all, we are all entitled to have our own

Don’t forget to back up your arguments with
properly cited references.


G0 points allowable (for your original post,
spelling/grammar/punctuation, and properly listed citations); however, you will
receive no credit for responding to another student’s post because it is after
the fact and will be of little value to your classmate.
NOTE:Please note that the grading for this
week’s Forum assignment is different than last week’s.



To respond to your classmates’ posts:
Click on the post you’d like to reply to.
Click the “Reply” button to the
Type your message in the
“Message” box, perform a spelling/grammar check, scroll down and hit
the “Post Message” button.

erformance Enhancing Drugs

Many syringes sticking into a baseball

Forum Instructions:For this assignment you
must reply to this post and provide answers to the questions below, prior to
11:55 PM Eastern Time on Wednesday.
Continue to follow your classmates’ posts
for the remainder of the week and post at least 2 follow-up messages to your
classmates’ posts prior to 11:55 PM Eastern Time Sunday. Your follow-up posts
can add additional insight to your classmates’ opinions and can challenge their
opinions. Be sure to read the follow-up posts to your own posts and reply to any
questions or requests for clarification.

You should conduct research on the topic of
discussion and use this research to support your answers. You can usussing a point that you
like/agree with and/or a point that you dislike/disagree with. You also may ask
your classmates additional questions or request further clarification. Again,
please be sure to be respectful and professional when responding to your fellow
classmates’ posts. Lastly, please note that this portion of the Forum cannot be
made up, so make sure you post your responses when due. If you are away from
the course for any reason, when you return, you may submit your original post
and receive up to the 80 points allowable (for your original post,
spelling/grammar/punctuation, and properly listed citations); however, you will
receive no credit for responding to another student’s post because it is after
the fact and will be of little value to your classmate.
NOTE:Please note that the grading for this
week’s Forum assignment is different than last week’s.


Submission Instructions:
Terform a spelling/grammar check, scroll down and hit
the “Post Message” button.


A girl with a tattoo along the entirety of
her arm

Forum Instructions:For this assignment you
must reply to this post and provide answers to the questions below, prior to
11:55 PM Eastern Time on Wednesday.
Continue to follow your classmates’ posts
for the remainder of the week and post at least 2 follow-up messages to your
classmates’ posts prior to 11:55 PM Eastern Time Sunday. Your follow-up posts
can add additional insight to your classmates’ opinions and can challenge their
opinions. Be sure to read the follow-up posts to your own posts and reply to
any questions or requests for clarification.

You should conduct research on the topic of
discussion and use this research to support your answers. You can use Internet
articles, journals, text books, etc. In fact, I strongly recommend that you
utilize the APUS Online Library for your research as they offer a plethora of
reliable and pertinent research sources. You may access the Online Library by
clicking on the “Library” link on the menu bar to the left inside the
electronic classroom. However, NEVER use Wikipedia for your research as anyone
can alter the information on this site making it a poor source of accurate
information. Be sure to list your references at the end of your post, include
in-text citations where applicable, and be sure that both are in APA format.

Tattoos are extremely popular forms of
self-expression, and some of the designs are very detailed and multi-colored.
However, there is a possibility of infection such as hepatitis if needles are
reused without proper sterilization. In addition, there is a risk that your
body may react to some of the pigments used, and initiate an autoimmune
reaction. Do you think that these concerns are valid, realistic and legitimate,
or is the medical community overreacting to something that is simply an example
of self-expression and really poses minimal health risks?Don’t forget to back
up your arguments with properly cited references.


Grading/Assessment of this Forum: Postings
will be evaluated on their quality and the degree to which the postings promote
discussion with classmates. Participation on all Forums is required. Points are
allocated as follows based on the original posting and replies (Total of 100
A. Original Posting – Content and Analysis
(55 points possible). Due by Wednesday of the assigned week. Your Forum entry
should be pertinent to the subject matter and demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the topics discussed with an appropriate introduction,
supporting paragraphs, and conclusions. Forum entries should contain 300-500
words, excluding the references. Don’t forget that your posts should be listed
in your own words. Please refer to the “Plagiarism” policy located inside the
APUS classroom under the “Policy” link if you have any questions.B. Original
Posting – References cited and properly listed in APA format – (10 points
possible). Whenever you write a paper based on the research of someone else’s
work, you must give credit to the original author. If you do not cite and
document your sources carefully, you run the risk of plagiarism. In addition,
when you document papers correctly, you provide others with a way to find the
sources you have used. I recommend you visit the following web site (The Owl at
Purdue) to learn how to properly cite your sources in the APA
format:http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ .C.
Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation – (15 points possible).D. Response to classmates’
posts – (20 points possible). Due by Sundayof the assigned week. You should
respond to a MINIMUM of two of your classmates’ original posts such that you
propagate further discussion on the topic assigned and each reply post should
be no less than 100 words.Examples include discussing a point that you
like/agree with and/or a point that you dislike/disagree with. You also may ask
your classmates additional questions or request further clarification. Again,
please be sure to be respectful and professional when responding to your fellow
classmates’ posts. Lastly, please note that this portion of the Forum cannot be
made up, so make sure you post your responses when due. If you are away from
the course for any reason, when you return, you may submit your original post
and receive up to the 80 points allowable (for your original post,
spelling/grammar/punctuation, and properly listed citations); however, you will
receive no credit for responding to another student’s post because it is after
the fact and will be of little value to your classmate.
NOTE:Please note that the grading for this
week’s Forum assignment is different than last week’s.


Submission Instructions:
To post your original entry:
Click the “Tattoos” forum title
and then “Start a New Conversation”.
Type your name as the “Title” and
then type your entry into the space provided (the “Message” box).
When you are done, perform a
spelling/grammar check and then scroll down and hit the “Post Message”

To respond to your classmates’ posts:
Click on the post you’d like to reply to.
Click the “Reply” button to the
Type your message in the
“Message” box, perform a spelling/grammar check, scroll down and hit
the “Post Message” button.

Part 1 of 1 – 100.0/ 100.0 Points

Question 1 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The ____ is often found near the center of
the cell and contains the DNA.

A.A. cell membrane

B.B. cytoplasm

C.C. nucleus

D.D. ribosome

Question 2 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Which of the following is made up of a
mixture of many types of molecules and is a very thin and selectively

A.A. c

Scar tissue in the skin can effectively
function as if the skin was never damaged.

A. True

B. False

Question 12 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Epithelial junctions widen during

A. True

B. False

Question 13 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Serotonin is a mediator of inflammation
that is produced from arachidonic acid.

A. True

B. False

Question 14 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Primary healing is more likely to produce
scarring than secondary healing.

A. True

B. False

Question 15 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Phagocytes report to an injured area
because the are attracted by a(n) _____. chemotactic agent

Question 16 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Bone dissolving cells are called _____.

Question 17 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

_____ is required to convert an amino acid
in the steps leading to collagen production. Vitamin C

Question 18 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The production of new blood vessels is
called revascularization or _____. angiogenesis

Question 19 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Give a brief 1-2 sentence explanation to
the question: What makes an exudate and transudate different from one another
in terms of their contents?

Question 20 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Give a brief 1-2 sentence explanation to
the question: What prevents overgrowth of an epithelium during healing?

Part 1 of 1 – 80.0/ 100.0 Points

Question 1 of 20

0.0/ 5.0 Points

The tunica ____ is the middle layer of a
blood vessel wall.

A.A. adventitia

B.B. externa

C.C. media

D.D. intima

Question 2 of 20

0.0/ 5.0 Points

Which of the following is the serous
covering of the heart wall?

A.A. epicardium

B.B. fibrous pericardium

C.C. parietal pericardium

D.D. myocardium

Question 3 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

In general, arteries have walls that are
_____ than the walls of veins.

A.A. thinner

B.B. the same thickness

C.C. completely different

D.D. thicker

Question 4 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Which of the following valves has two cusps
and chordae tendineae?

A.A. pulmonary semilunar valve

B.B. aortic semilunar valve

C.C. tricuspid valve

D.D. bicuspid valve

Question 5 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

High blood pressure involving the liver’s
special blood vessels is called _____ hypertension?

A.A. portal

B.B. pulmonary

C.C. systemic

D.D. hyaline

Question 6 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Which of the following is a hypertension
treatment that affects the renin-angiotensin system?

A.A. beta blockers

B.B. ACE inhibitors

C.C. calcium channel blockers

D.D. diuretics

Question 7 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The earliest stage of atherogenesis is the
formation of _____.

A.A. foam cells

B.B. fibrous caps

C.C. fatty streaks

D.D. calcification

Question 8 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

One type of infection of the heart muscle
is called_____.

A.A. acute pericarditis

B.B. chronic pericarditis

C.C. infective endocarditis

D.D. viral myocarditis

Question 9 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Which of the following congenital heart
defects involves pulmonary stenosis, as well as additional malformations?

A.A. tetralogy of Fallot

B.B. patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)

C.C. atrial septal detects (ASD)

D.D. ventricular septal detects (VSD)

Question 10 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Decreased heart function as a result of
thickened ventricular walls is called _____.

A.A. primary cardiomyopathy

B.B. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

C.C. congestive cardiomyopathy

D.D. restrictive cardiomyopathy

Question 11 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The time during which the ventricles are
contracting is referred to a diastole.

A. True

B. False

Question 12 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The pacemaker of the healthy heart is the
SA node.

A. True

B. False

Question 13 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

High fat levels in the blood is termed
familial hypercholesterolemia.

A. True

B. False

Question 14 of 20

0.0/ 5.0 Points

An abnormal blood clot is called an

A. True

B. False

Question 15 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The electrical signal for ventricular
depolarization on an ECG is the _____. QRS complex

Answer Key: QRS complex

Question 16 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The _____ is the percentage of blood pumped
out of a filled ventricle.

Question 17 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

A nearly symmetrical focal dilation of
blood vessel is called a (n) _____

Question 18 of 20

0.0/ 5.0 Points

Serous fluid trapping in the pericardial
sac is called _____.

Question 19 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Give a brief 1-2 sentence explanation to
the question: How can a “sore throat” lead to heart disease?

Question 20 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Give a brief 1-2 sentence explanation to
the question: Explain how smoking can lead to cor pulmonale.

Part 1 of 1 – 100.0/ 100.0 Points

Question 1 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The ____ membranes surround the lungs.

A.A. pericardial

B.B. peritoneal

C.C. pleural

D.D. cutaneous

Question 2 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The ___ bronchi lead to each lung.

A.A. primary

B.B. secondary

C.C. lobar

D.D. tertiary

Question 3 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The first segment of the small intestine is
called the _____.

A.A. ileum

B.B. jejunum

C.C. cecum

D.D. duodenum

Question 4 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The lining of the entire digestive system
is a _____.

A.A. submucosa

B.B. synovial membrane

C.C. serous membrane

D.D. mucous

Question 5 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Which of the following is the term for a
bluish skin color?

A.A. cyanosis

B.B. dyspnea

C.C. cough

D.D. hemoptysis

Question 6 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Which of the following is characterized by
alveolar destruction?

A.A. chronic bronchitis

B.B. emphysema

C.C. bronchiolitis

D.D. asthma

Question 7 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Which of the following is an EXTRINSIC
factor leading to restrictive lung disease?

A.A. adult respiratory distress syndrome

B.B. pneumonia

C.C. myasthenia gravis


5.0/ 5.0 Points

Which of the following hormones could be
related to a calcium ion imbalance?

A.A. aldosterone

B.B. parathyroid hormone

C.C. estrogen

D.D. thyroid hormone

Question 11 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The kidneys secrete the hormone
erythropoietin and the enzyme renin.

A. True

B. False

Question 12 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

When more ADH is being secreted, a
patient’s urine appears very light in color.

A. True

B. False

Question 13 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The elimination of nitrogenous waste
materials Helps in maintaining the body’s acid-base balance.

A. True

B. False

Question 14 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Pyelonephritis is urinary tract infection
that is contained in the bladder.

A. True

B. False

Question 15 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The _____ arterioles bring blood away from
the glomerulus.

Question 16 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

_____ is inflammation of the glomerulus of
the kidney.

Answer Key:

Question 17 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

A condition of low blood potassium levels
is called _____.

Question 18 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

An abnormally high blood pH is called

Question 19 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Give a brief 1-2 sentence explanation to
the question: How could long term acidosis lead to dysrhythmias, especially in
an individual with compromised kidneys?

Question 20 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Give a brief 1-2 sentence explanation to
the question: How does glomerulonephritis lead to proteinuria?

Part 1 of 1 – 100.0/ 100.0 Points

Question 1 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Which of the following hormone categories
requires G-protein to activate enzymes inside a cell?

A.A. steroidal

B.B. nonsteroidal

C.C. prostaglandins

D.D. leukotrienes

Question 2 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Which gland secretes insulin?

A.A. thyroid

B.B. parathyroid

C.C. adrenal

D.D. pancreas

Question 3 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Bone density can be increased by:

A.A. eating a high-carbohydrate diet.

B.B. eating a high-protein diet.

C.C. avoiding too much sun exposure.

D.D. weight bearing exercise.


For which disorder is a Pap smear often
effective in early detection?

A.A. cervical cancer

B.B. cervicitis

C.C. dysmenorrheal

D.D. ovarian cancer

Question 3 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The ____ contains cerebrospinal fluid.

A.A. dura mater

B.B. pia mater

C.C. arachnoid mater

D.D. subarachnoid space

Question 4 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Which of the following procedures enables
the examination of cerebrospinal fluid?


B.B. lumbar puncture

C.C. cerebral angiography

D.D. electroencephalography

Question 5 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Hemorrhage into the potential space between
the dura and skull is called a _____ hematoma?

A.A. epidural

B.B. subdural

C.C. subarachnoid

D.D. cranial

Question 6 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Compression of neural tissues that displace
tissues is referred to as _____ syndromes.

A.A. hemorrhage

B.B. herniation

C.C. hydrocephalus

D.D. vacuolar

Question 7 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

The lowest level of consciousness is _____.

A.A. stupor

B.B. confusion

C.C. coma

D.D. inattentive

Question 8 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

A type of meningomyelocele in which the
cerebellum is displaced through the foramen magnum is called _____.

A.A. encephalocele

B.B. Dandy-Walker syndrome

C.C. spinal bifida occulta

D.D. Arnold-Chiari malformation

Question 9 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points


Question 5 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Which type of deficit is seen in lower
motor neuron damage?

A.A. flaccid paralysis

B.B. spastic paralysis

C.C. hyperreflexia

D.D. Babinski sign

Question 6 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

Paralysis of one side of the body is called

A.A. paraplegia

B.B. hemiplegia

C.C. quadriplegia

D.D. diplegia

Question 7 of 20

5.0/ 5.0 Points

In _____, antibodies attack skeletal
muscles acetylcholine receptors.

A.A. Duchenne muscular dystrophy

B.B. polymyositis

C.C. myotonia congenita

D.D. myasthenia gravis

Queeeks old, was born at the mother’s home and
has not received any medical attention beyond that given by EMS during the

1. Should the parents be particularly
concerned with Emma’s lack of medical attention?

2. What perinatal tests should Jim and Jane
inquire about?

3. Should Jim and Jane be concerned about

4. What is PKU?

5. How is PKU screened for?

6. If Emma has PKU, what is the treatment?

Case #2:
Stacey fell down and hurt her knee two days
ago. Today she is at the orthopedic surgeon’s office with her knee tender and
extremely swollen. The physician tells Stacey that she needs to have the fluid
drained from her knee and have an injection to reduce the inflammation. The
fluid he drains is watery and bloody.

1. What is the normal fluid in the knee

2. What is the clinical term for the bloody
fluid the physician drained?

3. How did this fluid form?

4. Which signs of inflammation is Stacey
clearly showing?

5. When the physician gives the “injection
to reduce the inflammation,” what is likely in the injection?

6. If the surgeon prescribes a nonselective
COX inhibitor for the pain, how does it work?

7. How is a selective COX-2 inhibitor
different from a nonselective COX inhibitor?

Case #3:
In September of 2006 Chris Simms,
quarterback of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers was rushed to the emergency room after
a traumatic collision on the football field. Remarkably, Chris finished the
game before going to the hospital. He presented with moderate abrasions to
several areas of his body and severe upper left quadrant pain. After full
workup it was determined that he had to have emergency surgery to remove his
spleen. Fortunately, with modern medical advances, the spleen was removed
laparoscopically. Chris lost five pints of blood prior to surgery.

1. What is the name of the surgery to
remove the spleen?

2. How is laparoscopy different from normal

3. What is the classification for the type
of healing the abrasions will use to heal?

4. What is the classification for the type
of healing the surgical wounds will use to heal?

5. Which wound will be most likely to
produce scarring, the abrasions or surgical wounds?

6. Why did Chris lose so much blood without
any open wounds?

Case #4:
John, an obese 54-year-old Caucasian male,
has gotten a recent yearly checkup at the doctor’s office. He was told that he
has elevated blood pressure and several risk factors for atherosclerosis. His
urinalysis showed glucosuria, and his LDL levels are elevated.

1. What is the technical term for elevated
blood pressure?

2. What is an acceptable range for blood
pressure for John?

3. What is atherosclerosis?

4. How are macrophages involved in the
formation of atherosclerosis?

5. Why is the glucosuria relevant?

6. What are John’s apparent risk factors
for atherosclerosis?

7. What type of pharmacologic treatment
would be recommended?

8. What type of lifestyle therapy would be

Case #5:
Bill Anderson, a 60-year-old Caucasian male
of normal build, presents in the emergency room with severely labored
breathing. He reports progressively worsening shortness of breath over the past
three days. He has been lethargic and has been just “lying around” because of
the shortness of breath. The patient also has hypertension and is sweating, but
without fever. Upon examining the patient’s medical history, the emergency room
doctor learns that Bill has multiple myeloma and has undergone several cycles
of chemotherapy, including steroid and high dose thalidomide therapy. The
emergency room doctor orders a chest X-ray and echocardiography.

1. What is multiple myeloma?

2. What side effects do multiple myeloma,
chemotherapy, immobility, steroids, and thalidomide have in common that could
be an issue here?

3. The emergency room doctor suspects a
fairly obvious problem, what condition is the doctor trying to confirm?

4. Why is the echocardiogram important?

5. How ha

5. How is rhabdomyolysis consistent with
the facts in Heidi’s case?

6. Since Heidi has gotten prompt medical
attention, do you expect treatment to bring about a full recovery? Why/why not?

Case #10:
Richard is a 17-year-old male with type I
diabetes mellitus. Today he presented to the emergency room with abdominal
pain, weakness, lethargy, and rapid, deep respirations. He reports that he
can’t remember if he took his insulin shot that day. The initial thought on
triage is diabetic ketoacidosis.

1. Define acidosis.

2. What classification of acidosis is diabetic

3. What is the name for the breathing
patterns that Richard is having?

4. Why is Richard breathing like this?

5. What do you expect the arterial blood
gas measurements to show for pH, carbon dioxide levels, and bicarbonate levels?

6. What will the treatment be for Richard?

ase Studies Weeks 5-7
Advanced Anatomy and Physiology


Student ID#:

Case Studies –Instructions: Type your
answers IN RED and use your textbook and other resources such as the ones
listed below to help you answer the questions.

Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy:
MedlinePlus: Medical Dictionary:
E-medicine from WebMD:

Case #1:
A 60 year old man with long-standing type
II diabetes that has been untreated with insulin is admitted t has always had Pap smears. She reports at least a
dozen sexual partners and was treated for gonorrhea 6 years ago. He husband has
had normal semen analysis results.

1. What are the risk factors for female

2. Which of these risk factors may be
involved in this case?

3. What hormone levels would be appropriate
to ascertain?

4. If the problem is a pituitary hormone
imbalance, which hormone(s) might be involved?

5. If the problem is an ovarian hormone
imbalance, which hormone(s) might be involved?

6. Define pelvic inflammatory disease.

7. If a pelvic exam is performed and PID is
involved, what might be noticed?

8. How might laparoscopy be useful for a
definitive diagnosis?

Case #7:
A 21 year old female presents to the ER
complaining of lethargy, a stiff neck, and a headache. Initial examination
reveals a high grade fever, sensitivity to light, and withdrawal from neck
flexion. A history uncovers that she is a daycare worker and many students have
been absent recently.

1. What do the symptoms suggest?

2. Is this patient at particular risk for
the suggested illness?

3. What test needs to be done?

4. How is this test performed?

5. What are the two most likely
microorganisms to be found with the test from question #3?

6. Does the daycare need to be notified?

Case #8:
A 68 year old African-American male is
transported to the ER with rapid onset left sided weakness. He was watering his
lawn when he suddenly dropped the hose and fell to the ground. His speech was
slurred when EMS personnel arrived. The man has a history of high blood
pressure and hypercholesterolemia. His exam shows left facial areflexia and
drooping. CT scan of the head shows no hemorrhage.

1. What is the diagnosis?

2. What is the likely location of the
pathology in this instance?

3. What are the risk factors for this

4. What are the possible mechanisms of
pathology in this case?

5. Which is the more likely mechanism of
the pathology in this case?

6. What is the underlying problem in this

7. How did the underlying problem lead to
this incident?

Case #9:
A 36 year old man is seeing his physician
because he is becoming increasingly weak. He reports that the weakness
progresses throughout the day. He has a desk job and can hardly keep his eyes
open and head up by the end of the day. Other history is unremarkable. Cranial
nerve examination shows weak facial muscles, inability to repeat movements, and
bilateral ptosis. The patient’s shoulders droop with a very poor posture.

1. What is the likely diagnosis?

2. What is the pathogenesis of this

3. What other deficits might present if

4. Why do the symptoms seem to worsen later
in the day?

5. What other conditions should be ruled

6. What treatment should be sought?

Case #10:
Tim and Leanne are rushed to the hospital
after a car accident. Tim was driving as the car was hit in the driver side
door. He sustained a broken humerus from the direct impact. His arm was
immobilized and he is resting in his room. Leanne, who was in the front
passenger seat sustained a ruptured spleen and four adjacent broken ribs on the
left side. Her wounds are from striking the middle console of the car. She is
in the ICU with her chest wrapped.

1. What are the factors that affect wound

2. Which factor is the main difference
causing Tim and Leanne to have such different injuries?

3. What is the mechanism that caused the
rupturing of Leanne’s spleen?

4. What is the name of the condition in
which several adjacent ribs is broken?

5. Due to her broken ribs, what is Leanne
at risk of developing?

6. If Leanne’s lung is bruised, what other
condition may develop?

Assignment Instructions

Research Paper

Assignment Instructions:

Most of you are taking this course with the
intention of pursuing a career in healthcare. I always encourage my students to
research the career they plan on striving for to ensure that they “know
what they’re getting into”. I’ve seen plenty of students spend a lot of
time and money to get an education only to discover that, for whatever reasons,
they are not interested in the “9 to 5” routine of their chosen
career once they graduate. Therefore, your research paper is going to be
devoted to any health related career of your choice. This paper will enable to
you to do the research behind the career you are considering and gain a better
understanding about the job demands, rewards, etc. In addition to this
research, I highly recommend that you take some “free time” to shadow
a professional in the field of your choice or volunteer in the environment for
which you desire to work so you can see the “real-world” pros and
cons of the job. Very often, the academic prep is very different than the
actual work setting/demands. Your education is the most valuable investment you
can make; ensure that you make the right choice and know what you want for the
long term. 🙂

You will write your paper based on
literature researched about your chosen field. Research should come from
scientific information on the internet and research articles at the APUS
Library and you must utilize between 5 and 10 reliable and relevant academic
references. Your paper should include, but not be limited to the following
Name of the healthcare profession
History of the profession
How this career has developed over the
Education and training (i.e. internships,
residencies, etc)
State/National Certification or Exams
Continuing Education required
Typical wages and benefits
Employment opportunities and future outlook
of this profession
Work settings (i.e. hospitals, clinics,
pharmaceutical companies, etc.)
Types of services, duties, and
responsibilities of the job
Types of patients/clients served and/or
types of conditions/disorders treated
Working conditions of the job
How this career is perceived by other
professionals and lay people
If there are any “specialty”
Any other general “pros” or
“cons” that you come across in your research that are pertinent to

Your paper should be written in the THIRD
PERSON taking the individual out of the writing and avoiding pronouns such as
I, we, my, our (first person) and you, yours, your, us, we (second person). You
should deal with facts and not opinions, thus providing citations within your
paper and on your reference page. Focus on the subject itself and not on your
feelings about the subject. The use of third person retains a formal tone in
your writing. The use of first and second person can make a document seem more

However, the only place I want you to use
the first person is in the Abstract section. I’d like you to use the Abstract
to write about your personal opinions about this health care field: what got you
interested in this career, why did you chose to write about it, what is your
desire to be involved with this profession, etc.?PLEASE NOTE that you must
submit your Research Paper as a “Microsoft Word” document rather than a Word
Pad, Works, etc. type of document, otherwise you will not receive credit for
your work.Please review the university-wide policy on Plagiarism in your
student handbook. All research papers will be submitted to a plagiarism
detection website so it is imperative that your papers are your original work
in your original words. Don’t forget to utilize proper APA style in-text
citations for any paraphrasing and/or direct quotes utilized in your papers.
Less than 10% of your paper should contain direct quotes and you should refrain
from writing in the first or second person in your formal papers. Plagiarism
will result in a zero for the entire assignment, as well as a formal letter to
the Dean of Academic Affairs who will determine the next course of action, so
make sure the work is your own.Here are some additional resources to Help you
in the construction of yourResearch Paper:
Research Paper Tips and GuidelinesAPA
Papers – General FormatAPA – In-Text Citations: The BasicsAPA – Reference List:
Basic RulesSample APA Style Paper___________________

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