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A mother comes in with 9-month-old girl NRS 434

A mother comes in with 9-month-old girl NRS 434

Re: Topic 1 DQ 2
Developmental markers for a 9-month-old female infantThe 9-month-old infant displays the 25th percentile for both her height and head circumference, whereas her weight is in the 5th percentile per the CDC growth chart. This shows that the infant is underweight. For further assessment of the patient’s healthy growth, the nurse will focus on both physical and mental developmental markers. Physical developmental markers include the ability to imitate words, butt scooching, crawling in the ground, waving, standing up unHelped, and rolling from back to the front among others (Rattana-Umpa, Tanwatthanakul, & Santiboon, 2021). Mental developmental markers include showing curiosity, remembering where specific items in the house are, playing, seeing colors, and expressing separation anxiety among others. Additionally, a 9-month-old is expected to display normal cognitive development assessed by characters such as the infant’s ability to play hide and seek and put things in the mouth among others (Rosas-Blum et al., 2018). The nurse will also need to assess the infant’s dental health and the impact of teething.
EBP Recommendations

The recommendations for the mother are based on the outcomes of the developmental assessment. The 9-month-old female infant is underweight, which narrows down the recommendations to proper feeding and nutrition. For instance, I would advise the mother to give the child solid foods first before breastfeeding to promote the number of calories and nutrition required for normal body weight. I will also advise the mother to adopt the most appropriate breastfeeding technic, to keep the child comfortable hence promoting good health (Agarwal et al., 2020). Such strategies are supported by EBP as displayed by the Intervention Nurses Starting Infants Growing on Healthy Trajectories (INSIGHT) and the WHO Guiding principles on complementary feeding of the breastfed child.


Agarwal, P. K., Xie, H., Rema, A. S. S., Rajadurai, V. S., Lim, S. B., Meaney, M., & Daniel, L. M. (2020). Assessment of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ 3) as a developmental screener at 9, 18, and 24 months. Early Human Development, 147, 105081. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2020.105081

Rattana-Umpa, N., Tanwatthanakul, J., & Santiboon, T. T. (2021). Associated indicator factors among inappropriate malfunctions’ development for the 9-month-old-baby. J Adv Pediatr Child Health. 2021; 4: 075-083. DOI: 10.29328/journal.japch.1001038

Rosas-Blum, E. D., Granados, H. M., Mills, B. W., & Leiner, M. (2018). Comics as a medium for parent health education: improving understanding of normal 9-month-old developmental milestones. Frontiers in pediatrics, 6, 203. DOI: 10.29328/journal.japch.1001038

Consider the following patient scenario:

A mother comes in with 9-month-old girl. The infant is 68.5cm in length (25th percentile per CDC growth chart), weighs 6.75kg (5th percentile per CDC growth chart), and has a head circumference of 43cm (25th percentile per CDC growth chart).

Describe the developmental markers a nurse should assess for a 9-month-old female infant. Discuss the recommendations you would give the mother. Explain why these recommendations are based on evidence-based practice.
Take the following patient scenario into consideration:

A mother arrives with her 9-month-old daughter. The infant’s length is 68.5cm (25th percentile according to the CDC growth chart), his weight is 6.75kg (5th percentile according to the CDC growth chart), and his head circumference is 43cm (25th percentile per CDC growth chart).

Identify the developmental signs that a nurse should look for in a 9-month-old female infant and explain why. Talk about the advice you’d provide to the mother in this conversation. Inform the reader as to why these recommendations are founded on evidence-based practice.

Topic 1 DQ 2: A mother enters the building with her 9-month-old daughter NRS 434
Every child develops differently and at a different rate. It is important for you as a nurse to take the time to examine the infant’s and the family’s SDOH in order to identify risk factors that may interfere with the growth and development of an infant or child. The developmental markers that a nurse should look for in a newborn at the age of nine months can vary depending on the infant’s age. According to Green (2018), the youngster should be able to feed themselves finger foods if they have developed fine motor abilities in the past. Helping with feeding and encouraging the newborn to advance and develop are necessary if the infant is unable to execute this chore on his or her own. Other duties necessitate the infant’s ability to grasp objects and move them from one hand to the other, among other things (Brusie, 2019). In addition, the infant should be able to crawl and sit up on his or her own without Helpance, bring himself or herself to a standing posture with the help of supported objects, and begin to make step movements (Green, 2018). Infants 6-9 months old should be chattering, blowing bubbles, and laughing, which are all signs of language development (Green, 2018). During this phase of development, the child may be fearful of strangers, which can result in a great deal of emotional turmoil for the infant. Cognitively, they are learning to think for themselves and to solve problems on their own. They take pleasure in practicing their new abilities by engaging in games such as peek-a-boo, placing items in their mouths, and searching for things you have hidden (CDC, 2020). Regarding language and communication, the child understands the phrase “No! ” The ability to mimic the sounds and motions of others is present at this point (CDC, 2020). As the nurse takes the newborn’s physical measurements, she must evaluate the environmental threats the infant and mother are exposed to as well as the family’s standard of living. Recommendations to mothers of infants can differ depending on each individual scenario and list of requirements. According to Brusie, incorporating games into your infant’s daily routine can help to promote both physical and cognitive development (2019). It’s critical to inform the mother about the predicted growth of a child of this age and stage. To give an example, since birth, the child should have grown 10 inches in length and 0.25-0.5 inches in head growth every month, and by the age of 9 months, the infant should be close to tripling their birth weight (Brusie, 2019). The nurse should also be teaching the mother about the dietary requirements of a newborn in this age category, which is especially crucial in this circumstance because the child is growing at a slower rate than the average for the child’s age category. As stated by Brusie(2019), your kid need 750-900 calories per day, with around half of those calories coming from breast milk (approx. 24 ounces). According to Brusie (2019), a kid at 9 months of age is frequently distracted when breastfeeding, and if this is not addressed, it can result in poor feeding, which reduces daily intake and results in low body weight and development. Some of the suggestions include nursing in a cool, dim environment, nursing with a cover to avoid distractions, and gently telling your baby “No!” ”
A mother comes in with 9-month-old girl NRS 434: ORDER NOW FOR AN ORIGINAL PAPER ASSIGNMENT:
Re: Topic 1 DQ 2: A mother comes in with 9-month-old girl NRS 434
No child develops the same or at the same rate. You as the nurse should take the time to assess the infant as well as the family’s SDOH to identify risk factors that could potentially hinder the growth and development of ainfant/child. For an infant at the age of 9 months the developmental markers the nurse should assess for can vary. Regarding fine motor skills according to Green (2018), the child should be able to feed herself finger foods. If the infant is unable to complete this task the mother needs to Help with eating and continue to encourage the infant to advance and develop in order to meet their nutritional needs. Other tasks involve the infant being able to grasp items and transfer them from one hand to the other (Brusie, 2019). In addition, the infant should be able to crawl and sit up without support, pull self to a standing position using supportive objects, and start making step movements (Green, 2018). Regarding language development an infant 6-9 months should be babbling, blowing bubbles, and laughing (Green, 2018). During this age period the infant may be afraid of strangers and this can cause a lot of emotions for the infant. Cognitively they are learning to think, and problem solve on their own. They enjoy exercising these new skills by playing peek-a-boo, putting things in their mouth, and looking for things you hide (CDC, 2020). In terms of language and communication, the infant understands “No!” at this point and cancopy sounds and gestures of others (CDC, 2020). Regarding the infant’s physical measurements, the nurse should consider the environmental hazards the infant and mother is exposed to and the SDOH for the family.Recommendations to mothers of infants can vary according to each unique situation and list of needs. Incorporating games into your infant’s daily routine can encourage physical and cognitive growth according to Brusie (2019). It’s important to educate the mother on the expected growth for a child this age. For example, since birth the child should have grown 10 inches in length, display 0.25-0.5 inches of head growth per month, and should be getting close to tripling their birth weight by the age of 9 months (Brusie, 2019). Furthermore, the nurse should most importantly be educating the mother on the nutritional needs of an infant in this age category, especially in this scenario since the child is in the lower percentile of growth in each category. According to Brusie(2019) your baby needs 750-900 calories per day, of which half of those should come from breast milk (approx. 24 ounces). As stated by Brusie (2019) a child at 9 months of age often becomes distracted while breastfeeding and without proper intervention can cause inadequate feeding thus reducing daily intake which leads to low body weight and development. Some tips listed would be to nurse in a cool dim area, use a cover to prevent distractions, and gently tell your baby “No!” if they try to look around while being breastfed as they now know the meaning of “No” at this age (Brusie, 2019).ReferencesBrusie, C. (2019). VerywellFamily: Your 9-month-old Baby’s Development. Retrieved 4/29/20 from https://www.verywellfamily.com/your-9-month-old-baby-development-and-milestones-4172786
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2019). Important Milestones: Your Baby By Nine Months. Retrieved 4/29/20 from https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-9mo.html

Green, S. Z. (2018). Health assessment: Foundations for effective practice. Chapter 1: Health assessment of the infant. Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs434vn/health-assessment-foundations-for-effective-practice/v1.1/#/chapter/1

Topic 1 DQ 2: A mother comes in with 9-month-old girl NRS 434

The first year of life is a time of important growth and development that will have an impact on the rest of the baby’s health and well-being. The nursing assessment of the infant is important to screen for any delays that will require special interventions. When the nurse finds the infant is delayed in areas such as physical growth, developmental milestones, or psychosocial development, the nurse will have a better picture of other possible health concerns and will be able to promote health in order to prevent further delays that could have a life long impact.

At 9months of age, the infant should be developing fine motor skills as well as gross motor skills. Some fine motor skills that the nurse should see in the 9 month old would be banging objects on the table, moving objects from one hand to the other, feeding themselves finger foods and show signs of advancing onto behaviors like poking objects with one finger, drinking from a cup with help, pinching objects with the thumb and forefinger to pick them up, or taking objects out of a container. Some gross motor skills to look for are sitting up on their own, crawling, the ability to get into a standing position and standing with support and making stepping movements. At 9 months old the infant could be advancing onto more challenging actions such as getting into a sitting positions without help, standing alone, walking along furniture, possibly taking steps alone and have developed the concept of object permanence. (Green, para 8.) These are general guidelines and it is important to remember that not every infant will reach each of these markers in the same time frame. The infant at 9 months of age should be laughing, babbling, and blowing bubbles to imitating sounds, recognizing the word no, clapping, or pointing in order to develop language as well as exploring the car givers face and display attachment to the caregiver.

According to the website bump.com, the average 9-month-old female infant should weigh 18.1lbs and be 27.6 inches long. The infant in this situation weighs a bit under at 14.9lbs and 26.9 inches long, so according to these standards she is not quite up to the growth development standards. Some developmental delays the I would assess for are if the infant does not put weight on her legs when standing, doesn’t sit when Helped, doesn’t make babbling sounds like “mama” or “dada”, doesn’t respond to her name, and doesn’t pass objects from hand to hand. When it comes to the infants lower than expect size, I would ask the caregiver about the diet of the infant and determine if there are issues with breast feeding, or what kind of education the care giver needs. I would educate the caregiver to make sure that the infant is receiving nutrition every two to three hours, essentially three meals and two snacks. Adding foods to the diet of breast milk or formula is important during this time. By adding foods at one or two tablespoons at a time to see if the infant shows signs of still being hungry. I would stress the importance of balance with adding solid foods to the liquid diet. I would encourage this care giver to add more liquid nutrition as well as solid foods to the child diet.

Green, S. (2018) Chapter 1 in Health Assessment: Foundations for Effective Practice.URL:https://www.gcumedia.com/digital-resources/grand-canyon-university/2018/health-assessment_foundations-for-effective-practice_1e.php

Important Milestones: Your Baby By Nine Months. (2019, December 9). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-9mo.html

The Bump. (2017, June 19). 9 Month Old Baby – Baby Month by Month. Retrieved from https://www.thebump.com/baby-month-by-month/9-month-old-baby


Discussion Questions (DQ)

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A mother comes in with 9-month-old girl NRS 434

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