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Posted: June 29th, 2022

HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety

Unit Code: HLTWHS001
Unit Name: Participate in workplace health and safety
h&h Accredited Training
98 South Street Granville | 02 9682 0100 | www.hnh.org.au | rto 45704
Organisation h&h Accredited Training

Relevant to Trainers and Assessors; Students
Student Name
Student Email Address
Unit Start Date

How to Lodge Assessments
Recognition of Prior Learning/Credit Transfer instructions
All students are entitled to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and/or Credit Transfer (CT). Please ask for a copy of the h&h RPL/CT Application Forms from front reception should this apply to you.
RPL is a process that assesses an individual’s non-formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual has achieved the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes, or standards for entry to, and/or partial or total completion of, a qualification.
CT assesses the initial qualification or unit that an individual is using to claim access to, or the award of credit in, a destination course. The assessment determines the extent to which the client’s initial qualification or unit is equivalent to the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes, or standards in a qualification.
Please note that h&h recognises AQF qualifications and Statements of Attainments issued by other Registered Training Organisation (RTO). h&h will apply the Credit Transfers to your qualification once verification has been provided from the previous RTO.
Completing assessment items
Assessments can be submitted to h&h in the following ways:
• By post to: PO Box 1 Granville NSW 2142
• By email to: granville@hnh.org.au
• In person to the college between 9.00am and 3.00pm Monday to Saturday
• Online assessments are completed through the h&h CANVAS portal, via the link received on enrolment
NB: Students must have made a copy of their assessment/s, for their personal record, before submitting to h&h.
When presenting your written assessment/s, it is important that you follow the guide below, as assessments determine your competency.
For all students, please use the following points as a guide when completing your assessment items:
• Attempt responses to all assessment items
• Show that you have researched the topic thoroughly
• Give clear references (if external information sources are used)
• Write/type in simple, clear language
• Use correct grammar, punctuation (check your spelling)
• Ensure that your name is on all assessment material that is submitted
Online students should follow the instructions for each assessment item in the CANVAS portal.
For all other students, your assessments should:
• Be typed or handwritten (neatly and clearly) using black or blue pen only, pencil is not allowed. Any assessments submitted in pencil will be returned, to be re-written in black or blue pen.
• Include the provided assessment cover sheet and pre-assessment checklist, with your name on both
• Have your name at the bottom of each page, where indicated (Student Name: __________ )
• If more space is required to answer a question, additional pages may be inserted into your assessment book or the ‘Student Notes’ pages can be used. Please ensure that any additional pages are clearly marked with your name and clearly indicate which question your work relates to
• Hardcopies should be submitted in a plastic sleeve without staples. Please do not staple or glue any paperwork into your assessment book
• For submission by email, please ensure that any scanned material is legible. File size should be less than 10MB and filenames should include your name and course code.
Assessment items are not returned as they are kept for compliance purposes, as a part of our quality assurance commitment. It is important to keep a copy of your assessments in case they are lost in transit.
Submitting your own work
Your assessment must be in your own words. When you commenced your course, you signed a h&h Student Declaration Form, which states that you are completing and handing in your own work. Copying someone else’s work is plagiarism and a form of cheating.
Plagiarism is a serious act. Where it has been found that a student has submitted work that has been plagiarised, this activity may lead to expulsion from their individual course, and exclusion from college activities.
When a student is expelled, h&h has no duty to refund any payment for studies undertaken, or studies, as yet, to be commenced.
If a Trainer/Assessor is concerned about a student’s authenticity within their submission, the Trainer/Assessor may request a verbal appointment with the student to assess their gained knowledge through a series of questions from the Student Assessment Booklet. This is overseen by management. A suitable time will be organised with both student and Trainer/Assessor.
For group activities, the Trainer/Assessor will mark each student’s Assessment Booklet with detailed information regarding the student’s contribution to assessment activity (eg a detailed outline of a role play that was delivered and assessed).
Assessment results
Students will receive feedback/results on their assessment items within 14 days of submission (via Trainer/Assessor conversation or email).
Students are aiming to achieve an overall competent result for the unit they are studying. To achieve competency, students must obtain satisfactory results for all assessment items within the unit. Example assessment items are questions and responses, projects, and work experience.
How a Trainer/Assessor determines the assessment item results
The possible assessment results are:
Satisfactory (S)—this result indicates that you have met the relevant criteria in this assessment item, to gain a satisfactory result.
Unsatisfactory (US)—this result indicates some of the below reasons:
• The evidence was not of a satisfactory standard (in this case, you will be required to re-submit the relevant evidence)
• The evidence you submitted was not complete
• The evidence you submitted was not your own work
If you obtain an unsatisfactory result, the Trainer/Assessor will organise a time to go through the assessment item and work with you to devise a suitable action plan to re-submit. Students are able to resubmit their assessment items twice after the initial submission.
Additional support is provided to the student during this time in the form of meetings, extra classes, email and phone support and one-on-one Trainer/Assessor discussions. If a student receives a third unsatisfactory result, they will be required to re-enrol in the unit of competency.
A fundamental element of the h&h training system is the provision of additional support and/or reasonable modifications/adjustment for students requiring further Helpance. For example, cultural barriers may limit a student’s understanding in units delivered.
Trainers, in these instances, may investigate a different approach to their training style that is adapted to the particular cultural background.
Appeals against assessment results
Please note students have 30 days from the date that the assessment was deemed Unsatisfactory or NYC to appeal the assessment result. Please contact front reception for an ‘Appeal Against Assessment’ form. This appeal can be submitted on the grounds that:
1. The student was not informed about the assessment process for the course
2. The assessment process differed significantly from what the student was told
3. The assessment environment adversely affected the student’s performance
4. The student believed that they had demonstrated competency in the assessment/s
Good Luck with your studies, from the h&h team!
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Instructions for Recognizing Prior Learning and Transferring Credit

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and/or Credit Transfer are available to all students who meet the requirements (CT). You can obtain a copy of the h&h RPL/CT Application Forms from the front desk if this is the case for you.

In RPL, an individual’s non-formal and informal learning is evaluated in order to identify whether or not that individual has attained the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes, or standards for admission to, and/or partial or complete completion of, a qualification.

In CT, we evaluate the initial qualification or unit that an individual is claiming in order to gain entrance to, or credit for, a destination course or other program. When a client’s initial qualification or unit is evaluated, it is determined whether or not it is equivalent to the needed learning objectives, competency outcomes, or standards in a qualification.

We would like to point out that the AQF credentials and Statements of Attainment produced by other Registered Training Organizations are recognized by h&h (RTO). Once documentation from the prior RTO has been received, h&h will add the Credit Transfers to your qualification as soon as possible.

Completing assessment items is important.

In order to submit an assessment, choose one of the following methods:

via mail to PO Box 1 Granville, New South Wales 2142

• Send an email to granville@hnh.org.au if you have any questions.

• Visit the college in person during regular business hours (between 9:00am and 3:00pm). Weekdays from Monday through Saturday

• Online Assessments are done through the h&h CANVAS portal, which can be accessed through the link provided at the time of enrollment.

NB: Before submitting their work to h&h, students must have made a copy of their assessment/s for their own reference and record.

It is critical that you follow the guidelines outlined below when giving your written assessment(s), as assessments are used to determine your competency.

To ensure that all students complete their assessment tasks correctly, please refer to the following guidelines as a guide:

• Make an attempt to respond to all of the assessment items.

• Demonstrate that you have done extensive research on the subject.

• Provide specific citations (if external information sources are used)

• Use basic, unambiguous language while writing or typing.

• Make use of proper grammar and punctuation (check your spelling)

• Make certain that your name appears on all of the assessment materials that are submitted.

Students completing assessments online should carefully read and follow the directions for each assessment item in the CANVAS portal.

Your Assessments of all other pupils should include the following:

• Must be typed or handwritten (in a crisp and clear manner) in black or blue pen only; pencil is not permitted in any form. Any assessments that are presented in pencil will be returned to the student to be rewritten in black or blue pen, as appropriate.

• Be sure to include the assessment cover page and pre-assessment checklist that were provided, as well as your name on both.

• Be sure to include your name at the bottom of each page, where it is specified (Student Name: ).

• If you need more space to answer a question, you can either insert more pages into your assessment book or use the ‘Student Notes’ pages from your assessment book. • Please make certain that any additional pages are clearly labeled with your name and that your work is clearly related to the topic you are answering.

If you are submitting hardcopies, they should be placed in a plastic baggie with no staples. Documents should not be stapled or glued to your assessment book.

It is important to ensure that any scanned content is legible before sending it by email. If possible, keep the file size to less than 10MB, and label the files with your name and the course code in the filename.

Assessment items are not returned because they are preserved for compliance purposes as part of our commitment to quality assurance and are not returned to students. It is critical to preserve a copy of your assessments in case they are misplaced during the shipping process.

Using your own work as a submission

Your Assessment must be written entirely in your own words. Before beginning your course, you completed h&h Student Declaration Form, which says that you are responsible for completing and turning in all of your own assignments. Plagiarism and cheating are both defined as the act of copying another’s work.

Plagiarism is a serious violation of the law. It is possible that a student will be expelled from their individual course as well as from all college activities if it is discovered that they have submitted work that has been plagiarized.

When a student is expelled, h&h is under no obligation to return any payments made for studies that have already been completed or for studies that have not yet been begun.

The Trainer/Assessor may seek a verbal appointment with a student to assess the student’s learned knowledge using a series of questions from the Student Assessment Booklet if the Trainer/Assessor has concerns about the legitimacy of a student’s submission. This is under the supervision of management. A mutually convenient time will be scheduled with both the learner and the Trainer/Assessor.

The Trainer/Assessor will fill out each student’s Assessment Booklet with specific information about the student’s contribution to an assessment activity when the activity is done in a group setting (eg a detailed outline of a role play that was delivered and assessed).

Results of the Assessment

Students will receive feedback/results on their assessment items within 14 days of submitting them (through a conversation with their trainer or an email from their assessor).

Students hope to acquire an overall competent result for the unit in which they are currently enrolled in. Students must receive satisfactory results on all of the assessment items within the unit in order to demonstrate competency. Questions and responses, projects, and job experience are just a few examples of Assessment items.

Exactly how a trainer or assessor comes up with the findings of an assessment item

The following are examples of probable Assessment outcomes:

Satisfactory (S)—this result shows that you have met all of the criteria in this assessment item in order to receive a satisfactory grade for this item.

Not satisfactory (US)—this result suggests that one or more of the reasons listed below are true:

• The evidence did not meet a satisfactory level of quality (in this case, you will be required to re-submit the relevant evidence)

You did not submit all of the evidence you were supposed to.

• There was no evidence you presented that was your own original work.

If you receive an unsatisfactory result, the Trainer/Assessor will schedule a time for you to go over the assessment item with you and work with you to develop a suitable action plan to re-submit the assessment item in question. After submitting their assessment items for the first time, students have the option to resubmit them twice more.

During this time, the student is provided with additional help in the form of meetings, extra lessons, email and phone support, as well as one-on-one talks with the Trainer and the Assessor. If a student earns a third unsatisfactory result, he or she will be compelled to re-enroll in the unit of competency at which they failed.

Providing additional help and/or appropriate modifications/adjustments to students who require more Helpance is a basic component of the health and safety training system. For example, cultural barriers may prevent a student from fully comprehending the material covered in a given course.

In these situations, trainers may consider experimenting with an alternative approach to their teaching method that is tailored to the specific cultural background of the trainees.

Objections to the conclusions of Assessments

Please keep in mind that students have 30 days from the date on which the assessment was declared Unsatisfactory or NYC to file an appeal against the assessment outcome. In order to obtain a ‘Appeal Against Assessment’ form, please contact front desk. On the basis of the following arguments, an appeal may be filed:

1. The student was not made aware of the course’s assessment process prior to enrolling in it.

Two, the assessment method deviated greatly from that which was explained to the student

3. The assessment setting had a negative impact on the student’s ability to perform.

Four, the student believed that they had showed competency in the assessment or assessments.

From the h&h team, best wishes for success in your studies!

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Checklist for the Pre-Assessment (to be completed by the student)

HLTWHS001 Participate in the health and safety of the workplace.

Name of the student: Date of birth:

Name of the trainer/assessor:

Location of the assessment:

(Please indicate here which location(s) you have been instructed will be used for your assessment.)

What about the classroom? What is a traineeship? What is the distance? Are you looking for something on the internet?

The following is a checklist for conducting the assessment: (please tick all that apply)

I certify that this Assessment is written entirely in my own words, and that I have read the ‘How to lodge’ instructions.

The ‘assessments’ portion of this pamphlet contains information on plagiarism.

Does it appear that I (the student) am prepared to be evaluated?

Has a date, time, and location for the assessment been specified?

The method by which my performance will be evaluated has been described.

It has been stated what assessment methods, processes, and documentation are.

training documentation that is up to date

There are some further remarks or actions that must be taken:

Signed: Date: Copies were forwarded to the following addresses:

Notes from the students:

Item 3 of the assessment is the Emergency Situation Procedure.

Instructions for students in practical skills

As part of this examination, the student must demonstrate their competence to adhere to workplace emergency procedures (based on your mode of study). Please see the next section for more information.

Emergency Evacuation Information for Classroom Students is available on the following page. Classroom students are obliged to perform an emergency evacuation in accordance with the h&h Emergency Evacuation Information.

and convening at the evacuation location, as directed by the authorities The Trainer/Assessor will evaluate your performance on this. The declaration is completed by the Trainer or Assessor.

Distance/Online Students—are required to demonstrate their ability to follow an emergency evacuation procedure in the workplace setting they are studying. This will be monitored on the job site by a third party, such as a supervisor or manager, among others. At the bottom of these instructions, a signature and a brief note are necessary.

If you are unable to do this demonstration in your workplace, please contact your Trainer/Assessor to schedule an appointment for this demonstration.
Pre-Assessment Checklist (to be completed by the student)
HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety
Student Name: Date:
Trainer/Assessor Name:
Assessment Location:
(please tick below location/s you have been advised as where you may be assessed)
Classroom ? Traineeship ? Distance ? Online ?
Checklist for conducting the assessment: (please tick all that apply)
I, confirm that this assessment is in my own words, I have read the ‘How to lodge
? assessments’ section in this booklet regarding plagiarism
I (as the student) confirm my readiness to be assessed ?
Date, time and location of the assessment has been provided ?
How my performance will be assessed, has been explained ?
Assessment methods, processes and documentation have been explained ?
Any factors that may interfere with the completion of the assessment, have been discussed
? with the Trainer/Assessor
Confidentiality of the assessment outcome has been explained ?
I understand that feedback will be provided to me within 14 days of submission from my
I understand my right to appeal the assessment decision (within 30 days of assessment
? results)
Any possible hygiene/Work Health and Safety hazards for this assessment have been
? identified and discussed
Student Comments:
By signing this Pre-Assessment Checklist, the student acknowledges that they are ready for assessment and that the assessment process has been fully explained. The assessment information gathered will be used by the training organisation for specific record keeping purposes.
Student Signature: Date:
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Unit Compliance
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required for workers to participate in safe work practices to ensure their own health and safety, and that of others.
The unit applies to all workers who require knowledge of workplace health and safety (WHS) to carry out their own work, either under direct supervision or with some individual responsibility.
Element and Performance Criteria
Element Performance Criteria
1. Follow safe work practices 1.1 Follow workplace policies and procedures for safe work practices
1.2 Identify existing and potential hazards in the workplace, report them to designated persons, and record them according to workplace procedures
1.3 Follow workplace emergency procedures
2. Implement safe work practices 2.1 Identify and implement WHS procedures and work instructions
2.2 Identify and report incidents and injuries to designated persons according to workplace procedures
2.3 Take actions to maintain safe housekeeping Assessment brief writing help UK practices in own work area
3. Contribute to safe work practices in the workplace 3.1 Raise WHS issues with designated persons according to organisational procedures
3.2 Participate in workplace safety meetings, inspections and consultative activities
3.3 Contribute to the development and implementation of safe workplace policies and procedures in own work area
4. Reflect on own safe work practices 4.1 Identify ways to maintain currency of safe work practices in regards to workplace systems, equipment and processes in own work area
4.2 Reflect on own levels of stress and fatigue, and report to designated persons according to workplace procedures
Foundation Skills
The foundation skills describe those required skills (language, literacy numeracy and employment skills) that are essential to performance.
• Reading – in order to accurately read and interpret workplace safety policies and procedures including safety signs, dangerous goods classifications and safety instructions
The remaining foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit.
Performance Evidence
The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role.
There must be demonstrated evidence that the candidate has completed the following tasks at least once in line with State/Territory WHS regulations, relevant codes of practice and workplace procedures:
• Contributed to a WHS meeting or inspection in workplace
• Conducted a workplace risk assessment and recorded the results
• Consistently applied workplace safety procedures in the day-to-day work activities required by the job role
• Followed workplace procedures for reporting hazards
• Followed workplace procedures for a simulated emergency situation
Knowledge Evidence
The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the work role.
This includes knowledge of:
• State/Territory legislation and how it impacts on workplace regulations, codes of practice and industry standards, including: – State/Territory WHS authorities
– Rights and responsibilities of employers and workers, including duty of care
– Hazardous manual tasks
– Infection control
• Safety signs and their meanings, including signs for:
– Dangerous goods classifications
– Emergency equipment
– Personal protective equipment (PPE) – Specific hazards such as sharps, radiation
• Hazard identification, including:
– Definition of a hazard
– Common workplace hazards relevant to the industry setting
– Workplace procedures for hazard identification
• Workplace emergency procedures
• Workplace policies and procedures for WHS
Assessment Conditions
Skills must be demonstrated:
• In the workplace OR
• In an environment that provides realistic in-depth industry validated scenarios and simulations to assess candidates’ skills and knowledge
Assessment must ensure use of:
• Current workplace policies and procedures for WHS
• PPE relevant to the workplace and job role of the worker
In addition, Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for Assessors.

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Assessment Item 1—Short Questions and Answers
Briefly answer the questions below in the spaces provided. For classroom, traineeship and distance students, if more space is required, the ‘Student Notes’ pages can be used or attach additional page/s to the back of the relevant question/s. Ensure your name and the question number is written on any additional pages. For online students, assessment items need to be uploaded to CANVAS.
This assessment includes all elements below:
1. Follow safe work practices
2. Implement safe work practices
3. Contribute to safe work practices in the workplace
4. Reflect on own safe work practices
1. Place a tick (v) next to the workplace duties that you believe reflect safe practices and a cross (x) next to the workplace duties that you believe reflect unsafe work practices.
Workplace Duties v or x
Lifting a child from a cot with the side still up
Lifting a child from the cot with one side down
Using a microwave with a safety checked electrical cord
Using a microwave where the electrical cord is frayed and exposed
Pouring bleach in a spray bottle with appropriate labelling and storing in a high cupboard
Pouring bleach in a water bottle without correctly labelling and leaving on a kitchen bench
Wiping up a spillage on the floor as soon as you notice it
Walking past water spilled on the floor
Stacking children s bed neatly away in the storeroom
Leaving children s beds stacked up in the hallways
Allowing toys to spill off the mat and into the pathway
Keeping toys on the mat where children are playing
Moving large pieces of equipment around the yard alone
Asking another staff member to help you move equipment around the yard
Developing a policy which states children with an infectious disease must not attend the service until they are well
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________
2. (a) It is important that the place of work provides written workplace policies and procedures and general information regarding WHS. Write a paragraph that describes why it is important to have written policies and procedures:
(b) The organisation will have policies that cover many areas of ‘safe practice’ within the workplace. List three policies that may be implemented to cover safe work practices:
: ____________________________________________________________________
(c) Although specific requirements vary between States and Territories, the focus on current legislation is the same Nationally. List three requirements that would apply Nationally:
(d) What is the relevant State Authority for NSW that covers work health and safety? List the website for this authority:
: ____________________________________________________________________
3. Name each of the following WHS signs and provide a brief explanation of their meaning and when they might be used.
: ____________________________________________________________________
4. (a) SafeWork Australia defines a hazard as ‘a situation or thing that has the potential to harm a person’. A systematic approach to hazard assessment includes the certain steps being undertaken by the person responsible for hazard control in the workplace. List three actions that the individual would take when assessing hazards:
: ____________________________________________________________________
(b) Hazards may be divided into groups. From the items below write the definition of two of the hazards listed:
i. Physical ii. Chemical iii. Ergonomic
iv. Radiation v. Psychological vi. Biological
Hazard Group Definition
(c) Class the following hazards in their appropriate hazard groups.
Cleaning product Equipment design
Manual handling X-Ray
Gases Stress
High workload on staff
Aggressive parents
Hazard group
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________
(d) A Risk Assessment will help make a workplace safer. To conduct a risk assessment, what needs to be undertaken:
(e) Why is Risk Assessment important in the workplace:
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________
5. (a) List the procedures an educator would follow for an emergency evacuation due to a fire:
(b) An emergency action plan always involves assessing the workplace, then evaluating the result. Briefly explain, in your own words, what the Assessment will demonstrate:
(c) SafeWork Australia has a comprehensive emergency plan listed on their website. Go to https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/topic/emergency-plans-and-procedures and list at least three emergency instructions found on their website:
6. (a) Manual handling is the way in which a person lifts, moves and carries equipment and children. What are three steps that Help in reducing manual handling ‘risks’:
(b) Below are three scenarios that describe the correct method for lifting children and heavy objects. For each of the descriptions below, provide at least three correct methods for undertaking the activity:
– Lifting a child from the ground
– Carrying children
– Children, cots and change tables
(c) What are five symptoms of stress or fatigue in the workplace:
(d) Who should stress, or fatigue levels be reported to, and why:
7. (a) List the six WHS designated roles that must be allocated in the workplace:
(b) From the response to 7.(a), describe one of the designated roles in detail:
WHS Term Description
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________
(c) Briefly describe the following:
i. What is an incident? ii. What is an accident? iii. What does notifiable incident mean?
(d) Why should incidents be reported within a specific timeframe:
8. (a) It is a requirement under WHS law for workplaces to have documentation for reporting and record-keeping, and to make it available to Government safety inspectors. One of these documents is a ‘register of injuries’. Write, in 80 words, what a ‘register of injuries’ is, and who is responsible for updating this document:
(b) Briefly describe a Register of Hazardous Substances:
9. (a) Health and safety in the workplace is not optional—every business has a duty of care to employees, as well as visitors to the premises. How can employers exercise their duty of care obligations:
(b) Write a paragraph, in your own words, on what you understand your duty of care is in the workplace:
(c) Managers and supervisors are expected to be able to implement a good safety system and to regularly review and improve it. What are three typical ways that managers and supervisors can support the safety systems within the workplace:
10. (a) An essential part of the risk management process is eliminating the risk. Eliminating the risk may not always be practical. List four alternatives that, through adjustment or change, may reduce a risk:
(b) How can the employer communicate with their staff about workplace health and safety:
11. (a) Why is it important that you participate/attend your workplace WHS/Safety meetings:
(b) Why is it important that you contribute to discussions in your workplace WHS/Safety meetings:
(c) Imagine you are working in an education and care service. You have identified the following hazards in your workplace (see scenarios below). What actions would you take to manage these risks? What is the level of risk for each scenario? Refer to the Hierarchy of Risk Control in your Student Learner Guide.
i. A low branch is hanging over a walkway, a child has just run into the branch and sustained a bruise on their head:
ii. There has been water spilt on the tiled floor:
iii. Heavy equipment is placed on the top shelf of the storeroom, which is required daily in one of the rooms
12. (a) When an organisation is developing policies and procedures relating to safe work practices, they have to consult with all stakeholders in the organisation. Write, in 200 words, how contributing to the development and implementation of policies and procedures Helps in making your own work area safer:
Student Name:
(b) Contributing to the development of policies is important. Why is reporting any breaches of policies just as important, in your work role:
13. (a) When reflecting on a safe work environment, it is important to ensure all employees have current knowledge and skills in WHS. Where can an educator obtain current information related to WHS?
Student Name:
(b) Indicate next to the tasks listed below whether you believe they are safe or unsafe. Place a tick (v) next to the tasks you believe are safe and a cross (x) next to the tasks you believe to be unsafe:
Workplace Duties x / v
1) Store chemicals in a high locked cupboard
2) Fix a severed cord on a CD player
3) Remove syringes from the sandpit, using PPE
4) Keeping walkways free from clutter
5) Clear redback spiders from the edge of the verandah
6) Provide a clear access for co-workers, children and visitors to avoid area where redback spiders are present until pest controllers arrive
7) Fix a power point that is not working
8) Fix a leaking toilet in the children’s bathroom
9) Pack the storeroom neatly so equipment does not clutter the area
10) Mop up spilt water on the floor immediately
11) Level out uneven pavers in the yard
12) Cut back branches from trees that are hanging across walkways
13) Remove a wasp’s nest from the brickwork outside
14) Wear appropriate PPE to protect yourself when cleaning where a person has been sick
14. (a) List three causes of stress that could have a potential impact on the workplace:
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________
(b) An individual responds to stress and fatigue quite differently. Briefly describe, in your own words, how stress may impact a person’s health. Include in your response at least two examples of common ‘signs’ of stress or fatigue:
(c) List three methods an educator can use to minimise stress in the workplace:
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________
General knowledge
15. Scenarios: Write how can you support colleagues to work safely and follow safe work practices in the scenarios below: (a)
Scenario What you would say Additional information you could provide
Kelly is a new educator at your service, and you notice her changing the baby’s nappies without using appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and adhering to infection
control procedures
Scenario What you would say Additional information you could provide
You observe a colleague stacking the chairs up dangerously high in an area where the children are playing
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Scenario What you would say Additional information you could provide
An educator is preparing to clean the toilets and bathroom. She has left the cleaning products on the floor, because she had to quickly go and attend to some children.
Scenario What you would say Additional information you could provide
One of the educators has organised a musical activity with the children
and has used an extension cord and power board to position the CD player on the
other side of the room
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Scenario What you would say Additional information you could provide
A colleague is supervising the children outside in the hot sun without wearing a hat or
Scenario What you would say Additional information you could provide
One of the educators is unpacking boxes from the shed (some are quite heavy) she is doing by herself, as the service is short staffed today.
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Assessment Item 2—Risk Assessment
You are required to complete the following WHS risk assessment checklist in an area that is used daily by people (this can be in your workplace or at home).
Workplace Inspection Checklist
Item Yes No N/A
1 Fire
– Extinguishers are in place and clearly marked
– Have been serviced in the past 6 months
– Area around extinguisher is clear for a 1 metre radius
– Fire exit signs are in working order
– Exit doors are not blocked and can easily be opened
– Fire alarm is in working order
– Emergency plan is displayed
– Emergency drill carried out within the last 6 months
2 Electrical
– No broken plugs, sockets or switches
– No frayed or damaged leads
– Portable power tools in good condition
– No temporary leads on the floor
– Testing and tagging of electrical items done within the last 12 months
3 General Lighting
– There is adequate illumination in working areas
– There is good natural lighting
– There is no direct or reflected glare
– Light fittings are in good working condition and are clean
– Emergency lighting is operational
4 Walkways
– No oil or grease
– Walkways are clearly marked
– Walkways are clear of obstructions
– There is unobstructed vision at intersections
– Stairs not blocked and are in good condition
5 Rubbish
– Bins are located at suitable points
– Bins are not overflowing
– Bins are emptied regularly
6 Work Benches
– Clear of rubbish
– Tools are stored properly
– Adequate work height
– No sharp edges
: ____________________________________________________________________
Workplace Inspection Checklist
Item Yes No N/A
7 Storage
– Materials stored in racks in a safe manner
– Pallets are in good condition (no broken wood)
– Floor around racking is clear of rubbish or obstacles
– Racking is in good condition, no damaged uprights, beams etc
8 Chemicals
– SDS for all chemicals
– SDS Register is available and up to date
– Containers are clearly and accurately labelled
– All chemicals are stored in accordance with the SDS
9 First Aid
– First aid kits and contents clean and orderly
– First aid kit is adequately stocked (as per the Schedule in the kit)
– Easy access to first aid kits
– All employees are aware of location of first aid kits
– At least one worker on site with current Senior First Aid cert
10 Floors
– Even surface with no large cracks, holes or trip hazards
– Floors are not obstructed
– Floors are free from grease, oil, etc
11 Office
– No exposed leads
– Air conditioning working adequately
– Filing cabinets are stable and in good repair
– Workers’ chairs at correct height (knees at right angles, feet flat)
– Workers’ monitors correct distance (arm’s length away when seated)
– Workers’ monitors correct height (eyes in line with top of screen)
– Workers’ mouse is beside keyboard (allows relaxed arms and wrists)
– Workers’ keyboard located near edge of desk (allows relaxed arms)
12 Machines
– Power equipment maintenance carried out
– Power equipment is clean
– All guarding in place and interlocks working
: ____________________________________________________________________
Workplace Inspection Checklist
Item Yes No N/A
13 Display Material
– WHS policy statement signed by Managing Director and displayed on notice boards
– Return to work program signed by Managing Director and displayed on notice boards
– -No smoking- signs are displayed
– -Staff only- or -Restricted area- signs are displayed in relevant areas
– -Report that Hazard- poster displayed
– -Manual Handling- poster is displayed in warehouse area
– Safety noticeboard is available and up to date
14 WHS Information
– WHS Manual available to workers
– Incident report form available
– Hazard report forms available
– Emergency evacuation plan displayed
– Training records up to date
Additional comments or actions required:
Signed: Date: Copies sent to:
: ____________________________________________________________________
Student Notes:
Assessment Item 3—Emergency Situation Procedure
Student practical skills instructions
This assessment requires student to demonstrate the ability to follow workplace emergency procedure (based on your mode of study). Please read details below.
Classroom Students—are required to perform an emergency evacuation according to h&h Emergency Evacuation Information located on the following page, including leaving the building
and meeting at the evacuation point as per the instruction. This will be assessed by the Trainer/Assessor. The Trainer/Assessor completes the declaration.
Distance/Online Students—are required to demonstrate the ability to follow an emergency evacuation procedure within a workplace. This will be observed on site by a third party, eg Supervisor/Manager. Signature and comment are required at the bottom of these instructions.
If a workplace environment is not available, please contact your Trainer/Assessor to arrange an appointment for this demonstration.
Traineeship Students— are required to complete the role plays/demonstrations and worksheets with their trainer/assessor during the traineeship scheduled visit. If not available during the visit, please complete the tasks (via video/Smart phone recording) with a nominated person. The trainer will complete the checklist based on the trainer/assessor’s observation or your submission. You can use programs to submit your role play, such as OneDrive (Hotmail users) Google Drive (Gmail users) or Dropbox.
This assessment contains the following:
• 1 x Checklist
What is the Assessor looking for? What are the requirements?
– Ability to communicate the safety issues
– Followed correct protocols
– Accurately documented any issues
– Recorded findings
– Understood WHS requirements in a workplace
Student Name: Signature:
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h&h Emergency Evacuation Information
The purpose of this information is to ensure that students, staff, trainers/assessors and other personnel in the building are aware of h&h’s evacuation procedures in case of a fire, emergency evacuation, and/or bomb threat.
Steps to follow: (** Please familiarise yourself with the Emergency Evacuation Plan which is located throughout the building)
Step 1. In the event of an emergency, staff, students and visitors are to move to the nearest available exit in an orderly fashion and leave the building without delay, leaving all belongings behind. However, Trainers are to take class attendance sheets only. A management representative will contact the appropriate Emergency Service (000).
Step 2. Follow the Trainer and/or administration staff’s instructions to evacuate the building immediately.
Step 3. Leave the room or area in an orderly manner—stay calm and do not run
Step 4. Follow lights and exit signs (‘the running man’ signs) to guide you throughout the building to the nearest exit doors. Leave the building by the evacuation exits, which are located at: – The front entrance of the college
– Alongside the corridor (near the students’ bathrooms)
Step 5. Once the building has been evacuated, everybody is to walk quickly and calmly to the designated area, which is located at the corner, South Street and William Street (in front of the Church). Trainers will mark class attendance sheets to confirm the number of students.
Step 6. Do not re-enter the building until informed that it is safe to do so by Emergency Service personnel or a management representative.
**Please note:
• Fire extinguishers and exit signs are located throughout the building and are clearly marked.
• No person is to risk injury to themselves by remaining in the building to fight a fire or to retrieve personal belongings.
• Fire Marshall may remain to fight the fire, but only if this can be done quickly and safely. The wellbeing and safety of students, staff, trainers/assessors and other personnel is paramount.
• Compliance with the above evacuation is mandatory to ensure the safety of all persons in the building.
Trainer/Assessor declaration
Student Name:
Student has demonstrated the ability to follow this emergency evacuation procedure Y? N?
We conducted this demonstration on:
Trainer/Assessor Signature:
Student Notes:
Student Assessment Cover Sheet
Unit Code: HLTWHS001
Unit Name: Participate in workplace health and safety
Student Name:
Trainers or Assessors to complete this section
Assessor Overall Comments:
Trainers or Assessors are required to complete this section with feedback for overall result.
Assessment Item 1: Satisfactory ? Unsatisfactory ? Date: ______________
Assessment Item 2: Satisfactory ? Unsatisfactory ? Date: ______________
Assessment Item 3: Satisfactory ? Unsatisfactory ? Date: ______________
Trainers or Assessors please note—all above requirements need to be met for overall competency
Competent ? Not Yet Component ? Withdrawn ?
Assessor Name: Assessor Signature:
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Checklist Instructions
Distance/Online and Classroom Students – your trainer/assessor will complete the checklist, after observing your skills.
Traineeship Students – Please ask your supervisor/manager to complete the checklist and sign the following section after observing these skills in the workplace.
Student practical skills observation
Student name: Date:
Task descriptions Yes No
Does the student follow workplace policies and procedures for safe work practices?
Does the student identify existing and potential hazards in the workplace, report them to designated persons, and record them according to workplace procedures?
Does the student follow workplace emergency procedures?
Does the student identify and implement WHS procedures and work instructions?
Does the student identify and report incidents and injuries to designated persons according to workplace procedures?
Does the student take actions to maintain safe housekeeping practices in own work area?
Does the student raise WHS issues with designated persons according to organisational procedures?
Does the student participate in workplace safety meetings, inspections and consultative activities?
Does the student contribute to the development and implementation of safe workplace policies and procedures in own work area?
Does the student identify ways to maintain currency of safe work practices in regards to workplace systems, equipment and processes in own work area?
Does the student reflect on own levels of stress and fatigue, and report to designated persons according to workplace procedures?
Student practical skills observation (Traineeship Only)
Student name: Date:
Traineeship Manager/Supervisor comments (comments after observing the trainee in the workplace):
Student feedback (for students to provide feedback on this assessment):
Supervisor/Manager: Signature:

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