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Posted: July 14th, 2022

Personal Leadership Portfolio


The final course deliverable is an extensive real-world project: an individual leadership portfolio. This portfolio will yield a product for you to share with prospective or current employers in order to enhance your employment possibilities and promotion potential. The portfolio is the second of two deliverables comprising the assessment; a Personal Leadership History Report (discussed in the section below) is due first and leads to the Personal Leadership Portfolio.

The course project promotes your development and personal commitment to the required knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) required for understanding, assimilating, and demonstrating professional public safety leadership. In preparing your portfolio, you will have the opportunity to review leadership from a historical and an operational perspective and will be able to evaluate your own leadership style and effectiveness.

Completion of the course-long personal leadership project solidifies foundation KSAs in order to:

evaluate decision making in relation to historic and current issues in public safety through case studies and simulation
explain the relationship between successful leadership, organizational development, and technology and the way these factors affect decision making
discuss the importance of ethics, globalization, systems thinking, proactive leadership, and leader-follower relationships to successful leadership in public safety
identify and discuss the major leadership theories and concepts applicable to public safety
explain the importance of leadership in organizational processes and change
cite examples of successful leadership styles and techniques in progressive public administration
complete case study reviews and an operational simulation based on major public safety issues
identify future public safety challenges and potential solutions
synthesize your learning experience in your major discipline to apply the knowledge and skills to practical individual and organizational challenges
The Leadership Development Project Process

The project is a course-length process managed using specified development steps that correlate with specific course materials. Aspects of this process will be addressed in the course conferences each week. The first of the two project deliverables is the personal leadership history report.

Personal Leadership Portfolio

The final course deliverable, the Personal Leadership Portfolio, is created by incorporating targeted leadership knowledge development, self-assessment assignments, and homeland security or public safety leadership analysis. The portfolio represents a personal understanding and plan of public safety leadership based on the course research, module content, discussions, reports, simulation, and your leadership performance.

The process requires weekly demonstration of leadership knowledge development through conference discussion opportunities and leadership self-assessment assignments. The submissions are assessed for accuracy and completeness against project requirements and ensure that the development of leadership knowledge, assessment, and analysis provides a maximum foundation for the sequential portfolio development. The completed personal leadership portfolio correlates with professional homeland security and public safety leadership best practices, resulting in a tangible product that can become a base for future leadership development.

> Assessment Sequence

The project is made up of sequential steps that constitute the required actions of semester-long portfolio development. The process assessment utilizes a recommended portfolio document structure.

1. Gather—the gathering of course and outside leadership materials and resources.
2. Research—narrowing the focus of academic and anecdotal leadership topics to professional homeland security or public safety leadership topics.
3. Organize—establish an information-handling process in order to coordinate resources, sources, and gathered data. Monitor for policy topic research completeness through use of an information-handling and organization process.
4. Analyze and evaluate—compare, contrast, and judge resource material to develop cogent documentation.
5. Assess—assimilate personal leadership history report results with cogent documentation, demonstrating the nexus between personal leadership history and data with academic and anecdotal resources. This step may also include assessing past leadership opportunities for lessons learned.
6. Apply—based on steps 1-5, determine personal leadership styles and traits and how the determination can be applied in a professional homeland security or public safety setting. This step will also include personal leadership strengths and challenges for future development.
7. Create a personal leadership development plan for your future in public safety.

> Personal Leadership Portfolio Document Structure and Content Topics

The body of the Personal Leadership Portfolio shall be at least 12 pages, excluding other material such as the cover page, table of contents, abstract, graphics and tables, and references. The paper shall be presented in APA (6th edition) format, all margins should be 1”, 12 point font, and be in either Arial or New Times Roman font style. In the following descending order of preference, information sources must be either peer-reviewed articles, government reports, or other sources approved by your instructor. Internet information sources from other than authoritative sources are discouraged. See the Personal Leadership Portfolio grading rubric for more information. The personal leadership portfolio shall cover all of the following topics:

presentation and discussion of academic and anecdotal resource materials
deconstruction of current homeland security or public safety leadership
identification of acceptable and effective professional homeland security or public safety leadership principles
collation of data from personal leadership self-assessment assignments
comparison and contrast of self-assessment data, to include applicability, with best practices and identified leadership principles
presentation and discussion of future personal leadership development and opportunity
The completed personal leadership portfolio correlates with professional homeland security and public safety leadership best practices, resulting in a tangible product that can become a base for future leadership development
Personal Leadership Portfolio

Personal Leadership Portfolio
Globalization and technological advancement have changed and promoted competition between organizations. Organizations are, however, developing ways that can benefit the organization despite the stiff competition and demand (Komives, and Wagner, 2016). Leadership is one of the areas that has been of significant concern, especially in the management of change brought about by innovations. The role of leaders in organizational development has played a significant role, especially incompetency and capability. The high expectations of the customers, society and technology innovations, market changes have been a top motivation, especially for the organization to survive and strive.
Leaders in an organization are dealing with the current issue and focusing on the future through the ongoing trends in society for sustainability. Management of organizational change demands top-notch leadership skills, which is the beginning of the long-term goals. Leaders influence people in the accomplishment of their corporate goals through their skills and behaviours. Through good interpersonal communication skills, being goal-oriented, and self-confident, leaders can significantly impact an organization, especially in the management of changes, and lead the company to achieve its long-term and short-term goals (Komives, and Wagner, 2016). The paper is a personal leadership portfolio that discusses leaders’ role in cooperate through historical and operational perspectives.
Additionally, the document discusses various leadership theories that enhance a deep understanding of leadership and how leadership can impact an organization’s achievement of goals (Ugaddan, and Park, 2017). Also, the article discusses all the leadership development project processes, which Help in the development of the personal leadership portfolio. Some of the critical deliverables include leadership knowledge development, self-assessment, homeland security, and public safety. The paper is a product of course research, discussions, reports, simulations, module content, and leadership performance.
The high level of uncertainties and constant changes in the market has been a challenge to most leaders, especially in setting organizational goals. Leaders are required to step-up and use various skills and leadership knowledge that would Help enhance effectiveness. Leadership is an act of motivating, inspiring people to work and achieve specific goals and objectives. Leadership is also an organization management structure, with people who can apply various skills and qualities in improving a particular area (Komives, and Wagner, 2016). Organizations have some dreams and goals, which without the help of a leader, the purposes and plans may not be of use or may not Help in achieving goals.
Leaders in a corporate setting need to adjust various practical steps to fit into the changing trends, future demands, and current advancements. Competent leadership can only be achieved through the application of exemplary skills and talent and knowledge (Ugaddan, and Park, 2017). A skilled and visionary leader applies innovative approaches that help create the organization’s right mental image, primarily through a vision and a creative process. The paper is a personal leadership portfolio that seeks to discuss leadership effectiveness in cooperate settings through several leadership theories, history, and decision-making perspectives.

Personal Leadership History Report
In my long career, I have been a leader of several groups and projects in my area of specialization, which is public safety. Throughout my leading life, I have realized that leadership is not a personal journey, or it does not revolve around personal success, but about how you make other people feel determined, motivated and inspired to achieve their goals. As a leading cybersecurity management leader. I have worked with many government agencies and international programs that require high skills in documentation, analysis, and implementation of cybersecurity policies and practices in some top organizations (Komives, and Wagner, 2016). To be selected as a certified cybersecurity management leader, I reached all qualifications and expectation of the companies, especially in knowing, and skills that would Help deal with all nature of cases, and organizations. To achieve my current status as a subject matter leader in cybersecurity, I can identify, report, evaluate, protect, and mitigate various organizational actions that may lead to cybersecurity issues. Having a detailed working knowledge of cybersecurity, technology, and regulation standards, I have built cyber resilience and vulnerability management framework, conducting training, applying policies and security controls, and monitoring risks and cyber threats (Komives, and Wagner, 2016).
As a leader in public safety, I have focused on motivating staff, and employees in some organizations, especially in understanding cybersecurity and managing cybersecurity risks, vulnerability, and threats. Over the years, I have provided many contractual supports to several public and private agencies, such as homeland security departments. One of the positions that led to my top-notch experience and leadership skills includes being selected to be a leader in one of the cybersecurity leadership summits held last year (Komives, and Wagner, 2016). As one of the most important positions, I have used my expertise in managing and motivating other agencies through several timely awards that I have received.

evaluate decision making concerning historical and current issues in public safety through case studies and simulation.’
An incident commander deciding an emergency, such as current forest fires, is a critical case. The incident commander as a leader is expected to use naturalistic decision-making (NDM) in an emergency, such as an emergency handled by the Cambridge fire and rescue service. Decision-making as a leader, especially in the current and historical issue of public safety, is critical. Great leaders are considered great decision-makers because of the ability to balance emotions and reason. Good leaders have the quality of decisiveness, where they can communicate effectively with others and reach a better decision (Thieman, 2020). Leaders have to make decisions regardless of how challenging it is, for example, letting go of an employee or holding on to an employee.
On the other hand, leaders can move and use the available information concerning public safety. Deciding an issue may not be sufficient, especially where most decisions are driven by anxiety, uncertainty, and stress. Some of the current and historic issue sin public safety includes, the relationship between police and community, issues with transparency and police accountability, especially on the use of force, police officers are part of the community, and accessibility, and type of information provided by the media for police use. Some public safety issues have been there for a long time, especially the case concerning the relationship between the community and police officers.
Police officers as leaders are expected to make critical decisions concerning the use of force towards the public through the application o various skills and quality. For example, emotional intelligence, self-control, management of choices, trusting and following intuitions, and limitation of options. A leader should know their limits, especially when it comes to applying force and discretion. Additionally, police officers should apply self-control and emotional intelligence, which helps prevent excessive use of force, which can result in murder, or fatal injuries. Social media have been in the frontline in damaging the reputation and role of law enforcement towards the public. Being transparent as a police officer would reduce criticism, especially where the media has positive information to give. As the highest form of authority and leadership, the government plays a significant role in dealing with public safety issues by making sound and effective decisions. For example, in dealing with wrong social media information, the government can be involved in civil litigation and legislation, which changes how the agencies view data from the media and other sources. For example, the government has developed several policies and strategies that control police use of social media information and videos recorded.
explain the relationship between successful leadership, organizational development, and technology and the way these factors affect decision making
Leadership plays a vital role in organizational development, primarily through the application of several leadership methods (Landers, and Marin, 2021). For instance, positive enforcement, empowerment, vision sharing, setting goals, providing a sense of direction, and setting a good example. Additionally, through successful leadership, such as understanding others’ worldview, focusing on the message, developing own strategies and strengths, and using hidden alternatives in decision making. In case an organization fails to achieve its purpose, the blame goes to the leadership team and the management; hence leadership plays a vital role of organizational development (Thieman, 2020). Poor leadership leads to the failure of the organization. Leadership in the current technology era is crucial and does not depend on social class, personal attitude, or political influence.
The direction towards the age of technology is determined by the willingness to make situations better and live the environment better than before. Some of the traits of an effective leader include self-managing skills, such as resilience, self-control, and self-awareness. Another gift is team-building skills, effective communication skills, practical conflict management skills, and learning agility. By applying practical leadership skills, a leader can make decisions wisely in an organization, enhancing development. Technology plays a vital role in organizational development and the decision-making process (Landers, and Marin, 2021).
The advancement, and changes in technology, motivate leaders to make leadership adjustments, especially concerning the current trends and how the trends may affect the future. Technology, however, helps leaders make critical decisions with ease, such as delegating duties through proper and advanced communication methods (Landers, and Marin, 2021). Technology amplifies leadership development because it builds on relationships, enables leaders’ practice new skills, enhances leadership training scale, and develops a continuous learning journey for leaders. Technology, however, promoted leadership, which leads to better decision-making, hence organizational development.
Discuss the importance of ethics, globalization, systems thinking, proactive leadership, and leader-follower relationships to successful public safety leadership.
Ethics is one of the requirements of a leader, especially in public safety. Organizational leaders require ethics as the most crucial aspect, especially in dealing with the community. Ethics in leadership Help in balancing truth and loyalty between the public and law enforcement. For example, elders apply hidden alternatives in making decisions, especially concerning the use of force or before application of discretion to avoid violating human rights. Treating people morally is very important, especially in protecting an organization’s reputation and the leader in question. For example, as a police officer in the department of public safety, legal evidence documents should be presented, ethical administration, such as the use of the Miranda rights, should be followed during the arrest. Police officers have the moral responsibility of making justifiable judgments, non-discriminatory laws, rules, and public protection.
Followership is as crucial as leadership; for leaders to succeed, they must apply followership, such as being involved in an organization’s goals and objectives. Police leaders use followership through showing commitment and interest towards the organization despite personal interests and perspectives (Landers, and Marin, 2021). A police leader can also reduce crime, create an excellent police-community relationship by being a valuable member of the department, and being useful to designed work. Followership is a natural complement and component to leaders, especially in police ranks.
System thinking is crucial in leadership, especially in public safety, in understanding the social systems, especially in complex situations. Police officers can understand what is going on in an organization, its environment and understanding complex problems. Additionally, system thinking helps law enforcement focus on a dependent problem and the components and interrelationships of the problems with other issues. On the other hand, a law enforcement leader can interpret patterns of events, especially in the investigation of in analysing a safety case. The law enforcement department can also use a set of tools and specialized language to understand an issue. On the other hand, globalization affects leadership both positively and negatively, especially in increasing opportunities, competition, and problem-solving. Globalization, however, causes a lot of pressure on public and safety administration, especially on managerial leadership structure.
Proactive leadership in public safety has raised several concerns, especially in crime prevention. Additionally, visionary leadership in public safety focuses on deterrence, reduced criminal opportunities, and perceived legitimacy. Law enforcement leaders use situational crime-prevention measures, such as locks, cameras, doors, and gates (Landers, and Marin, 2021). Also, police leaders can adjust public routines, such as curfews, to evade a planned attack or invasion of terrorism. On the other hand, changing the public’s perception about the risk is a mode of pro-active policing, for example, the use of foot patrol in reducing the rate of robbery and assault.
Identify and discuss the major leadership theories and concepts applicable to public safety
Transformational leadership theory is a type of leadership that focuses on bringing change by winning subordinates’ trust, which is very applicable in public safety. Transformational leader increases the confidence, and ability of Helpants hence promoting high performance. Some of the qualities of transformational leadership include the ability to trust others and having good learning behaviours (Chou, and Naimi, 2020). Transformational leadership fosters change among other police officers, hence promoting acceptable policing practices. Other essential leadership theories applicable in public safety include managerial grid theory, leaders style theory, transformational leadership theory, contingency theory, and path-goal theory, which are the main types of leadership theories. According to path-way leadership theory, the most successful and impactful leaders are the leaders that always motivate their employees through their vision. The leaders encourage employees and various teams to meet the organization’s designed goals and objectives (Chou, and Naimi, 2020).
On the other hand, according to path-way theory, the leaders inspire their team by rewarding them for good work done, which promoted organizational development, and fosters a good relationship. Managerial grid theory is another leadership theory by Robert R. Blake that focuses on developing better management skills and applying leadership styles. According to the idea, the leaders always motivate the team and prepare the team to be flexible in any change (Chou, and Naimi, 2020). Contingency theory s another leadership theory which is also known as situational theory. The idea applies to some factors to enhance the performance of the organization. For instance, application of position power, leader-member relations, and task structure. Position power Helps the leader in handling the organization’s decisions and implementation of various decisions (Chou, and Naimi, 2020).

Successful leadership styles and techniques in progressive public administration.
Leaders in public administration are expected to use and apply many leadership styles, such as coaching, democratic, affiliative, pace-setting, commanding, and bureaucratic. Different leadership styles in public administration promote the department to deal with various issues, especially when it comes to handling other people (Van Wart, 2017). For example, public administrators apply Bureaucratic leadership as a very efficient method, especially in controlling and leading subordinates into doing what is right. Being a servant as a leader is essential, especially in putting the team’s needs as a priority. A servant is appointed to serve people, especially the public, to provide safety and listen to their grievances.
A democratic leader allows the team to voice their concerns and offers maximum freedom to most people, especially in dealing with s safety emergencies (Drewniak, Drewniak, and Posadzinska, 2020). Pacesetter leaders set several performance goals for the team, which is very important in public administration, especially in ensuring that the group reaches its purpose and works according to the designed goals and responsibilities (Van Wart, 2017). Public administration uses the pacesetter approach to get a particular organizational plan, which is essential in keeping its members on their toes and ready. Visionary leadership is the most used and impactful type of leadership style which inspires the members. Also, the innovative leadership style inspires the team in achieving the designed goals and new agendas.
case study reviews and an operational simulation based on major public safety issue
Catfishing sex workers is a case that is common in public safety, especially in misuse of power. According to a report, police officers hold sex workers captive in entrapment for sexual services. However, police officers use the act to get evidence used to charge them with solicitation, which is contrary to the agreement between police officers and sex workers. The money exchange claimed to be a form of solicitation is a form of business after sex purchase, which is unethical and poor leadership (Van Wart, 2017). Additionally, police officers blackmail sex workers and threaten to report them or expose them to the public, spouses, children, and friend’s failure to offer sexual services for free.
On the other hand, sex workers feel threatened, especially when misleading concerning reporting unethical behaviour. Police officers, however, seize condoms as the primary and only evidence that can testify their deviant behaviours. Police officers, however, use deception and force in acquiring sexual services from prostitution, which require undercover investigation.
Global surveillance is another case of public safety that affects the privacy and security of a nation. For example, in 2013, Edward Snowden was reported for realizing the government’s confidential information concerning the government surveillance program. According to the CIA, the action was to inform the public about the plans because it violates public privacy and safety. Most people agreed with the CIA, especially on the privacy issue, because the action was ethical. Still, according to the government, the CIA was putting the country in danger of terrorism and attacks. According to the government, Snowden had committed treason, and the actions could lead to the loss of life of other CIA.
Another case includes the global action against the online fraudsters in the airline industry, the entrapment case in 2008, a sting operation in 2000, and controlled delivery in 2011. Police patrol has been reported to play a significant role in public safety, especially in responding to deterrence and emergency incidents (Drewniak, Drewniak, and Posadzinska, 2020). Police patrol is very important, especially in crime prevention and operation management, primarily through random patrol, active patrol, and directed patrol. Police part tends to solve situational crimes, such as robbery and theft, which is a significant public safety issue.
future public safety challenges and potential solutions
The law enforcement agencies, both the public and private, find it challenging to enhance public safety. The development of technology has made policing easier and opponents more opportunities for making policing better and solving top public safety issues (Bolden, Gulati, and Edwards, 2019). Future public safety depends on the advancing technology and new leadership approaches designed to make the department a better place. The law enforcement agencies’ principal aim and responsibility, and police leaderships to protect, prevent, detect, and respond to crime and security issues in the community. Over the years, the western economies and security departments have focused on security technology, where the agencies are upgrading security.
The advancement of technology and over-reliance on technology has created many issues, primarily because it aims to reduce cost, operating systems, and reduce response time. Countries in the middle east, china, and the united states have invested fully in technology as an essential tool in handling public safety issues. Evolving threats, high public safety budgets, digital transformation, and security are some of the top challenges experienced in future public safety (Bolden, Gulati, and Edwards, 2019). The evolving nature of threats and crimes poses a significant threat to public safety, especially when the agencies are unpredicted for new and unpredictable threats. On the other hand, the evolution of crimes and threats will create challenges such as insufficient resources to deal with the hazards, such as basic human needs, such as food and water. In the future, resources and digital-related threats will be the primary type of threats that will be dominating instead of the current environmental and human hazards.
To avoid depletion of resources, the law enforcement agencies should develop a long-term road map with prospected requirements to solve the security issue. A shift to digital surveillance and security would affect public safety, especially creating privacy issues and access to the confidential police database, leading to national insecurity. Budget pressure is another future. Public safety, which has been an issue for years (Van Wart, 2017). Budget changes are mostly based on perceived threats. The law enforcement department and the government are turning on technology to solve most public safety issues, which will lead to community safety challenges by sharing crucial general information (Bolden, Gulati, and Edwards, 2019). To avoid such cases, the agencies can balance traditional and modern methods of enhancing public safety, such as human resources and technology, especially in dealing with public data.
synthesize your learning experience in your major discipline to apply the knowledge and skills to practice individual and organizational challenges
Information concerning leadership, organizational development, and technology in public safety have been influential in my discipline, especially on how technology and leadership impact an organization’s growth and development. Leadership plays an essential role in an organization, especially in allocating resources, the delegation of duties, motivation, and directing others in doing what is right and achieving goals. Additionally, the information is vital in developing my leadership skills in cybersecurity management, primarily through applying follower’s leadership theory and proactive leadership theory, especially when responding to an urgent security case. In moulding skills and experience, the information is applicable in moulding skills that would Help in dealing with major organizational issues, such as lack of competency, conflict resolution, and organization. On the other hand, the information enlightens concerning leadership styles, leadership styles, such as visionary leadership, and the innovative approach in the administration that promotes creativity and innovation.
The Leadership Development Project Process.
Step 1: what generally makes me a great leader
I have some of the most competent skills and abilities that make me stand out among other leaders. Some of the sharp skills include honesty, a clear communication vision, creativity and the ability to follow my intuitions.
Step 2: self-assessment: Through my adventures and impulsive personality traits, I can manage people with different personality traits. Additionally, my strengths involve being able to fit in any environment and understating other people’s types despite their ethnicity, race, or culture. I am an enthusiastic person who makes group discussions and conferences lively, and at the same time, focused. Being both an introvert and an extrovert, I can understand my team members’ needs and requirements through developing a close relationship with them, considering our boundaries.
Core value: Advancement, achievement, balance, competency, creativity, duty, authority, adventure, and autonomy are some of the top deals that I uphold as a leader. I am also loyal, responsible, and trustworthy, as key in creating a good relationship with my team.
Personal vision statement: I am a self-driven, ambitious, pacesetter, and a motivator kind of a leader. I uphold several leadership traits and core values, such as a high sense of responsibility, loyalty, creativity, and innovation, especially in decision making; my calling as a leader is to motivate others to do better and enhance positive transformation, such as achievement of goals and objectives. I want to make the environment a better place by ensuring that any idea developed by my team is implemented. The needs of the group are a priority in enhancing development and high performance. I apply critical thinking, ethical consideration, and knowledge in decision-making. Decision-making is one of the essential parts of my leadership; hence I prefer researching and making decisions. My mission is to use the gift of optimism, intelligence in enhancing public safety among citizens, especially in dealing with cases of cybersecurity issues. My role as a leader represents the integrity I stand for, which is the provision of security, which drives the genial growth and development of an organization and the country. What I do inspires me to be a better leader and work towards a better future.
What people think of me: My team members think I am a charming, intelligent, and focused leader through my engagement and involvement programs. My peers and my colleagues also believe that I am creative and can make sound decisions that can foster change in my department. I would want my co-workers and peers to rust and believe in what I do since I am focused on bringing change and positive impacts to everyone in the meet, and everywhere I go. I care about other people’s perceptions of me, although I don’t allow their views and reactions to get into me. I believe listening to them would help develop a stronger character and make changes for the good.
Current and lacking leadership skills: I lack patience as one of the most critical leadership skills, especially in my area of specialization. I lack patience because I tend to believe everything is possible and in case things don’t go as I planned; I give up easily. Also tend to be over-ambitious sometimes, especially when my end expectations are high and unrealistic. I lack group skills, which I am working on currently.
Goals: My goal is to be a good leader today and in the future. Lead people with integrity, motivate my team members, and implement change for development where required. My goal is to ensure all homeland security and other agencies that provide public safety apply cybersecurity measures and policies that will Help in enhancing public safety to the latter.
Action Plan: Some of the steps I will take involve developing and implementing information technology systems, enhancing public security, and balancing the use of modern and advancing technology and traditional safety measures. Some of the resources required to achieve the designed goals and objectives include capital, training, and human resource. The change implementation and development process will take about six months maximumly.

Bolden, R., Gulati, A., & Edwards, G. (2019). Mobilizing change in public services: insights from a systems leadership development intervention. International Journal of Public Administration.
Chou, C. Y., & Naimi, L. L. (2020). A Discussion of Leadership Theories as they Relate to Information Systems Leadership. Leadership & Organizational Management Journal, 2020(2), 1-10.
Deshwal, V., & Ashraf Ali, M. (2020). A systematic review of various leadership theories. Shanlax International Journal of Commerce, 8, 38-43.
Drewniak, R., Drewniak, Z., & Posadzinska, I. (2020). Leadership styles and employee expectations. European Research Studies, 23, 398-411.
Komives, S. R., & Wagner, W. (Eds.). (2016). Leadership for a better world: Understanding the social change model of leadership development. John Wiley & Sons.
Landers, R. N., & Marin, S. (2021). Theory and Technology in Organizational Psychology: A Review of Technology Integration Paradigms and Their Effects on the Validity of Theory.
Ugaddan, R. G., & Park, S. M. (2017). Quality of leadership and public service motivation: A social exchange perspective on employee engagement. International Journal of Public Sector Management.
Van Wart, M. (2017). Leadership in public organizations: An introduction.

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