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Police Management and Immigration

Police Management and Immigration
You have been dealing with change this week and how administrators can navigate these changes in their environment using good policy. Over the past few decades, we have seen changes in how we deal with race. We have seen changes in employment law to provide affirmative action plans for disenfranchised minorities. The Rodney King incident in the early 1990s gave way to critical Assessments of the use of force. Mandatory arrest in domestic violence cases not only brought about changes in the court system but also provided legitimacy to victimology as a discipline. Rapidly evolving technology gave rise to the surveillance state. Drug reforms sought to alleviate populations of non-violent offenders in our county jails and state prisons.

All of these changes were brought about by the creation of good policy which includes: 1) empirical research as its foundation; 2) training support; and, 3) accountability mechanisms.

Assignment Instructions:

Criminal Justice organizations are complex and always changing. For this final project, identify a management problem of your choice that affects criminal justice organizations (police, courts, or corrections) and the community. In a white paper to your superiors (e.g., police chief, warden…), provide the following in this format:

Identify and clearly define the problem.
Identify and clearly define the preferred outcome.
Devise strategies to secure the change,
List at least three strategies.
Explain why the strategies were chosen.
Develop an action plan accentuated through communication and motivation.
Select the best two strategies and propose the best way to implement them.
Be convincing and realistic.
Support the implementation process with relevant and scholarly literature.
Address the implications for the suggested change.
Present the possible outcomes, both positive and negative (pros and cons).
Address the possibility of resistance and how your proposal will overcome the resistance.
Length: 10pages

References: Include a minimum of five scholarly resources.

Your proposal should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
In an era of globalization characterized by complexities, ambiguities, dynamics, and diversity, the management of any organization or agency is a daunting task. Conversely, proper management is vital in the survival of any organization or agency. Managers are constantly challenged to formulate appropriate goals and mission statements, formulate and implement strategies and procedures, make effective decisions, and unite their employees to be aligned with their ultimate objective.
Management becomes an even challenging task for police agencies whose actions have a direct effect on the community. Police agencies are needed to balance constancy and predictability through adaptation and change. While they strive to have standardized operations, the management understands the fluid environment in which the organizations operate. The administration also recognizes that there are forces in which the agencies should adapt and evolve to remain active in a dynamic universe. These forces are attributed to causing organizational change and creating new models that will allow operations to conduct the business of policing.
One of the significant challenges facing police agencies relates to immigration and its policies. Police management continually struggles to find a balance between the engendering community cooperation with the underserved and vulnerable persons and making sure that the undocumented individuals who have committed crimes undergo proper processing (Foster, 2019). Currently, police organizations have different policies that are concerned with identifying undocumented individuals under police custody. The organizational systems that are related to cooperating with federal authorities. Notably, the main goal is to ensure their communities’ public safety through investigation and prevention of crimes (Foster, 2019). Therefore, police management will struggle to find the policies and strategies that reflect organization values and are aligned with the federal government’s efforts to deal with illegal immigration.
To this effect, this research paper seeks to explore the challenges and pressures faced by police agencies management and how they are navigating through the issue. This understanding will lead to the identification and clarification of the desired objective when it comes to the issue, then devising the right strategies that are to spearhead the change. Finally, the research paper will propose two approaches in dealing with the problem and its implementation process. The proposed strategies will have proven their effectiveness in real-time police departments.
The Challenge of Immigration Facing Police Management
The provision of effective policing for immigrant individuals is one of the most significant problems facing police agencies in the United States (The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (the COPS Office), 2008)(. This is even though the departs within the country have worked to improve their relations with the immigrant communities. Immigrant communities have indicated that they still face considerable difficulties in their interactions with the police and the entire criminal justice system. Issues such as language barriers, cultural differences, and the lack of familiarity with the country’s legal system are all factors that impede immigrants from accessing justice or exploiting the fundamental criminal justice services. Moreover, the failure of new immigrants to report any crimes to the police departments demonstrates that many immigrant communities in the country are continually receiving insufficient funds to handle local crimes and implement the law enforcement initiatives (Goold, 2002).
A considerable percentage of criminal justice professionals agree that police management needs to rethink their approaches to policing immigrant communities. However, it is challenging to get a clear consensus on making improvements in relations between the police and immigrants or even reduce the persistent challenges such as under-reporting. Others will state that more emphasis needs to be put on acquiring language and communication skills during the training sessions for police officers. Additionally, they say that the officers should be encouraged to familiarize themselves with distinct immigrant communities and cultures (Goold, 2002). Conversely, others will indicate that the concern is handled through the promotion of diversity in the police departments to be more representative of the communities that are served and protected.
Notably, researchers, policymakers, and law enforcement officers have attested to the fact that these challenges arise from the lack of trust from some recent immigrants. Most immigrants look at law enforcement from a perception of fear and suspicion, primarily due to the negative experiences they have had with the police in their home countries or the fear of being handed back to the immigrant authorities (Goold, 2002). Consequently, even with distinct states and different law enforcement agencies implementing various approaches for immigrant policing, there is a prevailing tendency to have more emphasis on community relations and convincing the immigrants that they can use police services without fear of being reported to Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) or other related federal agencies (Goold, 2002).
Additionally, the tragic events that happened on 11th September 2011 would shift the debate on immigrant communities and their policing strategies towards security and the threat of terrorism, and not much emphasis would be given to community outreach and building trust. Police managements have now been forced to deploy many of their officers in border control activities and the apprehension of illegal immigrants. Furthermore, the law enforcement agencies needed to collaborate with the INS and other federal agencies on the matters.
Many of the senior officers expressed reservations in dealing with immigration matters; some of the departments have still offered more support to the INS and related agencies. Those that are implementing the immigrant enforcement actions by the federal agents are at risk of damaging any hard-won trust they have built at local levels. The immigrants may find it challenging to differentiate between the city, state, and federal police; thus, in case of an event such as a raid, the immigrants are more likely to attribute it to local police (Hoffmaster et al., 2010). This affects what the local police have worked on, especially to build community trust. Furthermore, some law enforcement officers now have the authority to enact the Federal Immigration Law stipulated in Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. This section has given authority to the state, counties, and the local police departments to carry out the federal immigration enforcement duties in line with the written memorandums of agreements with the country’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Nonetheless, some of the departments acting as per 287(g) agreements are expensive, prone to litigation and undermine the public safety and community trust built over the years.
It is these developments that have brought in a pressing need to have how the immigrants are treated by the criminal justice system and also which are the right strategies to police the immigrant communities.
Proposed Strategies That Have Demonstrated to Spearhead the Desired Change
Despite the immense challenge facing police management, they have made progress in establishing storm and trusting relationships with the immigrant communities. Their officers believe they are also making progress in advancing public safety. The ultimate and desired objective is to build trust and mutual respect between law enforcement and immigrant communities (Solomon et al., 2017). This is because the trust between the agencies and the people they protect is significant in their functions of protecting and serving. It is vital in achieving the stability of their entire communities, boosting the criminal justice system’s integrity, and ensuring the effective delivery of police services (Solomon et al., 2017).
As the departments focus on achieving the desired outcome, they could implement several proposed strategies to guide them towards that goal. One of the policies is the creation of a specialized unit that will handle immigrant communities. This dedicated unit is under the police department, and it is responsible for reaching out and offering services to the immigrants (Lysakowski et al., 2016). Depending on how diverse the communities are, the unit will have several officers who will reach out to the communities, emphasize prevention, and educate them on the functions of law enforcement. For instance, a city with a majority of Hispanic individuals can easily be reached through mainstream media. The police department could have officers appear on different programs to communicate with law enforcement in their community. They could also run special initiatives such as safety inspections that will also involve explaining the law and offering Helpance when needed (Lysakowski et al., 2016). These interactions could have the officers have some contacts in the community who will keep an eye out for any principal perpetrators and communicate to protect themselves and identify the crime suspects. The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department’s El Protector program is a specialized unit demonstrating the efficacy of this strategy, primarily to ensure cooperation with the immigrants and to abide by the federal agencies to deal with illegal immigration.
The second strategy is the implementation of the CDAP Model that encompasses being committed to reforms and integration. Most police departments dealing with the agency-community relations emphasize specialized training of its officers. However, this strategy would override the ultimate objective of promoting cultural diversity and comprehension of the immigrants’ values and lifestyles (McCampbell, 2011). Therefore, this creates a need for an integrated approach for the police to establish and maintain trust while dealing with the challenges that arise from immigration. Long-term programs need to be developed, focusing on internal and external reforms, as illustrated by the CDAP Model. In this case, the outreach programs are coordinated with a valid complaint procedure and internal review systems. The training of officers on language and cultural diversity should occur in an environment where the needs of these immigrants are given priority. The CDAP Model seeks to have a total integrated commitment of the police officers and their management to the immigrant communities.
The third strategy is the police management implementing outreach and engagement programs that will equip the officers with skills and knowledge that will permit them to foster productive partnerships with the community (Schanzer et al., 2016). In this case, these programs’ success depends on the multiple types of training that should be awarded to the police officers. These programs will primarily entail cultural awareness, structural information, leadership, the nuances of particular communities, foreign dialect, and the conduct that could foster bad relationships between the two parties. To gain the proper and extensive kind of knowledge and skills, the management needs to bring in experts from outside. For instance, the training on cultural awareness and foreign dialect, the community members need to be included for the training such that they also learn how they will interact (Schanzer et al., 2016).
A notable characteristic of the strategies and the reason for their utilization is the focus they all give to the immigrant communities. It is only by understanding the needs of the immigrant communities and having measures aligned with these needs (Lysakowaki et al., 2016). These strategies will not only foster productive partnerships between the officers and the immigrant communities, but the latter will offer support to the federal agencies’ efforts in dealing with illegal immigration. The cooperation will help the federal officers identify any suspect individuals within the community. In this case, the police management will also not deal with an imbalance between better community relations with its immigrant communities and supporting the federal immigration policies.
Action Plan To Accentuate Communication and Motivation
For the successful implementation of these strategies, the two elements of communication and motivation among the involved stakeholders are necessary. Several action steps will need to be followed to ensure that they collaborate and are motivated to achieve the desired outcomes. These steps are typically the action plan for the strategies that specify what is to be done, by whom, when, and how the team will know that the desired outcomes have been achieved (National Institute of Justice (NIJ), 2017). Therefore, the relevant stakeholders will first convene a meeting or meetings where they will make crucial team decisions related to the action plan. These meetings will develop the vision and mission statements, the goals, specific strategies, the resources required for the procedure, the responsibilities of the stakeholders, among others. In consideration of this case, the ultimate goal is to build trust and foster productive partnerships between the agency and the immigrant communities. Thes resources needed are determined and allocated accordingly. Various officers are given particular responsibilities or tasks to be fulfilled. The action plan will need to have an assessment section where the strategies, the procedures are undertaken, and their results are assessed to determine whether the strategies are achieving the desired objectives. It will guide the determination of the changes to be done (National Institute of Justice (NIJ), 2017). The second step is documenting and distribution of the plan to be reviewed by top management. The management is expected to affirm the program or call for necessary changes. If any changes have been pointed out, they are included in the action plan before finally using the action plan.
Implementation of Recommended Strategies
An analysis of the proposed strategies has illustrated that the CDAP Model and the multiple training programs would help achieve the desired outcome. The implementation of the CDAP Model will first begin with all officers have a clear blueprint on the introduction and incorporation of the reforms. The model avails an excellent example of how transformation can be achieved within the institutions due to the focus on reactive, proactive, and collective programs. The changes happening in the policing practices will need to be aligned with the changes happening in the internal review procedures. For instance, the model will recognize a need for the officers to build trust with immigrant communities through better policing approaches and improvements in their accounting procedures. The model also recognizes the need to involve the immigrants in policing decisions through the outreach programs, hence reducing any underreporting cases, and any immigrant suspicion that the police will have is reduced. This strategy will need strong leadership to spearhead the change, partner with immigrant communities, train the offices in the recruitment of a diverse police force, and improvise a community internship program as part of the training program.
The second strategy for outreach programs involving extensive training programs will entail a two-pronged training assessment program (Mastrofski, 2006). The plan will focus on all six aspects. First, a short term program is implemented, which will provide a rigorous assessment of the training programs to be performed. The assessment looks into the success of the program in terms of achieving the desired objectives. The second prong is primarily a developmental step; hence it goes to the long-run. The selected training programs are implemented, and the police departments are encouraged to cooperate in them. The officers will undertake the different lessons and have real-time situations in their curriculum, where they are assessed on how they would engage (Mastrofski, 2006). The training should be done regularly, such as in intervals of three months, which will ensure that even the new police officers are incorporated into the cultural change.
The main implication/the cons of these two strategies is that they take time and are resource-intensive. For instance, there is a need to undertake extensive research on the programs that will be fruitful among the officers for the training programs. Then, the management will need to schedule training sessions during their working hours, which could be disruptive if not correctly implemented. In terms of time, these strategies are expected after a while, for instance, five months, depending on how they are implemented. The wait makes the officers and management anxious about the strategy’s fruitfulness, or should they go back to the drawing board. Additionally, it is possible for the police officers not to understand the benefit of supporting the strategies. In this case, the management will have to undertake intensive engagement sessions to have the officers support the plan as it is very fundamental. The team could be divided into smaller groups of learning. The officers could air their struggles and have them handled in confidentiality, which will build their confidence and assure them of succeeding.
However, the most crucial benefit which surpasses the fact that time and resources are extensively used, is that the benefits will go to the long-run. By the time a cultural change is happening within the police department, everyone supports the change that is happening and will ensure that even the new officers follow suit. The possible outcomes from these strategies include officers adequately trained to work with the immigrant communities and the latter offering their support to law enforcement that it becomes easy to fight crime (Hoffmaster et al., 2010).
Police management needs to focus and ensure that their organizations are working towards their objectives. One of the main challenges is policing immigrant communities, especially with the pressures from federal agencies to fight illegal immigration. Nonetheless, the leaders could implement the CDAP Model and multiple training programs for their officers, which will help them interact with the immigrant communities. An efficient plan and proper allocation of resources will help in supporting the strategies. Ultimately the police will have built trust and productive partnerships with the immigrant communities.

Foster, E. R. (2019, 28th February). Top ten police management issues for 2018. Retrieved from https://www.mark43.com/top-ten-police-management-issues-for-2018/
Goold, B. J. (2002). The Challenge of Policing Immigrant Communities. Bureau of Justice Helpance White Paper for the CDAP Partnership, Policy Lab.
Hoffmaster, D. A., Murphy, G., McFadden, S., & Griswold, M. (2010). Police and immigration: How chiefs are leading their communities through the challenges. In Washington, DC: Police Executive Research Forum.
Lysakowski, M., Persall, A., & Pope, J. (2016). Policing in new immigrant communities.
Mastrofski, S. D. (2006). Police organization and management issues for the next decade. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice.
McCampbell, M. S. (2011). The collaboration toolkit for law enforcement: Effective strategies to partner with the community. US Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.
National Institute of Justice (NIJ), US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, & United States of America. (2017). Policing Strategic Research Plan 2017-2022.
Schanzer, D. H., Kurzman, C., Toliver, J., & Miller, E. (2016). The challenge and promise of using community policing strategies to prevent violent extremism: A call for community partnerships with law enforcement to enhance public safety. Durham: Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security.
Solomon, D., Jawetz, T., & Malik, S. (2017, 21st March). The negative consequences of entangling local policing and immigration enforcement. Retrieved from https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/immigration/reports/2017/03/21/428776/negative-consequences-entangling-local-policing-immigration-enforcement/
The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (the COPS Office. (2008). Enhancing Community Policing with Immigrant Populations. Recommendations from a Roundtable Meeting of Immigrant Advocates and Law Enforcement Leaders. Retrieved from https://www.sheriffs.org/sites/default/files/cops-w0747-pub.pdf

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