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Posted: January 9th, 2024

How Nurse Leaders Can Address Burnout Among Nurses

How Nurse Leaders Can Address Burnout Among Nurses

Burnout is a work-related stress syndrome that affects many nurses, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. It is characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. Burnout can have negative consequences for nurses’ health, well-being, quality of care, and patient safety. Therefore, it is essential for nurse leaders to address burnout among their staff and create a healthy work environment.

Nurse leaders play a significant role in reducing nurse burnout, as they can influence the organizational culture, the work climate, and the professional development of nurses. According to the literature, some of the strategies that nurse leaders can use to address burnout among nurses are:

– Applying authentic and transformational leadership styles. These styles are associated with lower levels of burnout, higher levels of engagement, empowerment, and satisfaction among nurses. Authentic and transformational leaders are honest, trustworthy, inspiring, supportive, and visionary. They foster a positive relationship with their followers, recognize their strengths and needs, and encourage them to achieve their goals.1
– Creating a healthy work environment. This involves providing adequate resources, staffing, equipment, and safety measures for nurses to perform their tasks effectively and efficiently. It also involves promoting a culture of respect, collaboration, communication, feedback, and recognition among nurses and other health care professionals. A healthy work environment can enhance nurses’ autonomy, competence, and motivation.2
– Supporting nurses’ well-being and self-care. This involves encouraging nurses to take care of their physical, mental, emotional, and social health. It also involves providing access to mental health services, counseling, wellness programs, flexible schedules, and paid time off for nurses who experience burnout or other stress-related issues. Supporting nurses’ well-being and self-care can help them cope with stress, prevent burnout, and improve their resilience.3
– Implementing mental health screenings and awareness training. This involves assessing nurses’ risk of burnout and providing them with information and education on how to recognize and manage the symptoms of burnout. It also involves reducing the stigma and barriers that may prevent nurses from seeking professional help when they need it. Implementing mental health screenings and awareness training can help nurses identify burnout early and access appropriate interventions.4
– Offering a change in environment or role. This involves providing opportunities for nurses to switch to a different department, unit, or position that may suit their preferences, skills, or interests better. It also involves providing opportunities for nurses to learn new skills, take on new challenges, or advance their career. Offering a change in environment or role can help nurses avoid boredom, monotony, or stagnation in their work.5

In conclusion, nurse leaders have a crucial responsibility to address burnout among nurses and ensure their well-being and performance. By applying authentic and transformational leadership styles, creating a healthy work environment, supporting nurses’ well-being and self-care, implementing mental health screenings and awareness training, and offering a change in environment or role, nurse leaders can help prevent and reduce burnout among nurses.


1 Wei H et al., ‘The Impact of Nurse Leadership Styles on Nurse Burnout: A Systematic Literature Review’ (2020) 18 Nurse Leader 468.
2 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), ‘AACN Standards for Establishing and Sustaining Healthy Work Environments: A Journey to Excellence’ (2005) accessed 9 January 2024.
3 Office of the U.S Surgeon General (OSG), ‘Protecting Health Workers’ Well-Being: A Call to Action’ (2022) accessed 9 January 2024.
4 Melanie Tribe-Scott BSN RN RAC-MT RAC-MTA QCP et al., ‘Burnout: How Can Nurse Leadership Help?’ (AAPACN Blog 2022) accessed 9 January 2024.
5 Workforce.com News Team et al., ‘6 Proven Ways to Prevent Nurse Burnout’ (Workforce.com News 2022) accessed 9 January 2024.

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