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Posted: August 2nd, 2023

CASE STUDY 32524 LANs and Routing

32524 LANs and Routing
(Autumn 2018)
Due Date:
Week 6 class: Addressing Tables
Week 11 class: A Written Report before Lab Demonstration
Lab Demonstration on Real Equipment

32524 LANs and Routing 2018 Autumn Case Study
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1. Preamble
This Case Study provides an opportunity for students as groups to practice their network design,
implementation and troubleshooting skills gained mainly from studying the Subject LANs and Routing.
The Case Study is organised in a way to assist groups complete the whole project ( help with nursing paper writing from experts with MSN & DNP degrees) progressively so that it
can benefit students’ learning experience. The Scenario describes your project ( help with nursing paper writing from experts with MSN & DNP degrees) in general terms and
explains why the network is to be built. After that, the Case Study is broken into a number of tasks, each
having detailed requirements guiding your group through several steps.
Completing this Case Study properly is not a trivial task. It is important that you read and understand
each requirement and complete tasks on a weekly basis as your study progresses.
1.1. Assessment
The Case Study is designed as a group activity, but it contains tasks on which each member in a group
can be assessed and marked individually*. These tasks are referred to as “individually assessed or
marked items in a group work”.
1.1.1. Part A: Lab Demonstration (60%)
The Case Study will be assessed with a Lab Demonstration on real equipment during the scheduled lab
sessions in Week 11.
Your instructor will allocate each group a time for the Demonstration and assign necessary
equipment. Each group as a team is required to implement, from scratch, the network that they
have designed to demonstrate their network meets all the requirements specified in this Case Study
book. The network and its functionality will then be checked on site by an instructor according to the
detailed marking criteria which are to be released around two weeks before the due day.
Please note:
1) Groups and/or student/s not attending the scheduled Lab Demonstration session without a
documented legitimate reason will result in this component not being assessed, and a zero (0)
mark will be given for the student.
2) Late arrivals for your scheduled Lab Demonstration without a documented legitimate reason
will incur a penalty of 5% off per minute late. No demonstration will commence after 20
minutes late and the mark for this component will then become zero (0).
3) The use of Packet Tracer outputs will NOT be accepted for assessment for Lab Demonstration.
4) Your hand written Engineering Journals and a printed copy of your detailed Topology Diagram
and Addressing Tables may be allowed to use for the Demonstration session subject to
inspection. A journal containing detailed solution specific to the Case Study will not be allowed.
5) For more details of the Lab Demonstration, please refer to the Section 6 of this document.
1.1.2. Part B: Written Report (40%)
Each group as a team is also required to submit a Written Report of professional quality following
the guidelines as set out in Section 5 of this document. This includes a soft-copy to Turnitin on UTS
Online for detecting plagiarism and a hard-copy submission to your lab instructor for marking and
* Students wishing to be assessed individually on those items will need to tell their instructor before the assessment commences and
nominate the tasks against which each member is to be assessed. Otherwise, the assessment will be marked as a group, which
normally means all members in the group receive same marks.
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1) The subnetting milestone (10%) is due at your Week 6 class in a hardcopy during your lab
session and feedback will be given in the following class.
2) A soft copy of the Written Report from each group will be due to be submitted to Turnitin on
UTSOnline 11.59 pm on Sunday Week 10. This is for similarity checking.
3) A hard copy of the Written Report from each group must also be handed in to your instructor at
the beginning of your lab class in Week 11 for marking. Failure to submit the final report in both
soft-copy and hard-copy will result in a zero mark given for the Report for the group.
4) Late submission of the Written Report will incur a penalty of 20% off per working day. No
submission will be accepted after five working days and a result of zero (0) will be awarded for
the Report part of the Case Study.
5) It is expected that the Case Study report to be marked by Week 12 and returned to each group
with appropriate feedback provided. Comments, where necessary, will be written on your
submitted hard copy of the report.
6) For details about inclusions for the Written Report, please refer to the Section 5 of this
1.2. Suggestions and General Requirements for Case Study Completion
1. This Case Study is to be completed as group work. Hence, all members in a group are
expected to contribute equally in all aspects of this work. Note however that there are
items on which each member of a group can be assessed and marked individually. This means
members in a group may receive different marks.
Students having difficulty working in their group must inform their lab instructors immediately
when a problem occurs so that a resolution can be made a.s.a.p. If no such contact is made, it
will be assumed that no problem exists and later protests will not be considered.
2. It is expected each student spends in total around 10 hours on this Case Study. Groups are
suggested to plan and complete the Case Study on a weekly basis as study progresses (e.g., as
suggested below) so that all tasks can be completed properly and students obtain the most
benefit. Leaving the Case Study to the very last day(s) will result in a poorly designed network
and little benefit to your final assessments.
Week 5: complete Subnetting Milestone
Week 7: complete Task Two – Routing
Week 8: complete Task Three – Switching
Week 9: complete Task Four – ACLs
Week 10: complete Task Five – DHCP & NAT
3. Much of the work can be completed based on reading the Cisco online curriculum, but many
other sources are available such as the Cisco support website. All information sources must be
appropriately acknowledged and a full bibliography is required. Referencing should follow the
UTS Harvard system. For more information:
4. It is expected that this Case Study will be completely your own work. Therefore, using “cut and
paste” from any source will not be acceptable. You should read relevant material, and then write
your report in your own words. This report will be submitted to Turnitin, and so similarity will
be checked against all recent and past students’ submissions and web resources. For more
information about “Academic integrity, plagiarism and cheating”, please refer to:
32524 LANs and Routing 2018 Autumn Case Study
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2. Scenario
This Case Study presents a scenario in which a training institute, the AIT Group, has recently taken the
ownership of another training centre. The AIT Group has therefore moved into a larger office in the CITY,
with additional support at both the Glebe and Chatswood Branch sites, and hence wishes to re-design
and implement its whole network. The AIT Group has hired your group as their ICT consultants to design
and implement a new network for them. The solution will be evaluated by a demonstration of a prototype
network using lab equipment.
The network that the AIT Group is implementing is dual stack, composed of various networks that should
support 100% growth over the next five years. A partial logical Topology Diagram has been provided
(see Figure 1: Basic Network Topology). The task is to design, implement and document the networks at
the four sites (including the ISP). In addition to necessary documentation, the AIT Group would like to see
a prototype of the network built, before it is fully implemented, to verify that it will meet the AIT Group’s
Fig. 1. Basic network topology
The AIT Group has locations in three campuses. All user groups will each have employees and clients
located in three sites, i.e. Chatswood, City and Glebe. The CITY site is the main campus location and
provides the AIT Group with its primary Internet connection. The GLEBE site is designed to expand the
business into a new area. This site will be used as the backup for Internet Access which should ONLY be
used if CITY site fails. This site will also manage the IPv4 DHCP server for all hosts at all sites. The CHATS
site is designed to grow the business into new markets and is very new.
Due to the size and complexity of LANs, the AIT Group wants to create VLANs to control broadcasts,
enhance security and logically organise user groups.
The AIT Group has purchased two exit links for access to the Internet and external services. RIP version
2 will be used to route between the Glebe and City sites. However, the Chatswood sites will be routed
through static routing only. IPv6 has been considered and at this stage, dual-stacking will be
implemented everywhere to support both IPv4 and IPv6.
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The AIT network requests to implement DHCP services for IPv4 addresses for all employee LANs. These
addresses need to be forwarded to all user LANs attached to CITY, GLEBE and CHATS routers.
NAT for IPv4 will be implemented on both CITY and GLEBE routers for all traffic leaving the company’s
network. It is preferred that all traffic uses the CITY router, and only use the GLEBE link to ISP if the CITY
link fails. Although private addresses will be used, the company appreciates efficiency and address
conservation in their design. To minimise wasted address spaces, they have requested CIDR and
hierarchical VLSM to be used whenever appropriate.
The AIT Group has also provided the networking equipment for the development and demonstration of
the networks. The network equipment provided comes from the pool of resources that are allocated for
prototype networks and demonstration. In some instances, the equipment provided does not have all the
required interfaces or ports. If this is the case, The AIT Group has indicated which interfaces will be
configured as loopback interfaces as alternatives.
3. Objectives and General Assessment Criteria
 Design hierarchical IPv4 and IPv6 addressing schemes to meet addressing requirements.
 Configure RIP with simple route redistribution for IPv4
 Configure static, default static, summary static routing and floating static routing for IPv6.
 Configure floating static default routes for conditional redundancy at the ISP.
 Configure switching networks for management, VLANs and 802.1q trunking.
 Implement Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for IPv4.
 Implement dynamic and static Network Address Translation (NAT) for IPv4.
 Design and implement standard Access Control Lists (ACLs) to restrict SSH access and for NAT
 Use the resources provided to cable, configure and verify the dual-stack network.
 Verify the functionality and troubleshoot the network when necessary.
 Produce and submit design documentation in appropriate format.
General Assessment Criteria
 Depth of analysis.
 Requirements met.
 Correctness of implementation.
 Functionality of the design.
 Valid justification for the design.
 Valid justification for verification strategy.
 Justification for testing results.
 Adherence to structure guidelines.
4. Requirements in Tasks
In order to help your group organise this Case Study, the scenario has been broken into six tasks and
detailed requirements are listed for each task. Discussion questions are to be considered for most tasks.
A formal written report, similar to what would be given to the AIT, needs to be prepared after all the
design has been completed. The whole network is expected to be implemented on real equipment to
demonstrate its functionality when all tasks are completed.
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Task One: Addressing the Network
The ISP provider has allocated for the two ISP links. Note that, this address space
needs to be subnetted into two /30 addresses for being used on the CITY-ISP and the GLEBE-ISP links
respectively. For IPv6 the 2001:50:80:120::/64 and 2001:50:80:121::/64 addresses the two links
to the ISP.
As part of the network redesign, the AIT has allocated and 2001:DB8:CA5E::/52 for the
internal network addressing. Note that each of the below user groups at different sites will be on their
unique IP networks.
The CITY site is the main campus location and provides the AIT with its primary Internet connection.
Host requirements at that site are:
 50 host for Academic Staff
 360 hosts for the Students
 20 hosts for Support Staff
 All user groups will each have hosts located in two levels, i.e. Level 1 and Level 2
The GLEBE site is designed to expand the business into a new area. Host requirements at this site are:
 10 Hosts for Academic Staff,
 100 Hosts for Students
 5 Hosts for Support Staff
The CHATS site is designed to grow the business into new markets and is very new. Host requirements at
this site are:
 6 Hosts for Academic Staff,
 100 Hosts for Students
 3 Hosts for Support Staff
The AIT requires that:
 The use of hierarchical VLSM design to maximise the use of IPv4 addresses, and account for
CIDR and route aggregation between the main sites.
 All IPv6 Addressed networks will have a mask of /64.
 100% growth1 of the current IP requirements for all hosts unless otherwise stated, when sizing
the subnets.
 All networking devices (including switches) must have IPv4 addresses and the PC hosts’
gateways will use the first available usable address in each subnet. For the purpose of lab
demonstration, the switches do not need to have IPv6 addresses.
 The ISP links will be allocated a subnet mask of /29 for IPv4 and a prefix of /64 for IPv6.
 The switching network sites will also use IPv6 addressing and will use EUI-64 for the
 The routers’ interfaces for IPv6 will use static link-local addressing (to keep the addressing
1 “100% growth” means the network designed needs to accommodate doubled number of users.
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 The Management/Native VLANs for the switching networks will each have two extra hosts for
potential administration usage. This is for the lifetime of the network design regardless of any
 The network administrator hosts will have the last usable addresses on each of the
Management/Native VLAN subnets at the CITY site.
At this stage, the AIT agrees that it is enough to assign all hosts with an IP address statically. However,
DHCP for IPv4 will be used in a later stage and the final network demonstration.
Milestone Submission:
1) Network subnetting tables, which show possible subnets that meet the design requirements; see
Tables A1 and A2. Subnets that are not used are to be clearly identified in each table.
2) Detailed IP addressing tables showing all networking devices’ names and interface details (see
Table B).
3) Switch and Router tables (see Tables C and D).
4) A device/host addressing table to tabulate hosts’ addresses and gateways; see Table E.
These tables, with necessary updates if needed for later stages, will be used for verifying the functionality
of the network during the Case Study Demonstration marking. These tables may be used as the basis for
the discussion about the design of the network.
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Task Two: Routing the Network
The AIT Group’s ICT policy is that RIP (version 2) routing will be used internally for the IPv4 network.
Check that all networks required appear in the routing tables on both CITY and Glebe routers. Routing
between CITY and CHATS will use static and default static routing only.
All IPv6 routing will use static, default, summary and or floating static routing. It is your group’s
responsibility to design your implementation of this routing requirement in a most efficient manner. You
should fully document how this is achieved in your Written Report.
The routing to and from ISP will be using default and static routing for both IPv4 and IPv6. When
correctly implemented all hosts within the AIT network should be able to successfully ping the loopback
address on ISP, which is for IPv4 and 2001:11:11:11::11/128 for IPv6, simulating the
Note that, NAT at CITY and GLEBE will be implemented at a later stage.
Fig. 2. Routing the network dynamically and statically
Deliverables – 1:
Discuss how you implement (with the specific commands), and verify (with verification strategy and
screen-captured verification results) the following functions:
1) static routing and failover routing via the GLEBE-ISP link when the CITY-ISP link fails for both
IPv4 and IPv6 networks.
2) RIP routing for the GLEBE and CITY sites for IPv4, and static routing for IPv6.
3) static routing between CHATS and CITY for both IPv4 and IPv6 networks, and route
redistribution, if there is any, for IPv4 networks.
4) routing for inter-VLAN communication (see Task Three on the next page).
PS. Running configuration and screen captures without explanation/justification will not be marked.
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Task Three: Switching Network
Due to the size and complexity of LANs, the AIT Group wants to use VLAN technologies to control
broadcasts, enhance security and logically organise user groups at all AIT sites. 802.1Q trunk-based
Inter-VLAN routing for both IPv4 and IPv6 will need to be implemented to advertise all VLAN networks
at each of the three sites.
Fig. 3. The switching networks of the AIT network.
The switching networks at the CITY, GLEBE and CHATS sites:
Switch access ports allocated to each VLAN should be proportional to the ports for VLAN’s used at each
 Use the following VLAN IDs and Names for the required networks:
 VLAN 99 should be assigned as the Management and Native VLAN.
 VLAN 111 “Blackhole VLAN” should be used for all unused ports, which must be shutdown.
 Port security is required on all access ports, with a maximum of one MAC Address per port. Any
violation should shut down the port.
 The default VLAN 1 is not allowed onto the trunks.
Deliverables – 2:
Discuss how you design, implement (with the specific commands), and verify (with verification
strategy and screen-captured verification results) the following functions:
1) VLANs (including user and Management VLANs) at each of the three sites,
2) port security,
3) 802.1q trunking, and
4) Inter-VLAN routing.
This should be supported with Tables D and E.
PS. Running configuration and screen captures without explanation/justification will not be marked.
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Table A1 – IPv4 Subnetting Table
Number Subnet Address Subnet Mask Hosts Required
Hosts in
In Use
(Yes or No) Network Name
Table A2 IPv6 Subnetting Table
Number Subnet Address Subnet Mask Hosts Required
Hosts in
In Use
(Yes or No) Network Name
Table B Device Interface IP Addressing Table
Device Interface IPv4 address Subnet Mask IPv6 Address/Prefix Length
GLEBE_SW Management (& Native) VLAN N/A
Table C Host Addressing Table
Host IPv4 Address Gateway Subnet Mask IPv6 Address/Prefix Length
Table D Switch Table
Switch Name: Switch Management IP Address: Location:
Interface type &
Port Number
of Purpose
Address Subnet Mask VLAN
ID & Name
Port Mode
Layer 2
Table E VLAN Table
Switch Name Number of Ports Location IP Address Gateway VLAN ID & Name
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Task Four: Network Security
The AIT Group also wishes to enforce certain security policies in order to filter network traffic.
At this current stage, the following policy is to be implemented:
1) Access to all internal routers and switches must use SSH with the username casestudy and
password cisco1, with the ONLY host permitted access being the Network Administrator.
2) Only IPv4 Internal Hosts from VLANs 10, 20 & 30 are permitted to be NATTed beyond the CITY
Router, and GLEBE Router if the CITY/ISP link fails.
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Task Five: IP Addressing Services for IPv4
The AIT Group has purchased a small block of public IPv4 addresses for IPv4 NAT pool.
Split this address space into two /29 blocks for CITY and GLEBE routers. Then use each public IPv4
address range, overloaded for addressing the internal network requirements for Internet connectivity. For
the Network Administrator, assign a static NAT address from the available NAT pools of addresses.
For IPv6 network, NAT is not needed.
Users from the internal network shall be allocated IPv4 addresses dynamically whenever it is feasible
except for some special devices to which addresses will be assigned statically.
The AIT Group agrees that hosts’ IPv6 addresses can be configured either statically (for network
administrator hosts) or Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) without the need of DHCPv6
The CHATS router will perform DHCP for IPv4 and has the following requirements:
 All users from the internal network will dynamically receive their IP addresses from the DHCP
server, located on the CHATS router.
 The first 3 hosts addresses of each DHCP pool will be reserved and not used for end host
 The Network Administrator’s address is statically assigned and must be excluded from the
required pool.
 The Management VLANs will use statically assigned addresses.
 No DHCP Addressing is required for IPv6 addresses. All end hosts should receive their IPv6
address using SLAAC.
You will need consider the use of DHCP relay where appropriate.
Deliverables – 3:
1) Provide details of your design, such as NAT pools (see below Table F), DHCP pools for IPv4 (see
Table G),
2) Provide partial configuration scripts specific to implementing DHCP and NAT.
3) Discuss the impact of the routing with NAT enabled and the influence of ACL on DHCP traffic.
4) Discuss how you verify (with verification strategy and screen-captured verification results) that
the functionality of your DHCP and NAT design meets all requirements.
Table F NAT Pool Table for IPv4
NAT Pool Name Address Pools Netmask ACL Name/Number Comments
Table G DHCP Pool Table for IPv4
DHCP Pool Name Address Pools Default Gateway Exclusion Addresses
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Task Six: Verifying Network Functionality
The AIT Group now wants a demonstration of the completed networks (partial topology diagram shown
in the Appendix) using the equipment provided.
The demonstration requires basic settings on all routers and switches including hostname, local
passwords, MOTD banner, management address and SSH access, detailed as follows:
 Configure hostnames as per the partial Topology Diagram.
 Configure password cisco for console connections.
 Encrypt the privileged EXEC mode using password class.
 Secure all VTY lines to allow SSH connections only and use the local database for authentication
with a username casestudy and password cisco1.
 Disable Domain Name Server (DNS) lookup.
 Enable logging synchronous for console connections and all virtual terminal lines.
 Configure a Message of the Day (MOTD) banner warning against unauthorised access.
 Configure meaningful descriptions for all active interfaces, including loopback interfaces, on
 Configure the interfaces of routers and hosts as per the Topology Diagram and your Addressing
Tables B&C.
 Configure Management/Native VLAN SVI interfaces on all switches for TCP/IPv4 connectivity.
TCP/IPv6 for switches are not required at this stage.
 Configure the host PC for the required VLANs as shown on the partial topology diagram.
 Configure DHCP and NAT.
Note: These PCs are all shown on the partial topology diagram provided.
The AIT Group requires the following network verification that will be assessed in lab Demonstration:
 Verification of dynamic routing for IPv4.
 Verification of static routing for both IPv4 and IPv6.
 Verification of DHCP and NAT.
 Verification of network security and ACLs.
 Verifying access of all hosts to each other and the ISP’s loopback addresses.
The AIT Group policies state that the group must develop and implement a verification strategy that will
verify the functionality of the network with captures of important tests that demonstrate the functionality
of the network, and include this as part of the Case Study Report.
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5. Documentation and Deliverables
Once the network has been successfully designed, implemented and tested, a Written Report from your
group must be submitted to your instructor.
This report should provide complete enough details to allow a third party to install and configure the
network without any additional documents. Groups are expected to develop and implement a series of
verification strategies showing analysed results verified by captured outputs.
It is expected that this will be completely your own work. Therefore, using “cut and paste” will not be
accepted. You should read relevant materials, and write the report in your own words. All information
sources must be appropriately acknowledged with a full bibliography.
The following items are to be included in your Written Report:
 Cover Page which should include Subject Name/Number, Day of Class, Instructor’s name, Case
Study due date, Names and Student IDs of all group members
 Table of Contents (should include page numbers).
 Introduction and a summary of the network requirements.
 Addressing Tables (Subnetting Milestone)
 All three required deliverables for each task*.
 Detailed Topology Diagram (should include interface IP, network addresses, etc).
 Tables A-G.
 Conclusion with reflections and recommendations for future network upgrades.
 References.
*Whenever you are asked to provide configuration scripts or commands for
implementing a certain task, please include commands or scripts specific to the task
only and NEVER include the whole running-configurations, which will not be marked.
In assessing your group’s written report, each of the above three deliverables contains four (4) items.
Each item in these deliverables can be completed by a different group member for individual
assessment. If your group wishes to be assessed individually for the Written Report, each of these
items needs to bear a group member’s name in the submitted written report. Other items will be
assessed as the contribution of the whole group.
Note that, the above five deliverables are designed for groups of a normal size of four. For groups with
fewer members, the above deliverables are to be distributed reasonably equally among all members
whenever practicable.
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6. Lab Demonstration
The AIT Group now wants a demonstration of the complete network. To do this, your instructor has
allocated a time slot and assigned equipment in our labs for you. You need to set up the network that you
have designed and configure all devices to demonstrate your network is designed and functioning as
required. This lab demonstration is based on group work. You may be allowed to use your own hand
written Engineering Journals and obtain help from your group members. No other assistance of any kind
will be allowed.
Demonstration Details
Preparation (10 minutes maximum)
You can:
 Log in to PCs.
 Establish console connections only and initialise routers and switches if necessary.
 Label devices and PCs whenever needed with temporary labels, e.g. post-it notes.
 Allocate tasks and nominate individual assessment if you wish.
You must not:
 Put in any cables other than console cables.
 Put any configuration other than for initialising the device.
Otherwise, your assessment time will start immediately regardless you are ready or not.
Demonstration (1 hour for groups of normal size)
During this time the following will be completed based on group work:
 Cabling network
 Configuring devices as per the Case Study requirements and your design
 Testing and verifying network functionality, troubleshooting if necessary.
Assessing (approximately 30 minutes for each group)
Your lab instructor or another assessor will look at your configuration, and test the functionality of your
network against each of the testing and verifying criteria (to be distributed towards the due day via
UTSOnline) on site. This assessment will determine the group’s marks for the Demonstration.
After marking, you are supposed to complete the following:
 Erase and ensure all devices are ‘clean’ and ready,
 Remove all cables and return them properly,
 Remove any labels from devices and PCs, and
 Follow any other instructions given by your Instructor.
Note: Failure to complete these four steps will result in reduced marks for the demonstration
Material allowed in Lab Demonstration
 Hand written Engineering/Networking Journals. Note that, a journal containing the detailed
solution specific to the Case Study will NOT be acceptable for use.
 Printed copies of only the Tables and/or your detailed Topology Diagram.
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Appendix: Partial Network Topology Diagram

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