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Posted: June 14th, 2023

Ethical Practices and Technology

Ethical Practices and Technology
•Managed data, information, and knowledge
Encrypted platforms for secure communication
• Use of research and clinical evidence to support decisions
(AACN, 2008)
Day-to-Day Nursing
•Standardized competency and practices for the modern nurse
•Enhances interprofessional relationships
• Nursing diagnosis enhanced with documents and data to support decision-making
• Provide data, feedback, and reporting (AACN, 2008)

Ethical Practices and Technology:

Managed data, information, and knowledge: With the advancement of technology, nurses have access to various electronic health records (EHR) systems and databases that allow them to efficiently manage patient data, information, and knowledge. This includes recording patient information, updating medical histories, documenting interventions, and tracking outcomes. By effectively managing this data, nurses can provide accurate and comprehensive care while ensuring patient privacy and confidentiality.

Encrypted platforms for secure communication: In today’s healthcare environment, secure communication is crucial for protecting patient information and maintaining confidentiality. Nurses can utilize encrypted platforms, such as secure messaging applications, to communicate with other healthcare professionals, share patient data, discuss treatment plans, and collaborate on patient care. This technology ensures that sensitive information remains private and protected from unauthorized access.

Use of research and clinical evidence to support decisions: Technology has made it easier for nurses to access up-to-date research and clinical evidence to inform their decision-making processes. With electronic databases, online journals, and evidence-based practice resources, nurses can access a vast amount of information that helps them provide the most effective and evidence-based care. By integrating research findings into their practice, nurses can enhance patient outcomes and promote high-quality care.

Day-to-Day Nursing:

Standardized competency and practices for the modern nurse: Technology plays a vital role in establishing standardized competency and practices for nurses. Digital platforms and learning management systems enable nurses to undergo training and education programs to enhance their knowledge and skills. These systems can track and document nurses’ progress, ensuring that they meet the necessary competencies and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in healthcare.

Enhances interprofessional relationships: Technology facilitates communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals, improving interprofessional relationships. Nurses can use digital platforms, such as teleconferencing or video conferencing tools, to connect with other team members, including physicians, pharmacists, and allied healthcare professionals. This enables effective interdisciplinary collaboration, leading to coordinated and comprehensive patient care.

Nursing diagnosis enhanced with documents and data to support decision-making: Electronic health records and other technological tools provide nurses with a wealth of patient data that can support the nursing diagnosis process. Nurses can access comprehensive medical histories, diagnostic results, and real-time monitoring data to analyze patient conditions accurately. This data-driven approach enhances the accuracy of nursing diagnoses, allowing nurses to develop individualized care plans and interventions that align with the patient’s needs.

Provide data, feedback, and reporting: Technology enables nurses to collect, analyze, and report data on patient outcomes and quality indicators. Through electronic documentation systems and reporting tools, nurses can input relevant data, track patient progress, and generate reports to evaluate the effectiveness of their interventions. This data-driven feedback loop allows nurses to continuously assess their practice, identify areas for improvement, and make evidence-based decisions to enhance patient care.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2008). The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice. Retrieved from https://www.aacnnursing.org/Education-Resources/AACN-Essentials

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Tags: 150-200 words discussion with a scholarly reference, 200-300 words response to classmate discussion question, 250 word analysis essay, bachelor of nursing assignments, case study

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