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Posted: May 31st, 2023

What has signature series meant to me?

Make a 5 minute speech including introduction that covers the following topics: (see attachment)

What has signature series meant to me?

What are the biggest changes that I see in my self from the start of the series until now?

What am I going to take away from this series that I will apply to my professional career going forward?

What advice would I provide to future signature series participants?

Signature leadership series, an 8 week program the help selected participants build their professional image, personal brand and career perspective.

Book used in the program:
Career Warfare (newly revised and updated)
10 rules of building your successful brand on the business battlefield
By David F. D’Alessandro with Michele Owens

Good morning everyone. I am honored to be here today to share my thoughts on the Signature Leadership Series. This program has been an incredible experience for me, and I have learned so much from the amazing speakers and participants.

What has Signature Series meant to me?

The Signature Leadership Series has meant so much to me on a personal and professional level. On a personal level, I have gained a deeper understanding of myself and my strengths and weaknesses. I have also learned how to better communicate my ideas and thoughts to others. On a professional level, I have learned how to build my personal brand and how to network effectively.

What are the biggest changes that I see in myself from the start of the series until now?

I have seen a number of changes in myself since the start of the Signature Leadership Series. I am more confident in my abilities, I am better at communicating my ideas, and I am more proactive in building relationships. I am also more aware of my own personal brand and how to market myself effectively.

What am I going to take away from this series that I will apply to my professional career going forward?

I am going to take away a number of things from the Signature Leadership Series that I will apply to my professional career going forward. First, I am going to continue to work on building my personal brand. I am going to do this by networking more effectively, publishing more content, and speaking at more events. Second, I am going to continue to work on my communication skills. I am going to do this by practicing public speaking, writing more clearly, and listening more attentively. Finally, I am going to continue to be proactive in building relationships. I am going to do this by reaching out to new people, attending more events, and volunteering my time.

What advice would I provide to future Signature Series participants?

My advice to future Signature Series participants is to be open to learning and growing. This program is designed to challenge you and help you become a better leader. So, be prepared to step outside of your comfort zone and take some risks. Also, make sure to network with the other participants. These are some of the most talented and driven people you will ever meet. So, take advantage of the opportunity to learn from them and build relationships with them.


I would like to thank everyone who made the Signature Leadership Series possible. This program has been an incredible experience for me, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to have participated. I am confident that the skills and knowledge I have gained will help me to be a more successful leader in the future.

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