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Posted: May 31st, 2023

MGT/576 v1 Porter’s Five Forces

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Complete the Porter’s Five Forces Worksheet, based on the company (Comcast) you have been working with since Wk 1.

MGT/576 v1

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Porter’s Five Forces
Complete the table below . For the company you’ve decided to assess in week 1, determine the strength of each of Porter’s Five Forces and of the complementors.

Justify your determination with examples.

Industry force


Provide a justifying your determination with examples






This is why I believe it is medium.

Threat of new entrants

Power of buyers

Power of suppliers

Power of substitutes

Rivalry among competitors


The Porter’s Five Forces analysis for Comcast:

Industry force Strength Justification
Threat of new entrants High The telecommunications industry is a capital-intensive industry, which makes it difficult for new entrants to compete. In addition, Comcast has a strong brand name and a large customer base, which makes it difficult for new entrants to attract customers.
Power of buyers Medium Comcast’s customers are large businesses and consumers. These customers have some bargaining power, but they are not as powerful as the customers in some other industries, such as the airline industry.
Power of suppliers Medium Comcast’s suppliers are companies that provide it with equipment, such as cable boxes and routers. These suppliers have some bargaining power, but they are not as powerful as the suppliers in some other industries, such as the pharmaceutical industry.
Power of substitutes Medium There are a number of substitutes for Comcast’s services, such as satellite television and internet service providers. However, these substitutes are not perfect substitutes, and Comcast has been able to maintain its market share.
Rivalry among competitors High The telecommunications industry is a highly competitive industry. Comcast faces competition from a number of other large telecommunications companies, such as AT&T and Verizon.
Complementor Low Comcast does not have any direct complementors. However, it does have indirect complementors, such as companies that provide content for its cable television service.
Overall, the telecommunications industry is a highly competitive industry. Comcast faces a number of challenges, including the threat of new entrants, the power of buyers, the power of suppliers, the power of substitutes, and rivalry among competitors. However, Comcast also has a number of strengths, such as its strong brand name, its large customer base, and its financial resources. These strengths allow Comcast to compete effectively in the telecommunications industry.

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