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Posted: May 31st, 2023

Literature review matrix

Respond to at least two (2) of your peers by responding to their question or noting how their experiences have helped you with your literature review matrix. Then continue to check in each week by asking a question, sharing an experience, responding to someone else, or adding helpful links and resources.


Hi everyone,
During Residency 1, some facility members highlighted a few critical points about Literature Review Matrix. One of the common tips shared among them was to start immediately. It may sound and may be a daunting task at first; however, it is worth it. Taking the time to work on the literature review matrix will help keep me organized and save time. I hope this tip helps. Also, one observation about the Literature Review Matrix I noticed is the ‘Implications for practice’ column. As I read through the other column, I understand their value and need; however, my question is: what is the importance for/of ‘Implications for practice?’ And why should we include it?


Share a tip, strategy, or useful observation about the literature review matrix process or document.
Ask a question about completing the literature review matrix.

A useful observation about the literature review matrix process or document that I think will be helpful to me is that it can help me to organize and manage the sources for my literature review; it can be used to identify research gaps in the literature and topics that still need to be studied, the essential papers to my search Question Assignment can be found using it, it can make comparing and contrasting journal articles on the same study topic easier, it can also support the development of original theories and notions.
My question about completing the literature review matrix is, Are the eight columns all that is required to write a successful review, or should more be included?


Thank you for sharing your observation about the literature review matrix process. I agree with you that it is indeed a valuable tool for organizing and managing sources, identifying research gaps, and comparing articles on the same topic. It’s great to see that you’re finding these benefits useful in your literature review.

In response to your question about the “Implications for practice” column, it is an important aspect to consider in a literature review. Including this column helps connect the findings of the studies to their practical applications in real-world settings. It allows you to examine how the research can inform or impact professional practice, policies, interventions, or decision-making. By highlighting the implications for practice, you can demonstrate the relevance and potential impact of the studies you’re reviewing. It provides insights into how the research findings can be translated into actionable recommendations or changes in a specific field or context.

Including the “Implications for practice” column adds depth to your literature review and showcases the practical significance of the research. It helps bridge the gap between academic knowledge and its potential real-world applications. So, I would recommend including this column in your literature review matrix to provide a comprehensive analysis and understanding of the implications of the reviewed studies.

Keep up the great work, and if you have any further questions or need more clarification, feel free to ask!


Thank you for sharing your observation about the benefits of the literature review matrix. It’s great to hear that you find it helpful for organizing and managing your sources, identifying research gaps, and supporting the development of original theories. These are indeed important aspects of the literature review process, and the matrix can be a valuable tool for achieving them.

To address your question about the columns required for a successful review, the eight columns typically included in a literature review matrix are:

Author(s) and Year: This column includes the names of the authors and the year of publication.
Research Question/Purpose: Here, you state the main research question or purpose of each study.
Methodology: This column describes the research methods and approach used in each study.
Sample/Participants: It includes information about the sample size, characteristics, and demographics.
Key Findings: Here, you summarize the main findings or outcomes of each study.
Limitations: This column highlights any limitations or weaknesses in the research design or methodology.
Relevance to Research Question/Purpose: You analyze and evaluate the relevance of each study to your research question or purpose.
Implications for Practice: This column explores the practical implications of the findings and how they can be applied to real-world settings.
While these eight columns provide a comprehensive framework for organizing your literature review, it’s important to note that the structure and content of the matrix can be customized based on your specific research needs and the requirements of your field. You can add additional columns if they are relevant to your study or if there are specific aspects you want to highlight.

Ultimately, the goal of the literature review matrix is to synthesize and analyze the existing literature effectively. So, make sure to adapt the matrix to fit your research objectives and include the necessary information to provide a thorough and cohesive review.

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