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Posted: May 31st, 2023

Bridge and Ship Collision Risk Assessment and Safety Management Countermeasures in Sea Port Waters

Bridge and ship collision risk assessment and safety management countermeasures in Sea Port waters.

Bridges and ships are two of the most important components of a seaport. Bridges provide a means of transportation for people and goods, while ships transport goods and people to and from other ports. However, the presence of bridges in a seaport also creates a risk of collision between ships and bridges.

A ship collision with a bridge can have a significant impact on both the bridge and the ship. The bridge can be damaged or destroyed, and the ship can be damaged or sunk. In addition, the collision can result in injuries or fatalities to people on the bridge or in the ship.

The risk of collision between ships and bridges can be reduced by a number of measures, including:

Risk assessment: The first step in reducing the risk of collision is to assess the risk. This involves identifying the hazards, assessing the probability of a collision, and assessing the consequences of a collision.
Countermeasures: Once the risk has been assessed, countermeasures can be implemented to reduce the risk. Countermeasures can include:
Physical measures: These measures include installing physical barriers between ships and bridges, such as fenders or bollards.
Operational measures: These measures include changing the way ships navigate in the area of the bridge, such as by requiring ships to slow down or to use a designated channel.
Technical measures: These measures include using technology to detect and prevent collisions, such as radar or collision avoidance systems.
Risk Assessment
The risk of collision between ships and bridges can be assessed using a number of methods. One common method is to use a probabilistic risk assessment (PRA). A PRA involves identifying the hazards, estimating the probability of each hazard occurring, and estimating the consequences of each hazard occurring. The results of the PRA can be used to prioritize the implementation of countermeasures.

Another method of risk assessment is to use a qualitative risk assessment (QRA). A QRA does not involve estimating the probability of a hazard occurring or the consequences of a hazard occurring. Instead, a QRA involves identifying the hazards and then assessing the likelihood and severity of each hazard. The results of the QRA can be used to prioritize the implementation of countermeasures.

A number of countermeasures can be implemented to reduce the risk of collision between ships and bridges. Some of the most common countermeasures include:

Physical measures: Physical measures include installing physical barriers between ships and bridges, such as fenders or bollards. Fenders are devices that are attached to the side of a ship to absorb the impact of a collision. Bollards are posts that are installed in the water to prevent ships from getting too close to the bridge.
Operational measures: Operational measures include changing the way ships navigate in the area of the bridge. This can include requiring ships to slow down or to use a designated channel.
Technical measures: Technical measures include using technology to detect and prevent collisions. This can include using radar or collision avoidance systems.
The risk of collision between ships and bridges can be reduced by a number of measures. The most effective measures will vary depending on the specific circumstances of the seaport. However, by taking steps to assess the risk and implement appropriate countermeasures, seaports can help to protect their bridges and ships from collision.

Gucma, P. (2009). Ship-bridge collision safety Assessments. Maritime Safety & Security, 2(4), 25-36.
Kim, J., & Kim, K. (2016). Development of collision risk assessment model for bridge across waterways based on traffic probability distribution. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 142(3), 249-257.
Liu, X., & Wang, Y. (2017). Risk assessment of ship-bridge collision based on fuzzy comprehensive Assessment. Journal of Safety Science and Technology, 13(1), 1-10.
Wang, L., & Zhang, J. (2018). Risk assessment of ship-bridge collision in the Yangtze River estuary based on improved fuzzy comprehensive Assessment. Journal of Navigation, 71(3), 521-533.

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