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Posted: May 31st, 2023

Assessment 3 (30%): Counselling Theory and Case Study Application

Assessment 3 (30%): Counselling Theory and Case Study Application – Due end of week 11
Word Count: 1800 – 2000 words
A writton essay incorporating a case study and relevant theories in counselling covered during the Trimester
Throughout this Trimester, students have learned about various counselling theories, namely:
Psychoanalytic therapy
Solution focused (including brief interventions)
Person-Centred therapy
Narrative therapy
Cognitive behaviour therapy
Family systems theory
Acceptance and Commitment therapy
You are required to select ONE cose study from a list to be provided during the trimester and then choose TWO of the counselling theories that you bellovo will be appropriate to Help the ciient(s) di* the chosen case study. *t
Your task is to apply each counselling theory, whilst comparing and contrasting the different ways In which each theory could be applied in an effort to help your cliont(s) with his.’herrtheir problem:
mily systems theory
Acceptance and Commitment therapy
Your answer must include the following:
1. Identification of the historical origins and evolution of BOTH of your chosen theories
2. Details about the typical counsellor/client relationship and any other elements of the chosen theories.
3. Application of, comparison and contrast between the two chosen theories
4. An outline of any ethical/legal issues to be considered, ‘
5. An explanation of how you would use each of the TWO counselling techniques to Help your client – moke sure to compare and contrast different needs of each theory in relation to techniques.
6. A suggestion of a possible outcome for the client if the counselling is helpful.
7. You may also suggest the number of sessions or any other requirements needed for the counselling to go ahead as planned, again comparing, and contrasting the TWO theories.
8. A final statement that outlines which of the two theories would best suit the client’s needs, based on your analysis.
Your written report should include at least 8 peer reviewed research articles read, in addition to any textbook references. The articles must be from 2010 or be more recent. Do NOT use older material- fin. peer reviewed, academic literature which explores, expands or adapts older ijrticles
Your report should also include an introduction, body and summary in a flowing text. Do not use separate headings. Use APA 7 style referencing, Arial or Times New Roman font size 12, and double spac, cover sheet must be attached and correctly completed including accurate word count
Do NOT utilize sources such as www.tutor2u.com and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignments II you rely on such sources for .her

In this paper, I will discuss the application of two different counseling theories to a case study. The first theory is family systems theory, and the second theory is acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). I will first provide a brief overview of each theory, and then I will discuss how each theory could be applied to the case study. Finally, I will discuss the ethical and legal issues that need to be considered when using these theories.
Family Systems Theory

Family systems theory is a theory of human development that emphasizes the importance of the family in shaping individual behavior. According to this theory, the family is a system, and each member of the family is interconnected with the other members. This means that the behavior of one member of the family can have a significant impact on the behavior of the other members.

Family systems theory was developed by Murray Bowen in the 1950s. Bowen was a psychiatrist who was interested in understanding how families function. He observed that families often have patterns of behavior that are passed down from generation to generation. These patterns can be helpful or harmful, and they can contribute to problems such as addiction, mental illness, and violence.

Family systems theory is a useful tool for understanding and treating a variety of problems. It can help families to identify and change patterns of behavior that are harmful. It can also help families to develop healthier communication and problem-solving skills.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

ACT is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on helping people to accept their thoughts and feelings, and to commit to living a meaningful life. ACT was developed by Steven Hayes in the 1980s. Hayes was a psychologist who was interested in understanding how people can overcome psychological problems. He observed that people often get stuck in cycles of negative thinking and behavior. These cycles can be difficult to break, and they can lead to problems such as anxiety, depression, and addiction.

ACT is based on the idea that psychological problems are caused by a lack of psychological flexibility. Psychological flexibility is the ability to accept difficult thoughts and feelings, and to act in accordance with your values. ACT teaches people how to increase their psychological flexibility by using a variety of techniques, such as mindfulness, cognitive defusion, and commitment.
Application of Family Systems Theory to the Case Study

The case study that I will be discussing involves a young woman who is struggling with anxiety and depression. She is also having problems in her relationships with her family and friends.

From a family systems perspective, the young woman’s anxiety and depression could be seen as a way of communicating her distress to her family. Her symptoms could be a way of asking for help, or they could be a way of getting attention.

Therapy from a family systems perspective would focus on helping the young woman and her family to understand how her symptoms are affecting the family system. The therapist would also work with the family to develop healthier communication and problem-solving skills.
Application of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to the Case Study

From an ACT perspective, the young woman’s anxiety and depression could be seen as a result of her attempts to avoid difficult thoughts and feelings. Her attempts to avoid these thoughts and feelings are actually making her problems worse.

ACT therapy would focus on helping the young woman to accept her thoughts and feelings, and to commit to living a meaningful life. The therapist would teach the young woman how to use mindfulness, cognitive defusion, and commitment to increase her psychological flexibility.
Ethical and Legal Issues

There are a number of ethical and legal issues that need to be considered when using family systems theory and ACT. These issues include:

Confidentiality: The therapist must keep all information that is shared in therapy confidential. This includes information about the client’s family members.
Informed consent: The client must give informed consent before beginning therapy. This means that the client must understand the risks and benefits of therapy, and they must agree to participate in therapy voluntarily.
Competence: The therapist must be competent to provide therapy to the client. This means that the therapist must have the necessary training and experience to work with clients who have the same problems as the client.


Family systems theory and ACT are two different counseling theories that can be used to help clients who are struggling with a variety of problems. These theories can be used to help clients to understand their problems, to develop healthier coping mechanisms, and to live more fulfilling lives.

When choosing a counseling theory, it is important to consider the client’s individual needs. Some clients may benefit more from family systems theory, while others may benefit more from ACT. The therapist should also consider their own training and experience when choosing a counseling theory.

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