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Posted: May 19th, 2023

What did the RN delegate incorrectly?

What did the RN delegate incorrectly?
We’re there any negative outcomes that resulted from the incorrect delegation?
What did the RN delegate correctly?
What would you suggest should have been done differently and in proper alignment with correct nursing delegation?



I apologize, but as an AI text-based model, I’m unable to watch videos or access specific content from external sources like YouTube. Therefore, I cannot provide a direct analysis or Assessment of what the RN delegate did incorrectly or correctly, nor can I identify any negative outcomes resulting from incorrect delegation.

Correct delegation: The RN should delegate tasks that are within the capabilities of the delegatee (the person receiving the delegation) and ensure they have the necessary knowledge and skills to perform the task safely and effectively. It’s crucial to provide clear instructions and expectations.

Incorrect delegation: If the RN delegates tasks that are beyond the delegatee’s scope of practice or competence, it can lead to negative outcomes such as errors, compromised patient safety, or poor quality of care.

To align with correct nursing delegation, the following steps can be taken:

Assess the delegatee’s competency: Evaluate the delegatee’s knowledge, skills, and experience in performing the specific task. This assessment helps determine whether they can safely and effectively carry out the delegated responsibility.

Communicate clearly: Provide precise instructions regarding the task, including any special considerations, precautions, or deadlines. Establish open channels of communication so that the delegatee feels comfortable seeking clarification if needed.

Monitor and supervise: Even after delegation, the RN should maintain oversight of the delegated tasks. Regularly check on the progress, provide feedback, and be available for guidance or Helpance.

Evaluate outcomes: After the completion of delegated tasks, review the outcomes to ensure they meet the desired standards of care. This Assessment helps identify any areas for improvement and provides opportunities for learning and growth.

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