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Posted: May 19th, 2023

Sensory-grounded Language

Sensory-grounded Language

Describe an experience, or an object, or some objects (not too many) in strictly sensory-grounded language. describe what is or was happening entirely in terms of what can be seen, heard, touched, smelled or tasted. recommend avoiding interpersonal experiences or any experience too strongly charged with positive or negative emotion, as these almost invariably bring in abstract interpretations and inferences, such as ’emotions,’* from sensory information, and which tend to get mixed up with the sensory information when we’re experiencing them. Recommend focusing on one or at most a few objects, and keeping within a very restricted time frame. Attempting to link events that are widely separated in time almost invariably requires more abstract, non-sensory terms about relations and time measures (e.g. neither ‘yesterday’ nor ‘tomorrow’ are sensory-grounded terms, and even ‘today’ is contestable). Remember that a great deal is happening even in a moment. The experience you are describing should, ideally, be largely wordless. If verbal information must intrude it can be included, precisely as heard (or read), and without interpretation, in quotation marks. For example: The woman walked into the room, her shoulders back, and spoke the words, “Here I am.” The aim is to purify your language, to the extent possible, of everything that is not a description of direct sensory experience. The assignment will be evaluated particularly with regard to: -clarity – does your (mis)use of English grammar contribute to a clear description or detract from it? (for example, an inconsistent use of verb tenses will tend to detract from the quality of sensory presence; wrong use of articles or punctuation may simply make it unclear what you are describing) -precision – are you describing the experience in rich detail? -accuracy – is what you are describing indeed something(s) or an experience that can be sensed?

As I step outside on a sunny afternoon, I feel a gentle breeze caressing my face. The air carries the scent of freshly cut grass, as I see vibrant green blades swaying in the wind. I hear the distant chirping of birds, their melodic songs filling the air. The warmth of the sunlight kisses my skin, and I can feel the gentle warmth spreading throughout my body.

I walk towards a nearby garden and come across a single rose. Its velvety petals are a deep shade of red, so rich and captivating. I bend down and gently brush my fingers against the petals, feeling their softness and delicate texture. As I do so, I catch a faint, sweet fragrance emanating from the flower.

I turn my attention to a small pond nearby, and the sound of trickling water fills my ears. I watch as ripples form on the surface, created by a playful breeze. The water is crystal clear, reflecting the vibrant blue of the sky above. I reach out and dip my hand into the cool water, feeling its refreshing touch on my skin.

In this moment, time seems to stand still as I immerse myself in the sensory delights surrounding me. Each sensation, from the breeze to the scent, the touch, and the sights, contributes to a vivid tapestry of the present. There are no words needed to capture the beauty that unfolds before me; it is an experience that transcends language and speaks directly to my senses.

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