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Posted: April 24th, 2023

Traditions in British Culture

Traditions in Britain Culture Britain is full of various types of traditions. They have been around for hundreds of years. When most people think of Britain they think of eating Fish and Chips, or drinking tea and wearing bowler hats. There is a lot more to it than just that. St. George’s day is one of the most important days for England. It is known as their national day. April 23rd is when St. George’s day is celebrated. St. George is the patron saint of England, he protested against the Romans torture of Christians and died because of his beliefs.
On Sundays the main meal of the day is often eaten at midday instead of in the evening. This meal usually is a Roast Dinner consisting of roast meat, Yorkshire pudding and two or three kinds of vegetables. Symbols that identify British Culture include: •The three national symbols: •The Union Jack: The flag of the United Kingdom, it dates back to 1603. When James VI (6th) of Scotland inherited the English and Irish thrones. Joining together the crowns of England, Scotland and Ireland in a personal union. The Red Rose: It is the national flower of England. •And the three Lions Crest also known as the Royal Arms of England: The three golden lions on a red background, symbolizing England •The Royal Family: Queen Elizabeth, Prince Phillip, Prince Charles, Prince William, and Prince Harry. •Royal Guards: Life Guard, Foot Guard and Beefeater •On the Streets of England: Red double decker buses, Black taxi cabs, Pillar box (Post Box) and Telephone Box • Song:
God Save the Queen is the English anthem, it can also be known as God save the King when the Monarch is a male. When sung people usually only sings one or two of the verses, since over the years many people have contributed into adding another verse into the song. The many candidates for authorship on this song include John Bull, Thomas Ravenscroft, Henry Purcell, and Henry Carey. Currency: The pound sterling, often simply called the pound, is the currency of the United Kingdom. It is subdivided into 100 pence. Singular form is a penny) Education: British children are required by law to have an education until they are 16 years old and after that they are free to not go to school. Education is compulsory, but school is not. Children aren’t required to attend school, but the only other option is to be educated at home. The main school holidays are: Christmas (2 weeks long), Spring- 2 weeks long, and summer that is 6 weeks long. There are also one-week holidays that are at the end of October, the middle of February and the end of may.

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