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Posted: April 24th, 2023

Feasibility Analysis for a Video Store

Executive Summary
The First State System Development team has created the following feasibility analysis for the Lucky8 Video’s System Project. The System Request is attached, along with a detailed feasibility study. The highlights of the feasibility analysis include:

Technical Feasibility
Competition risk: high
Technological feasibility risk low
Cost of materials risk medium
Location feasibility risk medium Economic Feasibility
Costs and benefits Development

Expenses include: Developer salaries, server hardware Operation Expenses include: Maintenance salaries (servicemen/programmer troubleshooters) Intangible benefits include: Faster service, more convenient ? Values of Costs/Benefits Estimated Development Expense: $7500 ($2500 server + $5000 total development salary) Estimated Operational Expense: $700 maintenance fee Estimated Consumer-Related Expense: $20,000 for each rental box (includes DVD’s, Blue-Ray, and Games)
Cash Flow Year 1: $8200 Year 2: $700 + ($20,000 * X) Year 3: $700 + ($20,000 * X) Year 4: $700 + ($20,000 * X) Year N: $700 + ($20,000 * X) Net Present Value (NPV) Current Redbox Competitor System Cost: $15,000 each Redbox rental unit + $7000 merchandise $2 – $20 per DVD Computer Analyst – Annual Salary: $57,202 Marketing Manager Annual Salary: $90,000 500 – 1000 items in a Redbox machine $147,202 Redbox income DVD rental price $1. 20 * X Blue-ray rental price $1. 50 * X Game rental price $2. 00 * X Lucky8 System Cost: $20,000 each Lucky8 rental unit 3 Servicemen at $15,000/yr 1 System administrator at $56,000/yr $101,000
Lucky8 income DVD rental price $1. 20 * X Blue-ray rental price $1. 50 * X Game rental price $2. 00 * X 3 Net Present Value = 147,202 – 101,000 = $46,202 Return on Investment (ROI) (147,202 – 101,000) / 101,000 = 0. 457 Break-even Point $8200
First State System Development Business Plan
Description of FSSD A pioneer in comprehensive IT outsourcing since 2008, First State System Development (FSSD) is a full-service IT consulting and outsourcing firm for businesses in and around Wilmington, Newark, and Philadelphia.
Our clients represent a crosssection of all industries and rely on FSSD for many different IT services. However, their requirements are the same: technology must support their business and operate reliably. FSSD is dedicated to delivering superior, enduring solutions that are the best match between business and infrastructure, implemented by the best certified consultants in the industry. Whatever your need is, FSSD will meet it with a broad selection of onsite and remote IT services that are available as pre-packaged programs or a la carte, and all under one roof.
Comprehensive IT services, broad expertise, and dependable customer service are just some examples of the services we offer. FSSD expands your IT capabilities and resources dramatically and ensures that technology works for you. FSSD’s comprehensive IT services outsourcing is the perfect fit for our clients. Our broad expertise expands the IT capabilities of these companies, giving them technology that fits their business and supports their business’ success and growth. Our out sourcing program includes Networking, Business Application Development, Web Design, Support, Preventive Care, and nyielding Customer Service. Market leaders in a wide range of industries rely on FSSD services and solutions to power their most sophisticated computing environments. There’s no escaping it: technology is a necessity in today’s business and critical to your business’ success. But how do you find the right IT solution and make it work for you? The good news is that you don’t have to be an IT expert to be in business. You don’t even need an in-house IT department. All you need is FSSD Technologies. 5
FSSD takes the worry out of IT management. Our comprehensive IT outsourcing, technology consulting, and managed IT services immediately broaden your IT capabilities, giving you the power and flexibility to handle any aspect of your technology needs. Are you ready to make technology work for you? Take a closer look at how FSSD can help: Outsourced IT Managed Services Software Solutions Technology Assessments Procurement Design & Architecture Most companies today rely heavily on technology to keep their businesses running.
FSSD’s clients are no exception, but they do have a distinct advantage: We ensure that their technology drives their business’ success. We understand their business, and we understand technology. Combined, our knowledge enables us to customize and deliver sound, strategic IT solutions that function as part of our clients’ long-term business strategy. Our financial numbers speak for themselves in order to provide you with a clear idea of t how FSSD has been growing in the last years. For that reason we are proud to share our comparative income statement and balance sheet with you.
System Request – Lucky8 Video Store Project
Sponsor: Prem Tandon Business Need: The goal for this project is to increase Lucky 8 Video’s market share for movie and game rentals by spreading rental kiosks across the state. Business Requirements: Customers of Lucky 8 Video will be able to rent or buy DVD, Blu-ray and video game discs from a kiosk in their area. They will then be able to return the rented disk to the same or a different rental kiosk. Servicemen will be able to update the inventory of available products in the machine.
Sales information from each Lucky 8 machine will be remotely transmitted back to a central information system for analysis. Each rental kiosk will contain: A touch screen interface An internal inventory of discs stored in cases A wireless transceiver for transactions and information communication A software system for processing customer transactions Business Value: We anticipate a wider customer base because of the ease of use and convenience of using our video rental kiosks. We also expect increased rentals at our video stores, due to the increased brand recognition.
Conservative estimates for the total benefits over the project lifep $250,000 savings from faster service $180,000 reduction in labor costs $1,138,000 increased sales $220,500 total net cash flow.
Special Issues or Constraints:  Regular inventory updates will be required to keep available movies and games recent. The database of products in the machines will also need to be updated when new releases are added to the inventory. Rental kiosks locations will be limited to areas that receive wireless service. Customers will not be able to return disks to a machine that already has a full inventory.
Roles and Responsibilities Name Position Description of Responsibilities Project planning Project control Project communication Resource management Internal project reporting and administration. Andrew Shearer Project manager Oversees all aspects of the organization’s quality or business improvement efforts, such as developing and administering the program, training and coaching employees, and facilitating change throughout the organization. Responsible for establishing strategic plans, policies, and procedures at all levels so quality improvement efforts will meet or exceed internal and external customers’ needs and expectations. Understands basic revenue models, p/l, and cost-tocompletion projections and makes decisions accordingly. Understand our pricing model and billing procedures. Accurately forecasts revenue, profitability, margins, bill Alex GrierTechnical Analyst rates and utilization. Assures project legal documents are completed and signed. Tracks and reports team hours and expenses on a weekly basis. Manage project budget. Determine project roles of team members based on project requirements, timeframes and budget. When necessary work with external contractors in addition to internal resources.
Define skill sets (competencies) required for the project based on project specifications and requirements. Abram Watson Business Analyst Determine resource requirements (including staffing, software, hardware, and facilities) of projects, based on project specifications. Designing the Company’s Processes Business Analysis in IT Analyzing the Various Business Models Detailed Planning 9 Business Advisors is someone who analyzes the Business Advisor organization and design of businesses, government departments, and non-profit organizations; BAs also assess business models and their integration with technology.
Wilson Hsu Systems Analysis Plan a system flow from the ground up. Interact with customers to learn and document requirements that are then used to produce business requirements documents. Write technical requirements from a critical phase. Interact with designers to understand software limitations. Esteban Solorzano Vivar Perform system testing. Deploy the completed system. Document requirements or contribute to user manuals. Whenever a development process is conducted, the system analyst is responsible for designing components and providing that information to the developer.
Database Technical Help programmers during system development, ex: provide use cases, flowcharts or even Database design.
Project Standards
Documentation standards:

Project name, date created and/or modified should appear on the top of each document.
1. 5 spacing should be used
Fonts must be Arial 12pts.

Each document created shall be kept in the project binder Coding Standards:

All variable names will have relevant names and be in headless camel case.
All Class names will be in camel case.
The project will use object oriented design patterns.
The code will be split between several different classes.
Each class will have methods to divide the logic of the program.
Comments will be added to all sections of code that need further explanation.

Procedural standards:

All staff will require meeting every Mondays at 10:30 for the team meeting.
A special team Meeting will be executed every first Friday on the month.
All changes must be approved by the project manager first prior to their execution.

Specification requirements standards:

Name of software package.
Technical description of the package. Purpose of software package.
Due date User interface design standards
All buttons will be enlarged for use with a touchscreen.
All text will be large enough for customers with vision impairments to see.
A color scheme will be used thought-out the entire user interface.
Returning to the main menu should take no more than two clicks.

Description of the Application
The application allows customers to browse through discs available in the machine. Customers are able to add movies and games to a shopping cart. The customer will be prompted to enter their zip code and email address.
This information is used to send a receipt to the customer and for credit verification. The disks are then dispensed from the machine.
Risk Assessment
Risk#1: The creation and implementation of the database portion of the system may consume additional time resources due to the extensive amount of DVD, Blu-ray, and games in all their platforms. Likelihood of risk: Medium possibility of risk. Potential impact on the project: This will delay the programming part by 15 – 25%. Ways to address this risk: Our team will hire one or two part-time employees in order to enter the information to the database temporarily.
The payment of this staff would be assumed by FSSD with no additional charge to the customer.
Feasibility Study
Client Information.
History and Background of the Organization. The organization is a fully functional video rental store by the name of Lucky 8. The business started as a family run business and has since expanded. Lucky 8 has been operational for a little over 6 years. Within those 6 years, the business has done exceedingly well, making enough profit to expand with 20 rental kiosks
The Organization. The organization is a fully functional video rental store by the name of Lucky 8. The business started as a family run business and has since expanded. Lucky 8 has been operational for a little over 6 years. Within those 6 years, the business has done exceedingly well, making enough profit to expand with 20 rental kiosks.
The Organizational Structure. The owner is considered the primary manager; however, the responsibilities for managing the three stores are divided among crew members. Each Lucky 8 store also has an on-site Helpant manager. Cashier, stock, and sales associates are on the same hierarchy level in the organizational structure.
The Business Problem:
Lucky 8 video store has been having a moderate but steady growth in recent years. However, due to the increasing growth of video platforms such as Netflix or OnDemand services provided by cable operators, many of the mayor video rental companies are closing their doors. A clear example of this trend is Blockbuster. However, not all are bad news. A new video rental system has been implemented in recent times with great success by the public. This is video rental kiosks. That is the technology strategy that Lucky 8 wants to target.
Proposed New System Lucky 8 video store currently has no system in place to monitor or provide the rental of DVDs, Blu-rays, or games trough kiosks. The proposed system would offer functionality in the areas of inventory management, order tracking, staff management, reporting, and real time data sharing between kiosks. A custom designed system will be built in JAVA for this user to meet his specific needs. Microsoft Access will be used as the organization’s database. FSSD will also provide all the components in order to build the first kiosk. The user will assume the 15 cost of additional kiosks he will require in the future.
However, FSSD will provide the technical Helpance to install the system in the new kiosk with no extra charge. Redbox has an estimate of 33,000 kiosks across the country and has a well-established customer base. Redbox averages an estimate of 35,000 customers a day at their terminals. Blockbuster has been around since 1985. Blockbuster has an estimate of 10,000 rental kiosks across the country. However, Blockbuster filed for bankruptcy September 23, 2010. The technology is already on the market; there should be no doubt this is feasible. You can actually purchase pre-made rental kiosks online.
The rental kiosks are estimated to cost between 15,000 and 20,000. Companies like Redbox get a little over half their inventory from producers like Warner Brothers. However, they bring in a little under half their inventory from stores like Wal-Mart. The reason Redbox has resorted to buying from chains like Wal-Mart is due to the fact that producers like Warner Brothers have been trying to regulate and restrict access to movies for Redbox. Due to the fact that buying merchandise from chains like Wal-Mart, KMart, or any other seller that has a large inventory is possible, getting our merchandise won’t be a problem.  For companies like Redbox who have an estimate of 33,000 kiosks their cost of maintenance and labor is very expensive and tedious. However, for a small start-up company like you the cost of maintenance won’t be too high. ? ? You can actually purchase pre-made rental kiosks online. One or two servicemen will be required to keep the kiosks up to date.
Since the idea of DVD rental kiosks, the locations in which they’ve been placed have benefitted a great deal because of them. The kiosks bring in business for grocery stores, McDonalds, Walgreens, and many other franchises across the country. Because of the profitability of having a kiosk on your front door step these franchises offer their space for free. The only risk is Redbox is in numerous locations and stores may be hard pressed to accept your kiosk over a renowned Redbox.
Organizational Feasibility
It is concerned with determining whether the business itself has sufficient skills and resources to bring their product or service to the market table successfully.
a) Three Primary Factors

Management Expertise

b) Management Ability Andrew Shearer displays a management prowess that is requisite for this position and is firmly dedicated to the completion of this project. Andrew Shearer has worked on numerous projects similar to the build of this with an outstanding success rate. We have no trouble appointing him as a fit candidate for this project.
c) Resource Allocation Nonfinancial Resources  Three Lucky 8 home stores. Large media collection. Well versed in media sales. Established cliental base. Available office space. Likelihood of establishing favorable strategic partnerships is high.  Financial Resources Numerous liquid assets. Minimum $1,000,000 budget for expansion. Steady profits.
d) Acceptability. “If we build it, will they come? ”  The users of the system have already expressed a strong interest in the implementation of a kiosk ‘come as you please’ based system.
The implementation of Redbox kiosks nationwide has brought mountainous profitability to not only the business, but the proximity business owners. Why not Lucky 8 Very convenient for consumers who are already on their way to a local store like Wal-Mart, Walgreens, or Shop Rite. Our $1 rental price is much cheaper than other media rental stores. Concerns If a kiosk is full you must drive to another kiosk or wait for open availability.Credit card or debit card access is required Summary ? The advantage we have is that the idea has already been produced and yielded success, so how can we fail?
The benefits of the project far outweigh the risks. If we build it they will come. 19 Lucky8 Cost – Benefit Analysis 4/18/2012 2012 Benefits Faster Service Increased Convenience Increased Sales Total Benefits Development Costs 1 Server @ $2500 Development Salary Total Development Cost Operational Costs 3 Servicemen @ $15,000 /yr 1 System Administrator @ $56,000 /yr Total Operational Cost Consumer-Related Costs 20 Rental Boxes @ $400,000 Total Consumer-Related Cost Total Costs Total Benefits – Total Costs Cumulative Net Cash Flow Return on Investment(ROI) Break-even Point 31. 18% 3. 32 years 013 $50,000 $45,000 $130,000 $225,000 2014 $50,000 $45,000 $161,000 $256,000 2015 $50,000 $45,000 $192,000 $287,000 2016 $50,000 $45,000 $225,000 $320,000 Total $250,000 $180,000 $708,000 $1,138,000 $2,500 $5,000 $7,500 $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 00 $2,500 $5,000 $7,500 $56,000 $56,000 $45,000. 00 $56,000 $101,000 $45,000. 00 $56,000 $101,000 $45,000. 00 $56,000 $101,000 $45,000. 00 $56,000 $101,000 $180,000. 00 $280,000 $460,000 $400,000. 00 $400,000. 00 $463,500 ($463,500) ($463,500) $0. 00 $0. 00 $101,000 $124,000 ($339,500) 0. 00 $0. 00 $101,000 $155,000 ($184,500) $0. 00 $0. 00 $101,000 $186,000 $1,500 $0. 00 $0. 00 $101,000 $219,000 $220,500 $400,000 $400,000 $867,500 $270,500 20
Functional Requirements:
Search and Browse The System will allow customers to browse movie/game choices by predefined categoriesThe System will allow customers to search for movie/game chooses by title, maker and genre.The System will allow customers to see s short sample of a movie/game selection. The System will enable customers to add game/movie to a “favorites” list.
Purchase  The System will enable customers to create a customer account that will store customer data and payment information The System will enable customers to specify the game/DVD to rent/purchase The System will collect and verify payment information. Once payment is verified the machine will eject DVD/Game Promote. The system will keep track of customer interest on the basis of previous searches and will use this information to promote DVDs/Games during future visits Marketing department can create promotions and specials on the Web site. Based on customer’s previous purchases, DVD/Game chooses can be targeted to the customer on future visits to the Website. On the basis of customer interests, customers can be notified of special offers on DVD/Games that can be purchased at a reduced rate.
Nonfunctional Requirements:
Operational The Digital database will be constructed to facilitate searches by title, genre, publishers and series In the event of a failure during a transaction the customer will be able to start over.
Database/transaction speeds will be monitored and kept at an acceptable operating level.  Browsing speed should take no more then 10-20 seconds. Customer information will be secured Payment information will be encrypted and secured. Customers will not have access to encrypted information(other customers previous searches and account information)  Cultural and political An additional language will be provided if necessary for Spanish speaking customers. (Epol)
Appendix A: FSSD Financials
FSSD Income Statement Year 2008 – 2011 Income Statement
Revenue Consulting Fees Network Design Fees Software Design Fees Total Revenue Expense Advertising Cost of Goods Sold – Labor Cost of Goods Sold – Hardware Depretiation Income Tax Expense Insurance Interest Expense Other Expenses Payroll Expenses Profesional Expenses Rent Repairs & Maintance Salaries & Wages Utilities Total Expenses Net Income 45,765 129,874 178,956 17,895 7,896 12,462 15,792 67,529 67,487 25,045 38,000 7,894 148,645 25,841 789,081 66,343 68,945 158,478 297,456 29,854 8,412 49,045 28,745 112,456 124,529 38,045 48,000 9,845 248,512 48,562 1,270,884 165,057 97,458 74,895 359,126 45,987 11,046 15,123 42,045 115,621 152,456 32,556 105,000 16,456 359,784 58,741 1,586,294 204,046 97,805 209,563 489,954 67,235 25,987 18,564 59,785 156,254 249,563 41,856 120,000 29,874 584,126 78,456 2,229,022 385,858 210,485 287,454 357,485 855,424 405,673 397,812 632,456 1,435,941 546,512 468,974 774,854 1,790,340 789,056 678,945 1,146,879 2,614,880 2008 2009 2010 2011 24 FSSD COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET YEARS 2008-2011
Cash Accounts Receivable Notes Receivable Other Receivables Inventory Securities Total Current Assets 2008 ASSETS 53,039 192,484 882 25,363 23,539 5,000 300,307 2009 18,382 195,112 139 35,304 30,876 10,000 289,813 2010 130,442 206,395 2,965 27,143 20,158 20,000 407,103 2011 59,788 270,606 175 32,789 16,116 25,000 404,474 Fixed Assets – ALLOWANCE FOR depretiation Net Fixed Assets Investment Miscelaneus Receivables Differes Charges Other Assets Total Assets 16,601 (179,370) 237,231 537,538 LIABILITIES 92,168 20,037 54,505 6,572 173,282 1,000 174,282 34,075 15,000 191,788 240,863 537,538 440,116 (212,915) 267,639 557,452 529,554 (261,915) 267,639 674,742 589,509 (320,463) 269,046 673,520 Accounts Payable Notes Payable Other Payables Accruals Total Current Liabilities Deferred Liabilities Other Liabilities Total Liabilities Profit Common Stock Retained Earnings/Surplus Total Equity Total Liability + Equity 88,022 22,785 39,601 2,558 152,966 3,000 155,966 15,819 15,000 201,196 232,015 516,984 47,376 27,764 34,399 34,110 243,649 4,000 247,649 80,366 15,000 260,631 355,997 674,742 106,380 25,101 83,714 15,540 230,735 10,000 240,735 57,400 15,000 309,866 382,266 673,520 25
Appendix B: DFD
26 27 Appendix C: Relationships ERD & Database 28 29 30 Appendix D: Scheduling System Analysis 31 ID Project Name Days Start End 1-Feb 8-Feb 15-Feb 22-Feb 29-Feb 7-Mar 14-Mar 21-Mar 28-Mar 4-Apr 11-Apr 18-Apr 25-Apr 2-May 1. 0 Development Schedule Planning Phase Project Initiation Project Management 91 1-Feb 2-May 1. 1 1. . 1 1. 1. 2 27 11 16 1-Feb 1-Feb 10-Feb 28-Feb 12-Feb 26-Feb 1. 2 1. 2. 1 1. 2. 2 1. 2. 3 Analysis Phase Analysis Strategy Requirements Gathering System Proposal 19 5 9 5 28-Feb 28-Feb 4-Mar 13-Mar 18-Mar 4-Mar 13-Mar 18-Mar 1. 3 1. 3. 1 1. 3. 2 1. 3. 3 1. 3. 4 Design Phase Design Strategy Architecture Design Database & File Speculations Programming Design 26 1 8 8 9 18-Mar 18-Mar 19-Mar 27-Mar 4-Apr 13-Apr 19-Mar 27-Mar 4-Apr 13-Apr 1. 4 1. 4. 1 Implementation System Construction 19 19 13-Apr 13-Apr 2-May 2-May 32

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