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Customer Relationship Management Systems Education Essay

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Seeing that the companys business strategies turn out to be more customers based with the modification and personalize overhaul, the (IT) information technology are make use of not only to provide services and products within and business, but also to supply end-users of the organizations items for consumption and services. Specially, the manipulation of IT adjoins as a new aspect to relationship marketing, recognized as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and at its interior, is about obtaining customer, providing services, knowing them well, and looks forward to their needs (L.Ryals and A. Payne.2001). Conventional marketing concentrated on the four Ps (price, place, product and promotion) for escalating market share from side to side increase in the quantity of transactions among the buyers and sellers. Although customer relationship management converge on using strategies, tolls and technology for encouragement the relationship among the seller and customer focusing on increasing sales profits, procedures, customer satisfaction and profitability.

However, to answer the core question I will cover up the following steps:

  • The Main CRM Systems
  • Definition of CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
  • Advantage and Disadvantages of CRM with example
  • And Conclusion

The Main CRM Systems:

Finnegan, (2007) defined CRM system as “A CRM system is an information system that is used to plan, schedule and control the presales and post-sales activities in an organizations”. CRM comprise all part of dealing with existing and potential customers: Sales, marketing and service or technical support etc. sometimes its call ‘back office and front office systems’ because they are the edge with the customer. CRM systems are self-possessed of analytical and operational parts. Operational CRM The bellow diagram (figure-1) are shown based on the three basic parts of the CRM which contains SFA (sales force automation) Sales CRM entail assessment about telephone sales, web sales, retail store sails, and field sales; CSS (customer service and support) Service CRM entail customer conventional applications related to call centre data, web self-service data, and wireless data; And EMA (enterprise marketing automation) marketing CRM involves campaign data, content data and data analysis.

Definition of Customer Relationship Management (CRM):

According to core requirement and as an essential component of CRM we should make clear about what dose digital firm mean is. Keneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon (2007) defined digital firm as ” A digital firm is one where nearly all of the organizations significant business relationships with customers, suppliers and employees are digitally enables”. However it is an interior business procedure are achieved in the course of digital networks across the whole organization or connecting numerous organizations. There are many definitions of CRM have been explicated and illuminate by different authors in different perspective. Pancucci (2002) observes that ‘there are a number of definitions of CRM, even taking the regulation into the sphere of social science where the psychology, behaviour patterns of group of people, and socio-economic status are seen as vital manipulation of buying determination’. Some are shown bellow:

  • Gronroos, (1999) defined “CRM is a direct outgrowth of the marketing Concept: he explained as; CRM is a commitment to simultaneously boost customer satisfaction and shareholders value by providing consistent, seamless, high-quality experiences for valued customer”.
  • Christopher, Payne and Ballantyne, (1991) defined CRM as “it is the integration of customer service quality and marketing, which has as its concern the dual focus of getting and keeping customer”.
  • Strauss and Frost, (2001) defined CRM as “it is a holistic process of identifying, attracting, differentiating and retaining customer”.
  • Grtner Group, (1999) “CRM is a discipline – a philosophy even – that requires business to recognise and nurture their relationship with customers. With CRM, an individual customer’s needs and preferences are available to anyone in the business working at the customer interface, regardless of channel. Each customer is treated as an individual in a relationship that feels like one-to-one”.

However, idea behind the CRM is set up individual association with customers, pleasuring different customers in a different way based on the information acquired on their favourites, first choices, and spending blueprints; activates a business executes to identify, develop, acquire, and retain increasingly profitable and loyal customers by delivering the exact product or service, to the exact customers at the right time, through the precise channel, and the right cost in the store planning and supply chain roles through business procedure automation, technology solution and information possessions to make the most every customer contact.

Advantages of Customer Relationship Management (CRM):

Customer relationship management helps the business firms which have determined to implement CRM strategy can facilitate with numbers of following advantages:

Build up customer retention and loyalty:

Customer loyalty can be defined according to Mcllroy and Barnet (2000) as “customer’s commitment to do business with a particular organisation, purchasing their goods and services repeatedly, and recommending the services and products to friends and associated”. Therefore, the core benefits of the customer retention and loyalty are build up long term relationship and guide eventually to boost profits and sales, making intellect of belonging, in the opinion of Uncles (1994) according to consumer loyalty programmes apprehension is willing to innovate on behalf of customers, a feeling that the vendor is get ready to listen, is caring and concerned and consideration methods. The effect we can recognize as a retention and loyalty is an important aspect for customer relationship management; according to Byrom (2001) there are more than 150 loyalty schemes and approximately 40 million loyalty cards in the UK.

For example Tesco loyalty Club-card, introduce 1995 was to offer as “benefits to regular shoppers whilst helping the company discover more about its customer needs” (Tesco, 2004). The achievement of Tesco Club-card had been successful and famous in the grocery world as Smith, (2004) according to Club-card achievement rating “a third of UK homes use the program”.

Improved Customer acquisition Rates:

Customer acquisition is an idiom used to explain the tactics and systems to manage customer viewpoint and inquiry typically allocate to the organizations to enumerate the effectiveness of consequence to choice of promotional activities through out the customer lifecycle. However, customer acquiring rate helps to the organizations with follow up customer relationship management (CRM) opportunity for cross-selling, repeat purchasing, up-selling and generating advanced revenue growth.

For example Tesco Personal Finance (TPF) reached acquisition rates December 2008 for cash consideration of around 950m pound and acquire 6m Tesco Finance Customer accounts with successfully followed by customer relationship management. (Andrew Higginson, 2008)

Improve Cross Selling and up-selling:

Cross selling refers to selling things that are correlated or can be included with the items being sold. And up selling is the techniques of offering customers a product in supplement to the product are presently purchasing. For example if they sell digital mobile, it makes sense to propose linked products to their customer: more long life battery, cover, charger etc. or if they are up sell to their customer they can offer nearly anything in supplement to the items customers are previously paying attention. However, it is encourage to customer to come again in the store with buying intention to time, and enhance to making long term relationship as a part of customer relationship management activity.

Boost the contract or Call centre effectiveness:

Taylor and Bain (1999) has been defined call centre as “it is a dedicated operation with employees focused entirely on customer service functions, employees are using telephone and computer simultaneously, and where call process controlled and processed by an automatic distribution system”. There has been coherent recent expansion in call centre overhaul world-wide, with the call centre of the contemporary expected to advance into the customer admittance centre of the future, and providing a new economical basis for various organizations. The activity and effectiveness of a call centre are gaining customer orientation, service priority, growth of turnover, and contribute completely on the customer service function.

For example UK largest mobile networking company o2 has given responsibly to maintain customer service activity through various call centres such as: Active Business Communication call centre, Active Digital call centre, Aerial call centre and so on(www.o2.co.uk [accessed-16/01/10]). And they are determined to give excellent customers feedback on-behalf of o2 mobile network to maintain good customer relation. However, customer relationship management has being bearing a great advantage for boost the contract or call centre effectiveness with the entrepreneur and standard customer service.

Deliver a single, knowledgeable view of the customer:

A stream advantages for a company bring out by following customer relationship management system are identifying and target the superlative customers and generation of eminence of excellence directed for the sales force, create management of sales and marketing crusades more effectual by setting precise goals, established characteristics relationships with the customers with the vision to make the most firm’s profits and progress customer satisfaction, Understanding the desires of employees and uphold a sound co-relationship with them.

Disadvantages of Customer Relationship Management System (CRM):

Not only CRM system has advantages so far it can be such a limitation as follows:

High Software Cost:

For the most part situation insist software support for customer relationship management matter but the cost of such software is usually elevated. For example Wendy Close, research director at Stamford, Conn.-based Garthner Inc., allocated the cost for most favourite ‘SIEBAEL’ CRM software at $16000 to $25000 per user, a amount that includes software, training, services and hardware. However, this cost might not be affordable where fewer number of seats and not having frequently economies of scale convey the price down to $12000 for each user. (www.searchcrm.techtarget.com ) [Accessed-16/01/10]

Handling Data:

It is not easy to cope with ins and outs of data warehousing and data disfigurement technologies. It entails a lot of historical data to scrutiny analysis and study the tapping of information up-and-coming out of it. For example the article says on regard Tesco Data Swapping with Oil of Olay and raises a big question “This is going to be big, and not just in fast moving consumer goods”. Alan Mitchell (2002)

Not Easy to Process:

The assessment of CRM process and its functioning is not an easy mission. It requires multidimensional performance, and multifactor customer behaviour which are difficult to characterize. Even if they are described in some situation mostly score card or in metric format, which is often difficult to practise and understand them. A survey found that conducted by research and advisory firm Gartner (Zimmer, 2006) “more than half of the organizations who have implemented the CRM have difficulties after implementation”. According Pries, C. & Stone, M. (2004) Aberdeen Group CRM Spending and Satisfaction report (February, 2003) identified that on a user ranged among of “somehow satisfied” and “satisfied” range from one (not satisfied) and to five (completely satisfied) which are depends on Area/ location.

Approaches of past buying behaviour of consumer mightn’t be same in the future too! :

Majority of CRM move towards with collect data on the past purchasing behaviour of customer and undertaking it as the probable behaviour in further too. This could be an immoral supposition in a number of perspectives. Customer constrains keep on shifting and varies upon the criticality of the purpose and the level of disappointment with the existing alternatives. For example, an article report says Tesco broadband dissatisfaction rate due to poor customer service and experience 2009 churn rates of around 20% per annum. However the 20% are used to regular customer of Tesco. (www.phone-shop.tesco.com/latest-news) [Accessed-17/01/10]


Nevertheless in the end of the report it is explicable that, In spite of that, the customer relationship management has become a maximum priority for numerous of companies. Bohling et al. (2006) comments on journal of CRM implementation as; “in many competitive markets, business invest substantially in CRM implementation lately though, companies have become increasingly displeased with customer relationship management apply, as the majority of them are falling short of the expectations that precede them and are therefore considered failures”. Conversely, though it has being first prioritized for many companies but not all companies are being success based on compare to advantage and disadvantages of customer relationship management in digital firms. Kumar and shah (2008) argued that “CRM offers firm strategic benefits, such as greater customer satisfaction, and loyalty”. Anders (1996) comments as “it is a higher response cross-selling efforts and better word-of-mouth publicity”.

However, though some disadvantages and argument has been placed but it is should be remind that CRM Helps a company concentrate on the customer as an assets side by side consumers are not forced to by necessity in the same organization. Many companies waste a lot of money obtain new customers and squander it by failing to acquire to know and comprehend their customer, retain and keep in handle with them. Therefore, Company should setup CRM system based on allow to customers to handle their relationship with multiple suppliers rather than the other way encompassing.


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  • Pries, C. & Stone, M. (2004), “Managing CRM implementation with consultants- CRM or change management” problem with CRM implementation, “journal of change management” vol. 4. No.4, pp.350-370.

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