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Posted: April 24th, 2023

Chapter 20: Deconstructing the state: Dictators and neoliberal markets| History homework help

  • Chapter 20: Deconstructing the state: Dictators and neoliberal markets.
  1. Compare and contrast the relationship between neoliberalism and military dictatorships in Brazil, Chile, and Argentina with the relationship between neoliberalism and Mexico’s authoritarian state?
  2. Discuss how various foreigners and different Latin American social classes or interest groups, such as large landowners; industrialists;  middle-class sectors; women; workers; peasants; Afro-Latinos; and indigenous peoples were affected by neoliberal policies. *
  • Chapter 21: Transcending neoliberalism: Electoral enganos and popular resistance to the dictatorship of markets.
  1. Briefly compare and contrast the following leaders social, political and economic agendas with regard to their neoliberal approach to government in their respective countries: *
    • Fernando Collor de Mello; Fernando Henrique Cardosa; Lula da Silva  (Brazil)
    • Bartolome Mitre; Domingo Faustino Sarmiento; Carlos Saul Menem; Fernando de la Rua; Alejandro Rodriguez Saa; Eduardo Duhalde; Nestor Kirchner; Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner  (Argentina)
    • Alberto Fujimora; Alejandro Toledo; Alan Garcia (Peru)
    • Salvador Allende; August Pinochet; Patricio Aylwin; Eduardo Frei; Ricardo Lagos; Michelle Bachelet (Chile)
    • Guadalupe Victoria; Valentin Gomez; Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna; Benito Juarez; Ernesto Zedillo; Felipe Calderon; Andres Lopez Manuel Obrador (Mexico)

    2.   What was the “Pink Tide“, and how did it reflect the reactions of popular social movements to these
          electoral “enganos” and the neoliberal policies that they made possible?
Chapter 22: The two Americas: United States –  Latin American Relations.

  1. What were the origins of the “Good Neighbor Policy“, and how was it applied to Latin America ? *
  2. How consistent was FDR in the application of “his” Good Neighbor policy? *
  3. Discuss what were the permanent long-term U.S. Objectives in Latin America, and how successive U.S. governments sought to achieve them before 1898; between 1898-1933; after WWII; during the Cold War; and since 1981? *
  4. Discuss the rhetoric and the reality of Woodrow Wilson’s Latin American policy *…… How did U.S. policy affect the development of Latin America ? 
  5. Describe the mix of reforms and repression in President Kennedy’s Latin American policy. *

 Reference book; History of Latin America, volume 2

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