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Black Colleges Essay Research Paper In the

Black Colleges Essay, Research Paper

In the universe we live in today a individual can about take any college or

university they want to to go on their instruction upon graduation from high

school. It truly doesn & # 8217 ; t affair if it is a four twelvemonth, two twelvemonth, or proficient

school, there is a school for any individual in any major. What draws a individual to

go to one certain sort of school compared to another? In this instance why is at that place

an addition in Black pupils go toing Black colleges in the past decennary? One

might state, “ Well how can you state that more pupils are acquiring into these

colleges, instead than these schools accepting an increased figure of pupils

each twelvemonth? ” These are all of import inquiries to inquire, and there are

legion grounds and causes for schools to increase the figure of pupils they

allow and the figure of pupils desiring to go to these colleges.

I have an

older brother and an older sister who both attend a historically black college ( HBCU ) ,

Cardinal State University in Wlberforce, Ohio. I have ever had a womb-to-tomb dream

of go toing an HBCU. In fact I was accepted to both Virginia Union in Richmond

and North Carolina A & A ; T in Greensboro before I was accepted into Wright State

University. My chief ground for desiring to go to these schools was the history

that they have and the manner they made me experience when I went for visits. Those are

my personal grounds for desiring to go to these schools, but there are more than

personal grounds people are get downing to hold a higher involvement in go toing

these schools. Lowery 2 For the past three old ages my church back place in Columbus

has held an one-year Black College Tour. It is designed to earn the involvement of

the immature people at my church and all about Columbus in HBCU & # 8217 ; s. I was a pupil

the first twelvemonth and a chaperone the last two. In sing these schools one can

happen that the disposal at these colleges and universities do anything they

can to acquire you admitted to these schools. Almost all of them are rated among the

best schools in the state, excessively. These are no little clip schools. Some pupils

are happening it easier to travel to HBCU & # 8217 ; s because of the recent Supreme Court

opinions on Affirmative Action. They feel that it will be harder for them to hold

an equal opportunity of being accepted to non Black colleges and universities. Most

of those people don & # 8217 ; t want to set up with all the muss that goes on in those

universities today, where even still, in 1997, people are admitted because of

physical visual aspects and non mental capablenesss ( “ Straight Talk ” 122

123 ) . Talking in those footings people merely do non desire to cover with downright

racism. Some HBCU & # 8217 ; s in countries with tonss of non Black colleges normally have

increased registration due to past histories and events that happened at the

schools. An illustration was in Florida in 1988. Incidents of racism on the major

White college campuses caused a 19 per centum addition at Florida A & A ; M

University in Tallahassee, another HBCU. It was recorded as the largest addition

in registration of any of the colleges in the province. Of the 1,876 coeds in the

system, 1,327 were enrolled at Florida A & A ; M, while the other universities

enrolled the remainder ( “ Racism ” 22 ) . Even now Florida A & A ; M has

increased registration at the school. They reported about 100 more fresher in

this twelvemonth & # 8217 ; s category than last twelvemonth & # 8217 ; s ( Geraghty A46 ) . There are some pupils who

are get downing to go to HBCU & # 8217 ; s because of their feeling of want of black

civilization in their lives. In an article in The Lowery 3 Black Collegian last twelvemonth,

a immature adult male, merely mentioning to himself as “ The Invisible Man ” to

readers, wrote to the editor about go toing an HBCU after holding gone to

preponderantly White schools all of his life. He chose to go to a Black school

because, “ I felt really intimidated by my ignorance of Black history,

civilization, linguistic communication, and everything else that I have missed in my old

instruction ” ( qtd. in Parker 21 ) . After go toing his first semester in

school, “ Invisible Man ” found he was what he called a “ Cultural

Zombie. ” He chose to remain at the school to educate himself about the

civilization that he was left in the cold by his household. He says his household is Black,

but ne’er emphasized being black and the civilization that comes with it. One thing

he say & # 8217 ; s he has learned from his nameless school is who he is and his function as an

African American male ( Parker 21 ) . The one chief cause for increased registration

in HBCU ” s is the attending pupils get from people they feel understand

them. Most Black colleges have that “ cordial reception factor ” that a individual

can ” t acquire on a bigger campus. Even the bigger Black universities recognize

this helps pupils achieve better. Black pupils are get downing to recognize that

the pupils who attend these colleges display greater additions in academic

accomplishment, higher rates of Bachelor & # 8217 ; s Degree attainment, greater societal

integrating, and higher occupational aspirations than those Black pupils who

attend preponderantly White establishments. Blacks at HBCU ” s study being

recognized, encouraged, and engaged in all facets of campus life, unlike Black

pupils on White campuses, who report frequently feeling alienated and fringy

( McDonough 10 ) . An illustration of the “ cordial reception factor ” I referred to

earlier is from a bantam Black school in E Texas called Jarvis Christian

School. In an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Pam Taylor, a senior

at the school said, “ If Lowery 4 your discouraged and you don & # 8217 ; t cognize if you

can maintain traveling your instructors are at that place to pick you up ” ( Managan A8 ) .

“ I & # 8217 ; ve got spring febrility bad right now, and I can name my instructor and

she ” ll speak me into acquiring to category. I can speak to her about anything

school assignment, work forces, anything, ” she continued ( Managan A8 ) . It does non go on

merely when you get at that place either. Administrators at Tennessee State and Florida

A & A ; M say that an of import technique in maintaining their registration Numberss up

has been to name pupils who have been admitted and speak to them about what the

university has to offer ( Geraghty A46 ) . Even though HBCU & # 8217 ; s represent less than 4

per centum of all U.S. colleges, they enroll 20 per centum of all Black undergraduates

and present about 33 per centum of all African American Baccalaureate grades. All

of this despite anticipations in the 1960 & # 8217 ; s that improved entree at preponderantly

White schools would bespeak the terminal of HBCU & # 8217 ; s. Registrations at these schools has

been systematically up since 1976, and in the period between 1987 1991 entirely,

Black college registration rose about 10,000 pupils per twelvemonth ( McDonough 10 11 ) .

All of this goes to demo that because of societal, political, and economic causes

in the universe today, these figures are bantam compared to what & # 8217 ; s projected to

happen. And as more and more Black pupils become cognizant of what these colleges

hold to offer them, whether it be personal or fiscal, some of these

preponderantly White schools will be hurting for Black pupils, from which we

might see the beginning of a new tendency, the program to end or seek to wholly

segregate Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Lowery 5 Brian Lowery

Lowery 1 May 7, 1997 Kennedy Eng. 102 05 The Increase in Enrollment in

Historically Black Colleges and Universities In the universe we live in today a

individual can about take any college or university they want to to go on

their instruction upon graduation from high school. It truly doesn & # 8217 ; t affair if it

is a four twelvemonth, two twelvemonth, or proficient school, there is a school for any individual

in any major. What draws a individual to go to one certain sort of school compared

to another? In this instance why is there an addition in Black pupils go toing

Black colleges in the past decennary? One might state, “ Well how can you state

that more pupils are acquiring into these colleges, instead than these schools

accepting an increased figure of pupils each twelvemonth? ” These are all

of import inquiries to inquire, and there are legion grounds and causes for

& lt ;<
p>schools to increase the figure of pupils they allow and the figure of pupils

desiring to go to these colleges. I have an older brother and an older sister

who both attend a historically black college ( HBCU ) , Central State University in

Wlberforce, Ohio. I have ever had a womb-to-tomb dream of go toing an HBCU. In

fact I was accepted to both Virginia Union in Richmond and North Carolina

A & A ; T in Greensboro before I was accepted into Wright State University. My

chief ground for desiring to go to these schools was the history that they have

and the manner they made me experience when I went for visits. Those are my personal

grounds for desiring to go to these schools, but there are more than personal

grounds people are get downing to hold a higher involvement in go toing these

schools. Lowery 2 For the past three old ages my church back place in Columbus has

held an one-year Black College Tour. It is designed to earn the involvement of the

immature people at my church and all about Columbus in HBCU & # 8217 ; s. I was a pupil the

first twelvemonth and a chaperone the last two. In sing these schools one can happen

that the disposal at these colleges and universities do anything they can

to acquire you admitted to these schools. Almost all of them are rated among the

best schools in the state, excessively. These are no little clip schools. Some pupils

are happening it easier to travel to HBCU & # 8217 ; s because of the recent Supreme Court

opinions on Affirmative Action. They feel that it will be harder for them to hold

an equal opportunity of being accepted to non Black colleges and universities. Most

of those people don & # 8217 ; t want to set up with all the muss that goes on in those

universities today, where even still, in 1997, people are admitted because of

physical visual aspects and non mental capablenesss ( “ Straight Talk ” 122

123 ) . Talking in those footings people merely do non desire to cover with downright

racism. Some HBCU & # 8217 ; s in countries with tonss of non Black colleges normally have

increased registration due to past histories and events that happened at the

schools. An illustration was in Florida in 1988. Incidents of racism on the major

White college campuses caused a 19 per centum addition at Florida A & A ; M

University in Tallahassee, another HBCU. It was recorded as the largest addition

in registration of any of the colleges in the province. Of the 1,876 coeds in the

system, 1,327 were enrolled at Florida A & A ; M, while the other universities

enrolled the remainder ( “ Racism ” 22 ) . Even now Florida A & A ; M has

increased registration at the school. They reported about 100 more fresher in

this twelvemonth & # 8217 ; s category than last twelvemonth & # 8217 ; s ( Geraghty A46 ) . There are some pupils who

are get downing to go to HBCU & # 8217 ; s because of their feeling of want of black

civilization in their lives. In an article in The Lowery 3 Black Collegian last twelvemonth,

a immature adult male, merely mentioning to himself as “ The Invisible Man ” to

readers, wrote to the editor about go toing an HBCU after holding gone to

preponderantly White schools all of his life. He chose to go to a Black school

because, “ I felt really intimidated by my ignorance of Black history,

civilization, linguistic communication, and everything else that I have missed in my old

instruction ” ( qtd. in Parker 21 ) . After go toing his first semester in

school, “ Invisible Man ” found he was what he called a “ Cultural

Zombie. ” He chose to remain at the school to educate himself about the

civilization that he was left in the cold by his household. He says his household is Black,

but ne’er emphasized being black and the civilization that comes with it. One thing

he say & # 8217 ; s he has learned from his nameless school is who he is and his function as an

African American male ( Parker 21 ) . The one chief cause for increased registration

in HBCU ” s is the attending pupils get from people they feel understand

them. Most Black colleges have that “ cordial reception factor ” that a individual

can ” t acquire on a bigger campus. Even the bigger Black universities recognize

this helps pupils achieve better. Black pupils are get downing to recognize that

the pupils who attend these colleges display greater additions in academic

accomplishment, higher rates of Bachelor & # 8217 ; s Degree attainment, greater societal

integrating, and higher occupational aspirations than those Black pupils who

attend preponderantly White establishments. Blacks at HBCU ” s study being

recognized, encouraged, and engaged in all facets of campus life, unlike Black

pupils on White campuses, who report frequently feeling alienated and fringy

( McDonough 10 ) . An illustration of the “ cordial reception factor ” I referred to

earlier is from a bantam Black school in E Texas called Jarvis Christian

School. In an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Pam Taylor, a senior

at the school said, “ If Lowery 4 your discouraged and you don & # 8217 ; t cognize if you

can maintain traveling your instructors are at that place to pick you up ” ( Managan A8 ) .

“ I & # 8217 ; ve got spring febrility bad right now, and I can name my instructor and

she ” ll speak me into acquiring to category. I can speak to her about anything

school assignment, work forces, anything, ” she continued ( Managan A8 ) . It does non go on

merely when you get at that place either. Administrators at Tennessee State and Florida

A & A ; M say that an of import technique in maintaining their registration Numberss up

has been to name pupils who have been admitted and speak to them about what the

university has to offer ( Geraghty A46 ) . Even though HBCU & # 8217 ; s represent less than 4

per centum of all U.S. colleges, they enroll 20 per centum of all Black undergraduates

and present about 33 per centum of all African American Baccalaureate grades. All

of this despite anticipations in the 1960 & # 8217 ; s that improved entree at preponderantly

White schools would bespeak the terminal of HBCU & # 8217 ; s. Registrations at these schools has

been systematically up since 1976, and in the period between 1987 1991 entirely,

Black college registration rose about 10,000 pupils per twelvemonth ( McDonough 10 11 ) .

All of this goes to demo that because of societal, political, and economic causes

in the universe today, these figures are bantam compared to what & # 8217 ; s projected to

happen. And as more and more Black pupils become cognizant of what these colleges

hold to offer them, whether it be personal or fiscal, some of these

preponderantly White schools will be hurting for Black pupils, from which we

might see the beginning of a new tendency, the program to end or seek to wholly

segregate Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Lowery 5 Works Cited

McDonough, Patricia M. , Anthony Lising Antonio, James W. Trent. “ Black

Students, Black Colleges: An African American College. ” Journal For a Just

& A ; Caring Education. January 1997: 9 36 Geraghty, Mary. “ On Campuss

Coast to Coast, Trends In Freshman Enrollment Vary Widely This Fall. ” The

History of Higher Education. 20 October 1996: A46 Mangan, Katherine S.

“ Reversal at a College In East Texas. ” The Chronicle of Higher

Education. 6 February 1996: A8 Parker, Linda Bates. “ Campus Advisor Helps

Invisible Man. ” Black Collegian. October 1996: 21 22 “ Straight Talk

From the Top: Presidential Candidates Answer Tough Questions & # 8230 ; . ” Black

Collegian. October 1996: 128 “ Racism on White Campuses Boosts Registration at



McDonough, Patricia M. , Anthony Lising Antonio, James W. Trent. “ Black

Students, Black Colleges: An African American College. ” Journal For a Just

& A ; Caring Education. January 1997: 9 36 Geraghty, Mary. “ On Campuss

Coast to Coast, Trends In Freshman Enrollment Vary Widely This Fall. ” The

History of Higher Education. 20 October 1996: A46 Mangan, Katherine S.

“ Reversal at a College In East Texas. ” The Chronicle of Higher

Education. 6 February 1996: A8 Parker, Linda Bates. “ Campus Advisor Helps

Invisible Man. ” Black Collegian. October 1996: 21 22 “ Straight Talk

From the Top: Presidential Candidates Answer Tough Questions & # 8230 ; . ” Black

Collegian. October 1996: 128 “ Racism on White Campuses Boosts Registration at

FAMU. ” Jet. 21 November 1988: 22

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