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Posted: February 14th, 2023

Question #1 read the case below and answer the corresponding

Read the case below and answer the corresponding questions by applying the concepts to the case You must complete the readings BEFORE responding to the questions (See text pgs. 28-34, AND Ch. 3). Use the reading from the textbook and at least one outside resource to support your answers.

Melinda- A woman struggling over an abortion decision

This case involves Melinda, a 25-year-old Latina who says she wants to have an abortion. She has been married for three years, already has two children, and says: “We had to get married because I was pregnant. We didn’t have money then. The second kid was not planned either. But now we really can’t afford another child.” Her husband is a policeman going to law school at night. She works as a housekeeper and plans to return to school once her husband finishes his studies and it is “her turn.” He should graduate in another year, at which time she is scheduled to enroll in classes at the community college. Having another baby at this time would seriously hamper those arrangements in addition to imposing the previously mentioned financial burden. But the client reports:

“I go to call the clinic, and I just can’t seem to talk. I hang up the minute they answer. I just can’t seem to make the appointment for the abortion, let alone have one. I was never much of a Catholic, and I always thought you should be able to get an abortion if you wanted one. What’s wrong with me? And what am I going to do? I don’t exactly have a lot of time.”

  1. Which personal characteristics of effective counselors would be most helpful in this situation and why (at least 2)
  2. Which of the issues faced by beginning therapist might become an issue for you and why (at least 2)
  3. What ethical issues from Ch. 3 do you need to consider (at least 2)

Compare your own family experience with Adler’s view on birth order. Is your experience consistent regarding his take on sibling relationship and birth position? Provide support for your response as to why or why not. Make sure to refer to Ch. 5 of the text. Your response should reflect an understanding of the theory.

According to Chapter 6 of the text, “Existential Therapy places central prominence on the person-to-person relationship. It assumes that client growth occurs through this genuine encounter. It is not the techniques a therapist uses that makes a therapeutic difference; rather it is the quality of that client-therapist relationship that heals” (pg.148).

  1. Question: What is your reaction related to this notion? Make sure to support your opinion with information from the textbook reading or other referenced sources.
  2. If you viewed the video, Good Will Hunting what role did you think the relationship between Will and his therapist play with respect to Will’s progress in treatment?

Grading Rubric
The Discussions will be graded as follows:

  • Fully answered each question- 4pts
  • Made reference to assigned reading when answering the question (e.g., according to Corey…..)- 1pt
  • One outside resource was consulted on one of the issues discussed in the response. Make sure to refer to the source in your response and cite at the end of your post (e.g., according to a recent article in ……., anxiety with children is common….(Silverman, 2002)- 2 pts
  • Responded to at least 2 other student’s posts-1 pt

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