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Posted: February 14th, 2023

Human development | Biology homework help


Integration Paper #1

HD 101

Task: Write a 2 – 3-page paper incorporating the information identified below.

Purpose:  Apply concepts from chapters 1-4 to a practical example. 

Audience: Assume you are explaining this information to someone who does not have a background in human development. Provide plenty of detail so it is clear you understand the concepts.

Format: Write a short paper, which includes an introduction, body, and closure (do not simply write responses to the questions). Use at least one reference to support your work. This reference may be your textbook, or another professional and credible source of information. Use APA referencing format, including in-text citations and reference list. Papers will be scanned through SafeAssign.


Assume that you are in one of the following types of positions: parent, social worker, group leader, or activities director.

In this role, you are going to plan an activity you believe to be appropriate for one of the people identified below. The activity should serve to support or enhance the physical abilities of the individual.

Select one of the following for writing your paper:

· 6-year-old child – 1st grade; attends before and after school care at a local YMCA; healthy; typical development; only child

· 10-year-old child – very active; typical development; enjoys sports; healthy; lives in urban area without safe outdoor activity space unless an adult is around; two younger siblings

· Adolescent – 16 years old – junior in high school; typical development; inactive; plays video games or is on computer several hours a day; lives in suburban area

· Middle-aged person – 45-50 years old – works full time; typical physical development; limited mobility, therefore limited activity level; has a spouse; children live far away; lives in own house

· Elderly person – 80 years old – mind is good; vision is good for age; physical dexterity allows picking up of small objects; overall strength is limited; likes to be active and spend time with others; lives in care center

Respond to the following questions, using the person you have selected (one of those described above), to construct your paper:

· What are typical physical abilities one could expect of a person like the one you have selected?

· Describe the activity you have selected to support or enhance this person’s physical abilities.

o Does the activity promote the use of fine and/or gross motor skills? Identify the physical skills needed and whether each is fine or gross motor.

o Why do you think this activity will support/enhance this person’s physical abilities?

· What microsystem elements should be in place to support this person and his/her participation in this activity?

· What is a common potential health issue related to a person like the one you have selected?

· How might the activity you have selected influence this health issue?

Integration Paper Rubric



Little or no Evidence

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Points Possible


Application of Course Concepts






Poorly identifies and discusses conclusions,   implications, and consequences of relevant course concepts, considering   context, assumptions, data and evidence

Somewhat identifies and discusses conclusions,   implications, and consequences of relevant course concepts, considering   context, assumptions, data and evidence

Clearly identifies and discusses conclusions,   implications, and consequences of relevant course concepts, considering   context, assumptions, data and evidence


Question Prompts Answered






Not all questions are answered thoroughly and   accurately, indicating poor understanding of the course concepts presented

All questions are accurately answered; responses   could be more thorough, indicating mostly clear understanding of the course   concepts presented

All questions are answered thoroughly and   accurately, indicating clear understanding of the course concepts presented


Supporting Evidence






Poorly examines the evidence and questions; little   or no support is drawn from readings/ research. Cites sources inaccurately   (APA); doesn’t include in-text citations and/or reference list

Incompletely examines the evidence and questions;   draws support from readings/ research. Cites sources, with some errors (APA),   and includes reference list

Examines the evidence and questions while drawing   support from readings/ research. Cites sources accurately (APA) and includes   reference list


Writing Mechanics

Effectively presents ideas 

Provides attention to writing mechanics






Written communication shows superficial discussion   of ideas/concepts; repetitive or redundant statements; multiple errors in grammar,   punctuation, sentence structure, use of paragraphs, and few spelling errors   or typos

Written communication displays basic organization as   well as coherent discussion in general terms, but with some errors in grammar,   punctuation, sentence structure, use of paragraphs, and few spelling errors   or typos

Written communication is organized, clear, concise,   and logical. Uses proper grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, use of   paragraphs, and few spelling errors or typos


Total Points:


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