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Posted: February 14th, 2023

CJS201 University of Phoenix Week 5 Introduction to Criminal Justice Law

17-year-old Peter broke into a home, stole approximately $10,000 worth of jewelry and electronics, and consumed a bottle of wine before he fled the scene in a stolen car. The police stopped Peter after noticing him swerving, speeding, and then slowing down on the interstate highway. During the stop, police saw the “loot” stashed in the back seat of Peter’s car and suspected he was involved in more than driving while intoxicated. Peter was properly arrested and booked on the charge of driving while intoxicated.

The police believe Peter’s fingerprints will match those discovered at the burglary scene and are likely to charge him with burglary and larceny as well as grand theft auto. Peter’s parents have been contacted, and are debating whether he should retain counsel because they are struggling financially. To complicate matters, Peter fully admitted to the charges before his parents were contacted. Since it is Peter’s first time in the juvenile justice system, neither he nor his parents know what to expect. What is likely to happen? Will Peter have to go to court or trial? If so, what can he expect in the court process?

Scenario adapted with permission from: McGraw-Hill Instructor Resources for Bohm, R. (2018). Introduction to criminal justice (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

Research the juvenile justice laws/policies in your community or state and write a 525- to 700-word response to Peter’s parents. Explain the process Peter might go through in the application of criminal justice in your community or state.

Note: You may wish to use Figure 13.1, “The Formal Juvenile Justice Process,” on p. 488 of your textbook to guide your research.

Address the following in your paper:

Identify the city/state laws you are researching.
Describe 2 or more procedures police may use in processing Peter’s case and explain why you selected these procedures. Address some or all of the following questions in your response:
What steps might the police take in their investigation?
Will Peter be charged with a crime(s)? If so, what crime(s) could Peter be charged with?
What options do all parties (Peter, his parents, and the police) have related to intake, processing, and custody or release?
Identify 2 or more potential court proceedings Peter may face and explain why you selected these proceedings. Address some or all of the following questions in your response:
What legal and financial rights can Peter and his family pursue?
Is Peter likely to go through informal or formal court proceedings? Explain your reasoning.
Describe court procedures if Peter’s case goes to trial. Include any details related to these procedures.
If Peter goes through a disposition hearing, what will that entail? Describe the type of justice the judge may administer.
Predict 1 potential post-court outcome. Explain the rationale for your prediction with relevant details. Address the following question in your response:
What will life be like for Peter after he has exited the court system?
Cite 1–2 sources.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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