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Posted: February 14th, 2023

Alderian theory and case of margarita

Margarita is a 26-year-old Puerto Rican woman. She was born in Puerto Rico and moved to the United States as a teenager. Her husband is African American and has lived in the United States his entire life. The couple has been married for five years. They have two children together, a boy age three and a girl age one.


Margarita is seeking counseling due to reported “anger outbursts.” She states that she becomes so angry with her husband that she thinks of physically harming him, although she does not remember anything that he does specifically to provoke her anger. She denies any physical violence but has gone as far as grabbing a knife and threatening him. She does respond to his verbal attempts to calm her. She reports feeling relief after the “explosion.”


Margarita has an MBA and is very intelligent. Recently, she was accepted to law school and will be starting in three months. Her husband holds a prominent position in their community and is 10 years older than she. She states that he never gets angry with her and just tells her that “things will get better.” In the assessment, you discover that it appears he is somewhat of an enabler in that he minimizes her outbursts, but he is very good to her. Margarita does admit that she is fearful that her husband will leave her due to her behavior. She reports that they do not communicate well, he maintains the house, and they rarely experience intimacy or sex.

Margarita also discusses feeling depressed most of the time, but she has to put on a “game face” to do her work. Her husband and her parents are the only ones who see her depressed side. She holds an important position with the community development board in the county where she lives. She also reports that she often experiences anxiety in social situations, avoids going places where she may be socially judged, and has no friends, but she does feel confident in structured work projects where she is in charge. She reports having panic attacks on occasion and has had thoughts of suicide. She often thinks that she is not pretty enough or nice enough to have friends, although she truly wants to have quality friendships. She is always in a mode of self-doubt and admits to constant negative internal dialogue.


She denies any drug or alcohol abuse or history. There is no physical or sexual abuse in her past. She states she saw a counselor about six times in college after the death of her best friend. She states she felt she should have been the one who died in the car crash and not her friend, although she was not even involved in the accident. She did not feel that the counseling was helpful. At that time, she took Paxil but had an extreme negative reaction. She is reluctant to take medication at this time.



xxxxx Theory and Me

How this theory aligns with your own philosophy, values, and views of the therapeutic process. BE SURE TO ERASE THESE INSTRUCTIONS!


Theoretical Application: Goals

Goals you will work on with Margarita (make sure the goals align with the chosen therapeutic approach). BE SURE TO ERASE THESE INSTRUCTIONS!

Interventions and Techniques

Interventions and techniques you will use with Margarita, based on your theoretically established goals. Be very specific. Assume that you will have up to three sessions with her. BE SURE TO ERASE THESE INSTRUCTIONS!

Cultural Considerations

Cultural considerations you will keep in mind while using this therapeutic approach with Margarita. BE SURE TO ERASE THESE INSTRUCTIONS!

Strengths and Limitations

Strengths and limitations of using this theory with Margarita. BE SURE TO ERASE THESE INSTRUCTIONS

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