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11 Blue Men Essay Research Paper Eleven

11 Blue Men Essay, Research Paper

Eleven Blue Men

Astatine ABOUT EIGHT O & # 8217 ; CLOCK on Monday forenoon, September 25, 1944, a ragged, aimless

old adult male of 82 collapsed on the pavement on Dey Street near the Hudson

Terminal. Countless people must hold noticed him, but he lay there entirely for

several proceedingss, dazed, doubled up with abdominal spasms, and in an torment of

vomiting. Then a police officer came along. Until the policeman set over the old adult male, he may hold supposed that he had merely a ill rummy on his custodies ; roamers dropped by drink are common in that portion of town in the early forenoon. It was non an sentiment that he could hold held for long. The old adult male & # 8217 ; s nose, lips, ears, and fingers were azure. The policeman went to a telephone and set in an ambulance call to Beekman-Downtown Hospital, half a twelve blocks off. The old adult male was carried into the exigency room at that place at eight-thirty.

By that clip, he was unconscious and the blueness had spread over a big portion of his organic structure. The

analyzing doctor attributed the old adult male & # 8217 ; s morbid colour to cyanosis, a

status that normally consequences from an deficient supply of O in the

blood, and besides noted that he was diarrheal and in a terrible province of daze.

The class of intervention prescribed by the physician was conventional. It included

an instant gastric lavage, bosom stimulations, bed remainder and O therapy.

Soon, the old adult male recovered an encouraging, if painful consciousness and

demanded, irascibly and in the name of God, to cognize what had happened to him.

It was a inquiry that, at the minute, cipher could reply with much assurance.

For the immediate record, the physician made a freehand diagnosing of C monoxide poisoning & # 8211 ; from what beginning, whether an car or a gas pipe, it was, of class, pointless even to think. Then because an stray case of gas toxic condition is something of a rareness in a subdivision of the metropolis as crammed with human existences as downtown Manhattan, he and his co-workers in the exigency room braced themselves for at least a twosome more victims. There foresight was quickly and liberally rewarded. A 2nd adult male was rolled in at ten-twenty-five. Forty proceedingss subsequently, an ambulance drove up with three more work forces. At eleven-twenty, two others were brought in. An extra two arrived during the following 15 proceedingss. Around midday, still another was admitted. All of these nine work forces were besides aged and dilapidated, all had been in wretchedness for at least an hr, and all were stiff, cyanotic, and in a province of daze. The full organic structure of one, a bony, seventy-three-year-old lunger named John Mitchell, was bluish. Five of the nine, including Mitchell, had been stricken in the Globe Hotel, a sunless, upstairs dosshouse at 190 Park Row, and two in a similar topographic point, called the Star Hotel at 3 James Street. Another had been found slumped in the room access of a condemned edifice on Park Row, non far from City Hall Park, by a police officer. The 9th had keeled over in forepart of the Eclipse Cafeteria, at 6 Chatham Square. At a one-fourth to seven that flushing, one more elderly blue adult male was brought in. He had been lying, excessively ill to inquire for aid, on his fingerstall in a cell at the Lion Hotel, another dosshouse, at 26 Bowery, since ten o & # 8217 ; clock that forenoon. A clerk had eventually looked in and seen him.

By the clip this last bluish adult male arrived at the infirmary, an probe of the instance by the Department of Health, to which all eruptions of an epidemiological nature must be reported, had been under manner for five hours. Its findings therefore far had non been lighting. The probe was conducted by two work forces. One was the Health Department & # 8217 ; s main epidemiologist, Dr. Morris Greenberg, a little, delicate, brooding adult male of 57, who is now moving manager of the Bureau of Preventable Diseases ; the other was Dr. Ottavio Pellitteri, a field epidemiologist, who since 1946, has been administrative medical inspector for the Bureau. He is 36 old ages old, pale, and compact, and has a bristling black moustache. One twenty-four hours, when I was in Dr. Greenberg & # 8217 ; s office, he and Dr. Pellitteri told me about the instance. Their remembrance of it is, intelligibly vivid. The derelicts were the victims of a type of poisoning so rare that merely ten old eruptions of it had been recorded in medical literature. Of these, two were in the United States and two in Germany ; the others had been reported in France, England, Switzerland, Algeria, Australia, and India. Up to September 25, 1944, the largest figure of people stricken in a individual eruption was four. That was in Algeria in 1926.

The Beekman-Downtown Hospital telephoned a study of the happening to the Health Department merely earlier noon. As is customary, transcripts of the study were sent to all the Department & # 8217 ; s administrative officers. & # 8220 ; Mine was on my desk so I got back from tiffin, & # 8221 ; Dr. Greenberg said to me. & # 8220 ; It didn & # 8217 ; t sound like much. Nine individuals believed to be enduring from carbon-monoxide toxic condition had been admitted during the forenoon, and all of them said they had eaten breakfast at the Eclipse Cafeteria at 6 Chatham Square. Still, it was a occupation for us. I checked with the clerk who handles assignments and found that Pellitteri had gone out on it. That was all I wanted to cognize. If it had amounted to anything, I knew he & # 8217 ; d phone me before doing a written study. That & # 8217 ; s as agreement we have here. Well a twosome of hours subsequently I got a call from him. My involvement perked right up. & # 8221 ;

& # 8220 ; I was at the infirmary, & # 8221 ; Dr. Pellitteri told me, & # 8220 ; and I & # 8217 ; vitamin D talked to the staff and most of the work forces. There were 10s of them by so, of class. They were ill as Canis familiariss, but merely one was in truly bad shape. & # 8221 ;

& # 8220 ; That was John Mitchell, & # 8221 ; Dr. Greenberg put in. & # 8220 ; He died the following dark. I understand his status was hopeless from the start. The others, including the old male child who came in last, pulled through all right. Excuse me, Ottavio, but I merely thought I & # 8217 ; d acquire that out of the manner. Go on. & # 8221 ;

Dr. Pellitteri nodded. & # 8220 ; I wasn & # 8217 ; t at all convinced that it was gas toxic condition, & # 8221 ; he continued. & # 8220 ; The staff was get downing to doubt it, excessively. The symptoms weren & # 8217 ; t rather right. There didn & # 8217 ; t seem to be any of the concern and general dopiness that you get with gas. What truly made me leery was this: Merely two or three of the work forces had eaten breakfast in the cafeteria at the same clip. They had straggled in all the manner from seven Os & # 8217 ; clock to ten. That meant that the topographic point would hold had to be full of gas for at least three hours, which is absurd. It besides indicated that we ought to hold had a batch more ill people than we did. Those Chatham Square eating topographic points have a large turnover. Well to do certain, I checked with Bellevue, Gouverneur, St Vincent & # 8217 ; s and the other downtown infirmaries. None of them had seen a hint of cyanosis. Then I talked to the ill work forces some more. I learned two interesting things. One was that they had all got ill right after eating. Within 30 proceedingss. The other was that all but one had eaten oatmeal, axial rotations, and java. He ate merely oatmeal. When 10 work forces eat the same thing in the same topographic point on the same twenty-four hours and so come down with the same unwellness & # 8230 ; I told Greenberg that my intuition was nutrient poisoning. & # 8221 ;

& # 8220 ; I was willing to govern out gas, & # 8221 ; Dr. Greenberg said. A booklet incorporating informations on the instance lay on the desk before him. He lifted the screen thoughtfully, so allow it drop. & # 8220 ; And I agreed that the burgoo sounded reasonably leery. That was every bit far as I was willing to travel. Common, ordinary, mundane nutrient poisoning & # 8211 ; I gathered that was what Pellitteri had in head & # 8211 ; wasn & # 8217 ; t a really hearty reply. For one thing, cyanosis is barely diagnostic of that. On the other manus, diarrhoea and terrible emesis are, about constantly. But they weren & # 8217 ; T in the clinical image, I found, except in two or three of the instances. Furthermore, the incubation periods & # 8211 ; the clip oversight between eating and illness & # 8211 ; were highly short. As you most likely know, most nutrient toxic condition is caused by eating something that has been contaminated by bacteriums. The usual wrongdoers are the staphylococcus & # 8211 ; they & # 8217 ; re largely responsible furuncles and skin infections and so on & # 8211 ; and the salmonella. The latter are related to the typhoid being. In a staphylococci instance, the first symptoms seldom develop in under two hours. Often, it & # 8217 ; s closer to five. The incubation period in the other scopes from 12 to 36 hours. But here we were with something that hit in 30 proceedingss or less. Why, one of the work forces had got merely every bit far as the pavement in forepart of the cafeteria before he was knocked out. Another fact that Pellitteri bad dug up smitten me as really important. All of the work forces told him that the unwellness had come on with extraordinary abruptness. One minute they were experiencing all right, and the following minute they were practically incapacitated. That was another point against the ordinary food-poisoning theory. Its oncoming is ne’er that fast. Well, that abruptness began to look like a lead. It led me to surmise that some drug might be to fault. A speedy and sudden reaction is characteristic of a great many drugs. So is the combination of cyanosis and shock. & # 8221 ;

& # 8220 ; None of the work forces were on pot, & # 8221 ; Dr. Pellitteri said. & # 8220 ; I told Greenberg I was certain of that. Their pleasance was booze. & # 8221 ;

& # 8220 ; That was O.K. , & # 8221 ; Dr. Greenberg said. & # 8220 ; They could hold got a toxic dosage of some drug by accident. In the burgoo most likely. I couldn & # 8217 ; t Help thought that the burgoo was relevant to our job. At any rate, the drug thought was really persuasive. & # 8221 ;

& # 8220 ; So was Greenberg, & # 8221 ; Dr. Pellitteri remarked with a smiling. & # 8220 ; Actually, it was the lone account in sight that seemed to account for everything we knew about the clinical and environmental picture. & # 8221 ;

& # 8220 ; All we had to make now was turn out it, & # 8221 ; Dr. Greenberg went on mildly. & # 8220 ; I asked Dr. Pellitteri to acquire a blood sample from each of the work forces before go forthing the infirmary for a expression at the cafeteria. We agreed he would direct the specimens to the metropolis toxicologist, Dr. Alexander O. Gettler, for an nightlong analysis. I wanted to cognize if the blood contained methemoglobin. Methemoglobin is a compound that & # 8217 ; s formed when any one of several drugs enters the blood. Gettler & # 8217 ; s study would state us if we were on the right path. That is, it would give us a yes-

or-no reply on drugs. If the reply was yes, so we could travel on from there to place the peculiar drug. How we could travel about that would depend on what Pellitteri was able to turn up at the cafeteria. In the interim, there was nil for me to make but wait for their study. I & # 8217 ; d theorized myself hoarse. & # 8221 ;

Dr. Pellitteri, holding attended to his bloodletting with sensible despatch, reached the Eclipse Cafeteria at around five O & # 8217 ; clock. & # 8220 ; It was about what I & # 8217 ; vitamin D expected, & # 8221 ; he told me. & # 8220 ; Strictly a Equus caballus market, and dirtier than most. The kind of topographic point where you can acquire a full repast for 15 cents. There was a swot house on one side, a cigar shop on the other, and the & # 8216 ; L & # 8217 ; overhead. By the way, the Eclipse went out of concern a twelvemonth or so after I was at that place, but that had nil to make with us. It was merely a happenstance. Well, the topographic point looked and the door was locked. I knocked, and a adult male came out of the dorsum and allow me in. He was one of our people, a wellness inspector for the Bureau of Food and Drugs named Weinberg. His agency had stepped into the instance as a affair of modus operandi, because of the mention to a eating house

in the presentment study. I was glad to see him and to hold his aid. For one thing, he had put a impermanent trade stoppage on everything in the cafeteria. That’s why it was closed up. His chief occupation, though, was to look into the topographic point for misdemeanors of the sanitation codification. He was happening plenty.”

& # 8220 ; Let me read you a few of Weinberg & # 8217 ; s findings, & # 8221 ; Dr. Greenberg said, pull outing a paper from the booklet on his desk. & # 8220 ; None of them had any direct bearing on our job, but I think they & # 8217 ; ll give you a good thought of what the Eclipse was like & # 8211 ; what excessively many eating houses are like. This transcript of his study lists fifteen specific misdemeanors. Here they are: `Premises to a great extent infested with roaches. Fly infestation throughout premises. Floor faulty in rear portion of dining room. Kitchen walls and ceiling encrusted with lubricating oil and carbon black. Kitchen floor encrusted with soil. Refuse under kitchen fixtures. Sterilizing installations inadequate. Sink faulty. Floor and walls at functioning tabular arraies and java urns encrusted with soil. Kitchen utensils encrusted with soil and lubricating oil. Storage-cellar walls, ceiling, and floor encrusted with soil. Floor and shelves in cellar covered with garbage and useless stuff. Cellar ceiling defective. Sewer pipe leaking. Open sewer line in cellar. & # 8217 ; Well & # 8230 ; & # 8221 ; He gave me a dainty smiling and stuck the paper back in the booklet.

& # 8220 ; I can see it now, & # 8221 ; Dr. Pellitteri said. & # 8220 ; And smell it. Particularly the kitchen, where I spent most of my clip. Weinberg had the owner and the cook out at that place, and I talked to them while he prowled around. They were really concerted. Naturally. They were scared to decease. They knew nil about gas in the topographic point and there was no mark of any, so I went to work on the nutrient. None of what had been prepared for breakfast that forenoon was left. That, of class would hold been excessively much to trust for. But I was able to acquire together some of the sort of material that had gone into the work forces & # 8217 ; s breakfast, so that we could wake a chemical finding at the Department. What I took was ground java, sugar, a mixture of evaporated milk and H2O that passed for pick, some bakeshop axial rotations, a five-pound carton of dry burgoo and some salt. The salt had been used in fixing the burgoo. That forenoon, like every forenoon, the cook told me, he had prepared six gallons of burgoo, plenty to function about a 100 and 25 people. To do it, he used five lbs of dry cereal, four gallons of H2O & # 8211 ; regular metropolis H2O & # 8211 ; and a smattering of salt. That was his term & # 8211 ; a smattering. There was an unfastened gallon can of salt standing on the range. He said the smattering he & # 8217 ; vitamin D put in that forenoon & # 8217 ; s burgoo had come from that. He refilled the can on the range every forenoon from a large supply can. He pointed out the large can & # 8211 ; it was up on a shelf & # 8211 ; and as I was acquiring it down to take with me, I saw another can, merely like it nearby. I took that one down, excessively. It was besides full of salt, or, instead, something that looked like salt. The owner said it wasn & # 8217 ; t salt. He said it was saltpetre & # 8211 ; Na nitrate that he used in corning beef and in doing pastrami. Well, there isn & # 8217 ; t any injury in potassium nitrate ; it doesn & # 8217 ; t even move as an anti-aphrodisiac, as a batch of people seem to believe. But I wrapped it up with the other booty and took it along, merely for merriment. The fact is, I guess, everything in that damn topographic point looked like poison. & # 8221 ;

After Dr. Pellitteri had deposited his booty with a Health Department chemist, Andrew J. Pensa, who promised to hold a study ready by the undermentioned afternoon, he dined hastily at a eating house is which he had assurance and returned to Chatham Square. There he spent the eventide doing the unit of ammunitions of the housing houses in that vicinity. He had heard at Mr. Pensa & # 8217 ; s office that an 11th blue adult male had been admitted to the infirmary, and before traveling place he wanted to do certain that no other victims had been overlooked. By midnight holding covered all the likely topographic points and holding rechecked the business district infirmaries, he was satisfied. He repaired to his office and composed a formal advancement study for Dr. Greenberg. Then he went place and to bed.

The following forenoon, Tuesday, Dr. Pellitteri dropped by the Eclipse, which was still closed but whose owner and staff he had told to return fn oppugning. Dr. Pellitteri had another talk with the owner and the cook. He besides had a few inconclusive words with the remainder of the cafeteria & # 8217 ; s employees & # 8211 ; two dish washers, a waiter’s Helpant, and a counterperson. As he was go forthing, the cook, who had seemingly passed an uneasy dark with his scruples, remarked that it was possible that he had absent-mindedly refilled the salt can on the range from the 1 that contained saltpetre. & # 8220 ; That was interesting, & # 8221 ; Dr. Pellitteri told me, & # 8220 ; even though such a possibility had already occurred to me, and even though I didn & # 8217 ; t know whether it was of import or non. I assured him that he had nil to worry approximately. We had been certain all along that cipher had intentionally poisoned the old men. & # 8221 ; From the Eclipse, Dr. Pellitteri want on to Dr. Greenberg & # 8217 ; s office, where Dr. Gettler & # 8217 ; s study was waiting. & # 8220 ; Gettler & # 8217 ; s trial for methemoglobin was positive, & # 8221 ; Dr. Greenberg said. & # 8220 ; It had to be a drug now. Well, so far so good. Then we heard from Pensa. & # 8221 ;

& # 8220 ; Greenberg about fell out of his chair when he read Pensa & # 8217 ; s study, & # 8221 ; Dr. Pellitteri observed cheerfully.

& # 8220 ; That & # 8217 ; s an hyperbole, & # 8221 ; Dr. Greenberg said. & # 8220 ; I & # 8217 ; m non easy dumbfounded. We & # 8217 ; rhenium inured to the unbelievable around here. Why, a twosome of old ages ago we had a instance affecting some numbskull who stuck a handful of potassium-thiocyanate crystals, a really awful toxicant, in the spirals of an office H2O ice chest, merely

for a practical gag. However, I can & # 8217 ; t deny that Pensa instead taxed our credulity. What he had found was that the little can and the 1 that was supposed to be full of Na nitrate both contained Na nitrite. The other nutrient samples, by the way, were O.K. & # 8221 ;

& # 8220 ; That taxed my credulity, & # 8221 ; Dr. Pellitteri said.

Dr. Greenberg smiled. & # 8220 ; There & # 8217 ; s a great trade of difference between nitrate and nitrite, & # 8221 ; he continued. & # 8220 ; Their lone similarity, which is an unfortunate one, is that they both and gustatory sensation more or less like ordinary tabular array salt. Sodium nitrite International Relations and Security Network & # 8217 ; t the most powerful toxicant in the universe, but a small of it will make a batch of injury. If you remember, I said that this instance was about without case in point & # 8211 ; merely ten eruptions like it on record. Ten is practically none. In fact, sodium-nitrite toxic condition is so unusual that some of the standard texts on toxicology Don & # 8217 ; t even reference it. So Pensa & # 8217 ; s study was reasonably startling. But we accepted it, of class, without inquiry or vacillation. Facts are facts. And we were glad to. It seemed to explicate everything really nicely. What I & # 8217 ; ve been stating about sodium-nitrite toxic condition doesn & # 8217 ; t intend that Na nitrite itself is rare. Actually, it & # 8217 ; s reasonably common. It & # 8217 ; s used in the industry of dyes and as a medical drug. We use it in handling certain bosom conditions and for high blood force per unit area. But it besides has another of import usage, one that made its presence at the Eclipse sound plausible. In recent old ages, and peculiarly during the war, sodium-nitrite has been used as a replacement for Na nitrate in continuing meat. The authorities permits it but stipulates that the finished meat must non incorporate more than one portion of Na nitrite per five 1000 parts of meat. Cooking will safely destruct sufficiency of that little measure of the drug, & # 8221 ; Dr. Greenberg shrugged. & # 8220 ; Well Pellitteri had had the cook pick up a smattering of salt & # 8211 ; the same sum, every bit about as possible, as went into the burgoo & # 8211 ; and so had taken this to his office and found that it weighed about a 100 gm. So we didn & # 8217 ; Ts have to believe twice to recognize that the proportion of nitrite in that batch of cereal was well higher than one to five 1000. Approximately, it must hold been around one to about 80 before cooking destroyed portion of the nitrite. It surely looked as though Gettler, Pensa, and the cafeteria cook between them had given us the reply. I called up Gettler and told him what Pensa had discovered and asked him to run a specific trial for nitrites on his blood samples. He had, as a affair of class, held some blood back for later scrutiny. His verification came through is a twosome of hours. I went place that dark experiencing reasonably good. & # 8221 ;

Dr. Greenberg & # 8217 ; s repose was a fleeting 1. He awoke on Wednesday forenoon troubled in head. A inquiry had occurred to him that he was unable to disregard. & # 8220 ; Something like a hundred and 25 people ate burgoo at the Eclipse that forenoon, & # 8221 ; he said to me, & # 8220 ; but merely eleven of them got ill. Why? The undeniable fact that those 11 old work forces were made ill by the consumption of a toxic dosage of Na nitrite wasn & # 8217 ; t adequate to rest on. I wanted to cognize precisely how much Na nitrite each part of that cooked burgoo had contained. With Pensa & # 8217 ; s Help once more, I found out. We prepared a batch merely like the one the cook had made on Monday. Then Pensa measured out six ounces, the size of the mean part served at the Eclipse, and analyzed it. It contained two and a half grains of Na nitrite. That explained why the hundred and fourteen other people did non go ailment. The toxic dosage of Na nitrite is three grains. But it didn & # 8217 ; t explicate how each of our 11 had received an extra half-grain. It seemed highly improbable that the excess touch of nitrite had been in the burgoo when it was served. It had to come in subsequently. Then I began to acquire a gleam. Some people sprinkle a small salt, alternatively of sugar, on hot cereal. Suppose, I thought, that the waiter’s Helpant, or whoever had the occupation of maintaining the tabular array salt Shakerss filled, had made the same error that the cook had. It seemed plausible. Pellitteri was out of the office & # 8211 ; I & # 8217 ; ve bury where & # 8211 ; so I got Food and Drugs to step over to the Eclipse, which was still under trade stoppage, and convey back the Shakerss for Pensa to work on. There were 17s of them, all good-sized one for each tabular array. Sixteen contained either pure Na chloride or merely a few inconsequential hints of nitrite assorted in with the existent salt, but the other was point 37 per cent nitrite. That one was plenty.

A spoonful of that salt contained a spot more that half a grain. & # 8221 ;

& # 8220 ; I went over to the infirmary Thursday forenoon, & # 8221 ; Dr. Pellitteri said. & # 8220 ; Greenberg wanted me to look into the tabular array salt angle with the work forces. They could bind the instance up neatly for us. I drew a space. They & # 8217 ; d been discharged the dark before, and God merely knew where they were. & # 8221 ;

& # 8220 ; Naturally, & # 8221 ; Dr. Greenberg said, & # 8220 ; it would hold been nice to cognize for a fact that the old boys all Saturday at a certain tabular array and that all of them put about a spoonful of salt from that peculiar shaker on their burgoo, but it wasn & # 8217 ; t indispensable. I was morally certain that they had. There merely wasn & # 8217 ; t any other account. There was one other inquiry, nevertheless. Why did they utilize so much salt? For my ain peace of head, I wanted to cognize. All of a sudden, I remembered Pellitteri had said they were heavy drinkers. Well, several recent clinical surveies have demonstrated that there is normally a subnormal concentration of Na chloride in the blood of alkies. Either they don & # 8217 ; t eat adequate to acquire sufficient salt or they lose it more quickly than other people do, on both. Whatever the grounds are, the decision was al1 I needed. Any animate being, you know, whether a mouse or a adult male, tends to seek to obtain a necessary substance that his organic structure lacks. The concluding inquiry had been answered. & # 8221 ;

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