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Posted: December 2nd, 2022

Checkpoint for Certification Plan

Checkpoint for Certification Plan
I am making adequate plans to ensure I get the certification to practice in the state. One of the plans is to prepare for the certification examination. I believe the exam will test various issues regarding theory and practice in healthcare settings. I am preparing by revising all my notes, checking the evidence-based practices, and legal requirements for the state. Reading the course materials will provide the necessary scope to understand every question and respond effectively (McCoy, 2018). Another preparation is to put my portfolio together including my experience in the healthcare practice. The information will help me to prove that I have the capacity for reliable healthcare services. It is important to note that there will be a fee required for the certification process. I am getting ready with the funds to ensure I can pay promptly once I am given the opportunity. During the preparation, I am studying past examinations and requirements for certification to ensure I am ready for the process. The preparation involves visiting the state’s nursing board website to review the requirements and the scope of the certification process.
During the preparation, I am learning the differences between California and other states such as Nevada (Phoenix & Chapman, 2020). I have realized that California unlike other states does not allow the independent practice. The information is instrumental in preparing for the certification process. Comparing the requirements with other states improves my knowledge that is crucial for the critical stage and in my future practice (Phoenix & Chapman, 2020). For instance, having the information is critical, especially when I need to relocate or want to compare the practice requirements across states.
I have learned that Nevada is a progressive state that allows nurses to practice independently. It will be effective during my preparation for the certification to understand the reasons why California State does not allow the independent practice. I am learning the history and the differences with other states. It is critical to understand the requirements for independent practice and why California has not adopted the method. During the preparatory stage, I am learning the requirements for nurses when they want to transition from one state to another. The information is critical to understand the scope of my practice and the limitations in other states (Kendall‐Gallagher et al., 2011). During my preparation, I am learning the similarities between Nevada and California. For example, the two states have similar requirements for nurses intending to prescribe controlled substances. The information is vital in expanding my knowledge in readiness for the certification process.
I am completing the tasks assigned in the timelines. I am confident I will be through with all the requirements before exam time. The information will help me to understand the differences between the roles of nurses and physicians in the healthcare environment. The information will widen my knowledge of the limits of nurses. It will help me to understand the therapeutic relationship existing between nurses and physicians (Guglielmo & Sullivan, 2018). During the certification, I will understand the scope of tasks I can accomplish and the ones I cannot. The information is vital in ensuring I pursue a healthy relationship with a physician to enhance my supervision. The preparation is healthy for the future practice as a nurse practitioner in the healthcare environment. Failure to prepare will undermine my knowledge and weaken my understanding of the certification process.
The tasks I am completing include understanding all the requirements of the American Nurses Credentialing Center Certifications. The American Nurses Credentialing Center Certifications is a recognized institution that provides reliable information to the nurses on the steps they should take in the certification process (Guglielmo & Sullivan, 2018). Another step is to review the academic and professional resources to identify their commentaries on the certification process. It will be vital to understand the experiences of other nurses. The information will help me to identify all the loopholes in the certification process. The last step is to ensure I achieve the necessary hours for practice before licensure. I have been working with my supervisor and preceptor to ensure I attain the necessary supervisory hours of practice. The data is essential to verify I have the experience required to practice as a certified nurse in healthcare settings.
Preparing for the certification process is a proactive approach that requires nurses to accomplish various tasks. The tasks include reading the course materials to widen their knowledge of the nurse practice. Another item is to accomplish the hours in the practicum. The state outlines the requirements for the nursing practice. It is important to understand the requirements and compare them with other states. California and Nevada have similarities and differences in their administration of the certification. During the preparatory stage, I am learning the requirements for nurses when they want to transition from one state to another. Comparing the requirements with other states improves my knowledge that is crucial for the critical stage and in my future practice. The preparation is healthy for the future practice as a nurse practitioner in the healthcare environment.

Guglielmo, B. J., & Sullivan, S. D. (2018). Pharmacists as health care providers: Lessons from California and Washington. Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 1(1), 39-44.
Kendall‐Gallagher, D., Aiken, L. H., Sloane, D. M., & Cimiotti, J. P. (2011). Nurse specialty certification, inpatient mortality, and failure to rescue. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 43(2), 188-194.
McCoy, K. T. (2018). Achieving full scope of practice readiness using evidence for psychotherapy teaching in web and hybrid approaches in psychiatric mental health advanced practice nursing education. Perspectives in psychiatric care, 54(1), 74-83.
Phoenix, B. J., & Chapman, S. A. (2020). Effect of state regulatory environments on advanced psychiatric nursing practice. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 34(5), 370-376.

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