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Posted: November 24th, 2022
RESM 5510.001 – Revenue Generation and Financial Management in Recreation, Event, and Sport Organizations
Instructor Contact
Name: Minhong (Min) Kim, Ph.D.
Office Location: Physical Education Building (PEB) 210D
Office Hours: By Appointment
Virtual Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 10:00 AM–11:00 AM (Zoom ID: 720 030 2864)
Communication Expectations:
Students should use email to communicate with the instructor using the email address provided in the syllabus (
1. When you email the instructor, please INCLUDE YOUR FULL LEGAL NAME (NO NICKNAMES) AND THE COURSE NUMBER (RESM 5510) IN THE EMAIL (preferably in the subject line).
2. Any email which does not include the student’s full legal name and course number will not get a response from the instructor.
3. Do not email the instructor to ask for information you can easily find yourself on Canvas, the syllabus, etc.
4. Do not send messages to the instructor through the “Comments” section in Canvas. The instructor does not receive a notification this way.
Course Description
This course is intended to provide students with a general overview of financial management and economics in the sport, event, and recreation industries. The first half of this course will focus on the Assessment of sport, event, and recreation organizations’ financial strength and performance, including financial statement analyses, financial ratio analyses, cash flow management, general investment strategies, and corporate financial practices. The remainder of the course will cover a wide spectrum of topic (sample nursing essay examples by the best nursing assignment writing service)s geared towards the current financial and economic issues of the sport, event, and recreation industries, as well as budgeting, forecasting, and economic impact analysis in such industries. This course will consist of multiple teaching techniques (e.g., assigned readings, research article reviews, quizzes, discussions, Personal Finance Expense Log Assignment, and Financial Performance Analysis Report) designed to promote a learning environment that is both theoretically and practically driven.
Course Prerequisites or Other Restrictions
No prerequisites needed.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Describe basic/advanced terminology, principle, and theory used in the finance and economics of the sport, event, and recreation industries.
2. Utilize financial statements to perform financial performance analyses.
3. Demonstrate their knowledge of the economic impact of sport and recreation events.
4. Discuss current financial issues in the sport, event, and recreation industries.
5. Advance critical thinking skills by reading, synthesizing, and critiquing relevant sport finance research.
Required Text
• No textbook required.
Supplemental Readings
• Fried, G., DeSchriver, T. D., & Mondello, M. (2020). Sport Finance (4th ed.). Human Kinetics, Champaign: IL.
• Brown, M. T., Rascher, D. A., Nagel, M. S., & McEvoy, C. D. (2016). Financial Management in the Sport Industry (2nd ed.). Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway.
• – Financial Dictionary for Terms and Definitions
• Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). (2020). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
• APA Style Guide – free electronic version of APA.
• Additional readings will be made available on Canvas.
How To Be Successful In This Course
a. “Deadline” means the absolute last minute to submit an assignment.
b. Assignments are posted well in advance of the deadlines (in most cases, the assignment is posted at the beginning of the semester). Therefore, there are no excuses for missing a deadline.
c. The instructor suggests submitting assignments at least a few hours before the deadline to account for any problems which may arise (i.e., computer problems, internet/Wi-Fi outage, etc.).
d. If you choose to wait until the last minute to submit your assignment, you are taking the risk that something may go wrong which makes you miss the deadline.
e. In instances where you have not completed the entire assignment, submitting a partial assignment is better than missing the deadline as you will at least get partial credit.
f. This is the #1 reason students fail the course.
a. The instructor devotes a great deal of time to create detailed instructions. The instructions are specific for a reason (i.e., to make sure all students learn and/or practice using the appropriate course concepts, to make submissions more uniform, to make sure the submission is compatible with Canvas, to make the assignment easier to grade, etc.).
b. You are an adult and a college student; therefore, you should be able to follow directions as it will be required when you get a job. Attention to detail is important and will pay off in this course and your career.
c. If after carefully reading the directions you do not understand what is expected, email the instructor to ask for clarification.
d. Failure to follow directions will significantly decrease your assignment grade.
e. This is the #2 reason students fail the course.
a. You will be graded on the quality of your work. Low-quality work will receive a lower grade than high-quality work.
b. High quality work means: following directions exactly; devoting time and effort (which will be evident in the work you submit) to completing the assignments; using college-level writing; having no grammatical and/or spelling errors; demonstrating course topic (sample nursing essay examples by the best nursing assignment writing service)s/concepts are clearly understood and utilizing them appropriately; completing all sections/questions correctly; and going beyond the minimum required.
c. Putting time and effort into your coursework is the best way to ensure you are adequately prepared for a career in this field.
d. Procrastination, laziness, and completing subpar work are hard habits to break. If you get in the habit of performing at a high-level now, you are much more likely to transition that work ethic into your career (where it really matters and could increase your earnings and/or career opportunities).
e. You are a student at a university which you chose to attend, and in a program/course which you chose to enroll in. Therefore, you should be interested in the topic (sample nursing essay examples by the best nursing assignment writing service)s being discussed/assigned and want to learn them (if not, then maybe you should consider a change in your area of study).
Excuses I Hear Every Semester (and my responses)
1. “I couldn’t submit my assignment before the deadline because my assignment didn’t save properly, or I lost the file.”
a. Hard drives, flash drives, and other technology eventually fail. You should be saving your files/documents in multiple locations to make sure they are properly backed-up and you don’t lose your work.
2. “I couldn’t submit my assignment before the deadline because my computer wasn’t working.”
a. Technology eventually fails. Always back-up your work.
b. You could use a friend, family, or neighbor’s computer.
c. You could use a computer on campus.
d. Don’t wait until the last minute to submit assignments.
3. “I couldn’t submit my assignment before the deadline because my internet/Wi-Fi wasn’t working.”
a. You could use a friend, family, or neighbor’s internet/Wi-Fi.
b. You could use a computer lab on campus.
c. You could create a hotspot with your mobile phone and use that internet connection.
d. Don’t wait until the last minute to submit assignments.
4. “I accidently submitted the wrong assignment or the wrong version of the assignment.”
a. Attention to detail is important. Take the time to double-check you have attached the correct document and/or the correct version of the document.
b. Appropriately label your documents when saving so different versions can be easily identified.
5. “I attached my document/assignment in Canvas, so I don’t know why it isn’t showing up.”
a. Attention to detail is important. Take the time to double-check you have attached the document/file in Canvas.
b. You can verify a document was attached by clicking on “View Submission.” Any attached documents will show up under “Submission Details.”
6. “I took the exam, but Canvas shows I have a zero.”
a. Always double-check the gradebook after taking exams to make sure your grade recorded correctly.
b. Email the instructor immediately (not after the deadline) if there are any issues with your score.
7. “I couldn’t submit my assignment before the deadline or couldn’t come to class because I got called into work or I had to work.”
a. Many students work and attend college. The instructor cannot give special treatment or utilize a different grading scale because you have a job.
b. Time-management is important, and this will not change once you graduate (i.e., you will always have to juggle and make time for competing priorities).
8. “I couldn’t complete the assignment before the deadline because I didn’t understand the directions.”
a. Always email the instructor to ask for clarification if you do not understand what is expected on an assignment.
b. You can ask a classmate to see if they know what to do.
c. Don’t wait until the last minute to start an assignment as the instructor may not have time to answer your question before the deadline.
9. “I couldn’t submit my assignment before the deadline because I was out-of-town and didn’t have my computer or internet/Wi-Fi access.”
a. Time-management is important. If you know you are going out-of-town, plan ahead and complete the assignment before you leave.
b. Plan ahead and double-check/verify that the location will have computer and/or internet access.
10. “I couldn’t complete the assignment because I don’t have the textbook yet.”
a. The required textbook is listed on the syllabus. The instructor cannot delay coursework for the first few weeks in the semester to wait for everyone to get the textbook delivered.
b. You can ask a classmate to borrow their textbook.
c. The library usually has a copy of the textbook which you can check-out for a few hours.
d. You can usually get an e-book version of the textbook, so you don’t have to wait for one to be delivered.
11. “I completely forgot about the assignment or thought it was due later.”
a. The “Course Schedule” clearly shows what day and time assignments are due for the entire semester. Print this out and refer to it often.
b. Canvas shows the deadline of all assignments.
Technical Requirements & Skills
Minimum Technology Requirements
• Computer
• Reliable internet access
• Microsoft Office (Word and Excel)
• Canvas Technical Requirements (
Computer Skills & Digital Literacy
• Canvas
• UNT Email
• Downloading and uploading files
• Microsoft Office (Word and Excel)
Rules of Engagement
• Treat your instructor and classmates with respect in email or any other communication.
• Remember that all college level communication should have correct spelling and grammar (this includes discussion boards).
• Avoid slang terms such as “wassup?” and texting abbreviations such as “u” instead of “you.”
• Use standard fonts such as Ariel, Calibri, or Times new Roman and use a size 10- or 12-point font.
• Avoid using the caps lock feature AS IT CAN BE INTERPRETTED AS YELLING.
• Limit and possibly avoid the use of emoticons like 🙂 or .
• Be cautious when using humor or sarcasm as tone is sometimes lost in an email or discussion post and your message might be taken seriously or sound offensive.
• Be careful with personal information (both yours and other’s).
• Do not send confidential information via e-mail.
See these Engagement Guidelines ( for more information.
Getting Help
Technical Helpance
Part of working in the online environment involves dealing with the inconveniences and frustration that can arise when technology breaks down or does not perform as expected. Here at UNT we have a Student Help Desk that you can contact for help with Canvas or other technology issues.
UIT Help Desk: UIT Student Help Desk site (
Phone: 940-565-2324
In Person: Sage Hall, Room 130
Walk-In Availability: 8am-9pm
Telephone Availability:
• Sunday: noon-midnight
• Monday-Thursday: 8am-midnight
• Friday: 8am-8pm
• Saturday: 9am-5pm
Laptop Checkout: 8am-7pm
For additional support, visit Canvas Technical Help (
Student Support Services
UNT provides mental health resources to students to help ensure there are numerous outlets to turn to that wholeheartedly care for and are there for students in need, regardless of the nature of an issue or its severity. Listed below are several resources on campus that can support your academic success and mental well-being:
• Student Health and Wellness Center (
• Counseling and Testing Services (
• UNT Care Team (
• UNT Psychiatric Services (
• Individual Counseling (
Other student support services offered by UNT include:
• Registrar (
• Financial Aid (
• Student Legal Services (
• Career Center (
• Multicultural Center (
• Counseling and Testing Services (
• Pride Alliance (
• UNT Food Pantry (
Academic Support Services
• Academic Resource Center (
• Academic Success Center (
• UNT Libraries (
• Writing Lab (
• MathLab (
Missed Coursework
1. Whenever possible, the student should notify the instructor in advance that they will be missing class and/or coursework and attempt to make other arrangements.
a. If you are missing class and/or coursework for a school-related activity, you must notify the instructor beforehand.
a. The student will not be permitted to make up missed coursework without a doctor’s note or a letter from the Dean of Students.
1. The course will utilize Canvas as its online learning platform.
2. All assignments will be submitted to the instructor via Canvas (unless stated otherwise).
a. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure the assignment is submitted correctly and before the deadline. MAKE SURE YOU GET A SUBMISSION CONFIRMATION IN CANVAS. If you forget to attach the assignment document, attach the wrong document, or attach the document in a format other than Microsoft Word (unless stated otherwise), you will receive a zero.
b. EMAIL THE INSTRUCTOR IMMEDIATELY IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE SUBMITTING AN ASSIGNMENT. If you experience technical difficulties, you must email the assignment to the instructor before the deadline.
c. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO SUBMIT ASSIGNMENTS. All assignments are open well in advance of the submission deadline. Therefore, stating “my computer wasn’t working” or “I was having problems with my internet” are not acceptable reasons for missing the submission deadline.
d. No late assignments will be accepted without a doctor’s note or a letter from the Dean of Students.
Posting of Grades
1. Grades will be posted on Canvas.
3. Students should be checking their grades on Canvas several times a week to make sure the posted grade is correct. Do not wait until the end of the semester.
a. The instructor will always leave “Comments” when grading assignments if points are deducted.
b. Be sure to read the comments in the gradebook so you know what to do differently in future assignments.
c. If you do not receive any comments, you did everything correctly and do not need to make any changes to future assignments.
4. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor about their grade.
a. Do not send messages to the instructor through the “Comments” section in Canvas. The instructor does not receive a notification this way.
Course Structure
This course is a remote course, and all class sessions, including discussion sessions as well as your interaction with me and with your fellow students, will take place in Canvas. There is a total of 7 modules that you will complete throughout the semester. Each module must be completed in two (2) weeks. The course is organized around modules, and five (5) units make up each module as follows:
1. Readings (Page) 2. Article Reviews
3. Lecture 4. Quiz
5. Discussion
Key concepts will be presented through readings (i.e., Pages) at the beginning of each module. Each reading will provide an overview of the central ideas associated with specific topic (sample nursing essay examples by the best nursing assignment writing service)s of each module. The main purpose of the lectures is to understand the specific concepts and theories in the sport and recreation management literature. Article reviews will help students to be familiar with research and apply theories and concepts to practice. Quizzes covering the readings, articles, and lectures for each module will be administered before discussions. Discussions will weave key concepts and theories presented in the lectures, readings, and articles into an integrated whole to critically analyze current and emerging financial and economic trends and issues in the sport, recreation, and event industries.
How the Student Is Graded / Evaluated
1. Syllabus Quiz (50 points)
a. The syllabus quiz contains 10 questions about course policies, rules, and procedures. The quiz is designed to ensure that students read and understand the syllabus.
b. Students can take the quiz an unlimited number of times and only the highest score will count toward the final grade.
c. Students can look at the syllabus when taking the quiz.
d. Students must complete and score 50 points.
2. Introduction Discussion (10 points)
a. Every student must post to the discussion board by introducing themselves to the class to get to know each other better.
b. The post should be one or two paragraphs and can include information such as: your name (or nickname if you like to be called something different), your family, where you grew up, your major, interests/hobbies, what you would like to do for a career, expectation for this course, and anything else you want your classmates to know about you.
3. Article Reviews (120 points; 20 points x 6 articles)
a. Throughout the semester, students are required to critically review academic journal articles that involve current issues in the sport, recreation, and event industries.
b. One article review should be completed per module.
c. The instructor will assign articles for students to review.
d. Students complete the reviews and submit them on Canvas.
e. Please refer to the article review guideline and example on Canvas (‘Course Grading’ under Course Information Module).
4. Module Quizzes (60 points; 10 points x 6 quizzes)
a. There will be six (6) module quizzes throughout the semester.
b. Students complete the quizzes on Canvas.
c. Module quizzes will consist of 5 – 10 questions (true/false, multiple-choice, short answers, and calculations) without a time limit.
d. Module quizzes are the open note and open book quizzes, and you have unlimited attempts (only the highest score will count toward the final grade).
5. Module Discussions (60 points; 10 points x 6 discussions)
a. There will be six (6) module discussion questions throughout the semester.
b. The module discussion questions will pertain to both lecture and reading materials for that week.
c. The module discussion questions will be available to you and answered in the Discussions link via Canvas.
d. For every module discussion questions, each student must answer the questions and post reactions to at least two other students’ posts.
e. To successfully complete and fully participate in the module discussions, students will have to do the following (otherwise students will receive partial credits):
i. Read and understand the assigned readings and view the lectures before a discussion.
ii. Prepare and post answers (min. 150 – max. 200 words) to the posted discussion questions.
iii. Respond to two discussions by supporting/disputing the views of others (min. 80 – max. 100 words).
6. Personal Finance Expense Log Assignment (100 points)
a. This assignment is designed for students to track exactly where their money is going, which should help students gain a sense of the areas in which students are spending most of their money.
b. Each student will need to track all his/her expenditures for one month (February 2022).
c. At the end of the assignment, students will have two parts to complete: an Excel spreadsheet and a written Assessment.
d. The assignment guideline and the excel spreadsheet are available on Canvas (‘Course Grading’ under Course Information Module).
7. Financial Performance Analysis Report (100 points)
a. Each student will select one sport-related publicly traded company or nonprofit organization to evaluate its financial position based upon what students have learned from this class.
b. The target company or nonprofit organization must be approved by the instructor (posted via the Canvas Discussion Board) prior to working on the report.
c. The guideline of the report and a template are available on Canvas (‘Course Grading’ under Course Information Module).
Graded Item Name Points Possible Percentage of Final Grade
Syllabus Quiz 50 points 10%
Introduction Discussion 10 points 2%
Article Reviews (6 articles @ 20 points each) 120 points 24%
Module Quizzes (6 quizzes @ 10 points each) 60 points 12%
Module Discussions (6 discussions @ 10 points each) 60 points 12%
Personal Finance Expense Log Assignment 100 points 20%
Financial Performance Analysis Report 100 points 20%
Total Points Possible: 500 points 100%
Grading Scale
Letter Grade Point Total Percent
A 450 – 500 90.0 – 100
B 400 – 449.9 80.0 – 89.99
C 350 – 399.9 70.0 – 79.99
D 300 – 349.9 60.0 – 69.99
F 0 – 299.9 0 – 59.99
Course Policies
Assignment Policy
The University is committed to providing a reliable online course system to all users. However, in the event of any unexpected server outage or any unusual technical difficulty which prevents students from completing a time sensitive assessment activity, the instructor will extend the time windows and provide an appropriate accommodation based on the situation. STUDENTS MUST IMMEDIATELY REPORT ANY PROBLEMS TO THE INSTRUCTOR and contact the UNT Student Help Desk: or 940.565.2324 and obtain a ticket number. The instructor and the UNT Student Help Desk will work with the student to resolve any issues at the earliest possible time.
Attendance Policy
This course utilizes an online format. No in-person attendance is required.
Syllabus Change Policy
The instructor reserves the right to amend the grading scale for the benefit of the students. The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus at any time during the semester. Any changes will be posted on Canvas and/or emailed to students.
UNT Policies
Academic Integrity Policy
Academic Integrity Standards and Consequences. According to UNT Policy 06.003, Student Academic Integrity, academic dishonesty occurs when students engage in behaviors including, but not limited to cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, forgery, plagiarism, and sabotage. A finding of academic dishonesty may result in a range of academic penalties or sanctions ranging from admonition to expulsion from the University.
ADA Policy
UNT makes reasonable academic accommodation for students with disabilities. Students seeking accommodation must first register with the Office of Disability Accommodation (ODA) to verify their eligibility. If a disability is verified, the ODA will provide a student with an accommodation letter to be delivered to faculty to begin a private discussion regarding one’s specific course needs. Students may request accommodations at any time, however, ODA notices of accommodation should be provided as early as possible in the semester to avoid any delay in implementation. Note that students must obtain a new letter of accommodation for every semester and must meet with each faculty member prior to implementation in each class. For additional information see the ODA website (
Emergency Notification & Procedures
UNT uses a system called Eagle Alert to quickly notify students with critical information in the event of an emergency (i.e., severe weather, campus closing, and health and public safety emergencies like chemical spills, fires, or violence). In the event of a university closure, please refer to Blackboard for contingency plans for covering course materials.
Retention of Student Records
Student records pertaining to this course are maintained in a secure location by the instructor of record. All records such as exams, answer sheets (with keys), and written papers submitted during the duration of the course are kept for at least one calendar year after course completion. Course work completed via the Canvas online system, including grading information and comments, is also stored in a safe electronic environment for one year. Students have the right to view their individual record; however, information about student’s records will not be divulged to other individuals without proper written consent. Students are encouraged to review the Public Information Policy and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) laws and the University’s policy. See UNT Policy 10.10, Records Management and Retention for additional information.
Acceptable Student Behavior
Student behavior that interferes with an instructor’s ability to conduct a class or other students’ opportunity to learn is unacceptable and disruptive and will not be tolerated in any instructional forum at UNT. Students engaging in unacceptable behavior will be directed to leave the classroom and the instructor may refer the student to the Dean of Students to consider whether the student’s conduct violated the Code of Student Conduct. The University’s expectations for student conduct apply to all instructional forums, including University and electronic classroom, labs, discussion groups, field trips, etc. Visit UNT’s Code of Student Conduct ( to learn more.
Access to Information – Eagle Connect
Students’ access point for business and academic services at UNT is located at: All official communication from the University will be delivered to a student’s Eagle Connect account. For more information, please visit the website that explains Eagle Connect and how to forward e-mail Eagle Connect (
Student Assessment Administration Dates
Student feedback is important and an essential part of participation in this course. The student Assessment of instruction is a requirement for all organized classes at UNT. The survey will be made available during weeks 13, 14 and 15 of the long semesters to provide students with an opportunity to evaluate how this course is taught. Students will receive an email from “UNT SPOT Course Assessments via IASystem Notification” ( with the survey link. Students should look for the email in their UNT email inbox. Simply click on the link and complete the survey. Once students complete the survey, they will receive a confirmation email that the survey has been submitted. For additional information, please visit the SPOT website ( or email
Sexual Assault Prevention
UNT is committed to providing a safe learning environment free of all forms of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Federal laws (Title IX and the Violence Against Women Act) and UNT policies prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, and therefore prohibit sexual misconduct. If you or someone you know is experiencing sexual harassment, relationship violence, stalking, and/or sexual assault, there are campus resources available to provide support and Helpance. UNT’s Survivor Advocates can Help a student who has been impacted by violence by filing protective orders, completing crime victim’s compensation applications, contacting professors for absences related to an assault, working with housing to facilitate a room change where appropriate, and connecting students to other resources available both on and off campus. The Survivor Advocates can be reached at or by calling the Dean of Students Office at 940-565- 2648. Additionally, alleged sexual misconduct can be non-confidentially reported to the Title IX Coordinator at or at (940) 565 2759.
Important Notice for F-1 Students taking Distance Education Courses
Federal Regulation
To read detailed Immigration and Customs Enforcement regulations for F-1 students taking online courses, please go to the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations website ( The specific portion concerning distance education courses is located at Title 8 CFR 214.2 Paragraph (f)(6)(i)(G).
The paragraph reads:
(G) For F-1 students enrolled in classes for credit or classroom hours, no more than the equivalent of one class or three credits per session, term, semester, trimester, or quarter may be counted toward the full course of study requirement if the class is taken on-line or through distance education and does not require the student’s physical attendance for classes, examination or other purposes integral to completion of the class. An on-line or distance education course is a course that is offered principally through the use of television, audio, or computer transmission including open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, or satellite, audio conferencing, or computer conferencing. If the F-1 student’s course of study is in a language study program, no on-line or distance education classes may be considered to count toward a student’s full course of study requirement.
University of North Texas Compliance
To comply with immigration regulations, an F-1 visa holder within the United States may need to engage in an on-campus experiential component for this course. This component (which must be approved in advance by the instructor) can include activities such as taking an on-campus exam, participating in an on-campus lecture or lab activity, or other on-campus experience integral to the completion of this course.
If such an on-campus activity is required, it is the student’s responsibility to do the following:
(1) Submit a written request to the instructor for an on-campus experiential component within one week of the start of the course.
(2) Ensure that the activity on campus takes place and the instructor documents it in writing with a notice sent to the International Student and Scholar Services Office. ISSS has a form available that you may use for this purpose.
Because the decision may have serious immigration consequences, if an F-1 student is unsure about his or her need to participate in an on-campus experiential component for this course, s/he should contact the UNT International Student and Scholar Services Office (telephone 940-565-2195 or email to get clarification before the one-week deadline.
Student Verification
UNT takes measures to protect the integrity of educational credentials awarded to students enrolled in distance education courses by verifying student identity, protecting student privacy, and notifying students of any special meeting times/locations or additional charges associated with student identity verification in distance education courses.
See UNT Policy 07-002 Student Identity Verification, Privacy, and Notification and Distance Education Courses (
Use of Student Work
A student owns the copyright for all work (e.g. software, photographs, reports, presentations, and email postings) he or she creates within a class and the University is not entitled to use any student work without the student’s permission unless all of the following criteria are met:
• The work is used only once.
• The work is not used in its entirety.
• Use of the work does not affect any potential profits from the work.
• The student is not identified.
• The work is identified as student work.
If the use of the work does not meet all of the above criteria, then the University office or department using the work must obtain the student’s written permission.
Download the UNT System Permission, Waiver and Release Form
Transmission and Recording of Student Images in Electronically-Delivered Courses
1. No permission is needed from a student for his or her image or voice to be transmitted live via videoconference or streaming media, but all students should be informed when courses are to be conducted using either method of delivery.
2. In the event an instructor records student presentations, he or she must obtain permission from the student using a signed release in order to use the recording for future classes in accordance with the Use of Student-Created Work guidelines above.
3. Instructors who video-record their class lectures with the intention of re-using some or all of recordings for future class offerings must notify students on the course syllabus if students’ images may appear on video. Instructors are also advised to provide accommodation for students who do not wish to appear in class recordings.
No notification is needed if only audio and slide capture is used or if the video only records the instructor’s image. However, the instructor is encouraged to let students know the recordings will be available to them for study purposes.
—-Revenue Generation and Financial Management in Recreation, Event, and Sport Organizations (RESM 5510.001)
Minhong (Min) Kim, Ph.D. is the instructor’s contact information.
Physical Education Building (PEB) 210D is where the office is located.
Hours of Operation: By Appointment
Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m., virtual office hours (Zoom ID: 720 030 2864)
Expectations for Communication:
Students should use email to communicate with the instructor using the email address provided in the syllabus (
1. When you email the instructor, please INCLUDE YOUR FULL LEGAL NAME (NO NICKNAMES) AND THE COURSE NUMBER (RESM 5510) IN THE EMAIL (preferably in the subject line).
2. Any email which does not include the student’s full legal name and course number will not get a response from the instructor.
3. Do not email the instructor to
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