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Posted: November 9th, 2022

Roles of a Criminal Investigator

Roles of a Criminal Investigator
In light of the recent tragic mass shootings that occurred in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio in 2019 and recently in Red Bluff, California in the latter part of June this year I ask that you put yourself in the role of a criminal investigator. If you received a tip of an individual that was possibly planning such a similar horrendous crime how would you begin your investigation? Would you try to make contact with the suspect immediately or would you hold off and attempt to conduct some research instead? Whichever you decide, defend your position.

Please make sure your initial response contains a minimum of 250 words and includes citations and references

Roles of a Criminal Investigator
In 2019 there has been distributed incidences of mass shooting in the united states in Texas, El paso, Dayton and Red bluff Californian. This has left the country on high alert watch out for any anomalies that could result in other atrocious acts of mass shootings (Newman, 2019). Therefore, many criminal investigators have been deployed to work in solving the crimes, solving crimes, deterring future crimes, identifying and organizing for apprehension of suspects. Additionally, they are involved in analysis of evidence, surveillance, conducting warrant searches and investigation. Assuming the role of a criminal investigator following a tip for a potential mass shooting incident will require that I become tactful when handling the investigations. Firstly, I will conduct an interview with the informant to understand the legitimacy of the tip to avoid following on a false lead.
Tentatively, I will try and understand the motive of the crime. This entails collecting information about the suspects of the potential mass shooting, by understanding their tactics, motive and means of committing crimes from the previous shoots out. form this basis, it will be easy to understand the targets. I will then conduct surveillance on the victims with all the means possible but without triggering any form of suspicion. Once I have gathered sufficient information, I can now involve my team members and make contact with the suspect by arraign him for questioning but without raising suspicion .it is impossible to make arrests without sufficient evidence and probable cause (Sonne, 2016). Notably, I will be hopeful that the suspect will cooperate with no mishaps. Finally, having adequate information will allow the investigation team to close on the other suspects and stop the potential mas shootings.

Newman, B. J., & Hartman, T. K. (2019). Mass shootings and public support for gun control. British Journal of Political Science, 49(4), 1527-1553.
Sonne, W. J., & BCPI, C. (2016). Criminal investigation for the professional investigator. CRC Press.

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