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Posted: November 9th, 2022

Comparing COVID-19 to other Pandemics

Comparing COVID-19 to other Pandemics
The world is at the epicenter fighting to contain a global pandemic, the SARS-CoV-2. The highly contagious novel coronavirus is believed to have emerged in Wuhan China. The first case was reported on the 17th of November 2019, and the virus has since spread to 183 countries infecting millions and killing thousands in such a short period.
According to WHO, common symptoms of the virus include fever, dry cough, and fatigue. Some patients may also experience running nose, sore throat, nasal congestion, and chest pains. In severe cases, it results in difficulties in breathing that may lead to organ failure and, ultimately, death.
In the past, there have been several other pandemics, including the Spanish Flu, SARS, Swine flu, and MERS. But, how does COVID-19 compare to these past pandemics?
The Spanish Flu
The 1918 Spanish Flu remains the deadliest pandemic in the history of pandemics. It was an avian flu caused by the H1N1 virus that originated in birds. The virus was first detected in the U.S military personnel in the spring of 1918. It was named the Spanish flu because it was thought to have originated in Spain. However, research conducted in 2005 traced its origin to New York. The flu infected around 500 million people and killed more than 50 million.
In 2002, SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) broke out in a similar fashion to current SARS-CoV-2. According to the center for disease control, the virus originated in southern China, after humans contracted the virus form animals. It spread throughout 29 countries, infecting 8,000 and killing around 800 people. The mortality rate of COVID-19 has already surpassed that of SARS by far and continues to increase by the day.
Swine Flu
The Swine flu, also caused by the H1N1 virus broke out in 2009 in Mexico from where it infiltrated the United States. The first case was confirmed in January 2019 and run through to April spreading to 214 countries, infecting over 762 million, and killing over 284,000 people across the globe.
Barely three years later, MERS (the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) broke out in 2012. The virus spread to 27 countries, infecting 2500 people, and taking more than 800 lives. The virus originated in the middle east in Saudi Arabia hence the name. Unknown to many, MERS is also a type of coronavirus, and experts refer to it as MERS-CoV. MERS was the deadliest of all pandemics with a whopping 34% mortality rate compared to COVID-19, with an approximated mortality rate of 2%.
Governments have put forward different measures in an effort to contain the virus. And it seems to be working for China, which has reported zero infections in the past week. Only time will tell the duration and impact of COVID-19 and how it compares to other past pandemics. But in just a few months, COVID-19 has already spread across the globe, killing more than one hundred thousand people.

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