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Posted: November 9th, 2022

Air contaminant investigation

Air contaminant investigation.
You have been asked to develop an exposure management strategy for Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) at a Construction company who complete large construction projects including tunnelling for railways and roads.
To develop this strategy, you need to establish the occupational assessment strategy, toxicity and threshold harm for DPM. This requires you to prepare a report that includes the 3 parts of this assessment:

Occupational Assessment Strategy: (30 marks)
Provide an occupational assessment strategy of the workplace air contaminant DPM according to the headings below:
a. Sources of Occupational Exposure
b. Routes of Entry
c. Tabulate applicable legislation, standards and methods for analysis and exposure limits (national and international)
d. Determine the appropriate approach to undertake exposure assessments for workers exposed to DPM onsite and include details of the appropriate monitoring and sampling strategy;

Discuss the toxicology of DPM as per the following headings: (20 marks)
a. absorption,
b. distribution in the body and target organs,
c. pathways for biotransformation,
d. mechanisms of harm (interaction with cells and tissues)
e. pathways of elimination for DPM

Hygiene standard setting: (40 marks)
Review the evidence of harm resulting from exposure to DPM, using both human and animal studies to consider the dose effect/ response relationship (at least 4 journal articles are required). Ascertain the threshold of harm for DPM and compare this with the Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL). Discuss the differences you find with references and the appropriate literature.
APA 7th or Vancouver style referencing to be used
Length / Format
6 x A4 pages (excluding title page and reference list)
Times New Roman font at 11pt
1.5 line spacing with 1.5cm margins.

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