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Posted: November 1st, 2022

MH609 Capstone: Health Care Politics & Policy

MH609 Capstone: Health Care Politics & Policy

Lesson Four: The Main Packages

Upon completion of the Required Readings, write an intensive, well-planned narrative reply to the next dialogue Question Assignment. Depend on your required readings and the lecture and analysis replace for particular data to reply the dialogue Question Assignment, however flip to your authentic ideas when requested to use, consider, analyze, or synthesize the knowledge. Your dialogue Question Assignment response must be each grammatically and mechanically appropriate and formatted in the identical vogue because the Question Assignment itself. If there’s a Half A, your response ought to establish a Half A, and many others. As well as, you need to appropriately cite all assets utilized in your responses and doc in a bibliography utilizing APA fashion.

Dialogue Question Assignment (50 factors)

Medicare is one among our most well-established federal authorities well being packages. Talk about the next; cite all sources in an APA-formatted bibliography. (50 factors) (A two-page response is required.)
a. Analysis the historical past of this system; element two (2) trade-offs concerned in getting the unique invoice handed.
b. Analyze three (Three) successes and three (Three) shortcomings of Medicare.

Grading Rubric

Please check with the rubric on the next web page for the grading standards for this project.

CATEGORY Exemplary Passable Unsatisfactory Poor
Half A: Historical past of Medicare (10 factors) 10 factors eight factors 6 factors Four factors
Pupil offers particular particulars of two (2) trade-offs concerned in getting the unique Medicare invoice handed, based mostly on correct analysis of the historical past of this system Pupil offers partial particulars of two (2) trade-offs concerned in getting the unique Medicare invoice handed, based mostly on considerably correct analysis of the historical past of this system Pupil offers particular particulars of 1 (1) trade-off concerned in getting the unique Medicare invoice handed, based mostly on correct analysis of the historical past of this system Pupil offers partial particulars of 1 (1) trade-off concerned in getting the unique Medicare invoice handed, based mostly on considerably correct analysis of the historical past of this system Primarily based on correct analysis of this system’s historical past, the scholar offers particular particulars of two (2) trade-offs concerned in getting the unique Medicare invoice handed. Primarily based on considerably correct analysis of this system’s historical past, the scholar offers partial particulars of two (2) trade-offs concerned in getting the unique Medicare invoice handed. Primarily based on correct analysis of this system’s historical past, the scholar offers particular particulars of 1 (1) trade-off concerned in getting the unique Medicare invoice handed. Primarily based on considerably correct analysis of this system’s historical past, the scholar offers partial particulars of 1 (1) trade-off concerned in getting the unique Medicare invoice handed.
Half B: Successes and Shortcomings of Medicare (20 Factors) 20 factors 17 factors 12 factors 7 factors
Pupil completely analyzes three (Three) successes and three (Three) shortcomings of Medicare Pupil completely analyzes two (2) successes and two (2) shortcomings of Medicare Pupil completely analyzes one (1) success and one (1) shortcoming of Medicare Pupil offers an incomplete and/or inaccurate Assessment of the successes or shortcomings of Medicare
Mechanics – Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling (10 Factors) 10 factors eight factors 5 factors 2 factors
Pupil makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content material Pupil makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content material Pupil makes Three-Four errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content material Pupil makes greater than Four errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content material
Format – APA Format, Citations, Group, Transitions (10 Factors) 10 factors eight factors 5 factors 2 factors
The paper is written in correct format. All sources used for quotes and info are credible and cited appropriately. Glorious group, together with quite a lot of considerate transitions. The paper is written in correct format with solely 1-2 errors. Most sources used for quotes and info are credible and most are cited appropriately. Sufficient group, together with quite a lot of considerate transitions. The paper is written with a number of formatting errors. Some sources used for quotes and info are credible and most are cited appropriately. Essay is poorly organized, however could embody just a few efficient transitions. The paper isn’t written in correct format. Sources used for quotes and info are lower than credible (suspect) and/or are usually not cited appropriately. Essay is disorganized and doesn’t embody efficient transitions.

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