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Posted: October 29th, 2022

Template for Outline: Assignment 1

Template for Outline: Assignment 1

1. Description:
a. What is your challenge or opportunity?
As the training administrator for new hires.
b. Why is this professionally important to you?
This opportunity is important to me because it creates a chance to think critically and apply diverse skills to develop effective and reliable training for new hires.
2. Goal:
a. What goals or outcomes do you want to achieve with this communication?
From this communication, the overall goal is to provide an in depth understanding of how important it is to have adequate training and a determined person with experience to provide training. The communication should help the organization understand how to use internal promotions and how they can train the internal employees to prepare them for promotions.
i. Is the communication goal clear, concise, and actionable?
The communication is clear and concise because it specific and mentions ideas of what could be done to improve training.
3. Audience:
a. Who is your target audience?
The target audience is senior management.
i. What are the professional positions of the audience members?
This communication targets HR management, account management, and shift supervisors because they all will participate in decision making process of the internal promotion.
ii. What demographic characteristics will the audience comprise?
The audience are individuals that display professionalism, flexibility, integrity, and charisma. They are also knowledgeable about the duties and responsibilities of the positions within the company. The appreciate clear and concise communication that shows how the organization would benefit as they like to utilize their time for important matters.
iii. What is your relationship to the audience?
My relationship with the audience is professional and respectful.
iv. What background knowledge and expertise does the audience have?
Since the audience worked the positions previously, they understand the importance of having efficient training and understand the challenges new hires face.
v. What does the audience know, feel about, and expect concerning this communication?
From the background and expertise of the target audience this communication should make them feel confident in the ability that the individual would be well-organized and capable of providing efficient training for new hires.
vi. What preconceptions or biases do you possess that might prevent you from building rapport with your audience?
The rapport with my targeted audience is professional with the HR and account manager because they have the preconception that I am unapproachable. But with the shift supervisors mt rapport is friendly and professional.

b. What information is available about your audience?
The available information about my audience is that they are no-nonsense individuals, high- expectations of employees, strict about rules and regulations, and sometimes seek younger employees to promote, and believe in internal promoting.
i. What research or sources will you use to obtain information about the audience?
To gain information about my audience I will speak or interview colleagues I see having friendly and professional conversations with and search the company website.
ii. What conclusions have you been able to draw about the audience?
The conclusion drawn from my audience is that they will treat each situation and chance different, considering the pro and cons of the individuals seeking for the internal promotion.
c. What tone will you use to convey your message?
The tone will be professional yet friendly while displaying confidence when communicating with the audience.
i. Is the setting casual or formal?
The setting would be casual because the organization in making their employees feel comfortable when communicating with others.
ii. Is the communication personal or impersonal?
This communication will personal because I am trying to prove that their preconceptions of me are false and that I open and approachable.
4. Key Message:
a. What is the primary message you must convey to your audience?
The key message I want to convey to my audience is that I understand the importance of being a good communicator with all employees and have a plan in place that will ensure that new hires get adequate training.
i. Is the message compelling and memorable?
Yes, the message is compelling and memorable because I will communicate in a relaxed and casual manner.
ii. Is the message clear and concise?
The message is clear and concise because it focuses on training for new hires.
iii. Is the message aligned with your audience’s goals and needs?
The message aligns with the audience goals and needs which is to have a competent and dependable individual for the position for a training officer.
5. Supporting Points:
a. What three or four points, reasons, or justifications support your message?
Training new hires is important because it helps equip them with the skills needed to work in the workplace and be productive in their roles and responsibilities. Internal promotions are important as they help empower existing employees. Also, top management can use internal promotions to cut costs which would have incurred in training external hires.
I will use power point presentation to present my points and support the information with visuals such as mind maps and root cause analysis to discuss the issues.
i. What research or sources will you use to obtain facts and data about your message?
I will use research articles, website sources, and books to help back the ideas that will be in the message. The five sources I will use to support my ideas are the following:
Boon, C., Den Hartog, D. N., & Lepak, D.P. (2019). A systematic review of human resource management and their measurement. Journal of management, 45(6), 2498-2537.
Bratton, J., Gold, J., Bratton, A., & Steele, L. (2022). Human resource management. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Fenech, R., Baguant, P., & Ivanov, D., (2019). The changing role of human resource management in an era of digital transformation. Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 22(2), 1-10.
Michael, A. (2019). A handbook of human resource management practice.
Wilkerson, A., & Dundon, T. (2021). Contemporary human resource management: text and cases. Contemporary Human Resource Management, 1-100.

6. Channel Selection:
a. What communication style will you employ (tell/sell or consult/join) and why?
The communication style I will use is the assertive communication and this is because it is the most effective communication style. With this communication style, I will be able to express my ideas and persuade and inform while showing that I am open to learn from the audience.
b. What channels will you use to deliver your message, and why will they be the most effective?
The communication channels I will use are face-to- face communication and emails. These channels will be more effective since the target audience is made up of busy individuals and I am located onsite with my audience.
c. What purpose is served by each style and channel you have selected?
The assertive communication style will help consider the opinions and needs of the audience. The use of face-to-face communication will help read the verbal and non-verbal cues during the conversation. The use of emails is to communicate formal information that is not urgent.
7. Action Request:
a. What is your action request?
The actions which are taken as part of the solution will include adequate training for new hires. The positive outcome from this action is equipping the employees with all the needed skills to help complete their roles and responsibilities.

b. Is the action request you are making to your audience clear, concise, and easily actionable?
The action is clear, concise, and actionable because senior management can clearly understand the requirements for the action and there are sufficient resources within the organization to implement the actions.

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