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Posted: October 29th, 2022

Business Strategic

MGMT 40000D Strategic Management – Winter 2022
Weekly Presentations Requirements & Rubric – Out of 10%
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you have a good understanding of the processes of strategic management, how to analyze,
develop, plan, implement and evaluate corporate strategy. In you assigned groups, students will be a assigned a case to analyse and present upon.
Deliverables: (all the information presented about your case must be recent and updated as much as possible)
1. Due by 11:30 p.m. before Presentation Day: ONE e-copy of the presentation (including all full names of team members) to be submitted in
PowerPoint Format on SLATE, NO links or Prezi are accepted. (–30% if not met)
2. Presentation time must be between 20 – 25 minutes. If the presentation time exceeds 25 minutes, 1mark will be deducted for each minute
over 25.
In your presentation you must apply to your case all the concepts, tools and matrices covered in class so far, the structure of the
presentation should approximately be:
• Executive Summary: a summary of all the important aspects of the presentation.
• Introduction: a brief description of the company and its background.
• Business Case: justify why this case is important.
• Competitive Advantage: describe your company’s existing sources of competitive advantage.
• Infographic: present important industry metrics and trends.
• Strategic Management Processes: describe and evaluate your company’s strategic management process
• Vision & Mission: evaluate and describe your company’s existing vision and mission statements and provide revised vision and mission.
• Culture and Ethics: describe your company’s organizational culture and its ethical codes of behaviour, and CSR practices.
• SWOT Analysis: list and describe the internal strengths & weaknesses, and the external threats & opportunities
• Matrices: apply ALL the matrices covered in the course so far to your case including: IFE, EFE, SWOT (10 factors each) and TOWS
Matching and pairing of factors, BCG, IE, GRAND, SPACE, QSPM, PORTER’S GENERIC, PORTER’S FIVE.
• Financial Analysis: describe the financial performance of your company based on your analysis of the three financial statements and
you must present 10 graphs for the ratios, each ratio graph covering a 5 year period. Show stock price over 5 years period. EPS/EBIT
• Goals and Objectives: describe using SMART the new goals and objectives that your firm should achieve.
• Strategic analysis: where does your company stand now? What strategic move should it make next? Why?
• Strategy Selection: describe the strategies that your company may follow in order to achieve its objectives and how you selected them.
• Key Success Measures: describe the success measures used to mark performance
• Governance and Leadership: describe governance and leadership in your company
• Implementation and Assessment: describe using a Gantt Chart your timeline for implementation and Assessment of the new strategies.
• Conclusions: what are the conclusions from this project?
• Recommendations: what are the recommendations?
(IN ADDITION TO ALL INSTRUCTIONS EXPLAINED IN CLASS) The requirements for the presentation are approximately:
• (40%) Presentation: Quality of writing and presentation, presentation skills, time management, clear voice, design and clarity of slides, contrast
of color, inserting slide numbers, message at beginning and end of presentation, teamwork, signalling the transfer of roles, no mechanics issues
and no mistakes in slides.
• (60%) Content: Comprehensive and Holistic. Quality and Depth of Analysis. Executive Summary, Clear Agenda, Introduction, Business Case,
Competitive Advantage, Strategic Management Processes, Vision & Mission, Culture and Ethics, SWOT Analysis, Financial Analysis, Goals
and Objectives, Strategy Selection, Key Success Measures, Governance and Leadership, Implementation and Assessment, Conclusions,
Assignment Rubric:
The marking scheme for EACH section is as follows as a percentage of full marks for that section:
• 100% – all points covered and presented in a professional, concise, proper professional Canadian English (with proper grammar/spelling), in a
manner that convincingly and completely addresses the assignment questions/purpose
• 80% – minor points missing and/or incomplete and/or improper language in a manner that partially addresses the assignment questions/purpose
• 60% – significant points missing and/or incomplete and/or improper language and or unquantifiable regarding the assignment questions/purpose
• 40% – more than half the points missing and/or incomplete and/or improper and or unquantifiable • 0 – more than 75% of the points missing
and/or incomplete and/or improper and or unquantifiable
• 30% deduction for EACH assignment requirement/component not met.
Academic Honesty: Write your assignment completely in your own words. Express your own ideas in the assignment, not other peoples. Do not
use ideas or content from a source without quoting and referencing it. Do not provide ideas or material to another team. See the Sheridan Policies
for a complete description of plagiarism and its consequences.

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