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write a paper on Public Safety Administration|Government

write a paper on Public Safety Administration|Government

The federal government has significant influence over our day to day to life. Largely in part because the federal government oversees our homeland and national security and the health and overall well-being of the realm. Healthcare, specifically programs like Medicare and Medicaid account for a major chunk of the budget. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, “four health insurance programs — Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace subsidies — together accounted for 26 percent of the budget in 2016, or $1 trillion.” Federal funding extends to various research carried out by the National Health Institute and the Centers for Disease Control. Although the Constitution provides a clear distinction of federal and state powers, the federal government seems to reign supreme in all matters healthcare.


Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go? (2017 October 10) Retrieved less

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Charles week 2 Quest 1 Charles Pitt posted Feb 7, 2018 8:24 PM Subscribe

In answering this question let me start by saying this, before the year 1916 the Federal Government had little input in how the states operated when it came to public safety, sure it had some regulations in place as to how every state should operate due to its citizens being American citizens first, It could not actually tell the States how to operate because the State had to operate on a budget that was suited for them. After 1916 when Federal taxes became a legal institution the Federal Government could address many more problems and situations due to the fact that they were operating with a significant more amount of money. This afforded the Federal Government and Congress to come up with ways and ideas to Negotiate with the States in order to better ensure the safety and security of the public. In which they came up with the Federal Grants Initiative program, whereas States would be able to qualify for the different grants as long as they

2/9/2018 Week Two Discussion One – PSAD 302 6980 Introduction to Public Safety Administration (2182)

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abide by the stipulations of the Federal Government. This type of negotiation afforded appealed to the States because now they could receive a good amount of money from the government to spend on the areas in which they knew was needed but not necessarily have the funds to place there. This was called Fiscal


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Week 2 DQ1 – David David Anderson posted Feb 8, 2018 8:58 PM Subscribe

The Federal government attaches conditions on grants that are provided to state and local governments. The most recent example is the court case involving President Trump’s executive order directed towards sanctuary cities. Jeff Sessions attempt to modify the conditions of the grant without Congress’s approval. Even through Judge Leinenweber ruled against part of the policy to deny funds, I believe it is a great example of how the Federal government can use funds to influence public safety. Local governments accepting grants from the Federal government must adhered to the stringent conditions agreed upon prior to providing the grant.


Somin, I. (2017, September 15). Analysis | Federal court rules against part of Trump plan to deny funds to sanctuary cities. Retrieved February 08, 2018, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh- conspiracy/wp/2017/09/15/federal-court-rules-against-part-of-trump- administration-effort-to-target-sanctuary-cities/?utm_term=.6ec6c4bcb654


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Week Two Discussion One Florita Wesley posted Feb 8, 2018 8:33 PM Subscribe

The federal government uses of funding to influence the behavior and policies of local level public safety related programs can be in the form of an incentive or

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disincentive. In other words, if the states do not comply with regulations imposed by the federal government; the federal government could withhold certain funding. For instance, under the Uniform Drinking Age Act of 1984, the federal government required states to raise the drinking age to 21 to receive highway funds (incentive) or face cuts to their federal highway funding (disincentive). Moreover, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2017), “the minimum legal drinking age of 21 saves lives and protects health.”


CDC (2017). Age 21 minimum legal drinking age. [Online serial] Center for Disease Control and Prevention Retrieved fromless

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week 2 disscuss 1 – Greg Daclan Greg Daclan posted Feb 7, 2018 1:13 AM Subscribe

The federal government can use funding to influence behavior by intervening only through individual behavior, meaning it is mostly done by education, incentives, or deterrence. Despite the benefits, it also has its flaws. Through the public health regulations use the data gathered for easier intervention for many people, it can be seen as a burden for those who live in poor families and racial minorities. However the government would still do this for people to know of its existence and be known. The funds amassed for this intervention would go towards those that will need to benefits of these programs, which would bring more people to these programs. It can both impede and promote safety by bringing to to the front.


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Ray_ Week 2 Patrick Ray posted Feb 7, 2018 12:41 PM Subscribe

There are a multitude of ways that the federal government can influence the behavior at the state and local level with funding. I was able to find a number of


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Last post Wed at 6:49 PM by Travis Chase

Week 2 question 1 Richard Weldon posted Feb 5, 2018 6:30 PM Subscribe

Provide and discuss an example of how the federal government uses funding to influence the behavior and policies of local level public safety related programs.

The federal government has the ability to influence policy with state government by providing or with-holding funding through fiscal opportunities like categorical grants and block grants. The federal government can also influence policy through donation of equipment or man-power. One could argue that the donation of equipment and man-power, through the use of federal employees like military reservists and other disaster response personnel makes a more direct and authoritative statement regarding the power of the federal government. No more is this statement true than when one considers the 1033 program, a program that authorizes the federal government to distribute surplus military equipment to state and local law enforcement agencies.

The 1033 program, reinstated by President Trump allows the military to donate or sell discounted military vehicles, weapons, clothing and other miscellaneous items to local and state law enforcement organizations. This is important from a policy perspective because the program was born from a clause in the National Defense Authorization Act under the subtitle “Counter-drug activities”. Therefore, this shows the federal government is making a plain and clear statement through this program; the war on drugs is a literal war, requiring military equipment that we will provide if you take the war to the streets.

https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/dla.mil/DispositionServices/Offers/Reutilization/LawEnforcement/Joi nTheProgram.aspx


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Last post yesterday at 7:44 AM by Richard Weldon

Dq 1 Ronald Edhaya posted Feb 6, 2018 12:49 PM Subscribed

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The government is known to optimally set expenditures equally and letting taxes shift residually, giving a clear indication that the government has a certain preference on either budgetary items for policy variability. The government understands that the correspondence between expenditure policy and tax are invalid if transfer programs are the link for local policies, and the final result is the policies having different outcomes on the transfer payments (Koethenburger, 2008). The local government are thus obliged to choose their policy variable strategically to benefit from the transfer

State governments influence a certain state cost of taxation via its own laid out policy variables in a bid to capitalize on the effect in which interstate transfers are set upon an increase in state taxes. This is because an increase in the rate of taxation in one state will lower the transfer income in the state which has an increasing tax rate thus luring additional transfers to the other neighboring state. If the neighboring state optimized the taxes, public expenditure would shift creating a rise in transfer income.

However, taxes decrease with the optimization of expenditure creating an effect in luring more transfers to the other state that is financed by a reduction of transfers to the state with rising tax. The government, in federal states, capitalizes on such equilibrium implications by using funding local governments and states whose public safety policies favor transfers income especially in states that share dissimilar policies (Koethenbuerger, 2008)

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Week 2 Discussion 1 Travis Chase posted Feb 7, 2018 6:38 PM Subscribe

The federal government uses funding to influence the lower levels of government in numerous ways like fiscal federalism, categorical grants, block grants, and revenue sharing. All which use grant money with specific policies they want the states to adopt in order to receive money. I don’t agree with those funding options because they put the lower governments in vulnerable positions and gives the federal government unfair leverage. For example, if a state government

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needed funding for education. The federal government will provide the grant if the state adopts certain changes to the educational curriculum like, terminate physical education. If the state is in desperate need of education funding, they may accept the grant even though it may not benefit the public.


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2/9/2018 Week Two Discussion Two – PSAD 302 6980 Introduction to Public Safety Administration (2182)

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Considering the concept of federalism, who bears the greatest responsibility for public safety: Federal state or local government? Or does the greatest responsibility for public safety lay elsewhere. Explain your response.

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week 2 Quest 2 Charles Charles Pitt posted Feb 8, 2018 7:32 PM Subscribe

In order to answer this type of question one must understand the definition of Federalism; Federalism is the division of powers between central and regional governments, central meaning local and regional meaning on a national scale. let me start off by saying this according to the Federalist at the time James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, Although they held different views and objectives on the subject they still believed that the National Government played an intricate roll in the responsibility of public safety. I always side on the side of assurety. What this means is, I tend to agree with what seems to be that of assurety ( A sure thing if you will), when it comes to safety. I have always believed in the big brother theory, because my brother has always been the type of individual to look out for me. ( analogy, Federal Government big brother and State being younger) I also believe like Hamilton, it being a shared responsibility, because looking at it from the States level they would really understand the citizens needs in the area but on the other hand the Federal Government has an observation of a bigger picture looking at it from the outside if you will when it comes to the needs of the citizens as well concerning safety, all in all according to the U.S. Constitution Article VI It declares the laws of the National Government deriving from theless

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Last post yesterday at 10:18 PM by Carl Wertman

Week 2 DQ2-David David Anderson posted Feb 7, 2018 2:30 PM Subscribe

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The definition of Federalism is the distribution of power in an organization (such as a government) between a central authority and the constituent units (Merriam-Webster, 2018). I found the article in Annenberg Learner, Federalism: U.S v. the States extremely interesting, especially when the article refers to Federalism as a division of powers and a constant struggle. All levels of government are responsibility for the safety of the public. I don’t believe the burden is less as the responsibility or jurisdiction expands. Federal is responsible for a large piece of the puzzle and supports at the state level. State is responsible for the state level and supports the local, county and city. Local government is the first responder and is in direct contact with the public.

Local government is responsible for making sure the information; Magnitude of the incident and the amount of support required is properly relayed to the next level. The responsibility, and importance of relaying information should be equally significant at every level.

I believe the biggest burden of public safety lies with the public. It is the public’s responsibility to become educated on how the government works and continue their education as the government evolves. Too often, state, local and federal levels of government propose measures to change the laws and the public does not research the information prior to voting.


Federalism: U.S. v. The States, Topic Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved February 07, 2018, from https://monkessays.com/write-my-essay/learner.org/courses/democracyinamerica/dia_3/dia_3_topic.ht ml


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Last post yesterday at 10:24 PM by Carl Wertman

Week Two Discussion Two Florita Wesley posted Feb 8, 2018 8:36 PM Subscribe

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Federalism divides power into two levels, national and state. Therefore, considering the concept of federalism, it could be implied that federal, state and local governments each have its own level of responsibility for public safety. However, when it comes to public safety – I believe that it’s everybody’s responsibility for public safety. We, citizens (public), are governed locally, as well by our national and state governments and need to communicate altogether. After all, there are more citizens than federal, state and local governments; and we, as citizens are more likely to see and hear something first. That is, “see something say something ” Public safety is everybody’s responsibilityless

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week 2 disscuss 2 – Greg Daclan Greg Daclan posted Feb 8, 2018 12:45 AM Subscribe

All three systems of government are responsible for public safety. While the three take on specific part of government, they are all aiming for the same thing, which is the safety of its citizens, provide public goods, and ensure their protection form violence and other bad acts of life. It can be called the infrastructure that enables citizens to flourish in both social and economic ways in the same ways. The power is invested in different points. Federal government takes on the vast majority of the state, state government takes on things around their state going into their local cities, and local government goes on direct contact with people within their own city.

https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/02/government-responsibility-to- less

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Ray_Week 2 Patrick Ray posted Feb 7, 2018 6:14 PM Subscribe

Local governments are ultimately responsible for the success their communities. Officials at the local the local level best understand the needs of the people they represent, they know what the what infrastructure issues need to be addressed and ultimately what issues need to be addressed to improve or maintain the state of their community. The state of the local economy will always be the key

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measure of how successful anyone community is. In order to establish a strong economy the community needs to be safe, have adequate infrastructure, access to natural resources, and reliable leadership, just to name a few necessities. With the knowledge of where efforts need to be focused communities leaders and elected officials can allocate locally generated resources and seek out additional


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Week 2 question 2 Richard Weldon posted Feb 5, 2018 6:31 PM Subscribe

Considering the concept of federalism, who bears the greatest responsibility for public safety: Federal state or local government? Or does the greatest responsibility for public safety lay elsewhere. Explain your response.

The responsibility for public safety falls on all three levels of government. While all three levels of government bear the responsibility in general they each play a specific role. The federal government sets primary policy through legislation and grant funding. The federal government’s most powerful tool is their ability to dictate policy through grant funding. It is the state governments role to create a plan to accomplish primary goals set by the federal government and identify secondary goals. Therefore, the county and local government is responsible for the putting the predetermined plan into action and to properly report results up


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Last post yesterday at 8:49 AM by Richard Weldon

Dq 2 Ronald Edhaya posted Feb 6, 2018 12:51 PM Subscribed

The question arises as it is known that both the federal and local government bear a certain degree of responsibility in regards to public safety. Both


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Week 2 Discussion 2 Travis Chase posted Feb 7, 2018 8:13 AM Subscribe

All three levels of government have a responsibility when it comes to public safety. I believe that depending on the type safety concern will determine which level would have the greatest responsibility for public safety. If there is a declaration of war against the United States, I expect for the federal government to have the greatest responsibility in that situation. I refer to the fire department a lot because of my line of work. Concerns for public safety with response times of District of Columbia Fire Department, would be the responsibility at state level. If the public has a specific safety concern in their county, the local


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