Species of the genus Sperata (Family: Bagridae) is found naturally in an exceedingly big19 variety of freshwater bodies in South Asia, from Afghanistan to Asian nation (Froese &20 Pauly, 2011; Gupta, 2015; Iqbal, Alam, Kabir, & Palsson, 2017). They inhabit primarily21 riverine habitats, however they are also surviving and breed in lakes, haor, lagune and22 swamp system reservoirs (Gupta, 2015). This species constitutes the key catches and23 landings of fishermen, and they are biologically and economically vital in haor region24 likewise as others origins of Bangladesh. Iqbal et al.
, (2017) reported that the two famous25 and also the unreported species (n; locally called Buitta) co-occur within the haor wet land26 scheme. The breeding behaviour of Sperata spp. is sort of similar, that forms nest on the27 bottom mud and breed throughout April”December with the peak spawning time during28 the course of June”July of the year (Akter et al., 2015). Iqbal et al., (2017) explicit that29 the third putative Sperata sp. (Buitta) has not been taxonomically known yet and has not30 been spawned in captive conditions.
Currently this fish is taken into account as an31 endangered species because of reduction of the natural feeding and spawning ground along32 with temperature change and human intervention (IUCN Bangladesh, 2000). To prevent33 this extinction of the Buitta, it’s a necessary to accumulate reproductive data to ascertain34 seed production in captivity for conservation and choosing fish entrants of aquaculture35 from the haor.36 It is well established that reproductive performance likewise as ovary oocytes development37 in brood fish is influenced by a numerous of factors like diets, stress, egg over-ripening,38 genetics, age, water quality and environmental cues (Buchet, Coquard, Se’ve’re, & Barone,39 2008; Bobe & Labbe, 2010; Lanes et al., 2012; Kabir, Ghaedi, & Hashim, 2012). Others40 factors associated with the culture conditions, such tank hydraulics, rearing density or41 farming manipulations, can even influence the reproductive of various species; sea bass42 (Buchet et al., 2008), Atlantic horse mackerel (Ndjaula, Hansen, Johnsen, & Kjesbu,43 2009), cuttlefish (Sykes, Pereira, Rodr±ґguez, Lorenzo, & Andrade, 2013). As a matter of44 reality, Sykes et al., (2013) and Buchet et al., (2008) recently noted that rearing conditions45 could impact fish welfare beneath captivity that converts in brood fish quality and246 reproductive output. The housing conditions can have an impression on gametocyte47 maturation and egg quality, because the egg biochemical composition influences the48 standard of female brood fish (Brooks, Tyler, & Sumpter, 1997; Buchet et al., 2008; Sykes49 et al., 2013). In this regards, the hypothesis of this study to compared the quality of tanks50 bottom condition for the oocytes maturation of Buitta fish in captivity throughout the peak51 breeding season.52 In addition, a fish population reproductive season is often determined by the sampling of53 mature females and assessing wherever they are at intervals the reproductive cycle54 supported female internal reproductive organ development exploitation of histologic55 indicators to work out the phages of gametocyte maturation (Lowerre-Barbieri, Ganias,56 Saborido-Rey, Murua, & Hunter, 2011). As an example, large female fish in better57 condition tend to exhibit higher reproductive output than those in poor condition (Buchet58 et al., 2008; Sykes et al., 2013; Ogunola, Onada, & Falaye, 2018). The offered reproductive59 biological facts on the Sperata sp is not conjointly sufficient; specially, information on gonadal60 development like the female internal reproductive organ oocytes maturation scheme,61 reproductive cycle and biochemical composition of ovary tissues is required. It is so necessary62 to accumulate reproductive information to ascertain seed production in Sperata sp. Compared63 with field studies, observations in captivity have the advantage of controlled conditions and64 sample assortment. This study goal was to develop husbandry techniques that might enable65 studies on oocytes maturation and to produce data that might facilitate to develop tools for66 understanding of things that regulate the activity of oocytes development and breeding in Buitta67 fish.68 This manuscript is that the continuation on reproductive biology of Buitta fish of our69 previous worked by Iqbal et al., (2017). During this study, a series of bottlenecks were70 known that require to be resolved before the technology acquires enough maturity to71 change a transition to the commercial scale of aquaculture production of this fish.72 As, the results of housing condition an analogous range of Buitta fish in tanks with totally73 different bottom conditions were never tested. Therefore, the target of this study was to74 work out the results of tanks with totally different bottom conditions on the oocytes75 development of female Buitta fish based mostly upon the changes in reproductive indices,76 histologic observation of ovarian oocytes development, and also the biochemical77 composition of body tissues was analyzed in captivity.