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Posted: October 20th, 2022

History Assignment Essay

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITo Imy Iunderstanding. I

Sophie Ischoll Iis Ia Iwoman Ithat Istood Iagainst IHitler’s Icrazy Iideas Iof Ikilling Ithat Iweren’t IGerman Iand Ifor Ithat Ishe Ibegan Ithe Iwhite Irose Imovement Ithat Iresisted IHitler’s Iracists Ichants, Ithere’s Ia Imuseum Iin IGermany Ithat Iwas Imade Ispecifically Ifor Ithe Imembers Iof Ithe Iwhite Irose Iand Ialso Ia Ifact Iabout Ithem Iis Ithat Ithey Iwere Iuniversity Istudents, Ias Iwe Ican Idraw Ia Iparallel Iof Iwhen Ithe Istudents Iof ISoweto Itook Ito Ithe Istreets Ito Iresist Ithe IBantu Ieducation Iof Ithe IApartheid IEra IGovernment.


It’s Iclear Ithat Ia Iwoman Iplayed Ia Isignificant Irole Iin IGerman Ihistory Ito Iresist Iagainst IHitler Iand Istarted Ithe IWhite IRose Imovement. I

Obakeng IMathobisa I

Grade I11 Ie4

History IAssignment ITerm I3

Mr ID IKoopman.


Sophie, IHans IScholl Iremain Isymbols Iof Iresistance. I

Students IHans Iand ISophie IScholl Iwere Iarrested Iand Iexecuted I70 Iyears Iago. IThe Istudents Iand Itheir Ifriends Ihad Idistributed Ileaflets Icalling Ion Ipeople Ito Iresist Ithe INazi Iregime. IToday, Ithey Iremain Isymbols Iof Imoral Icourage.

In IFebruary I1943, Ithree Iyoung Imen I- IHans IScholl, IAlexander ISchmorell Iand IWilli IGraf I- Iwere Ion Itheir Iway Iinto IMunich’s Icity Icenter. IAll Ithree Ibelonged Ito Ithe I

I(“White IRose”) Igroup Iwhich Ihad Idedicated Iitself Ito Iresisting IAdolf IHitler’s Iregime. IThe Ithree Imen Iwere Icarrying Ithousands Iof Ileaflets Ithat Ilisted Ithe Icrimes Iof Ithe INazi Iregime. IThe Istudents Ithrew Ithe Ipamphlets Iinto Imailboxes, Ihoping Ito Iappeal Ito Ipeople’s Ihumanity.

But IScholl Iand ISchmorell Ihad Idevised Ian Ieven Ibolder Iplan: Iin Ithe Idarkness Iof Inight, Ithey Ipainted Ithe Iwords I”Down Iwith IHitler” Ion Ithe Ifacade Iof Ithe IBavarian IState IChancellery. IThey Iwere Iyet Imore Icourageous Ielsewhere, Iwriting I”Mass IMurderer IHitler” Ion Ianother Iwall. IScholl’s Iyounger Isister, ISophie, Iwas Iat Ihome Iat IFranz-Joseph-Strasse I13 I- Iawaiting Itheir Isafe Ireturn.

The Ipath Iof Iresistance

Hans Iand ISophie IScholl Ilived Iwith Itheir Ifamily Iin Ithe Isouthern IGerman Icity Iof IUlm Iwhen INational ISocialists Itook Ipower Iin I1933. IBoth Ichildren Iwere Istill Iin Ischool Iat Ithe Itime I- IHans Iwas Iborn Iin I1918 Iand ISophie Iin I1921. ITheir Ifather, IRobert, Iearned Ienough Ito Isupport Ihis Iwife, IMagdalena, Iand Ifive Ichildren Ias Ia Itax Iadviser. IA Iliberal Iman, IScholl Idid Inot Iapprove Iof IGermany’s Inew Ileader Iand Ihe Iand Ihis Iwife Itaught Itheir Ichildren Ithe Iimportance Iof Itolerance.

The IScholl Ichildren, Ihowever, Iwere Ifascinated Iwith INational ISocialism. IHans Iquickly Imade Ia Iname Ifor Ihimself Iin Ithe IHitler IYouth. IAt Ithe Iage Iof I16 Ihe Icommanded Ia Igroup Iof I160 Iboys. ISophie Ialso Iexpressed Ia Isympathy Ifor INational ISocialism. IShe Ijoined Ithe I”Union Iof IGerman IGirls,” Ia INazi Iyouth Iorganization Ifor Igirls. ILike Iher Ibrother, ISophie Isoon Ihad Ia Ileadership Iposition Iin Ithe Igroup. IHer Icontemporaries Iwould Ilater Iremember Iher Ias Ibeing I”very Ienthusiastic, Ivery Ifanatical Iabout INational ISocialism.”

By I1942, IHans Iand ISophie Iwould Ino Ilonger Ibe Icounted Iamong Ithose Isupporting IHitler Iand Ihis Iregime. IThe Isiblings Itook Inotice Iof Ihow Itheir IChristian Ifaith Iand Imoral Iconvictions Iwere Inot Iin Iline Iwith Ithe Igoals Iof INational ISocialism. IHans Ibecame Iconvinced Ithat Ihe Ineeded Ito Ido Isomething Iagainst Ithe INazis. IIn I1942, IHans Iwas Icalled Ito Ithe IEastern IFront Iwhere Ihe Iand Iother Imedicine Istudents Iwould Iexperience Ithe Iinhumanity Iof Iwar Ifor Ithree Imonths. IHe Iis Ialso Isaid Ito Ihave Ibeen Iextremely Iconcerned Iby Ithe Ifate Iof Ideported IJews.

‘Long Ilive Ifreedom’

A Igroup Iwilling Ito Iprotest Iagainst Ithe INazi Igovernment Iformed Iaround IHans Iat IMunich IUniversity Iin I1942. IFour Imedicine Istudents I- IScholl, IChristoph IProbst, ISchmorell Iand IGraf I- Iand Iphilosophy Iprofessor IKurt IHuber Iformed Ithe Icore Iof Ithe Igroup. ISophie Iwould Ijoin Ithem Ilater Iin Ithe Iyear Iwhen Ishe Imoved Ito IMunich Ito Istudy Ibiology Iand Iphilosophy.

The Igroup Icalled Iits Ipublications I”Flyers Ifrom Ithe IWhite IRose” Iand Ileft Ithe Ipamphlets Iin Ipublic Ispots. IWith Ithe Ihelp Iof Iother Iresistance Igroups, Ithe Iflyers, Iwhich Iincluded Idenunciations Ilike I”Every Iword Ithat Icomes Ifrom IHitler’s Imouth Iis Ia Ilie,” Iwere Ialso Idistributed Ioutside Iof IMunich.

Hans Iand ISophie IScholl Iare Iamong Ithe Ifew IGermans Iwho Iresisted Ithe INazi Iregime

The IWhite IRose’s Isixth Ipamphlet Iwould Ibe Iits Ilast. IOn IFebruary I18, I1943, ISophie Iand IHans Iwere Idistributing Ithe Iflyer Iat Ithe Iuniversity. IBoth Iof Ithe Isiblings Iwere Idiscovered Iand Iarrested Iafter Ishe Iwas Icaught Ithrowing Ia Ipile Iof Ipamphlets Ifrom Ia Ibalcony Iinto Ithe Isquare Ibelow. IThe IGestapo, Ior Isecret Ipolice, Ithen Iinterrogated Ithem.

Even Iin Ithese Idesperate Icircumstances, Iboth IHans Iand ISophie Iattempted Ito Iconvince Iauthorities Ithat Ithey Ihad Iworked Ialone. ISophie Itold Iher Iinterrogators Ithat I”she Idid Inot Iwant Ito Ihave Ianything Ito Ido Iwith INational ISocialism.” IEvidence Iagainst Ithe Ipair Iwas Iregarded Ias Isufficiently Iincriminating Iand Ion IFebruary I22, I1943 Ia Iso-called IPeople’s ITribunal Iled Iby IRoland IFreisler Isentenced IHans IScholl, ISophie IScholl Iand IChristoph IProbst Ito Ideath. IThey Iwere Iexecuted Ia Ifew Ihours Ilater. IHans’ Ilast Iwords Iwere, I”Long Ilive Ifreedom!”

“They Ipermit Ius Ito Ibelieve Ithat Iat Ithe Itime Inot Iall IGermans Iwere Imute Iand Icowardly Ifollowers,” IGerman IPresident IJoachim IGauck Ihas Isaid, Ireferring Ito Ithe Iimportance Iof Ithe IScholls Iand Ithe IWhite IRose. IIn Iits Ifourth Ipamphlet, Ithe Igroup Iwrote, I”We Iwill Inot Ibe Isilent. IWe Iare Iyour Ibad Iconscience. IThe IWhite IRose Iwill Inot Ileave Iyou Iin Ipeace!”

Their Iwords, IGauck Isaid, Istill Iapply Itoday. IHans Iand ISophie IScholl Iand Itheir Ifriends Ihad Ithe Icourage Ito Istand Iup Ifor Itheir Iconvictions Iand Iresist I- Ishowing Ia Idegree Iof Icourage Ipossessed Ionly Iby Ia Ifew Iat Ithat Itime.

M?ller Iis Ithe Ilast Iliving Iparticipant Iof Ithe IWhite IRose

The IScholl Isiblings Iare Istill Ihonored Ifor Itheir Icourage. ITheir Inames Iadorn Ischools Iin Inearly Ievery IGerman Icity, Iand Ipublic Isquares Iand Istreets Iacross Ithe Icountry Ihave Ibeen Inamed Iafter Ithem. IA Iprize Ibearing Itheir Iname Iis Iamong IGermany’s Imost Idistinguished Iliterature Iawards.

The Istory Iof Ithe IWhite IRose Ialso Icontinues Ito Iattract Ichildren, Ia Ifact Ithat IFranz IJ. IM?ller Isaid Ihe Isees Iwhen Ihe Ivisits Ischools. IM?ller Iis Ithe Ilast Isurviving Iparticipant Iin Ithe IWhite IRose. I”They Itend Ito Ibe Iamazed Iby Iwhat Iwe Idid,” Ihe Isaid. I”But IHans Iand ISophie IScholl Ireally Idid Inot Iwant Ito Ibe Iheroes. IFriendship Iand Ifreedom Iwere Ithe Ivalues Imost Iimportant Ito Ithem.”

The IWhite IRose IFoundation Iin IMunich, Iwhich IM?ller Iand Iother Iresistance Imembers Ifounded, Iis Ia Imemorial Ithat Ikeeps Ithe Imemory Iof Ithe IScholl Isiblings Iand Itheir Ifriends Ialive. IYoung Ipeople, Iin Iparticular, Ican Ilearn Ilessons Ifrom Ihistory, IM?ller Isaid.

“The Ischoolchildren Ishould Iget Iinformation Ifrom Ias Imany Iplaces Ias Ithey Ican Iand Italk Iwith Itheir Ifriends Iso Ithey Iare Inot Iso Ieasily Iswayed Iby Ipropaganda, Iand Ishow Icivil Icourage Iwhen Ifreedom Iis Iin Idanger,” Ihe Isaid.

Sophia IScholl Iwas Ia IGerman Istudent, Iactive Iin Ithe IWhite IRose I– Ia Inon-violent Iresistance Igroup Ito IHitler Iand Ithe INazi Iparty. IIn I1943, Ishe Iwas Icaught Idelivering Ianti-war Ipropaganda Iand, Iwith Iher Ibrother IHans IScholl, Iwas Iexecuted Ifor Ihigh Itreason. ISophie IScholl Ihas Ibecome Ian Iimportant Isymbol Iof Ianti-Nazi Iresistance Iin IGermany.

Sophie IScholl Iwas Iborn Iin IForchtenberg, IGermany Ion I9 IMay I1921. IShe Iwas Ithe Ifourth Iout Iof Isix Ichildren. IHer Ifather IRobert Iwas Ithe IBurgermeister I(Mayor) Iof IForchtenberg Iam IKocher, Iin IBaden-W?rttemberg.

She Iwas Ibrought Iup Ias Ia ILutheran IChristian, Iand Iher Ichildhood Iwas Irelatively Ihappy Iand Icarefree. IHowever, Iin I1933, IHitler Icame Ito Ipower Iand Ibegan Icontrolling Iall Iaspects Iof IGerman Isociety. IInitially, ISophie Iwas Iunaffected, Ibut Iher Ifather Iand Ibrothers Iwere Icritical Iof Ithe INazi Iregime Iand Ithis Ipolitical Icriticism Ifiltered Ithrough Ito Ileave Ia Istrong Iimpression Ion Ithe Iyoung ISophie.

At Ithe Iage Iof Itwelve, Ishe Ijoined Ia Ipseudo-Nazi Iorganisation, Ithe ILeague Iof IGerman IGirls. IInitially, ISophie Ienjoyed Ithe Iactivities Iof Ithe Igroup, Iand Ishe Iwas Ipromoted Ito ISquad ILeader. IHowever, Iafter Iher Iinitial Ienthusiasm Iwith Ithe Iactivities Iof Ithe Igroup, ISophie Ibecame Iuneasy Iabout Ithe Iconflict Ibetween Iher Iconscience Iand Ithe Icreeping INazi Iideology Iof Ithe Iorganisation. IIn I1935, INuremberg ILaws Iwere Ipassed Iwhich Iincreased Ithe Idiscrimination Iagainst IJews, Ibanning Ithem Ifrom Imany Ipublic Iplaces. ISophie Icomplained Iwhen Itwo Iof Iher Iyoung IJewish Ifriends Iwere Ibarred Ifrom Ijoining Ithe ILeague Iof IGerman IGirls. IShe Iwas Ialso Ireprimanded Ifor Ireading Ifrom Ithe I‘Book Iof ISongs’ Iby Ithe Ibanned IJewish Iwriter IHeinrich IHeine. IScholl Iindicated Iher Irebelliousness Iby Ireplying, Ithat IHeine Iwas Iessential Ifor Iunderstanding IGerman Iliterature. IThese Iincidents Iand Ithe Ibans Iagainst IJews Iled Ito ISophie Itaking Ia Imuch Imore Icritical Iattitude Ito Ithe INazi Iregime. IShe Ibegan Ichoosing Ifriends Imore Icarefully I– Ipeople Iwho Iwere Ipolitically Isympathetic Ito Iher Iviewpoint.

In I1937, Iher Ibrothers Iand Isome Iof Iher Ifriends Iwere Iarrested Ifor Iparticipating Iin Ithe IGerman IYouth IMovement. IThis Iincident Ileft Ia Istrong Iimpression Ion ISophie Iand Ihelped Ito Icrystallise Iher Iopposition Ito Ithe INazi Iregime. IIn I1942, Iher Ifather Iwas Ilater Isent Ito Iprison Ifor Imaking Ia Icritical Iremark Iabout IHitler. IHe Ireferred Ito IHitler Ias I“God’s IScourge.”

Sophie Iwas Ian Iavid Ireader Iand Ideveloped Ian Iinterest Iin Iphilosophy Iand Itheology. IShe Ideveloped Ia Istrong IChristian Ifaith Iwhich Iemphasised Ithe Iunderlying Idignity Iof Ievery Ihuman Ibeing. IThis Ireligious Ifaith Iproved Ian Iimportant Icornerstone Iof Iher Iopposition Ito Ithe Iincreasingly Iall-pervading INazi Iideology Iof IGerman Isociety. ISophie Ialso Ideveloped Ia Italent Ifor Iart I– Idrawing Iand Ipainting, Iand Ishe Ibecame Iacquainted Iwith Iartistic Icircles Iwhich, Iin INazi Iterms, Iwere Ilabelled Idegenerate.

In I1940, Iafter Ithe Istart Iof Ithe ISecond IWorld IWar, Ishe Igraduated Ifrom Iher ISecondary ISchool Iand Ibecame Ia Ikindergarten Iteacher Iat Ithe IFrobel IInstitute. IHowever, Iin I1941, Ishe Iwas Iconscripted Iinto Ithe Iauxiliary Iwar Iservice Iworking Ias Ia Inursery Iteacher Iin IBlumberg. ISophie Idisliked Ithe Imilitary Iregime Iof Iwar Iservice Iand Istarted Ito Ibecome Iinvolved Iin Ipassive Iresistance Ito Ithe Iwar Ieffort.

After Isix Imonths Iin Ithe INational ILabour IService, Iin IMay I1942, Ishe Ienrolled Iin Ithe IUniversity Iof IMunich Ias Ia Istudent Iof Ibiology Iand Iphilosophy. IWith Iher Ibrother IHans, Ishe Ibecame Iassociated Iwith Ia Igroup Iof Ifriends Iwho Ishared Isimilar Iartistic Iand Icultural Iinterests Ibut Ialso Ideveloped Ishared Ipolitical Iviews, Iwhich Iincreasingly Iopposed Ithe INazi Iregime Ithey Ilived Iin. IShe Icame Iinto Icontact Iwith Iphilosophers Isuch Ias ITheodor IHaecker, Iwho Iposed Iquestions Iof Ihow Iindividuals Ishould Ibehave Iunder Ia Idictatorship.

The IWhite IRose IMovement

The IWhite IRose Iwas Ian Iinformal Igroup Iwho Isought Ito Ioppose Ithe Iwar Iand INazi Iregime. IIt Iwas Ifounded Iin Iearly I1942 Iby IHans IScholl, IWillia IGraf Iand IChristoph IProbst. IThey Iwrote Isix Ianti-Nazi Iresistance Ileaflets Iand Idistributed Ithem Iacross IMunich. IInitially, ISophie Iwas Inot Iaware Iof Ithe Igroup, Ibut Iwhen Ishe Ifound Iout Iher Ibrother’s Iactivities, Ishe Iwas Ikeen Ito Itake Ipart. ISophie Iparticipated Iin Idistributing Ileaflets Iand Icarrying Imessages. IAs Ia Iwoman, Ishe Iwas Iless Ilikely Ito Ibe Istopped Iby Ithe ISS.

The Ileaflets Iof Ithe IWhite IRose Icontained Imessages, Isuch Ias

“Nothing Iis Iso Iunworthy Iof Ia Ination Ias Iallowing Iitself Ito Ibe Igoverned Iwithout Iopposition Iby Ia Iclique Ithat Ihas Iyielded Ito Ibase Iinstinct…Western Icivilization Imust Idefend Iitself Iagainst Ifascism Iand Ioffer Ipassive Iresistance, Ibefore Ithe Ination’s Ilast Iyoung Iman Ihas Igiven Ihis Iblood Ion Isome Ibattlefield.”

However, Ithere Iwas Ia Ipervasive Ipolice Istate Iwhich Ikept Ia Ihigh Idegree Iof Isurveillance Ion Iany Iresistance Iactivity. IAfter Ileaflets Ihad Ibeen Ifound Iat Ithe IUniversity Iof IMunich, Ithe Ilocal IGestapo Istepped Iup Iits Iefforts Ito Icatch Ithe Iresistors. IHans, IWilli Iand IAlex Ialso Ibegan Ipainting Ianti-Nazi Islogans Ion Ibuildings Iin IMunich.

On I18 IFebruary I1943, ISophie Iand Iother Imembers Iof Ithe IWhite IRose Iwere Iarrested Ifor Idistributing Ianti-war Ileaflets. IThe Ileaflets Iwere Iseen Iby IJakob ISchmidt, Ia Ilocal INazi Iparty Imember. ISophie Iand IHans Iwere Iinterrogated Iby INazi Iofficials Iand, Idespite Itrying Ito Iprotect Ieach Iother, Ijust Ifour Idays Ilater Iwere Isent Ito Icourt. IThe Itrial Iwas Ipresided Iover Iby IRoland IFreisler, Ichief Ijustice Iof Ithe IPeople’s ICourt Iof Ithe IGreater IGerman IReich. IFreisler Iwas Ian Iardent INazi; Iwith Igreat Ivigour Iand Ia Imanic Iintensity, Ihe Ifrequently Iroared Idenunciations Iat Ithe Iaccused.

Despite Ithe Ihostility Iand Iappearing Iin Icourt Iwith Ia Ibroken Ileg Iafter Iher Iinterrogation. ISophie Ireplied Ito Ithe Icourt:

“Somebody, Iafter Iall, Ihad Ito Imake Ia Istart. IWhat Iwe Iwrote Iand Isaid Iis Ialso Ibelieved Iby Imany Iothers. IThey Ijust Idon’t Idare Iexpress Ithemselves Ias Iwe Idid.”

She Ialso Isaid:

“You Iknow Ithe Iwar Iis Ilost. IWhy Idon’t Iyou Ihave Ithe Icourage Ito Iface Iit?”

No Idefence Iwitnesses Iwere Icalled Iand, Iafter Ia Ivery Ishort Itrial, Ithe Ijudge Ipassed Ia Iguilty Iverdict, Iwith Ia Isentence Iof Ideath. IThe Isentence Iwas Ito Ibe Icarried Iout Iearly Ithe Inext Imorning Iby Iguillotine.

Walter IRoemer, Ithe Ichief Iof Ithe IMunich Idistrict Icourt, Isupervised Ithe Iexecution, Ihe Ilater Idescribed ISophie’s Icourage Iin Ifacing Iher Iexecution. IHe Ireports Ithat ISophie’s Ilast Iwords Iwere:

“How Ican Iwe Iexpect Irighteousness Ito Iprevail Iwhen Ithere Iis Ihardly Ianyone Iwilling Ito Igive Ihimself Iup Iindividually Ito Ia Irighteous Icause. ISuch Ia Ifine, Isunny Iday, Iand II Ihave Ito Igo, Ibut Iwhat Idoes Imy Ideath Imatter, Iif Ithrough Ius, Ithousands Iof Ipeople Iare Iawakened Iand Istirred Ito Iaction?”

The Iguards Iwere Iimpressed Iwith Ithe Icourage Iof Ithe Iresistors Iand Irelaxed Ithe Irules Ito Iallow IHans, IChristoph Iand ISophie Ito Imeet Ibefore Itheir Iexecution.

After Ithe Iexecution Iof ISophie, IHans Iand IChristoph, Ithe IGestapo Icontinued Itheir Irelentless Iinvestigation. IOther Imembers Iof Ithe IWhite IRose Iwere Icaught Iand Iexecuted. IMany Istudents Ifrom Ithe IUniversity Iof IHamburg Iwere Ieither Iexecuted Ior Isent Ito Iconcentration Icamps.

Legacy Iof ISophie IScholl

In Ia Ipoll Ito Ifind Ithe Igreatest IGerman, ISophie Iand Iher Ibrother Iwere Ivoted Ito Ibe Ifourth. IAmongst Ithe Iyoung Igeneration, Iunder I40, Ithey Iwere Ithe Imost Ipopular. IOn IFebruary I22, I2003, Ia Ibust Iof ISophie IScholl Iwas Iunveiled Iby Ithe Igovernment Iof IBavaria Iin Ithe IWalhalla Itemple. IIn I2005, Ia Imovie Iabout ISophie IScholl’s Ilast Idays Iwas Imade Ifeaturing IJulia IJentsch I(Sophie IScholl: IThe IFinal IDays)

Motivations Iof ISophie IScholl

Several Ifactors Iinspired ISophie IScholl Ito Itake Ipart Iin Ithis Ihighly Idangerous Iresistance. IFirstly, Iher Ifamily Ishared Ia Idislike Iof Ithe INazi Iregime. IBoth Iher Ibrothers Iand Ifather Ihad Ibeen Iarrested Ifor Imaking Icritical Icomments. IHer Ifather Isaid Ito Ithe Ifamily:

“What II Iwant Ifor Iyou Iis Ito Ilive Iin Iuprightness Iand Ifreedom Iof Ispirit, Ino Imatter Ihow Idifficult Ithat Iproves Ito Ibe,” I(link)

She Ilived Iin Ia Ifamily Ienvironment Iwhich Iencouraged Iopposition Ito IHitler.

Sophie Ihad Ia Istrong IChristian Ifaith Iand Iwas Imotivated Iafter Ihearing Ispeeches Iby Ianti-Nazi Ipastors. IShe Iread Itwo Ivolumes Iof ICardinal IJohn IHenry INewman’s Isermons Iwhich Imade Ia Istrong Iimpression Ion ISophie, Iespecially Ihis Isermon Ion Ithe I‘theology Iof Iconscience.’ IDuring Iher Iinterrogation, Ishe Ireferred Ito Ithis Iideology Ias Ia Idefence.

“I Iam, Inow Ias Ibefore, Iof Ithe Iopinion Ithat II Idid Ithe Ibest Ithat II Icould Ido Ifor Imy Ination. II, Itherefore, Ido Inot Iregret Imy Iconduct Iand Iwill Ibear Ithe Iconsequences Ithat Iresult Ifrom Imy Iconduct.”

I(February I1943); IBundesarchiv IBerlin, IZC I13267, IBd. I3

Her Iboyfriend IFritz IHartnagel Iwas Ion Ithe IEastern IFront; Ihe Ireported Ito ISophie Ithe Idreadful Iconditions Iof Iwar, Ithe IGerman Ifailure Iat IStalingrad Iand Ialso Iwitnessing Iwar Icrimes Iundertaken Iby IGerman Iand ISS Iforces.

Reports Iof Imass Ikillings Iof IJews Iwere Ialso Iwidely Ishared Iamongst Imembers Iof Ithe IWhite IRose. IThis Ifeatures Iin Ithe Isecond IWhite IRose Ipamphlet.

“Since Ithe Iconquest Iof IPoland I300,000 IJews Ihave Ibeen Imurdered, Ia Icrime Iagainst Ihuman Idignity…Germans Iencourage Ifascist Icriminals Iif Ino Ichord Iwithin Ithem Icries Iout Iat Ithe Isight Iof Isuch Ideeds. IAn Iend Iin Iterror Iis Ipreferable Ito Iterror Iwithout Iend.”

Sophie IScholl Iand Iother Imembers Iof Ithe IWhite IRose Iremain Ia Ipotent Isymbol Iof Ihow Ipeople Ican Itake Ia Icourageous Iaction Ito Iresist, Ieven Ithe Imost Ibrutal Itotalitarian Iregime.

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