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Posted: October 20th, 2022


Course Project: Course Project: Benefit Plan Design Analysis


The Course Project is designed to provide you with a real-life
practical application of an organization’s human resource benefits
program. You will create a written analysis of a real-world
organization’s benefit plan design with suggested opportunities for
improvement that use the concepts and knowledge introduced in this


The Course Project must be comprehensive and must adhere to the following analytical stages.

There are eight parts in this Course Project. Different parts are due during Weeks 1, 4, and 7.Papers should be formatted according to APA or MLA
guidelines (12-point font, double-spaced, including a cover page,
table of contents, introduction, body of the report, summary or
conclusion, and a works cited page).Even though this is not a scientific-type writing assignment
and is mostly creative in nature, references are still very
important. At least six authoritative, outside references are
required (anonymous authors or web pages are not acceptable).
These sources should be referenced according to APA or
MLA guidelines.Appropriate citations are required following APA or MLA guidelines.All DeVry University Policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy.Please post any questions about these papers in the weekly Q & A discussion topic.These papers combined are worth 310 total points and will be
graded on quality of research topic, quality of paper information, use
of citations, grammar, and sentence structure (see the rubrics below).

Milestones/Grading Rubrics

Part 1: Select and Profile an Organization for the Benefit Plan (40 Points)

There are a number of ways in which an organization and benefit plan
can be selected. You have the option of looking at your current
employer’s benefit plan, that of a previous employer, or one from a
random organization of your choice whose benefit plan has a perceived
need for either a revision of specific benefits, addition of needed
benefits, or an overhaul of its benefits program. Provide a clear
profile of your chosen organization as well as the organization’s
current benefits program. Present key facts that are important in
understanding your chosen organization’s benefits program.








Profiles the chosen organization in detail

Benefits Program



Provides sufficient details on the organization’s benefits program




Appropriately formats the assignment in APA format or MLA format;
sources appropriately cited in APA or MLA format; appropriate external
sources utilized; no typing, spelling, or grammatical errors




A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Part 2: Statement of the Issue (40 Points)

This section should present an analysis of the major benefits issue or
issues. It should include a statement of the specific benefit plan you
are addressing. Some questions to ask when formulating the statement of
issue include the following.

Have I identified the basic issue or am I dealing with the symptoms?What is the point of the paper?If I have identified more than one issue, are the issues separate or related?

There are several sources from which the issues can be determined. They
include business documents, such as employee surveys and competitive
analysis reports; assessment questionnaires that can be created to
probe for areas of benefit needs and employee desires; observations of
how employees use or do not use their current benefits; and interviews
with key management and selected employees to determine benefit issues.





Basic issue



Identifies the basic issue rather than the symptoms.




Describes the purpose of the paper and what will be accomplished.




Describes relationships between major and minor issues to be addressed.




A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Part 3: Literature Review (40 Points)

Address what was discovered in the search of relevant literature,
related articles, and the employee benefit text, as well as what was
discovered in Part 2. This means not only reviewing theories, concepts,
and studies discussed in the text or in class, but also reviewing
websites and what other writers have to say about benefit plans. Given
the limited number of weeks that a term provides and the number of
steps involved in the Course Project following the literature review, no
more than 2 weeks should be spent reviewing literature.

It is critical that those completing questionnaires, being interviewed,
or providing information in any other manner be assured that their
responses will be kept in the strictest of confidence and will not be
discussed in whole or in part to any member of the organization or
outside the boundaries of the classroom. It is recommended that you
begin your literature search by accessing Keller’s Online Library.
While you may use information obtained from HR-related websites, you
must also obtain information from current scholarly journals, business
publications, and newspapers. Ten or more outside resources or
references are required.





Academic Resources and Relationships



Identifies academic quality resources; identifies why resource is
quality and explains the benefit of the resource and how it supports
the resolution of the issue; shows relationships between different

Presentation and Review



Presented in a manner that tells a story and ties individual sources
together; explains how the literature review relates to issue
identified in the company.




Appropriately formats assignment in APA format or MLA format. Sources
appropriately cited in APA or MLA format; appropriate external sources
utilized; no typing, spelling, or grammatical errors.




A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Part 4: Issue Analysis (40 Points)

Here we are bringing Parts 2 and 3 together. This section should
provide a detailed analysis of the benefits issue that was identified
in Part 2. A major objective is to clearly illustrate how the concepts
of the course and gained knowledge of benefits are being used, as well
as to show what was learned from the literature review. Show that you
are applying course material.








Describes issue analysis and relates to previous discussions from literature review.

Apply concepts



Describes how concepts from the course help identify the true issue.




A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Part 5: Issue Solutions (40 Points)

Create a developmental strategy. Offer several solutions or options
that are appropriate for the benefits issue or issues. The solutions
should follow logically from the analysis. The expected outcomes,
positive and negative, should be addressed.





Logical Solution



Develops a logical solution based on the literature review and class information.

Pros and Cons



Identifies all feasible solutions and provides pros and cons of each.




Appropriately formats assignment in APA format or MLA format; sources
appropriately cited in APA or MLA format. Appropriate external sources
utilized. No typing, spelling, or grammatical errors.




A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Part 6: Solution and Its Implementation (40 Points)

This segment should outline your recommended solution to the identified
issue. The solution will be one or a combination of the solutions
provided in Part 5. This part should be specific, stating what benefit
plans are recommended, timing for implementation, and in what sequence.
It includes not only what should be done, but also how it
should be done. A specific solution should indicate what benefit is
most appropriate for the issue and how it will be implemented in the
organization. Some questions to keep in mind when writing the solution
section include the following.

Has an awareness of the problem of implementation been addressed?Have you been too general?Do the solution and implementation address the issues identified earlier?Does your solution take into account the identified pros and cons?How will you evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented benefit plan?What process checks or procedures will you put in place to institutionalize the improvement?Was the realism of your proposed action plan assessed? For
example, are there adequate time, money, and other resources for your





Addressed Problem and Solution



The problem was adequately addressed; sufficient detail is provided in the solution.

Plan and Measurement



Sufficient detail is provided in the solution; it identifies how success will be measured.




Appropriately formats the assignment in APA format or MLA format;
sources are appropriately cited in APA or MLA format; appropriate
external sources are utilized; no typing, spelling, or grammatical




A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Part 7: Justification (40 Points)

This section of your analysis should, using course knowledge and
concepts, tell why your solution and implementation would work. A major
objective is to clearly show how you are applying course concepts and
content to arrive at a workable solution and implementation for the
issue identified. Some questions to ask when writing your justification
segment include the following:

Have you applied the appropriate course material?Do you support your conclusions and recommendations with
appropriately referenced facts, quotes, readings, and class activities?Does your justification recognize the pros and cons identified earlier?





Pros and Cons



Recognizes pros and cons from solutions.




Conclusions are adequately supported.

Course Materials



Course material is applied appropriately.




Appropriately formats assignment in APA format or MLA format; sources
are appropriately cited in APA or MLA format; appropriate external
sources are utilized; no typing, spelling, or grammatical errors.




A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Part 8: Reflection (30 Points)

Think about this assignment and write a well-thought-out reflection
statement about how this assignment influenced your thinking about





Reflection Statement



Reflection statement is substantive and detailed: your thoughts on the
project overall, actions taken, choices made over the course of the
project, what learning and growth have occurred, your thoughts on the
role of a project like this in developing professional understanding
and competency.




Appropriately formats assignment in APA or MLA format. Sources are
appropriately cited in APA or MLA format. Appropriate external sources
are utilized. No typing, spelling, or grammatical errors.




A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Best Practices

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The purpose of an introduction or opening:

Introduce the subject and why the subject is important.Preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered.Establish the document’s tone.

Include in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the
paper. Also include an overview of what you are going to cover in your
paper and the importance of the material. (This should include or
introduce the questions you need to answer on each assignment.)

Body of Your Report—Use a header titled with the name of your
project. Example: The Development of Hotel X—A World Class Resort. Then
proceed to break out the main ideas. State the main ideas, state major
points in each idea, and provide evidence. Break out each main idea you
will use in the body of your paper. Show some type of division such as
separate sections that are labeled, separate group of paragraphs, or
headers. You would include the information you found during your
research and investigation.Summary and Conclusion—Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing but
presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An
effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points
from the body of your report. Minor details are left out. Summarize the
benefits of the ideas and how they affect the subject.Works Cited—Use the citation format as specified in the Syllabus.

Additional hints on preparing the best possible project are as follows.

Apply a three-step process of writing: Plan, write, and complete.Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward.Complete a first draft and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required.Use visual communication to further clarify and support the
written part of your report. You could use example graphs, diagrams,
photographs, flowcharts, maps, drawings, animation, video clips,
pictograms, tables, and Gantt charts.

The following are best practices that should be used in preparing this paper:

Cover Page:Include your name, who you prepared the paper for, the course name, and the date.Table of Contents: List the main ideas and
sections of your paper and the pages on which they are located.
The illustrations should be included separately.Introduction: Use a header on your paper. This will indicate that you are introducing your paper.Subtitle each section: Use the section
titles to indicate in the body of your paper each individual
section (i.e., Statement of Issue, Literature Review, Issue
Analysis, etc.). Each section should be clearly marked.Body of Your Report: Use a header titled
with the name of your project. Example: “The Development of Hotel
X— A World Class Resort.” Then proceed to break out the main
ideas. State the main ideas, state major points in each idea,
provide evidence. Break out each main idea you will use in the body
of your paper. Subtitles will help divide each individual section;
separate group of paragraphs; or headers. Include the information
you found during your research and investigation.Summary and Conclusion: Summarizing is
similar to paraphrasing but presents the gist of the material in
fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies
the main ideas and major support points from the body of your
report. Minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the
ideas and how they affect the subject.Works Cited: Use the citation format specified in the Syllabus.

Additional hints on preparing the best possible project include the following.

Apply a three-step process of writing: Plan, write, and complete.Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward.Complete a first draft and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required.Consider using visual communication to further clarify and
support the written part of your report. You could use example graphs,
diagrams, photographs, flowcharts, maps, drawings, animation, video
clips, pictograms, tables, and Gantt charts.

Please find an article related to government-mandated benefits
(unemployment, social security, medicare, etc.) as discussed this week
in class. To help locate your article, you can utilize the DeVry
University library through THE|HUB, or you may locate the article
through your own source. The article should be from a current
professional source that you would read as a manager in the benefits
field. It should be a source that you would feel comfortable taking
forward to your employer.

Once you have located and read your article, please complete a review
of the article. The article review should consist of the following.

1. It should include a summary of the article (two to three paragraphs
maximum). Why was the article written about the topic at the current
time? This should be completed in your own words and review key points
of the article. You should not repeat the article in your summary.

2. How does this relate to the learning for the week in class? What
laws and concepts are covered that would help you in the area of
benefits? How could you further elaborate on the concepts in the

3. Based upon the article, what recommendations would you provide to
the business community (an employer) from reading the article?

The article review must be completed in the APA format and utilize
proper grammar. Points will be deducted for papers without a reference
page (see rubric for assignment criteria). The paper should be a
1,000–1,500 word count, not including title or reference pages. The
article will be graded based upon the Benefits Rubric.

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the
top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these
.next.ecollege.com/default/launch.ed?ssoType=DVUHubSSO2&node=184″>step-by-step instructions or watch this

Please find an article related to healthcare programs. To help locate
your article, you can utilize the DeVry University library through
THE|HUB, or you may locate the article through your own source. The
article should be from a current professional source that you would
read as a manager in the benefits field. It should be a source that you
would feel comfortable taking forward to your employer.

Once you have located and read your article, please complete a review
of the article. The article review should consist of the following.

It should contain a summary of the article (two to three
paragraphs maximum). Why was the article written about the topic at the
current time? This should be completed in your own words and talk about
the key points of the article. You should not repeat the article in
your summary.How does this relate to the learning for the week in class? What
laws and concepts are covered that would help you in the area of
benefits? How could you further elaborate on the concepts in the
article?Based upon the article, what recommendations would you provide to
the business community (an employer) from reading the article?

The article review must be completed in the APA format and utilize
proper grammar. Papers without a reference page will receive 0 points.
The paper should be three to five pages in total. The article will be
graded based upon the Benefits Rubric.

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the
top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these
.next.ecollege.com/default/launch.ed?ssoType=DVUHubSSO2&node=184″>step-by-step instructions or watch thisV

Please find an article related to pension programs. To help locate your
article, you can utilize the DeVry University Library through THE|HUB,
or you may locate the article through your own source. The article
should be from a current professional source that you would read as a
manager in the benefits field. It should be a source that you would feel
comfortable taking forward to your employer.

Once you have located and read your article, please complete a review
of the article. The article review should consist of the following

Write a summary of the article (two to three paragraphs
maximum). Why was the article written about the topic at the
current time? This should be completed in your own words and should talk
about the key points of the article. You should not repeat the
article in your summary.How does this relate to the learning for the week in class?
What laws and concepts are covered that would help you in the area
of benefits? How could you further elaborate on the concepts in
the article?Based on the article, what recommendations would you provide
to the business community (an employer) from reading the article?

The article review must be completed in APA or MLA format and utilize
proper grammar. Points will be deducted for papers without a references
page (see the rubric for assignment criteria). The paper should be
1,000–1,500 words, not including title or references pages. The article
will be graded based on the .equella.ecollege.com/file/34c259bd-bdce-4db1-a71f-5bfa2a6e8ee4/1/documents–Benefits_Article_Grading_RASDRAFT.xlsx”>Benefits Rubric.

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the
top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these
.next.ecollege.com/default/launch.ed?ssoType=DVUHubSSO2&node=184″>step-by-step instructions or watch thisWEEK1
Benefit Plans (graded)
Employer-sponsored benefits reflect the culture and business of
the organization, and plans should be crafted and selected accordingly.
Think about your current (or former) organization’s benefit plan. Did it
help to improve the quality of your work, as well as your personal
life? Why or why not? Was it a generous benefits program or were there
specific benefits you felt should have been included?Benefit Planning Process (graded)
As part of conducting a benefit plan needs assessment, a human
resource professional must consider the organization’s business
strategy, as well as its compensation philosophy. What do you think is
the next step that should be taken? What are some of the possible
outcomes of a benefit plan needs assessment?WEEK 2
Role of Government (graded)
Other than the mandates of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and a
few other ineffectual reporting and disclosure requirements, benefit
programs were practically unregulated by the federal government before
the major shift that came with the enactment of the Employee Retirement
Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974, which was primarily aimed at
traditional defined benefit (DB) pension plans but applicable to other
employer-sponsored retirement and benefit programs. What is the
government’s current role in regulating the administration of employee
benefits? Do you think there is too little or too much government
intervention? Why?

Healthcare Cost Management(graded)

Many Americans benefit from the investments in healthcare;
however, the recent cost growth, coupled with the economic downturn and
rising national deficit, has placed a great strain on the financial
systems used to finance healthcare, including private employer-sponsored
health insurance coverage and public insurance programs, such as
Medicare and Medicaid. What is the responsibility of individuals for the
cost of their care? Are health savings accounts and high-deductible
insurance policies an approach that should be expanded? What are the
concerns for low-income individuals?

Consumer-Driven Healthcare (graded)

Consumer-driven healthcare has become popular over the past few
years as employees seek tax advantages and cost savings on healthcare.
What are some of the key features of a consumer-driven healthcare plan?
Does your company currently offer any of these plans? If so, are you
taking advantage of them? Why or why not?
WEEK 4Life Insurance Plans (graded)
A major concern for most employees is caring for their families
in the event of the employee’s death. Many employers provide life
insurance for employees. Does your organization offer a group insurance
policy? If so, what is the basic plan design of your organization’s life
insurance policy, and for how much are you covered? How do you value
this benefit in relation to the entire benefit package and why?

This section lists options that can be used to view responses.
Disability Plans (graded)
In addition to replacing household income when an employee either
retires or is no longer working, he or she may also carry some type of
income-replacement plan in the event they become disabled. Does your
current (or former) employer offer disability coverage for employees?
What are the specifics of your coverage? Do you feel the need to
purchase supplemental disability insurance? Why or why not? How do you
value this benefit in relation to the entire benefit package and why?WEEK 5Rules and Regulations (graded)
Discuss some of the legislation that helps to manage retirement
plans. What are some examples of laws that have been put into place to
protect employees? What are these laws purposed to do?
Retirement Plans (graded)
Why should an organization consider implementing a
company-sponsored retirement plan for its employees? What would be some
of the available options in choosing the right plan? Do you think
employees would favor a specific plan? If so, which plan would they
favor?WEEK 6

Paid Time Off (graded)

Some employers combine all paid time off, such as vacation, sick
leave, holidays, and personal days, into one large bank of time,
typically called paid time off (PTO). Discuss your organization’s
current paid leave program. Does your organization have a PTO bank or
several categories of leave accrual? What do you think would be the pros
and cons of a PTO bank versus a traditional leave plan, including sick
time and vacation?

This section lists options that can be used to view responses.

Work-Life Benefits (graded)
What are some of the flexibilities your organization allows to
Help employees with achieving a good balance between work and life
responsibilities? Do you think more can be done? If so, describe your
perspective on what specific work-life benefits you would like to see
implemented and how they would be beneficial to employees and the
company.WEEK 7

Benefits Communication (graded)

Does your current (or previous) organization have a strategy in
place to communicate its benefits plan to employees? If so, how
effective is it, and what can be done to improve it? If not, what are
your thoughts on putting a benefits communication plan in place? Would
it be beneficial?

Benefits Administration and Cost Controls (graded)

Insurance providers and employers alike are searching for
techniques and strategies to help control their benefits costs. Has your
organization been able to find ways to improve your benefits program or
add new benefits without adding a heavy cost burden to your department
or your employees? Will your organization’s budget for employee benefits
be growing, staying the same, or potentially shrinking over the coming
year?FINALDevry HRM599 final exam
Page 1
Question 1. 1. (TCO
A) Many employees feel as though they are entitled to both legally mandated and
discretionary benefits. How would you break down the origins of employee
benefits in the United States to an employee with this type of attitude?
(Points : 30)

Question 2. 2. (TCO
B) Briefly outline the key provisions of the Pension Protection Act of 2006.
(Points : 30)

Question 3. 3. (TCO
C) Your organization’s CEO is considering implementing a life insurance policy
for employees and needs your advice. Briefly discuss the two types of life
insurance policies offered in the United States and the major differences
between the two. Make a recommendation for your CEO as to which plan would be
best for your organization and why. (Points : 30)

Question 4. 4. (TCO
D) Your company’s CEO is interested in implementing a new dental plan for
employees and has asked you to do some research. The CEO wants you to report
back to him in 3 weeks with the following information: What are the three main
types of dental care plans? Discuss each plan and make a recommendation for
your company. (Points : 30)

Question 5. 5. (TCO
E) Your organization is considering offering a flexible benefit plan but has
been advised that it could create a higher risk for adverse selection. Discuss
the issue of adverse selection, and provide an example of how it occurs.
Discuss three approaches you might use to reduce the risk of adverse selection
in a cafeteria plan. (Points : 30)

Question 6. 6. (TCO
F) You have recently been hired as an employee benefit consultant and have been
asked to recommend the establishment of either a defined contribution or a
defined benefit plan. Given the following employer objectives, which type of
plan would you recommend? Specify the type of retirement plan you would
recommend. Explain how your recommendation would handle the employer’s
Employer objectives
majority of
employees are young;
would like to
encourage long potential service;
concerned about
providing retirement income, capital accumulation, and/or estate benefits; and
concerned about
limiting their funding costs and administrative expenses.

(Points : 30)
Question 7. 7. (TCO
G) Legally, employers must provide some disclosure information regarding their
benefits plan as spelled out by ERISA. One of those requirements includes a
summary plan description, or SPD. What is an SPD? Briefly discuss the
information that SPDs must provide. (Points : 30)

Question 8. 8. (TCO
H) Family Helpance programs help employees with caring for loved ones, both
young and old. Briefly describe the three types of family Helpance programs
and their benefits. (Points : 30)

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