Introduction With the growing use of information technology many companies are investing substantial resources in order to increase profits. With many innovative ideas around companies are ever in search of ways and means of ensuring that costs are reduced or are completely eliminated. Thus in this paper I will discuss telecommuting as a way used in firms to reduce travelling costs and increase profitability. I will further explain the advantages of telecommuting and will bring to the fore its disadvantages. Furthermore, I will discuss the strategies that may be adopted to manage the performance of telecommuting employees.
Finally, I will discuss the most effective type of rewards to employees who perform their work via telecommuting and what I would recommend for our organization. TelecommutingTelecommuting according to CITATION Ash181 l 1033 (Manker, 2018) is defined as working from a remote location outside of a traditional office, the location can be from a coffee shop, or hotel room. Furthermore it is a business practice that has grown due to the fact that companies want to cut costs and increase productivity.
of telecommutingThe use of telecommuting can led to reduced road traffic accidents as less people are on the road due to this mode of communication, hence no one would be rushing for meetings in various places thereby gaining on time.Businesses find this type of communication very handy and cost effective because it does not need to move people around, and leads to improvements in employee recruitment and retention. Furthermore it helps reduce absenteeism amongst employees, which results in productivity as well as a much easy match payroll to seasonal or other shifts in employment.Telecommuting is the best alternative in an event there are conflicting events and both need to be undertaken. Additionally, one can schedule meetings at convenient times so that all that needs to be done with less cost.Companies would save a lot of money in renting huge office space to accommodate staff that is involved in the operations of the company since they can work from their homes. Additionally, the company would spend less on allowances and fuel for employees.According to (Pratt, 1993), telecommuting increases motivation in an employees as the working environment makes them more creative and increases the individuals level of job satisfaction.oth narrative proof and logical research bolster the idea that individuals who are conceded work adaptability see a lift in efficiency. For instance, in measurements gathered by Global Workplace Analytics, JD Edwards telecommuters were appeared to be 20-25 percent more gainful than their office partners. What’s more, American Express representatives who telecommuted were 43 percent more beneficial than laborers in the workplace. That is in part since individuals are more joyful and more advantageous when they have some authority over their work lives.As referenced, adaptability more often than not prompts upgrades in worker enrollment and maintenance. Since contracting and preparing new specialists is costly, this is an undeniable money saving advantage to a business. However, organizations that grasp telecommuting may likewise get a good deal on the buy or renting off office space, since they’ll require less desk areas for on location laborers. Work adaptability likewise will in general diminish worker truancy, and it can enable organizations to all the more effectively coordinate their payrolls to regular or different moves in business, bringing extra money saving advantages. At long last, when an organization’s representatives can telecommute, that business doesn’t need to stress over losing profitability when a gigantic power blackout hits the workplace, or a tempest or other cataclysmic event anticipates travel. Unmistakably the advantages of telecommuting and other adaptable work alternatives stretch out to the two organizations and laborers. What’s more, as organizations grasp these alternatives, life improves for everybody. As Sutton says in the video, “Working shouldn’t imply that you don’t have an actual existence. Working shouldn’t imply that you can’t get along admirably at your life.” On the off chance that you concur, it’s a great opportunity to act.Disadvantages of telecommutingTelecommuting has its down sides as it leads to telecommuters feeling isolated according to (Bussing,1998), it was reported that telecommuters experienced isolation whenever they went to the organization to fulfill various tasks and that working away from the office can impair an employees ability to influence other people and events in the workplace. Furthermore the lack of interaction with fellow coworkers makes them miss their fellow coworkers as they would be sharing their achievements.Telecommuters lack professional support from their fellow employees as they are not working from the office, and that the lack of support can lead to the work been affected. Furthermore the employees working from the office have access to various services such as; postal distribution, library services, while telecommuters have limited resources which leads to tasks been delayed.According to (Baruch,2001), telecommuting leads to the creation of a detached society, this is due to the fact that employees that telecommute interact less with employees that work from the office. This leads to unsuitable personal qualities which make telecommuting difficult as those used to working independently maybe affected by those that are used to working under close supervision.Telecommuters are used to working away from the office that they find it difficult to balance between their social and professional lives as this could to lack of boundaries between the two domains. Additionally in certain circumstances it may result in a telecommuter’s work efficiency reducing which could be due to disturbances from family or neighbors making demands upon them. Furthermore this puts immediate pressure on the telecommuter as they could have received moral and mental support from the family.At home, far from the clamoring vitality of a bustling office, you may think that its difficult to remain persuaded for the term of a seven-or eight-hour workday. Your own absence of control, just as interferences from loved ones, can genuinely hurt your efficiency. To remain roused and engaged, experienced remote workers recommend preparing and really dressing for work every day (don’t skip brushing your teeth or work in your night robe), and keep up a particular territory of your home for work and work as it were.Strategies that may be adopted to manage the performance of telecommuting to employeesAs a manager or leader of an organization it is important to find means and ways to ensure that every employee is motivated and satisfied with what they are doing so that they contribute productively to the success of the organisation. Furthermore adopting a managing strategy will ensure that there is accountability and will promote communication with supervisors and managers.Firstly, keep all team members in close communication, a feeling of group is a basic achievement factor for any group, yet particularly so where individuals can’t communicate with one another specifically. Customary correspondence among all colleagues is basic to uniting individuals and encouraging a feeling of incorporation, while giving progressing chances to information and impact. Sometimes, there might be a center gathering at one site while other colleagues are found somewhere else, making it much increasingly essential to guarantee offSsite individuals don’t feel unaware of what’s going on. In the case of utilizing remotely coordinating, messages, Web gatherings, videoconferencing, or the many rising systems administration media to keep in contact, colleagues need chances to partake, share thoughts and work yields, and become more acquainted with one another paying little mind to where they are found. This customary contact enables work to trust and certainty among colleagues, in spite of separation, time zones, and contrasts in culture.Secondly, Celebrate milestones and successes, Sensing that a group implies cooperating as well as being perceived for colleagues’ penances and achievements. Pioneers of virtual groups have an extraordinary chance to remunerate the group for superior, fortifying the community oriented attitude and the feeling of being a piece of an option that is bigger than oneself. Participatory festivals are particularly esteemed by colleagues who are segregated from different individuals or when the main acknowledgment for their group commitment originates from a remotely found chief. “Reward the gathering and the gathering will compensate you.” Despite the fact that development in the quantity of virtual groups may have been quickened by ongoing downturns in the economy and corporate reactions to those decreases, the pattern toward this path was at that point in progress. It is protected to state that virtual groups will probably be the standard for some individuals, on the off chance that they are not as of now; and many, if not all, pioneers in bigger organizations will in the long run have the chance”and test”of dealing with a virtual group. By embracing these unmistakable, substantial procedures, pioneers who oversee at a separation can defeat execution obstructions that outcome when groups cross time, separation, and culture. Their groups and organizations will be situated to use the endeavors and gifts of various groups, cooperating to make a wellspring of favorable position in a worldwide commercial center where the tenets of rivalry are always showing signs of change.Lastly, Research has demonstrated that administrators dread they lose authority over representatives’ conduct as workers gain independence by telecommuting (Tomaskovic-Devey and Risman, 1993). N.B. Kurland, C.D. Cooper/Journal of High Technology Management Research 13 (2002) 107″ 126 108 Telecommuting can reduce an administrator’s apparent control as it physically removesthe representative from the regular workplace. For instance, Bailyn (1988, p. 151) saw that telecommuting changes the manner in which work has been traditionallyorganized, “represent[ing] an appointment of power from the executives to the workingor gainful dimension.” Since chiefs trust they can’t screen remote workers’ conduct, they oppose telecommuting and oppose its selection (see e.g., Mokh-tarian and Salomon, 1996a, 1996b). They question: If I can’t see my representatives, howdo I realize they’re working?3. Considering the globalization era, in your opinion, discuss the most effective type of rewards to employees who perform their work via telecommuting. Please explain why?The initial step, obviously, is to recognize the practices that are vital to your organization. Those exercises may incorporate upgrading client connections, calibrating basic procedures or helping workers grow their administrative aptitudes. At the point when entrepreneurs consider remunerate frameworks, they regularly put pay at the highest priority on the rundown. There’s nothing amiss with that, since few individuals are ready or ready to work for nothing. Yet, the correct methodology should likewise incorporate a motivating force pay plan that is straightforwardly connected to the objectives of your organization for that period. You should need to incorporate some sort of longer-term rewards for key people in your association. Verifiably, this has frequently incorporated some type of value possession. Advantages are another kind of remuneration in a key reward framework, and your representatives are certainly going to see the sorts of advantages you give. Organizations that don’t coordinate or surpass the advantage dimensions of their rivals will experience issues pulling in and holding top specialists. This is one reason an expanding number of organizations are swinging to proficient boss associations like Administaff to access a more extensive exhibit of organization benefits. Be that as it may, you can’t reduce the significance of acknowledgment and thankfulness as basic segments of a triumphant key reward framework. These two components once in a while get the consideration they merit from entrepreneurs, which is stunning in light of the fact that they’re the minimal effort/exceptional yield fixings. Representatives like to realize whether they’re doing great, awful or normal, so it’s critical that you let them know. Acknowledgment implies recognizing somebody before their friends for explicit achievements accomplished, moves made or demeanors exemplified through their conduct. Thankfulness, then, fixates on offering thanks to somebody for his or her activities. Appearing at your representatives by recognizing superb execution and the sort of conduct you need to energize is best done through straightforward articulations and explanations. For instance, you may send an individual note or stop by the worker’s work area to pass on your appreciation. Another methodology is to join acknowledgment and gratefulness as an open proclamation of thanks before the representative’s collaborators or group, refering to explicit instances of what they’ve done that has emphatically affected the association. Since you realize what it ought to incorporate, it’s an ideal opportunity to audit your key reward framework. Does it address pay, advantages, acknowledgment and appreciation? Is it lined up with your residual business methodologies? Is it driving the correct practices for your organization, just as your execution objectives? In the event that it needs fixing, don’t pause. It can mean the contrast between your business’ prosperity and disappointment.In spite of the fact that these terms are regularly utilized conversely, reward and acknowledgment frameworks ought to be considered independently. Worker compensate frameworks allude to programs set up by an organization to remunerate execution and inspire representatives on individual and additionally amass levels. They are ordinarily viewed as isolated from compensation however might be money related in nature or generally have an expense to the organization. While recently thought about the space of expansive organizations, independent companies have likewise started utilizing them as a device to bait top representatives in an aggressive occupation advertise just as to build worker execution. As noted, despite the fact that worker acknowledgment programs are frequently joined with remuneration programs they hold an alternate reason out and out. They are proposed to give a mental”rewards a money related”advantage. Albeit numerous components of structuring and keeping up remuneration and acknowledgment frameworks are the equivalent, it is helpful to remember this distinction, particularly for entrepreneurs keen on persuading staffs while minimizing expenses.