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Posted: October 20th, 2022

APU SPHE314 full course[ all discussions all assignments and all quizes midterm and final ]

Please answer the following:1. Define exercise physiology? Explain how exercise physiology differs from sport physiology.2. Provide an example of what is meant by studying acute responses to a single bout of exercise.3. Describe the essential characteristics of the three energy systems. Your initial response should be a minimum of 500 words and your response to at least two others should be 250 words in length.Initial posts are due no later than 11:59 pm on Thursdays, EST. Responses to at least two others are due no later than 11:59 pm on Sundays, EST.—Discussion Board AssignmentWK 2 DQ 1: Copy and paste the following to your post and then answer these questions in detail. Your initial response should be a minimum a total of 500 words and your response to at least two other students should be at least 250 words.· Describe the possible causes of fatigue during exercise bouts of exercise. What has been your experience with fatigue and physical activity? What might you do different to prevent fatigue in the future based on the information obtained in the reading material?Copy and paste the following to your post and then answer these questions in detail. Your response should be a minimum a total of 500 words and you response to at least 2 others, 250 words (each).Using the Internet or the APUS online library, choose one concept or theory that is discussed in this week’s reading material from the textbook and in your own words, provide a brief presentation. You are required to cite your resource and provide proper credit to the source or author.Copy and paste the following to your post and then answer these questions in detail. Your response should be a minimum a total of 500 words and you response to at least 2 others, 250 words (each).What is a reasonable expectation for percentage strength gains following a six-month resistance training program? How do these percentage gains differ by age, sex, and previous resistance training exercise?WK 5 DQ 1: Copy and paste the following to your post and then answer these questions in detail. Your response should be a minimum a total of 500 words and your response to at least 2 others needs to be 250 words in length (each).1. Define Over-training Syndrome and discuss some of the signs and symptoms2. Share with your fellow learners the dangers associated with over-training3. Share any personal experiences you may have with others regarding over-trainingWK 6 DQ 1: Copy and paste the following to your post and then answer these questions in detail. Your response should be a minimum a total of 500 words and your response to at least 2 others must be 250 words in length (each).Using your textbook, APUS Online Library or other scholarly sources, you are to pick one Ergogenic Aid that appears in this week’s reading material and present your findings to the class that offers a broad outline addressing:A) The name of the Ergogenic AidB) The possible benefits and risksC) The possible long term consequences (if any) of using this substance.WK 7 DQ 1: Copy and paste the following to your post and then answer these questions in detail. Your response should be a minimum a total of 500 words and your responses to at least 2 others should be 250 words in length (each).1. What is the difference between exercise and physical activity? List two examples of each and discuss what makes them an exercise vs. a physical activity.2. Do you think vigorous exercise is better than moderate activity? Why or why not?3. What new insight did you gain as part of this week’s readings or discussions?WK 8 DQ 1: Copy and paste the following to your post and then answer these questions in detail. Your response should be a minimum a total of 500 words and your responses to at least 2 others should be 250 words in length (each).As the class winds down, I want everyone to have an opportunity look back and get clarification about any topics covered in this course that you may still have questions about. Therefore, I want each of you to create your own DQ about any topic covered in the course. Post your DQ to this thread. Then, read and respond to at least two of your classmates’ DQs.Essay #1 Writing AssignmentFollowing the guidelines for essay submissions explained earlier in this document, you are to respond to the following questions:Discuss the relationship between distribution of muscle fiber type and performance. How might exercise training modify or change a person’s fiber-type distribution?Describe the mechanisms by which muscle glycogen is broken down to glucose for use in glycolysis.Describe how a nerve impulse is transmitted along its axon.What are two advantages of fat over carbohydrate for fuel storage in the body?Describe the primary structure of the heart and the primary functions of blood.Use the template for this assignment located in the online classroom under RESOURCES marked: Essay Submission Assignment #1. Remember your paper must be in APA format.Essay Questions AssignmentsFollowing the guidelines for essay submissions explained earlier in this document, you are to respond to the following questions:1. What factors should be considered to provide maximal protection when people are exercising in the cold?2. How would training at medium altitude and then competing at higher altitude affect a runner’s performance? How would training at sea level affect a runner’s performance?3. Discuss the health risks associated with acute exposure to high altitude and how can these risks be minimized?4. What alterations occur in strength, power, and muscular endurance with physical detraining?5. What similarities do we see between spaceflight and detraining? Why does the body make these adaptations during spaceflight?Use the template for this assignment located in the online classroom under RESOURCES marked: Essay Submission Assignment #2. Remember your paper must be in APA format.Chapter 16 of your textbook explored the topic of hormonal agents, with particular emphasis on anabolic steroids. For this assignment, you are to write a detailed essay in third person voice that at a minimum is at least five pages in length(not including cover page or reference page) and must be in APA format. To learn about third person, see the link on the topic under this week’s suggested reading. Your paper must:Define ergogenic aid and explain how steroids are considered part of your definition.Discuss the affects of steroid use on athletic performance.Explain how steroids differ from the human growth hormone.Assess the medical risk of steroid use.Summarize your findings in the context of exercise science.Your essay should include an introduction and summary that are clearly labeled and each section of your paper should be labeled. An example of an APA style paper can be found in the RESOURCES section of the online classroom. You will also find a template for the final essay project under RESOURCES. Your paper must also include at least five outside references.There is also a checklist for the final paper under RESOURCES. Use the APUS Online Library, the Internet, your textbook as well as sports and exercise journals as possible sources for information. These references need to be in the body of the paper and then appear again in the reference section. Finally, your paper should be as rich in detail as possible.Question 1 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsAccording to the course packet, what are the requirements for posting to the discussion board area for weeks in which discussion board assignments appear?A.I need to respond to at least two other students after posting my initial response to the discussion board question.B.I need respond to at least one other student after posting my initial response to the discussion board question.C.I need to respond to at least four other students after posting my initial response to the discussion board question.D.I only need to post my response to the discussion board question being asked.Question 2 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsWhich of the following statements is true according to the course policies document in the classroom regarding late writing assignments.A.I can be late with an assignment and no suffer any point deductions.B.If I turn in an assignment late, it will suffer a 10% deduction for each day it is late up to a maximum of two days. If I submit greater than two days after the due date my assignment will not be graded.C.Points will be deducted at a rate of 20% per week for each week the assignment is turned in late. If I turn in the assignment 5 days after the due date it will not be graded.D.There is no late assignment policyQuestion 3 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsAccording to your course packet, my writing assignments should be in:A.MLA formatB.APA format, with double spacingC.Chicago styleD.There is no policy regarding writing assignments.Question 4 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsIn the Resources area of the classroom, I can find a checklist that is designed to help me earn the highest possible score for writing assignments. This document is called the:A.Essay helperB.Essay ChecklistC.Essay builderD.Essay for todayQuestion 5 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsIn what area of the online classroom can I find templates for essays due in this course?A.AnnouncementsB.Course packetC.ResourcesD.MailboxQuestion 6 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsIn this course, I can find PowerPoint slides to supplement by textbook.A. TrueB. FalseQuestion 7 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsTo earn the highest possible score on discussion board assignments, I am required to post my initial response to the DQ being asked by day four of the course week and then respond to at least two other students in a substantive manner on or before day 7 of the course week.A. TrueB. FalseAnswer Key:Question 8 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsThe required format for all written assignments in this course is APAA. TrueB. FalseAnswer Key:Question 9 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsInformation about plagiarism can be found in the student handbook (student policy book), which is linked to the syllabus.A. TrueB. FalseAnswer Key:Question 10 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsInformation about the specific requirements for the final project due during week seven can be found in the course packet.A. TrueB. FalseAnswer Key:Part 1 of 1 – 80.0/ 100.0 PointsQuestion 1 of 100.0/ 10.0 PointsThe two main components of the nervous system are:A.the autonomic nervous system and the somatic nervous systemB.the brain and the spinal cordC.the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous systemD.the efferent and afferent divisions of the nervous systemQuestion 2 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsThe site of impulse conduction from one neuron to another is called a(n)A.dendriteB.axonC.neuromuscular junctionD.synapseAnswer Key:Question 3 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsA localized change in a neuron’s membrane potential, which may or may not spread over the entire cell membrane, is calledA.graded potentialB.action potentialC.threshold potentialD.hyperpolarizationAnswer Key:Question 4 of 100.0/ 10.0 PointsWhich of the following is NOT ?A.The velocity of nerve impulse transmission is also determined by the neuron’s size.B.Neurons of small diameter conduct nerve impulses faster than neurons of larger diameterC.Neurons communicate with each other across synapsesD.Only when the sum of all individual action potentials meets or exceeds threshold can a graded potential occurAnswer Key:Question 5 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsBasal metabolism is the minimal 24-hour energy expenditure forA.physical activityB.digestion and absorptionC.thermic effect of foodD.basic body functionsAnswer Key:Question 6 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsBMR increases with increased body temperatureA. TrueB. FalseAnswer Key:Question 7 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsHormonal Regulation of Metabolism During Exercise 5Which group of hormones exerts metabolic and cardiovascular effects during exercise?A.thyroid hormonesB.catecholaminesC.pancreatic hormonesD.adrenal cortex hormonesAnswer Key:Question 8 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsAn example of a target cell for glucagon would beA.kidney cellsB.heart cellsC.liver cellsD.adipose cellsAnswer Key:Question 9 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsWhich energy substrate contains the most energy per gram?A.carbohydrateB.proteinC.fatD.glycogenAnswer Key:Question 10 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsWhich of the following is not a quantitative test or index of anaerobic capacity?A.Wingate anaerobic testB.maximal accumulated oxygen deficitC.maximal EPOCD.critical power testAnswer Key:Question 1 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsThe multiple functions of the muscular system are performed by ______________type(s) of muscle:A.2B.3C.4D.1Question 2 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsWhich of the following is NOT considered a fuel nutrient?A.carbohydrateB.fatC.waterD.proteinQuestion 3 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsThe layer of connective tissue surrounding the outside of the muscle is called:A.perimysiumB.carbohydrateC.sarcomysiumD.epimysiumQuestion 4 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsProtein can supply about 5 to 10% of the total energy needs during:A.sprinting activitiesB.prolonged exerciseC.all types of exerciseD.weightliftingQuestion 5 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsThe two main components of the nervous system are:A.the autonomic nervous system and the somatic nervous systemB.the brain and the spinal cordC.the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous systemD.the efferent and afferent divisions of the nervous systemQuestion 6 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsThe autonomic nervous system can be divided into two functional and anatomical divisions called:A.sympathetic and unsympatheticB.sympathetic and parasympatheticC.afferent and efferentD.CNS and peripheralQuestion 7 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsUsing an insulated, airtight chamber with walls containing copper tubing through which water is passed to assess total body energy expenditure is called:A.direct calorimeteryB.indirect calorimetryC.open-circuit spirometryD.closed-circuit spirometryQuestion 8 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsThe respiratory exchange ratio (RER) is defined as the ratio between the:A.of CO2 produced and the amount of CO2 consumed during metabolismB.amount of CO2 produced and the amount of CO2 consumed during metabolismC.amount of CO2 released and the amount of O2 consumed during metabolismD.amount of O2 released and the amount of CO2 consumed during metabolismQuestion 9 of 39 0.0/ 2.6 PointsThe primary function of the cardiovascular system is:A.thermoregulationB.immune functionC.ensuring that there is adequate blood flow throughout the circulation to meet the metabolic demandD.maintenance of acid-base balance and overall body fluid balanceQuestion 10 of 39 0.0/ 2.6 PointsThe heart’s main nutrient blood supply is provided via:A.the superior and inferior vena cavaeB.the right and left coronary arteriesC.the coronary veinsD.the pulmonary arteriesQuestion 11 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsAt a constant temperature, pressure and volume are inversely related. This is known as _____________ gas law.A.Boyle’sB.Henry’sC.Dalton’sD.Charles’Question 12 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsWhich of the following laws states that the rate of diffusion through a tissue such as the respiratory membrane is proportional to the surface area and the difference in the partial pressure of gas between the two sides of the tissue?A.Boyle’s lawB.Dalton’s lawC.Charles’ lawD.Fick’s lawQuestion 13 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsPulmonary ventilation is:A.commonly referred to as breathing, is the process by which air is moved into and out of the lungs.B.the volume of air available for gas exchangeC.anatomical dead space times respiratory rateD.is an inactive process involving the femur and the phalanges musclesQuestion 14 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsTo eject greater volume of blood, the ventricle responds by contracting more forcefully. This is referred to as as the:A.Diastolic mechanismB.Frank-Starling mechanismC.Fick principleD.cardiovascular driftQuestion 15 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsAn increase in heart rate that occurs in anticipation of competition is due to:A.an increase in stimulation of sympathetic nervous systemB.an increase in stimulation of paraympathetic nervous systemC.decrease in stimulation of sympathetic nervous systemD.release of acetylcholineQuestion 16 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsResting Heart Rate:A.decreases as a result of endurance trainingB.increases as a result of endurance trainingC.remains the same as a result of resistance trainingD.none of the aboveQuestion 17 of 39 0.0/ 2.6 PointsFatigue hinders performance byA.decreasing muscular strengthB.decreasing reaction timeC.decreasing movement timeD.All of these areQuestion 18 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsA sacomere is:A.the basic functional unit of a myofibril and the basic contractile unit of muscle.B.a moleculeC.a thin filamentD.a junctionQuestion 19 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsWhich of the following is in?A.The heart rate of a trained person is lower at rest and at the same absolute exercise intensity than the heart rate of an untrained personB.EDV is greater in an aerobically trained person than in an untrained personC.The Frank-Starling mechanism results in an increase in the force of contractionD.Stroke volumes are the same for a trained person regardless of body sizeQuestion 20 of 39 0.0/ 2.6 PointsMost research studies that have investigated the effects of exercise training on heart size have beenA.longitudinal training studiesB.cross-sectional studiesC.individual case studiesD.multifaceted studiesQuestion 21 of 39 0.0/ 2.6 PointsDoppler echocardiography providesA.one-dimensional views of the heartB.two-dimensional views of the heartC.three-dimensional views of the heartD.measurement of blood flowQuestion 22 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsAerobic training results in which of the following changes in stroke volume?A.increased stroke volume at restB.increased stroke volume at a standardized submaximal rate of workC.increased stroke volume at maximal rates of workD.All of these areQuestion 23 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsAn increase in mechanical efficiency is a possible explanation forA.a decrease in resting heart rate after endurance trainingB.a higher oxygen consumption rate at a given submaximal exercise work load after trainingC.a lower oxygen consumption at a given submaximal exercise workload after trainingD.a higher maximal oxygen consumptionQuestion 24 of 39 0.0/ 2.6 PointsMuch of the increase in blood volume during the first two weeks of an endurance training program results from increased volume of red blood cells.A. TrueB. FalseAnswer Key:Question 25 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsIncreases in resting metabolic rate after endurance training are most likely for people under 40 years of age.A. TrueB. FalseAnswer Key:Question 26 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsAnaerobic 30-second training bouts lead to an increase inA.succinate dehydrogenaseB.phosphofructokinaseC.citrate synthaseD.All of these areQuestion 27 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsSixty- and seventy-year-old men and women are not able to increase their maximal oxygen uptake with endurance training.A. TrueB. FalseQuestion 28 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsThe ability of the heart to change its force of contraction and therefore stroke volume in response to changes in venous return is called:A.Dalton’s lawB.The Frank-Starling mechanismC.Fick’s lawD.Poisseulle’s lawQuestion 29 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsHemoglobin is one of the substances diluted by plasma for expansionA. TrueB. FalseQuestion 30 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsMuscle hypertrophy refers to:A.immobilization of a muscleB.a decrease in muscle sizeC.an increase in muscle sizeD.an increase in number of muscle fibersQuestion 31 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsA decrease in the size of individual muscle fibers is referred to as:A.hypertrophyB.atrophyC.hyperplasiaD.hypoplasiaQuestion 32 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsMuscle atrophy may be defined as:A.an increase in muscular strength that occurs without resistance trainingB.a loss of muscle toneC.a loss of muscular coordination caused by decreased neuromuscular activationD.a wasting away (decrease) in muscle sizeQuestion 33 of 39 0.0/ 2.6 PointsMuscular endurance is highly related to the development of:A.aerobic capacityB.muscular strength and anaerobic powerC.leg speed and anaerobic powerD.cardiorespiratory systems’ ability to maintain oxygen delivery to working muscles during prolonged bouts of exerciseQuestion 34 of 39 0.0/ 2.6 PointsWhich of the following sports would be least dependent on muscular endurance?A.boxingB.weight lifterC.distance runnerQuestion 35 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsAldosterone is responsible for maintaining appropriate sodium levels.A. TrueB. FalseQuestion 36 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsThyroxine regulates sodium levels.A. TrueB. FalseQuestion 37 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsResistance Training and Gains in Muscular FitnessAbsolute strength gains are typically greatest in men.TrueFalseQuestion 38 of 39 2.6/ 2.6 PointsThe body’s heating and cooling mechanisms are activated by the hypothalamus.A. TrueB. FalseAnswer Key:Question 39 of 39 1.2/ 1.2 PointsThe amount of energy expended for different activities varies with the intensity and type of exerciseA. TrueB. FalseQuestion 1 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsHypoxia is best defined asA.oxygen deficiencyB.reduced barometric pressureC.decreased nitrogenD.sodium deficiencyQuestion 2 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsAltitude exposure causes increased red blood cell production because of increased release of:A.aldosteroneB.growth hormoneC.ADHD.erythropoietinQuestion 3 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsThe major physical changes associated with training occur inA.the first 6 to 10 weeksB.the first 1 to 2 weeksC.the first 6 to 10 daysD.the first 2 to 3 monthsQuestion 4 of 100.0/ 10.0 PointsThe type of training an athlete would undertake between competitive seasons or during active rest isA.acute overloadB.overreachingC.undertrainingIn D.overtrainingAnswer Key:Question 5 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsThe type of training that refers to a brief period of heavy overload without adequate recovery is overreachingA. TrueB. FalseAnswer Key: TrueQuestion 6 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsThe type of training that refers to the point where an athlete experiences physiological maladaptations and chronic performance decrements is overtrainingA. TrueB. FalseQuestion 7 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsThe newer DXA techniques allow quantification of bone and soft tissueA. TrueB. FalseAnswer Key: Question 8 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsWhen fasting or using very low-calorie diets for weight loss, most of the weight lost comes from water lossA. TrueB. FalseQuestion 9 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsAn athlete who is chronically underweight exhibits symptoms that mimic those of undertrainingA. TrueB. FalseQuestion 10 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsInfrequent or scant menstrual flow is oligomenorrheaA. TrueB. FalseQuestion 1 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsAny substance or phenomenon that enhances performance isA.an ergogenic aidB.an ergolytic aidC.an ergonomic aidD.an erythrocytic aidQuestion 2 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsThe major risk of using diuretics isA.heart arrhythmias and cardiac arrestB.dehydrationC.electrolyte imbalanceD.All of these are correctQuestion 3 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsUse of anabolic steroids can lead toA.increases in male breast sizeB.facial hair in femalesC.premature closure of long bone epiphyses in prepubertal childrenD.All of these are correctAnswer Key:Question 4 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsA child reaches about 50% of adult height by the age of:A.15 monthsB.2 yearsC.3 yearsD.1.5 yearsQuestion 5 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsPeak rate of height growth occurs at:A.age 10 in girls, age 12 in boysB.age 16 in girls, age 18 in boysC.age 12 in girls, age 14 in boysD.age 12.5 in girls, age 14.5 in boysAnswer Key:Question 6 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsChildren have lower blood pressure than adults due to children’s smaller sizeCorrectA. TrueB. FalseAnswer Key: TrueQuestion 7 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsA child’s performance in distance running is greatly superior to an adult’s performanceCorrectA. TrueB. FalseAnswer Key:Question 8 of 100.0/ 10.0 PointsResearch on aging has shown an apparent increase in the number of type I fibersIncorrectA. TrueB. FalseQuestion 9 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsAge-related losses in strength result primarily from a substantial loss of muscle massCorrectA. TrueB. FalseAnswer Key:Question 10 of 1010.0/ 10.0 PointsThe most important reason for changes in pulmonary function with increasing age is loss of elasticity of lung tissue and chest wallCorrectA. TrueB. FalseQuestion 1 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsThe multiple functions of the muscular system are performed by ______________type(s) of muscle:A.2B.3C.4D.1Question 2 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsWhich of the following is not considered a fuel nutrient?A.carbohydrateB.fatC.waterD.proteinQuestion 3 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsThe layer of connective tissue surrounding the outside of the muscle is called:A.perimysiumB.carbohydrateC.sarcomysiumD.epimysiumQuestion 4 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsProtein can supply about 5 to 10% of the total energy needs during:A.sprinting activitiesB.prolonged exerciseC.all types of exerciseD.weightliftingQuestion 5 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsThe two main components of the nervous system are:A.the autonomic nervous system and the somatic nervous systemB.the brain and the spinal cordC.the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous systemD.the efferent and afferent divisions of the nervous systemQuestion 6 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsThe autonomic nervous system can be divided into two functional and anatomical divisions called:A.sympathetic and unsympatheticB.sympathetic and parasympatheticC.afferent and efferentD.CNS and peripheralQuestion 7 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsUsing an insulated, airtight chamber with walls containing copper tubing through which water is passed to assess total body energy expenditure is called:A.direct calorimeteryB.indirect calorimetryC.open-circuit spirometryD.closed-circuit spirometryQuestion 8 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsThe respiratory exchange ratio (RER) is defined as the ratio between the:A.of CO2 produced and the amount of CO2 consumed during metabolismB.amount of CO2 produced and the amount of CO2 consumed during metabolismC.amount of CO2 released and the amount of O2 consumed during metabolismD.amount of O2 released and the amount of CO2 consumed during metabolismQuestion 9 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsThe primary function of the cardiovascular system is:A.thermoregulationB.immune functionC.ensuring that there is adequate blood flow throughout the circulation to meet the metabolic demandD.maintenance of acid-base balance and overall body fluid balanceQuestion 10 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsThe heart’s main nutrient blood supply is provided via:A.the superior and inferior vena cavaeB.the right and left coronary arteriesC.the coronary veinsD.the pulmonary arteriesQuestion 11 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsAt a constant temperature, pressure and volume are inversely related. This is known as _____________ law.A.Boyle’sB.Henry’sC.Dalton’sD.Charles’Question 12 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsWhich of the following laws states that the rate of diffusion through a tissue such as the respiratory membrane is proportional to the surface area and the difference in the partial pressure of gas between the two sides of the tissue?A.Boyle’s lawB.Dalton’s lawC.Charles’ lawD.Fick’s lawQuestion 13 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsPulmonary ventilation is:A.the process by which air is moved into and out of the lungsB.the volume of air available for gas exchangeC.anatomical dead space times respiratory rateD.None of these is .Question 14 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsTo eject greater volume of blood, the ventricle responds by contracting more forcefully. This is referred to as as the:A.Diastolic mechanismB.Frank-Starling mechanismC.Fick principleD.cardiovascular driftQuestion 15 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsAn increase in heart rate that occurs in anticipation of competition is due to:A.an increase in stimulation of sympathetic nervous systemB.an increase in stimulation of paraympathetic nervous systemC.decrease in stimulation of sympathetic nervous systemD.release of acetylcholineQuestion 16 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsThe multiple functions of the muscular system are performed by _________ type(s) of muscle.A.2B.3C.4D.1Question 17 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsThe layer of connective tissue surrounding the outside of the muscle is called:A.perimysiumB.endomysiumC.sarcomysiumD.epimysiumQuestion 18 of 850.58/ 1.17 PointsWhich of the following is not considered a fuel nutrient?A. carbohydrateB. fatC. waterD. protein, DQuestion 19 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsProtein can supply about 5 to 10% of the total energy needs during:A.non sprinting activitiesB.prolonged exerciseC.all types of exerciseD.weightliftingQuestion 20 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsThe heart is not like other muscles in the body in that it does not strengthen by endurance training.A. TrueB. FalseQuestion 21 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsThe B complex vitamins were once thought to be a single vitamin.A. TrueB. FalseQuestion 22 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsAmphetamine and its derivatives are central nervous system depressantsA. TrueB. FalseQuestion 23 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsMaturation refers to the process of taking on adult form and becoming fully functionalA. TrueB. FalseQuestion 24 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsGrowth refers toA.an increase size of the body or any of its partsB.an increase is body size onlyC.an increase in developmentD.none of the aboveQuestion 25 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsGirls mature physiologically aboutA.2 years earlier than boys doB.the same rate as boysC.2 years later than boys doD.none of the aboveQuestion 26 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsPeak strength is usally attained by age 20 in womenA. TrueB. FalseQuestion 27 of 850.0/ 1.17 PointsThe level of strength needed to meet the daily demands of living remains unchanged throughout life.InA. TrueB. FalseQuestion 28 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsLung changes considerably with aging in sedentary peopleA. TrueB. FalseQuestion 29 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsChronic fatique syndrome is very similar to the overtraining syndrome.A. TrueB. FalseQuestion 30 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsDyspnea is the clinical name for leg pain as a result of weight training.A. TrueB. FalseQuestion 31 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsSensory receptors called thermoreceptorsA.detect changes in temperature and relay this information to the body’s thermostat, located in the region of the brain called the preoptic anterior hypothalamusB.detect changes in temperature and relay this information to the body’s thermostat, located in the region of the brain called the pituitary glandC.do not detect changes in temperatureD.none of the aboveQuestion 32 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsA person’s rate of adaptation to training is not genetically limited and can be forced beyond his or her body’s capacity for developmentA. TrueB. FalseQuestion 33 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsPhosphorus is closely linked to calciumA. TrueB. FalseQuestion 34 of 850.0/ 1.17 PointsMuscular endurance is highly related to the development of:A.aerobic capacityIn B.muscular strength and anaerobic powerC.leg speed and anaerobic powerD.cardiorespiratory systems’ ability to maintain oxygen delivery to working muscles during prolonged bouts of exerciseQuestion 35 of 850.0/ 1.17 PointsWhich of the following sports would be least dependent on muscular endurance?A.boxingB.wrestlingIn C.distance runningD.weight lifterQuestion 36 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsAldosterone is responsible for maintaining appropriate sodium levels.A. TrueB. FalseQuestion 37 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsThyroxine regulates sodium levels.A. TrueB. FalseQuestion 38 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsThe WBGT index provides a single temperature reading to estimate the cooling capacity of the surrounding environmentA. TrueB. FalseQuestion 39 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsThe wet bulb temperature in the WBGT index indicates the effect of sweat evaporating from the skinA. TrueB. FalseQuestion 40 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsHypoxia is best defined as:A.oxygen deficiencyB.reduced barometric pressureC.decreased blood flowD.difficulty breathingQuestion 41 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsAs altitude increases:A.the percentage of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen decreasesB.the partial pressure of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen increasesC.the partial pressure of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen is reduced in direct proportion with increasing altitudeD.the cold air is capable of holding more moisture (water) than dryQuestion 42 of 850.0/ 1.17 PointsHypoxemia at high altitudes:A.is a direct reflection of lower alveolar PO2In B.is a result of reduced diffusion of oxygen from the lungs to the bloodC.is a direct reflection of lower alveolar PCO2D.is a direct result of decreases in pulmonary ventilationQuestion 43 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsThe major physical changes associated with training occur in:A.the first 6 to 10 weeksB.the first 1 to 2 weeksC.the first 6 to 10 daysD.the first 2 to 3 monthsQuestion 44 of 851.17/ 1.17 PointsThe practice of reducing training volume and intensity before a major competition is referred to as:

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