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Posted: September 27th, 2022

Write A Research Proposal For Your Future Research Project Or Business Investigation Report

Methods for Evidence-Based Projects
Summary Guidance
You are asked to write a research proposal for your future research project or business investigation report. This involves presenting, critiquing and justifying your proposed research design.

· Format: Research proposal

· Length: 3000 words

· Type: Summative

· Weighting: 100%

· Submission: Electronically via

Research Proposal Formatting
The following requirements must be adhered to in the submitted proposal:

· Text should be ‘1.5 lines’ spaced except for appendices.

· Margins should be 25 mm (Top, Bottom, Left and Right)

· All pages should be numbered consecutively using Arabic (1, 2 …)

· Main text should be in Arial or Calibri, font size 12

· Section titles, headings and sub-heading should be appropriately and consistently formatted generally using font sizes larger than 12

· Quotations should be identified as a quotation with double quotation marks and the page number of the source given.


Formative assessment is ‘intended to help the learner identify the current standard of their work, and/or to identify need and potential for improvement’ (Cowan, 2000, p.80).

The formative assessment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to receive feedback on your proposal. Please note this formative feedback provides you with an indication of your performance but will not be considered by the assessment board as part of the overall mark awarded for the module; for clarity, no indicative grade will be provided. Feedback will be provided through GCU Learn typically three weeks after your submission date, and you will have the opportunity to discuss it with your tutor. You should then develop this proposal into the final proposal (summative assignment).

Formative Task: Develop a Research Project Proposal that is both practical to complete and relevant to your workplace. Finalise Formative Assessment based on the Summative Assessment template so we can provide you advise on where/how to improve. The advised length is 1.500-2.000 word.


Requirements for Summative Assignment

· This pro-forma must be used for your summative assignment (Research Proposal);

o You will also complete sections of this pro-forma for your formative work also, so this document will evolce as you progress through the module;

· Please delete this guidance page from your submission;

· Please complete the details on the coversheet (your name, student ID number, word count and date of submission);

· Ensure that your final submission looks professional, e.g. consider positioning of each section on a page;

· In the proposal there are a number of boxes for your answers.

o Within this pro-form, there are prompts/ guidance in italics – these are only prompts about key point to consider; these are not everything that you need to consider

o You must write the required information in all sections in well-formed paragraphs (with appropriate referencing where reuqired in sections);

o Please present your writing in normal font (not in italic font)

· Remember that the summative assignment 1 requirements you to upload:

o Complete Proposal Pro-forma;

o Project plan for your project;

Timescales are an important part of planning a project to ensure that you are able to complete it in the time available. When constructing your plan, you should take into account factors such as workload and holidays. Identify that tasks that you need to complete and allocate date to them. Manage your time, be realistic. Set milestones for each section of the report and allow for contingencies

Checklist for uploading
· Completed proposal with in text citations and references to Harvard style;

· Project plan with clear date for submission of ethics application identified in project plan;

Assessment Cover Sheet


Student ID Number:

Degree Programme:

Module Title:

Module/Seminar Tutor:


Word count (must be stated)

This is my own original work; it has not been submitted elsewhere in fulfilment of the requirements of this or any other award.

I agree that tutors can make this work (either original or on-line version) available to future student cohorts as an exemplar of this assignment, on the understanding it will be anonymised with no reference to myself or any case study organisation utilised.

Signed ………………………………………………………………………………

Summative Project Proposal Template

Proposed Project Title

A proposed title for the project (Should be meaningful, relevant and concise)

This should convey subject matter/ topic of your investigations and scope of focus of project

May also convey type of project (case study; feasibility; development)

Ideally, around 10 words (no more than 15 words)

Background, Context and Motivation/ Relevancy (including research aim and objectives)

(approximately 300 words)

Your research project must relate to a work based problem or business practice, and not purely “academic issue”. You need to, therefore, demonstrate and explain how conducting this research project may improve the workplace practice based on following consideration

1) where applied method for evidence based project bring improvements into your workplace

2) what type of business research would you focus on

3) how to manage change for positive impact and what the expected benefits would be.

For example, is it to demonstrate a need to change or introduce a new process within the selected organisation? Is it to evaluate the effectiveness of a particular process within the organisation? Is it to identify best practice or to prepare for change?


1) Explain the background and context to the project, e.g. what opportunity have you seen? Which inefficiency are you concerned about? Outline any initial data to help show the current impact (and so scope for improvement) or missed opportunity (e.g. potential growth).

2) Be clear about particular business unit, geographic scope, operational scope.


At the end of your report you want to have led the reader from some background, through logical steps that will make the need for a project clear; this section is to provide context and show need for the specific aim (next box);

Remember to provide references to support evidence (even to internal documents and other documents); this is a very strong explanation

Aim of your investigation/ key research questions


State the overall project aim of your project or what is your key research question (you can seek to clarify this with one short supporting paragraph); only one of these 2 options required.


• State aim as a single sentence starting with one appropriate verb; look at Bloom’s

taxonomy verbs for guidance and ensure at appropriate level for Honours;

• Or state one key research question;

• Remember that the aim/key research question is to show what the overall intent of

your project is

• Your aim/ research question can be more general and less specific than your objectives

Objectives (provide from 4 to 6)

List the objectives of the project.


· Research objectives need to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) and states actions such as: to evaluate, to analyse, to examine, to investigate, or to identify.

· What tasks do you need to complete to achieve your overall aim? Objectives are stepping stones to achieving an aim, always directing developments towards the aim.

· List the objectives from earliest to latest (in terms of when these will happen chronologically)

· Being clear about time can be achieved in project plan (but make reference to this if you do so)

In this section you need to come up with 4-6 research objectives. Research objectives are the key areas of inquiry that also provides the sub-sections of the literature review. Thus, in literature review you are detailing the research objectives

Literature Review

(approximately 700 words).


Write a brief, contextualised and critical literature review that shows where your project sits within existing research and practice and show what you believe will be the interesting aspects. The literature review helps support your overall aim for the project and should reflect both theory and practice;
Maximum of 3 themes of literature that are 1) contextualise your project in a wider body of knowledge and 2) bring out factors that are relevant to your project (i.e. will help inform your project;
Make sure that the main topics of literature review are align with the research objectives. Don’t forget to reference almost every statement. The same in literature review and methodology. Make sure that in Summative you support your writings with wide variety of sources, e.g. 4 books, 15 journal papers, 5 industry reports (at least). In terms of journal papers, the recommended databases are ProQuest, Science Direct, Emerald. You will find them in GCU Library, under Databases

Required structure is as outline below


Provide a brief introduction here:

Link back to the aim;
Discuss all areas of literature (literature themes; discipline areas) that are potentially relevant to your project;
Select the most relevant 3 themes and justify clearly why these ae the most relevant;
Outline the key questions that you are seeking to use literature to answer
Theme 1-3

Change section heading from theme 1 to a section heading that conveys what this area of literature is about;
You must read at least 1 high-quality academic text-book (if available in your project area) and 5 relevant, high quality sources (i.e. articles from academic journals)
You must then write 2 paragraphs about the sources that you have read. These paragraphs must be written as proper paragraphs with good overall paragraph structure and sentence/ grammar:
Paragraph 1: what are the similarities and common themes between the sources that you have read; what are the disagreements or nuances about concepts (and where further reading may be required)
Paragraph 2: how does your reading help inform your project and how will you use this information to help structure primary and secondary data collection; note that this part you may write and rewrite as you write and improve your research design/ methodology section

Provide a brief conclusion that summarises the key points from the above literature review

What is your overall research design and methodology?

(approximately 300 words)


Outline and briefly justify the intended design that you will use in your research (which philosophical stance that you are taking and why).

This section should cover the key layers contained in Saunder’s Onion (apart from the data collection layer which is dealt in the following section) showing your choice and justification for choice (why chosen this and why rejected others).


· You need to readapt least one high-quality text-book on research design and methods;

· Remember that you need to demonstrate knowledge of the relevant concepts (those relevant to your research project and those that you have rejected);

· You need to justify your choices; justification can be that a choice fits within the definitions or that you have evidence that a similar approach has already been used in previous research. You need to cite/ reference for both cases;

· You must write this section in paragraphs (although tables with analysis/ justification in paragraphs is acceptable); it is suggested that you use the layers of Saunders/ phases of Wilson’s Honeycomb to provide structure;

· Remember that the design/ methodology forms a thread as you move from one layer/ stage to the next – ensure that your choices are coherent

In this section you need to detail the followings

· Research purpose: Exploratory or Explanatory or Combined (Mix). Why the selected one is the most suitable for this research

· Philosophical Stance: Positivism or Interpretivism or Pragmatism. Why the selected one is the most suitable for this research.

· Research approach: Deduction or Induction or Abduction. Why the selected one is the most suitable for this research.

· Methodological choice: Qualitative or Quantitative or Mix. Why the selected one is the most suitable for this research

· Research strategy: Experiment or Survey or Case study or Action research or Grounded Theory. Why the selected one is the most suitable for this research.

Which data collection methods do you intend to use?

(approximately 250 words)

Consider how best to gather data that you need to achieve each objective of your project that requires the gathering of data, reflecting your critical Assessment of possibilities and justifying clearly and with evidence (references) the proposed choices you are making.

You should clearly outline and justify the sampling strategy and desired sample size for each method as well as inclusion/ exclusion criteria (again support this with reference to relevant high- quality sources).

In this section you need to detail the followings:

Type and size of the data, target group, the number of expected completed questionnaire/interview

Additionally, you should be clear about whether you are using primary or secondary data within the chosen methods and why these are the most appropriate for your project.

How do you intent to analyse the primary data collected?

(approximately 250 words)

An important consideration in a proposal is how you will analyse the data that you gather – the choice has an implication on methodologically validity as well as on the amount of time required (so on feasibility and risk). In this section outline and justify how you intend to present and analyse your data (bar charts, histograms, descriptive statistics, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis etc); consider that your choices here have to fit within the philosophy, approaches and strategy that you have chosen above. For clarity, link the chosen methods also with the relevant objectives.

In this section you need to detail the followings:
The type of data analysis, method, software (if any). Why the selected one is the most suitable for this research.

What are the limitations of your research, and their implications?

(approximately 200 words)

Based on the considerations above, what are the methodologic and practical limitations of your research design?

See http://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/limitations

The limitations of the study are those characteristics of design or methodology that impacted or influenced the interpretation of the findings from your research. They are the constraints on applications to practice, and/or utility of findings that are the result of the ways in which you initially chose to design the study and/or the method used to establish validity.

In a proposal, the emphasis of limitations can be on what you can achieve within the timeframe and availability of resources to achieve this. Acknowledgement of limitations also provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate that you have thought critically about the research problem, understood the relevant literature published about it, and correctly assessed the methods chosen for studying the problem.


(200 words)

Ethical considerations:

How well you address key ethical requirements of integrity and quality of your research, informed and voluntary participation, confidentiality and anonymity, protection of you and participants from harm, managing conflicts of consent and research independence?

Indicate that you have read and understood the ethics guidance from the relevant professional bodies around conducting research

In this section you need to detail the followings:

· Voluntary participation

· Informed consent

· No risk of harm

· Confidentiality and anonymity

Voluntary participation means no participant is pressured or coerced into participating; informed consent means a consent from is created and each participant is informed of their right in participating; risk of harm means that individuals will not be harmed in any way through participating in this research; confidentiality is important to reassure participants that any responses will remain confidential from the employer and from the public; anonymity regards ensuring that participants identity is not revealed.

How to manage change for positive impact (600 words)

Critically reflect on the Change Management aspect of your proposed research project based on the pertinent literature and critically discuss how you intent to implement and manage the proposed change management process to your workplace; having in mind how the change project will have a positive impact to your organisation. Remember that it is imperative to have a balanced discussion between planning the change and stakeholder management.

Specifically, targeting your work place situation, critically reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of different change management approach, explore some of the situational variables that need to be considered when shaping an implementation strategy and reflect on how and why a change strategy may need to change over time.

Also, critically reflect on organisational change in terms of support from key stakeholders as well as the concerns of meeting the stakeholder expectation, addressing issues, resolving conflict situations, and achieving the project goals. Identify which stakeholders are more or less important at each change project stage and what strategy will you implement in terms of selecting the most important stakeholders. Make sure you provide theoretical background to your discussion, e.g. you support your ideas with academic references


(200 words)

Conclude the research project. Briefly summarise all the planned activity for your research study


Please add all your references here; these must be formatted to GCU Harvard style


Insert your Project Plan (Gantt chart) and Confirmation of module assessment form/Mentor Declaration to Appendices!

Methods for Evidence-Based Projects
Summary Guidance
You are asked to write a research proposal for your future research project or business investigation report. This involves presenting, critiquing and justifying your proposed research design.

· Format: Research proposal

· Length: 3000 words

· Type: Summative

· Weighting: 100%

· Submission: Electronically via

Research Proposal Formatting
The following requirements must be adhered to in the submitted proposal:

· Text should be ‘1.5 lines’ spaced except for appendices.

· Margins should be 25 mm (Top, Bottom, Left and Right)

· All pages should be numbered consecutively using Arabic (1, 2 …)

· Main text should be in Arial or Calibri, font size 12

· Section titles, headings and sub-heading should be appropriately and consistently formatted generally using font sizes larger than 12

· Quotations should be identified as a quotation with double quotation marks and the page number of the source given.


Formative assessment is ‘intended to help the learner identify the current standard of their work, and/or to identify need and potential for improvement’ (Cowan, 2000, p.80).

The formative assessment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to receive feedback on your proposal. Please note this formative feedback provides you with an indication of your performance but will not be considered by the assessment board as part of the overall mark awarded for the module; for clarity, no indicative grade will be provided. Feedback will be provided through GCU Learn typically three weeks after your submission date, and you will have the opportunity to discuss it with your tutor. You should then develop this proposal into the final proposal (summative assignment).

Formative Task: Develop a Research Project Proposal that is both practical to complete and relevant to your workplace. Finalise Formative Assessment based on the Summative Assessment template so we can provide you advise on where/how to improve. The advised length is 1.500-2.000 word.


Requirements for Summative Assignment

· This pro-forma must be used for your summative assignment (Research Proposal);

o You will also complete sections of this pro-forma for your formative work also, so this document will evolce as you progress through the module;

· Please delete this guidance page from your submission;

· Please complete the details on the coversheet (your name, student ID number, word count and date of submission);

· Ensure that your final submission looks professional, e.g. consider positioning of each section on a page;

· In the proposal there are a number of boxes for your answers.

o Within this pro-form, there are prompts/ guidance in italics – these are only prompts about key point to consider; these are not everything that you need to consider

o You must write the required information in all sections in well-formed paragraphs (with appropriate referencing where reuqired in sections);

o Please present your writing in normal font (not in italic font)

· Remember that the summative assignment 1 requirements you to upload:

o Complete Proposal Pro-forma;

o Project plan for your project;

Timescales are an important part of planning a project to ensure that you are able to complete it in the time available. When constructing your plan, you should take into account factors such as workload and holidays. Identify that tasks that you need to complete and allocate date to them. Manage your time, be realistic. Set milestones for each section of the report and allow for contingencies

Checklist for uploading
· Completed proposal with in text citations and references to Harvard style;

· Project plan with clear date for submission of ethics application identified in project plan;

Assessment Cover Sheet


Student ID Number:

Degree Programme:

Module Title:

Module/Seminar Tutor:


Word count (must be stated)

This is my own original work; it has not been submitted elsewhere in fulfilment of the requirements of this or any other award.

I agree that tutors can make this work (either original or on-line version) available to future student cohorts as an exemplar of this assignment, on the understanding it will be anonymised with no reference to myself or any case study organisation utilised.

Signed ………………………………………………………………………………

Summative Project Proposal Template

Proposed Project Title

A proposed title for the project (Should be meaningful, relevant and concise)

This should convey subject matter/ topic of your investigations and scope of focus of project

May also convey type of project (case study; feasibility; development)

Ideally, around 10 words (no more than 15 words)

Background, Context and Motivation/ Relevancy (including research aim and objectives)

(approximately 300 words)

Your research project must relate to a work based problem or business practice, and not purely “academic issue”. You need to, therefore, demonstrate and explain how conducting this research project may improve the workplace practice based on following consideration

1) where applied method for evidence based project bring improvements into your workplace

2) what type of business research would you focus on

3) how to manage change for positive impact and what the expected benefits would be.

For example, is it to demonstrate a need to change or introduce a new process within the selected organisation? Is it to evaluate the effectiveness of a particular process within the organisation? Is it to identify best practice or to prepare for change?


1) Explain the background and context to the project, e.g. what opportunity have you seen? Which inefficiency are you concerned about? Outline any initial data to help show the current impact (and so scope for improvement) or missed opportunity (e.g. potential growth).

2) Be clear about particular business unit, geographic scope, operational scope.


At the end of your report you want to have led the reader from some background, through logical steps that will make the need for a project clear; this section is to provide context and show need for the specific aim (next box);

Remember to provide references to support evidence (even to internal documents and other documents); this is a very strong explanation

Aim of your investigation/ key research questions


State the overall project aim of your project or what is your key research question (you can seek to clarify this with one short supporting paragraph); only one of these 2 options required.


• State aim as a single sentence starting with one appropriate verb; look at Bloom’s

taxonomy verbs for guidance and ensure at appropriate level for Honours;

• Or state one key research question;

• Remember that the aim/key research question is to show what the overall intent of

your project is

• Your aim/ research question can be more general and less specific than your objectives

Objectives (provide from 4 to 6)

List the objectives of the project.


· Research objectives need to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) and states actions such as: to evaluate, to analyse, to examine, to investigate, or to identify.

· What tasks do you need to complete to achieve your overall aim? Objectives are stepping stones to achieving an aim, always directing developments towards the aim.

· List the objectives from earliest to latest (in terms of when these will happen chronologically)

· Being clear about time can be achieved in project plan (but make reference to this if you do so)

In this section you need to come up with 4-6 research objectives. Research objectives are the key areas of inquiry that also provides the sub-sections of the literature review. Thus, in literature review you are detailing the research objectives

Literature Review

(approximately 700 words).


Write a brief, contextualised and critical literature review that shows where your project sits within existing research and practice and show what you believe will be the interesting aspects. The literature review helps support your overall aim for the project and should reflect both theory and practice;
Maximum of 3 themes of literature that are 1) contextualise your project in a wider body of knowledge and 2) bring out factors that are relevant to your project (i.e. will help inform your project;
Make sure that the main topics of literature review are align with the research objectives. Don’t forget to reference almost every statement. The same in literature review and methodology. Make sure that in Summative you support your writings with wide variety of sources, e.g. 4 books, 15 journal papers, 5 industry reports (at least). In terms of journal papers, the recommended databases are ProQuest, Science Direct, Emerald. You will find them in GCU Library, under Databases

Required structure is as outline below


Provide a brief introduction here:

Link back to the aim;
Discuss all areas of literature (literature themes; discipline areas) that are potentially relevant to your project;
Select the most relevant 3 themes and justify clearly why these ae the most relevant;
Outline the key questions that you are seeking to use literature to answer
Theme 1-3

Change section heading from theme 1 to a section heading that conveys what this area of literature is about;
You must read at least 1 high-quality academic text-book (if available in your project area) and 5 relevant, high quality sources (i.e. articles from academic journals)
You must then write 2 paragraphs about the sources that you have read. These paragraphs must be written as proper paragraphs with good overall paragraph structure and sentence/ grammar:
Paragraph 1: what are the similarities and common themes between the sources that you have read; what are the disagreements or nuances about concepts (and where further reading may be required)
Paragraph 2: how does your reading help inform your project and how will you use this information to help structure primary and secondary data collection; note that this part you may write and rewrite as you write and improve your research design/ methodology section

Provide a brief conclusion that summarises the key points from the above literature review

What is your overall research design and methodology?

(approximately 300 words)


Outline and briefly justify the intended design that you will use in your research (which philosophical stance that you are taking and why).

This section should cover the key layers contained in Saunder’s Onion (apart from the data collection layer which is dealt in the following section) showing your choice and justification for choice (why chosen this and why rejected others).


· You need to readapt least one high-quality text-book on research design and methods;

· Remember that you need to demonstrate knowledge of the relevant concepts (those relevant to your research project and those that you have rejected);

· You need to justify your choices; justification can be that a choice fits within the definitions or that you have evidence that a similar approach has already been used in previous research. You need to cite/ reference for both cases;

· You must write this section in paragraphs (although tables with analysis/ justification in paragraphs is acceptable); it is suggested that you use the layers of Saunders/ phases of Wilson’s Honeycomb to provide structure;

· Remember that the design/ methodology forms a thread as you move from one layer/ stage to the next – ensure that your choices are coherent

In this section you need to detail the followings

· Research purpose: Exploratory or Explanatory or Combined (Mix). Why the selected one is the most suitable for this research

· Philosophical Stance: Positivism or Interpretivism or Pragmatism. Why the selected one is the most suitable for this research.

· Research approach: Deduction or Induction or Abduction. Why the selected one is the most suitable for this research.

· Methodological choice: Qualitative or Quantitative or Mix. Why the selected one is the most suitable for this research

· Research strategy: Experiment or Survey or Case study or Action research or Grounded Theory. Why the selected one is the most suitable for this research.

Which data collection methods do you intend to use?

(approximately 250 words)

Consider how best to gather data that you need to achieve each objective of your project that requires the gathering of data, reflecting your critical Assessment of possibilities and justifying clearly and with evidence (references) the proposed choices you are making.

You should clearly outline and justify the sampling strategy and desired sample size for each method as well as inclusion/ exclusion criteria (again support this with reference to relevant high- quality sources).

In this section you need to detail the followings:

Type and size of the data, target group, the number of expected completed questionnaire/interview

Additionally, you should be clear about whether you are using primary or secondary data within the chosen methods and why these are the most appropriate for your project.

How do you intent to analyse the primary data collected?

(approximately 250 words)

An important consideration in a proposal is how you will analyse the data that you gather – the choice has an implication on methodologically validity as well as on the amount of time required (so on feasibility and risk). In this section outline and justify how you intend to present and analyse your data (bar charts, histograms, descriptive statistics, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis etc); consider that your choices here have to fit within the philosophy, approaches and strategy that you have chosen above. For clarity, link the chosen methods also with the relevant objectives.

In this section you need to detail the followings:
The type of data analysis, method, software (if any). Why the selected one is the most suitable for this research.

What are the limitations of your research, and their implications?

(approximately 200 words)

Based on the considerations above, what are the methodologic and practical limitations of your research design?

See http://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/limitations

The limitations of the study are those characteristics of design or methodology that impacted or influenced the interpretation of the findings from your research. They are the constraints on applications to practice, and/or utility of findings that are the result of the ways in which you initially chose to design the study and/or the method used to establish validity.

In a proposal, the emphasis of limitations can be on what you can achieve within the timeframe and availability of resources to achieve this. Acknowledgement of limitations also provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate that you have thought critically about the research problem, understood the relevant literature published about it, and correctly assessed the methods chosen for studying the problem.


(200 words)

Ethical considerations:

How well you address key ethical requirements of integrity and quality of your research, informed and voluntary participation, confidentiality and anonymity, protection of you and participants from harm, managing conflicts of consent and research independence?

Indicate that you have read and understood the ethics guidance from the relevant professional bodies around conducting research

In this section you need to detail the followings:

· Voluntary participation

· Informed consent

· No risk of harm

· Confidentiality and anonymity

Voluntary participation means no participant is pressured or coerced into participating; informed consent means a consent from is created and each participant is informed of their right in participating; risk of harm means that individuals will not be harmed in any way through participating in this research; confidentiality is important to reassure participants that any responses will remain confidential from the employer and from the public; anonymity regards ensuring that participants identity is not revealed.

How to manage change for positive impact (600 words)

Critically reflect on the Change Management aspect of your proposed research project based on the pertinent literature and critically discuss how you intent to implement and manage the proposed change management process to your workplace; having in mind how the change project will have a positive impact to your organisation. Remember that it is imperative to have a balanced discussion between planning the change and stakeholder management.

Specifically, targeting your work place situation, critically reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of different change management approach, explore some of the situational variables that need to be considered when shaping an implementation strategy and reflect on how and why a change strategy may need to change over time.

Also, critically reflect on organisational change in terms of support from key stakeholders as well as the concerns of meeting the stakeholder expectation, addressing issues, resolving conflict situations, and achieving the project goals. Identify which stakeholders are more or less important at each change project stage and what strategy will you implement in terms of selecting the most important stakeholders. Make sure you provide theoretical background to your discussion, e.g. you support your ideas with academic references


(200 words)

Conclude the research project. Briefly summarise all the planned activity for your research study


Please add all your references here; these must be formatted to GCU Harvard style


Insert your Project Plan (Gantt chart) and Confirmation of module assessment form/Mentor Declaration to Appendices!

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