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Posted: September 26th, 2022

The quality of care given to a specific patient population

Write a proposal (5-7 pages) for a health care information review of the quality of care given to a specific patient population.
You now know:
• What information or data you will be reviewing.
• From where the information or data will come.
• Which standards or goals you are trying to reach.
You now need to determine how to make all of this happen. In this part of the process, you will put together your action plan. Who is going to do the work? What type of skills will they need? How long will it take them to do the work? This is your game plan. Each and every step needs to be clearly laid out and explained.
Keep in mind that you are writing a proposal. You are telling your physician group what you would like to do, why you want to do it, and how you are going to do it. You are not buying new devices or starting a new process. You are reviewing documentation that is already present in the office, or potentially in hospital records, to identify whether your group’s physicians provided quality care.
This assessment will complete your proposal for the health information review that you recommend. Throughout this assessment, explicitly state the reasons for each and all of your choices.
Please carefully review this assessment’s scoring guide to better understand the performance levels relating to each criterion on which you will be evaluated.
Instructions Please read the scoring guide for this test carefully to find out how well you did on each of the criteria that will be used to judge you.
You do not have to use APA style to write your proposal. You do need to make a well-written, well-organized, and coherent proposal. A lot of the information you put in your proposal will come from the assessments you’ve done in the past. Make sure your proposal has all of the following headings and that you talk about each bullet point in your text.
You do not need to write your proposal in APA format. You do need to complete a cohesive, coherent, organized, and well-written proposal. Much of the information you include in your proposal will come from your previous assessments. Be sure your proposal includes all of the following headings and your narrative addresses each of the bullet points.
• Explain what information you propose to collect.
• Provide the reasons for collecting this information.
• Describe how this information could be used to validate or improve the quality of care at your facility.
Data Collection Plan
• Propose an implementation plan and detail the information you plan to collect at your facility, including where and how it will be collected.
• Specify the following:
• The time period you propose to review.
• The system applications you will use to collect the health information.
• Write a narrative, create a timeline, build a flowchart, or use any other method of your choosing to demonstrate the flow of health record information through the information life cycle from creation to destruction. Identify those sections within the life cycle from which you will retrieve information.
• Explain the use of information from an HIE and describe how it may affect patient care, clinical knowledge, and population health data.
• Detail the personnel required to complete the health information review, including their needed skills and required training and job aids.
• Describe strategies that will be employed to help personnel implement the review study.
Data Security Plan
• Plan measures to protect PHI.
• Apply laws governing health information confidentiality, privacy, and security.
• Plan for the impact of HIPAA on health care personnel, policies, and procedures.
Benchmarking Plan
• Identify the sources of national data and quality measures.
• Describe how you will use the national data and quality measures as benchmarks to compare with data from your facility.
• Explain how you will ensure data standardization, along with any other factors you need to take into account, so the data from these sources is compatible with the data you plan to collect.
• Explain how the collected data will be compared to the benchmarking and quality standards.
Quality and Change Management Strategies
• Explain how data outcomes could be used to perform quality improvement reviews and recommend evidence-based best practices for policies and procedures based on outcomes.
• Recommend best practices for departmental workflow that will support the information review you are proposing.
• Describe relevant evidence-based best practices and procedures from peer-reviewed articles or Internet resources that could facilitate needed changes.
• Detail the steps for implementing the information review study along with the expected time frames.
• Summarize how the proposed study will improve the quality of patient care for your physician group.
Additional Requirements
• Written communication: Your paper does not need to be in APA format. It does need to be clear and well organized, with correct spelling, grammar, and syntax, to support orderly exposition of content.
• Title page: Develop a descriptive title of 5–15 words. It should stir interest yet maintain professional decorum.
• References: Include a minimum of two citations of peer-reviewed sources in APA format.
• Length: 5–7 typed and double-spaced content pages, not including the title page and references page.
• Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
• Competency 1: Determine stages of the information lifecycle embedded within health information management technology functions.
• Map the flow of health record information.
• Detail steps and time frames for implementing a study.
• Competency 2: Apply laws governing health information confidentiality, privacy, and security.
• Plan data security measures.
• Competency 3: Assess system applications used to operationalize health information.
• Explain rationale for proposed health care information review procedures.
• Plan procedures and human resource requirements to manage the information.
• Competency 4: Determine how a health information exchange (HIE) or other external health care databases affect the management of patient data, clinical knowledge, and population data.
• Plan evidence-based best practices or procedures to ensure data meet standards for interoperability with an HIE.
• Competency 5: Apply quality and change management concepts to health care information management.
• Plan evidence-based quality and change management strategies.
• Competency 6: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others, and is consistent with the expectations for healthcare professionals.
• Write clearly, with correct spelling, grammar, and syntax, and good organization.
• Apply proper APA formatting and style to citations and references.

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