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Posted: September 26th, 2022

The Healthcare Workforce

The Healthcare Workforce
According to the World Health Organization, there is a 7.2 million shortage of healthcare workers. Estimates indicate that the number will rise to 12.9 million in 2035. The scarcity of healthcare providers hinders the achievement of health goals. It also impedes the realization of universal healthcare. The developing countries are the most affected. Statistics show that approximately 36 countries in sub-Saharan Africa face severe healthcare workforce shortages.
Two trends affect the shortage of the healthcare workforce; an increase in the aging population and high chronic disease prevalence rates among them, and brain drain. Brain drain entails the migration of healthcare providers from rural to urban areas and low income to high-income countries. Brain drain contributes to a high maternal and child mortality rate in low-income countries.
Approximately 20% of physicians in the US, CANADA, and Australia are from other countries. The migration of health care workers affects low and middle-income countries and rural areas. Close to 57% of women in low-income countries give birth without the Helpance of a birth attendant. The countries contribute 99% of maternal deaths.
Various strategies can reduce the migration of health workers and minimize the effects of brain drain. They include; provision of better working conditions, task shifting, the increment of wages, and provision of local training opportunities and research. Task shifting entails allocating medical personnel new roles. The payback strategy whereby recipient countries give back to the areas the medical personnel originate from is also efficient in promoting healthcare.
The aging population is increasing. Statistics show that the aged visit healthcare personnel more compared to the younger generation. Most suffer from chronic conditions such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, cognitive heart failure, and dementia. Obesity is also common among the elderly. The high prevalence of chronic ailments among the aged has strained the health care system by increasing the financial burden.
An increase in chronic diseases among the aged has led to the overworking of the already limited workforce and contributed to burnouts, medical errors, and lack of job satisfaction. These errors lead to complications and even death of patients. To reduce the effects of this trend, medical practitioners should embrace new approaches.
Medical personnel should apply a patient-centered and multidimensional approach. The latter is efficient in the treatment of comorbidities. Preventive and reactive care is also significant. They should develop a more comprehensive care plan before discharge. Health providers should follow up with patients and monitor their progress. Training medical personnel and adopting new medical technologies would also aid in the treatment of chronic disease among the aged.
Littlejohn, Lauren, et al. “Nursing shortage: A comparative analysis.” International Journal of Nursing 1.1 (2012): 22-27.
Bodenheimer, Thomas, Ellen Chen, and Heather D. Bennett. “Confronting the growing burden of chronic disease: can the US health care workforce do the job?.” Health Affairs 28.1 (2009): 64-74.
Pruitt, Sheri D., and JoAnne E. Epping-Jordan. “Preparing the 21st-century global healthcare workforce.” BMJ 330, no. 7492 (2005): 637-639.

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