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Posted: September 26th, 2022

Psychopharmacologic approaches to the treatment of psychopathology

Psychopharmacologic approaches to the treatment of psychopathology
Psychopharmacology is the scientific study of how the medication is used in the treatment of mental disorders. Psychopathology is the study of mental disorders. Mental disorders are conditions that cause disorganization of emotions, personality and the mind leading to the impairment of the social and psychological functioning of the patient. Tinnitus and depression are good examples of mental conditions.
There are several psychopharmacologic approaches involved in the treatment of psychopathology. A psychiatrist or mental health nurse practitioner attends to patients with mental conditions. The diagnostic approach is the first intervention patients receive. The medical practitioner diagnoses the condition the patient is suffering from.
The practitioner uses distinct symptoms to determine what condition the patient is suffering from, for instance, a patient with tinnitus depicts symptoms such as anxiety, hysteria and personality disorders. Weight loss, sleep loss and lack of concentration are symptoms of depression. Patients with depression tend to feel more miserable and at fault at all times. They withdraw from friends and relatives and are unable to concentrate on their work.
After determining the condition, the practitioner proceeds to give treatment to the patient. Sertraline, paroxetine, and nortriptyline are used as antidepressants in the treatment of tinnitus. Sulpiride, gabapentin, and carbamazepine are effective stabilizers. The practitioner has to keep the patient under check to track their progress. They are responsible for rating the progress of the patient. If the condition is not improving, the psychiatrist should either change the medication or perform another diagnosis.
A medical practitioner should have an in-depth understanding of differential diagnosis, psychopharmacology, and treatment. They should understand pharmacokinetics; this encompasses how the body reacts to medication and pharmacodynamics. Pharmacodynamics entails what medication does to the body.
Psychiatrists and mental health nursing practitioners need to understand half-life. This is the duration that the medication takes in the body of the patient. They also need to know the variation of genes from one person to person and how drugs affect these people. They should understand the availability of medication in the patient’s body. The practitioners play a critical role in educating families of the affected patients about their conditions and how they should relate with them.
Medication differs depending on the condition of the patient. Psychiatrists prescribe medication depending on the diagnosis. They conduct diagnosis and differentiate different mental disorders. Psychopharmacologic approaches play a vital role in the treatment of psychopathology. They are used by psychiatrists and mental health practitioners in diagnosing patients and prescribing medication.
Belli, H., Belli, S., Oktay, M. F., & Ural, C. (2012). Psychopathological dimensions of tinnitus and psychopharmacologic approaches in its treatment. General hospital psychiatry, 34(3), 282-289.
Khantzian, E. J. (1986). A contemporary psychodynamic approach to drug abuse treatment. The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse, 12(3), 213-222.
Maddock, C., Baita, A., Orrù, M. G., Sitzia, R., Costa, A., Muntoni, E., … & Pariante, C. M. (2004). Psychopharmacological treatment of depression, anxiety, irritability and insomnia in patients receiving interferon-α: a prospective case series and a discussion of biological mechanisms. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 18(1), 41-46.

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