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Posted: September 26th, 2022

HD-DVD versus Blu-ray

Computer Sciences and Information Technology
HD-DVD versus Blu-ray
In recent times, HD-DVD and Blu-ray were competing technology formats for creating and watching movies on DVDs. Neither was compatible with the other. Eventually, Blu-ray won the competition. Use the Internet to research the competition between the two (2) technology formats, and determine the key reasons why Blu-ray prevailed.

Write a four (4) page paper in which you:
1. Provide a brief overview of the organizations that have developed and promoted each format.
2. Examine the benefits and drawbacks of each format for users. Determine whether you agree or disagree that Blu-ray was the superior choice technologically over HD-DVD. Provide a rationale for your response.
3. Examine the processing hardware requirements for both the HD-DVD and Blu-ray. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of each.
4. Use at least 5 quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

HD-DVD versus Blu-Ray
The HD-DVD and Blu-ray are discs with the same diameter, and both use a blue laser with a shorter wavelength than the red ones. The disc is written using a combination of improved lenses and the shorter wavelength, resulting in a smaller beam that capacitates a high data amount. The two versions deliver a sharp resolution where Blu-Ray contains twenty-five GB capacity, whereas HD-DVD contains fifteen GB. However, the two formats have been in the midst of a war for the longest time over the most favorable or better speed and capacity storage, among others.
The HD-DVD format was the creation of Toshiba and NEC. It was introduced in November 2003 to the DVD Forum, which was then approved as the next-generation format of DVD. It was founded by those companies that took part in creating the original DVD format war to ensure that the compromises regarding the direction to be taken would be reached (Blu-ray vs. HD DVD – Difference and comparison). A single-layer capacity of fifteen gigabytes was promised by HD-DVD discs, which was accomplished using a blue-violet laser with a shorter wavelength instead of the red laser normally used, especially in DVD drives. HD-DVD is supported by various companies such as Sanyo, Toshiba, Microsoft, NEC, Paramount, Time Warner, Universal, New Line Cinema, and official approval of the DVD forum.
HD-DVD has various advantages, which include, one, aa low manufacturing cost. The technicality used in HD-DVD media is similar to that of a standard DVD media. Only a slight modification was used when producing the discs to the already existing lines of manufacturing. Two, it has a dual-layer capable of holding thirty GB and a three-layer disc capable of holding forty-five GB. In general, it can hold between two to five hours of audio tracks and videos of high-definition. These advantages looked appealing to the companies that came in to support it, including several large studios. The DVD Forum could neither approve Blu-Ray nor reject it since it was not submitted for consideration. However, its low storage capacity and lack of protection from loss of data made it less preferred.
The Blu-Ray disc was created in 1995 by Philips, Sony and Matsushita. Instead of proposing the format to the DVD Forum, well known electronic companies were appealed by Sony, who supported the format and agreed to sign in. Therefore, the companies formed the Blu-Ray Disc Association (BDA) (Welcome to the Blu-ray Disc Association). Some critics cited the fact that Blu-Ray failed to go through channels of official approval. However, Blu-Ray still gained the support of at least seven of the original ten founders of the DVD Forum when the article was written. Other supporters for Blu-Ray include dell, apple, Thomson, Hewlett-Packard, Mitsubishi Electric, and movie studios like Disney, Lions Gate Entertainment, Sony Pictures, among others.
The advantages of Blu-Ray include its capacity and expandability. These two constitute a potential which was not found in HD-DVD. Blu-Ray discs have a staggering potential capacity whereby a single-layer disc holds between twenty-three to twenty-seven gigabytes of data. That is good for four hours of a video of high-definition. Its dual-layer has a capacity of forty-six to fifty-four GB whose programming is enough for eight hours with a high definition. The discs are also durable since a special hard-coating is used, developed by TDK; therefore, it can withstand a screwdriver attack due to its durability. Also, the bastion of Blu-Ray support appears formidable. However, Blu-Ray constitutes fifty GB capacity, although it was hard to manufacture compared to that of HD DVD whose capacity was up to thirty GB.
Why Blu-Ray was a superior choice
I agree that Blu-Ray was a better choice. Some of the reasons that made Blu-Ray be more preferred that HD-DVD include its capacity, which was fifty GB compared to the capacity of HD DVD, which was up to thirty GB. It also has more advanced protection against piracy than HD DVD (The front runner, n.d). Blu-Ray is said to have an image transfer that is often striking, and an audio mix that is masterful, which gets a scandal’s insanity hooked to some decent bonus features. Sony decided to include Blu-Ray player in the PlayStation three video game console, which greatly contributed to its success. It was also influenced by shifting business alliances where retail distributors and major film studios’ decisions were considered. So, despite being more expensive than HD-DVD, the services it gave were worth it.
Processing hardware requirements
A new mobile platform located at Santa Rosa was introduced by Intel, which supported both Blu-Ray and HD DVD playback. Toshiba uses HD DVD in all their laptops. In a case where competitors hold the same competence in technology in the industry, the survival of edge in R&D and technology is not sufficient in the market for the long-run (Why blu-ray vs. HD-DVD is not VHS vs. Betamax: The Co-evolution of standard-setting consortia, 2009). Therefore, the reason that led to HD DVD losing to Blu-Ray was the lack of relationship management and effective marketing strategies. Sony used blu-Ray for marketing, which was also its manufacturer. As the retailers continued forcing the HD DVD camp’s hand, they kept devoting premium shelf space to an already dying format, making Blu-Ray take over completely.
When it comes to cost, the HD DVD players have been cheaper than those of Blu-Ray. According to their capacity, Blu-Ray discs contain more space for storage compared to the HD DVDs. Their protection against piracy is more advanced, although the two deliver a sharp resolution. For the storage capacity, Blu-Ray’s single layer contains twenty-five GB while that of HD DVD is fifteen GB. The laser wavelength of Blu-Ray and HD DVD are four hundred and five nm. The Blu-ray’s numerical aperture is zero point eight five while that of HD DVD is zero point six five. Blu-Ray has a maximum bitrate of fifty-three point nine five Mbit/s while that of HD DVD lies thirty-six point five Mbit/s. The traditional material is used in HD DVD, which contains a similar scratch and surface characteristics as a regular DVD. In contrast, Blu-Ray contains close to the surface data.
Both HD DVD and Blu-Ray have a similar content protection system and mandatory video codecs. Their Dolby digital audio codec is mandatory (n.d, University of Victoria). The two can interact either on-screen menus option or bonus features option. They both use a primary copy protection system known as the Advanced Access Content System and an HDCP digital output that is encrypted. They use a blue-violet laser, which helps in delivering a sharp resolution. The options for compression of their video and audio are similar. The two also use more than just a single layer or rather one side of a disc to store their data.

Blu-ray vs. HD DVD – Difference and comparison | Diffen. (n.d.). Diffen – Compare Anything. Diffen. Discern. Decide. https://www.diffen.com/difference/Blu-ray_vs_HD_DVD
The front runner. (n.d.). Blu-ray News and Reviews | High-Def Digest. https://bluray.highdefdigest.com/67666/frontrunner.html
Why blu-ray vs. HD-DVD is not VHS vs. Betamax: The Co-evolution of standard-setting consortia. (2009, April 24). ResearchGate. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/45135812_Why_Blu-ray_vs_HD- DVD_is_not_VHS_vs_Betamax_The_co-evolution_of_standard-setting_consortia
(n.d.). The University of Victoria. https://www.uvic.ca/socialsciences/economics/assets/docs/honours/Taylor%20Termes%2 0Thesis.pdf
(n.d.). Welcome to the Blu-ray Disc Association. https://www.blu- raydisc.com/Assets/Downloadablefile/White_Paper_General_4th_20150817_clean.pdf

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