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Posted: September 26th, 2022

Discussion 9 – Witness Credibility Assessment

Criminal homework help

Discussion 9 – Witness Credibility Assessment

Discussion: In Chapter 7, Topic 5 the text discusses 10 potential factors that could impact witness credibility. Pick two of those factors to discuss and why you think they are the most challenging for the investigator to assess during the investigative process. For example, the text lists: Witness Profile, Witness Bias, Witness Involvement, Location When Viewing the Event, Awareness of the Crime, Length of Observation Time, Time Elapsed Between Event and Interview, Ability to Record or Repetitively Recount Details, Physical Abilities, and Cognitive Capacity and Age of Witness. For example, the text lists: Witness Profile, Witness Bias, Witness Involvement, Location When Observing the Event, Knowledge of the Crime, Length of Observation Time, Time Between Event and Interview, Ability to Record or Repeatly Recount Details, Physical Abilities, Cognitive Capacity, and Age of Witness. Pick two of those topics for your discussion post.


You are required to post an initial discussion post no later than 11:59 p.m. ET Wednesday of the discussion week.
Your initial post should be a minimum of 200-250 words.

All initial posts should reference the textbook or at least one outside source. All sources must be cited using APA guidelines. Posts received after 11:59 p.m. ET Sunday of the discussion week, will be deducted points

Criminal homework help

Discussion 10 – Interviews, Questioning and Interrogations

Discussion: In Chapter 8, Topic 1, we are looking at the differences between interviewing, questioning, and interrogation. For you initial discussion post, pick one of these 3 areas as the focus of your initial post – explain what it is, what role it plays in the investigative process, and then give an opinion about what kinds of mistakes an investigator can make in this area. For example, what role does questioning serve in the process, is it possible that an investigator may move too quickly out of the questioning phase and into interrogation and end up making a witness feel like a suspect? For example, what is the purpose of questioning? Is it possible for an investigator to move too quickly from questioning to interrogation, making a witness feel like he or she is a suspect?


Your initial post should be a minimum of 200-250 words.

All initial posts should reference the textbook or at least one outside source. All sources must be cited using APA guidelines.
Course Resources
Course readings imbedded into the course.

Brown, Thomas. (2019), “Criminal Investigation”. Virginia Wesleyan University. OERCommons. eBook. Viewed from: https://www.oercommons.org/courses/criminal-investigation/view#

Lewandowski, Carla and Jeff Bumgarner. (2021) “Criminal Justice in America: The Encyclopedia of Crime, Law Enforcement, Courts and Corrections”, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, Volumes 1 and 2: Available Online via EGCC Gale EBooks at: Gale eBooks, link.gale.com/apps/pub/69TZ/GVRL?u=steu43952&sid=bookmark-GVRL

Accessed 14 June 2022.

Criminal homework help

Assignment 10: In at least one and half pages, discuss the pitfalls of false confessions and the responsibilities of investigators for minimizing the likelihood of false confessions occurring. Identify at least one of the three situations where a false confession may occur and what steps an investigator can take to avoid false confessions during an investigation. Describe at least one of the three ways a false confession can happen and what an investigator can do to avoid it during an investigation.

Submission Requirements

APA Style elements required
Separate Title Page with Name, class, date and topic/title
At least one and a half (1.5) pages of your writing on this topic that includes using in-text citations
12 point font
Times New Roman or Arial
Separate Reference Page – List detailed source information for all references
Grading Criteria

Review the grading rubric below this assignment to see how it is assessed.

Course Resources
Course readings imbedded into the course.

Brown, Thomas. (2019), “Criminal Investigation”. Virginia Wesleyan University. OERCommons. eBook. Viewed from: https://www.oercommons.org/courses/criminal-investigation/view#

Lewandowski, Carla and Jeff Bumgarner. (2021) “Criminal Justice in America: The Encyclopedia of Crime, Law Enforcement, Courts and Corrections”, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, Volumes 1 and 2: Available Online via EGCC Gale EBooks at: Gale eBooks, link.gale.com/apps/pub/69TZ/GVRL?u=steu43952&sid=bookmark-GVRL

Accessed 14 June 2022.

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Tags: 150-200 words discussion with a scholarly reference, 200-300 words response to classmate discussion question, 250 word analysis essay, bachelor of nursing assignments, case study

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