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Posted: September 26th, 2022

Advanced User Interfaces

In this assignment, you are required to explore some advanced User Interfaces (not discussed in the lecture). Some examples of advanced user interfaces are:

Gesture interfaces
Brain-computer interfaces
Augmented reality
Tangible user interfaces
Sensor network user interfaces
Zero input interfaces
Holographic interfaces

You are required to write a brief description of any two of the interfaces given above (or any other type not mentioned in this list). Each interface description should be 1-2 pages long.

Advanced User Interfaces
User interface (UI) controls software applications as well as hardware, making it easier for computer users. The most advanced user interface get designed for both software and equipment with the primary goals of developing a user-friendly environment. There are different types of advanced user- interface used in the twenty-first century, for instance, gesture interface, brain-computer interface, zero input interface, as well as the holographic interface.
Tangible user interface (TUI) and brain-computer interface are among the interesting used to develop and enhance operations in digital and physical world (Modarres, et, al.,2016). To begin with, the tangible user interface enables users to work and connect with both the digital and non-digital worlds by changing how people interact. The real interface uses direct manipulation to activate a physical object into a digital purpose. A tangible user interface is related to the icon system created in Taiwan by a team of researchers. The direct manipulation consists of physical actions rather than complex systems, reversible operations as well as continuous representation of the object of interest. Information gathered through the use of detect manipulation makes it easy to interpret digital systems by use of tangible thinking.
Additionally, the use of a substantial user interface consists of multiple physical changes; for instance, color, weight, and size. The moves make it affordable for users, therefore, enhancing digital interactions. Apart from the advantages of using the tangible user interface, the advanced interface is unable to upgrade the quality of objects based on communication (Modarres, et, al., 2016). Regardless of the rigidity in the actual user interface, the model is among the most flexible through the creation of data physicalization through the available tools.
A brain-computer interface changes voluntary choices into active commands. The translation process uses brain activity, for instance, the brain’s electrical signals. Brain-computer is the most exciting and modern type of advanced user interface. The advanced interface can change various messages into the user’s mind, which allows the individual to interpret sensory inputs through seeing, hearing, or feeling. The use of a brain-computer interface is the most critical technology for individuals with disabilities (Ramadan, and Vasilakos, 2017). The electronic brain works through understanding the way the human mind operates through the use of neurons. When human beings use various senses, such as hearing, the neurons are actively in operation.
The messages get transferred in the form of signals through a path coated with Myelin to prevent loss. The various scientist has the expertise to detect, tap as well as interpret the signals. The detected and interpreted signals are used to command a digital device. Researchers use technical skills to determine the type of messages sent after the user sees the color blue. The technology can be used to Help blind persons; for instance, the signals viewed by users can get transmitted through cameras to a blind person’s brain. Brain-computer implanted in most people has improved how people with disabilities operate and understand information—for instance, enabling people with paralysis to communicate through the use of implanted robot arms to perform various tasks such as eating (Ramadan, and Vasilakos, 2017). The major problem with the use of the brain-computer interface is the lack of a long-lasting implanted implant, less information of neural as well as lack of reliable and luxurious motor combat.
The tangible user interfaces, as well as the brain-computer interface, Help most scientific researchers in getting answers to most issues that require technology intervention. The advances interface been used in most fields, including the health industry.
Modarres, A., Cruz-Hernandez, J. M., Grant, D. A., & Levesque, V. (2016). U.S. Patent No. 9,405,369. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Ramadan, R. A., & Vasilakos, A. V. (2017). Brain computer interface: control signals review. Neurocomputing, 223, 26-44.

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