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Posted: September 26th, 2022

3D Modelling

My professor would like a 5 page doubled spaced essay basically answering the questions that he describes. He wants this paper to be a research paper of 3d modeling.
3D Modelling
Additive manufacturing, the other name for 3D printing, is a young technology whose capabilities are yet to be exploited for the better. The technique behind the technology is similar to playing with a set of Legos. 3D printers often require a subtracting material from a larger block to create what the user desired (Think3D 1). Using the sub mm scale, the technology uses layers to build parts based on the given input. Users need special software where they can create and execute their designs. This technology has a high potential of becoming one of the greatest discoveries since the 20th century that saw the development of the computer and the internet. One can also attribute the innovations, as mentioned earlier, to the growth of 3D printers. It almost seems impossible to skip their invention and jump straight to 3D. Soon enough, additive manufacturing could become an enabling technology similar to the likes of the computer and the internet. With the technology offered by additive manufacturing, the future seems brighter since the technology promises the possibility of improving manufacturing for industries. People are also enjoying the possibility of creating simple items within their home space. Today, one can acquire a 3D printer for less than a thousand dollars. Within the past five years, its availability has drawn the attention of researchers who estimate that the technology will value at USD 32.78 Billion by the year 2023 (Das & Debnat 74). This gives one the perspective of a technology that is growing fast since it is widely accepted. It is possible that 3D printing could maintain its usefulness in the tech world ad positively impact both society and business.
A lot of research has been conducted about 3D planning based on its benefits for society. Technology is only useful and acceptable if it benefits the community in one way or another. The primary benefit of 3D printing is its manufacturing options (Das & Debnath 75). Most societal organizations are willing to adopt the tech as it conforms to the needs of the user. 3D printers can be used to develop ammunitions and, at the same time, develop medical equipment. The flexibility of the technology allows innovators to move faster from the design stage to the actual prototype. This is likely to benefit most businesses and see entrepreneurs achieve their goals more quickly. The aspect of any proper technology is to aid society to accomplish its objectives in an efficient manner. Similarly, the swiftness in manufacturing will increase profit margins for organizations since the creation process is faster. This will allow businesses to manufacture more products as compared to using traditional techniques. The contribution of technology to arts will also benefit individuals who have their creative businesses to enhance their products using the availability of designing software programs. With this in mind, one can envision the future where 3D printing is used to develop the aesthetics of homes, streets, or even whole cities. Furthermore, the technology offers society a more eco-friendly solution to production processes (Kubac & Oldřich 2). There is no limit to what this technology can achieve for the betterment of the community.
Looking at the issues of sustainable residence and medical 3DP, one can say that the technology is highly advanced in today’s timeframe (Das & Debnath 76-77). The health and human sciences department have taken advantage of the technology more than any other field. Due to the consistent research and developments conducted by medicine, 3D printers are not able to produce body organs that can be used as viable implants. From prosthetic limbs to dental structures, people no longer have to wait in line to get the next donor. There are also other solutions such as castings for broken bones that are much lighter than the original plaster of Paris heavy casts. The technology has received acceptance in the medical world with a great deal of optimism as it offers advanced prosthetics like never seen before. The housing industry is also looking to expand due to the possibility of printing a house instead of building one. According to Das & Debnath, 3DP homes present a zero-waste approach, and the house can be recycled (77). It is these possibilities that make 3DP advanced in today’s timeframe. Even if the technology emerged a few years ago and is still undergoing experimentation, the present achievements are enough to claim its relevance in today’s world and that to come.
There is a notion that 3D printing will be followed by major mechanical insurgencies in the business world. While a great deal of work has just been completed regarding what these advances will deliver terms of item and procedure development, little has been done on their effect on the plan of action advancement (Kubac & Oldřich 3). Like any other tech acquisition, there is a need to analyses two critical elements: the tech itself and the organizational structure. The possibility of the machine fitting in with the company processes is an area that should not be overlooked as the 3D printer is expected to contribute to the general functions of the organization. This means that the company will have to evaluate its goals alongside the need to acquire the device. Second, the flexibility of the organization to make room for the acquisition is another key factor while making structural changes to adapt to the technology. It may seem like a good idea to long for profitable developments, but it would be in vain if the players at the company are not willing to conform to the changes. Workflows will have to be altered since a 3D printer will mean moving from transitional processes and onto new ones (Kubac & Oldřich 3). Training sessions will also take place to ensure that users are familiar with the latest procedures. History has demonstrated that tech advancement without a sufficient plan of action is a challenge for organizations. Businesses will have to conduct an inside-out Assessment of their processes based on the attributes of 3D printing to achieve a streamlined adoption of the innovation.
If money was not an obstacle, building pre-production parts for automotive manufacturers seems like a reasonable venture. 3D manufacturing offers the chance to patent productions since the value of products will be in digital files. This will enable most production agents to be able to create their products in the most detailed possible version. Pre-production parts are basically a way for manufacturers to accelerate their time-to-market structures (Madhav et al., 27). With 3D printers, mass production of the automotive parts will be introduced once the prototype has been tested. The prototype was generated much quicker by the 3D printer hence making it possible to convince potential clients with the actual item. Defects will be lower since 3DPs follow the instructions as per the software and rarely deviate from the program (Madhav et al., 27). Given how the automotive industry is also rapidly developing – and let’s face it, people will always need transport- it seems smart to invest 3D printers in pre-production parts. Challenges faced with pre-production such as time will be mitigated hence opening the door to financial benefits. 3D printers are about to revolutionize the world hence the need for entrepreneurs to start devising means of grabbing opportunities.
In conclusion, additive manufacturing holds a disruptive potential that is likely to shape the near future. The technique may seem relatively simple, but the end products are quite revolutionary. With the internet and computers stabilizing, their birth to 3D printers will enable societies and businesses alike to benefit from the innovation. It is expected that the introduction of the technology on a full scale may cause some changes, but they are only for the betterment of the community. Every technology comes with gifts to offer, and so does 3D printing. The world is looking at enticing economies of scale, while the society is looking at eco-friendly solutions to the world that hosts life. The technology may be a bit advanced for today, but shortly, every home may possess one of such printers. Businesses will have to restructure themselves to adapt to technology. Still, it is no surprise since the introduction of computers has proved that technology is ever-changing. Entrepreneurs also face numerous opportunities ready for exploitation with the 3DPs. There indeed are no limits to what technology can achieve.

Works Cited
Das, Ankita & Debnath, Biswajit. “3D Printing: What It Has To Offer To The Society?” Proceeding Book of International Symposium on 3D Printing Technology. 74-78, 2018.
Kubáč, Lukáš, and Oldřich Kodym. “The Impact of 3D Printing Technology on Supply Chain.” MATEC Web of Conferences. Vol. 134. EDP Sciences, 2017.
Think3D. “Begginers Guide to 3D Printing.” Version 0.1, Think3D Team, 2015.
Madhav, CH Venu, R. Sri Nidhi Hrushi Kesav, and Y. Shivraj Narayan. “Importance and utilization of 3D printing in various applications.” International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) (2016): 24-29.

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