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Posted: September 26th, 2022

Order Details Summary Assignment Type: Presentation or Speech Service: Writing Pages/Words: 2 pages / 550 words (Double spacing) Education Level: College Language: English (US) Assignment Topic: speech to inform Subject: Business and Management Citation Style: Not Applicable Upload files 4D31F04F-527A-45C7-8555-0C1DB612C38F.jpeg Size: 465.5 Kb Today, 06:36 PM Today, 07:14 PM 63BEB5EA-E3CD-4323-9910-14C631AFA128.jpeg Size: 735.0 Kb Today, 06:36 PM Today, 07:14 PM F1271739-051C-4D2D-8E44-56CF0DC9B7A1.jpeg Size: 527.6 Kb Today, 06:36 PM Today, 07:14 PM 808E34A4-3D40-4B53-8236-5B8E562C4025.jpeg Size: 743.1 Kb Today, 06:36 PM Today, 07:14 PM Instructions The Speech to Inform Length: 4 minutes Point Value: 30 for the speech; 10 points for the outline Purpose: This assignment requires the speaker to research, organize, and communicate to the audience information presented with the intent to inform them. The topic chosen should be of interest and value to both the speaker and the audience. Outline requirement: You will submit your preparation outline using the upload link provided in Canvas (please see the sample outline on page 11 of your syllabus; your outline should contain each of the following elements: I. Intro: Write out something similar to what you will say in your opening. The introduction should (a) gain attention, (b) establish goodwill, and (c) lead into the body of the speech. II. Thesis: Write a single, simple sentence which will serve as the topic sentence to the whole speech. The thesis should state the point that all of your headings have in common; do not simply sling together your three or four headings into the thesis sentence. A good example: “Mounting photographs is easy when properly done.” A bad example: “Mounting photographs involves selecting the proper view, selecting the color of the blocking material, and trimming the frame.” III. Preview: write a transition sentence designed to provide a “presummary” of your headings. Example: “The three simple steps in mounting a photograph are selecting the proper view, selecting the appropriate color, and trimming the frame.” IV. Body: This is the heart of the speech. Each of your 2-5 headings should be labeled with a capital letter (A through E). Each heading should have supporting material under it. Supporting material may consist of explanation, example, illustration, quotation, statistics, etc. V. Conclusion: Write out in paragraph form something similar to what you will say in concluding the speech. A good conclusion should provide a summary of your main headings and a sense of finality. VI. Bibliography: List in proper bibliographic form (if from a webpage, list the author, date, title of webpage, as well as the URL) at least three sources of reference. Speaking Outline: Your speaking outline should be a simplification of the preparation outline; you do not need to turn in this outline. The best practice is to place the outline somewhere in front of you, rather than to have it in your hand. Use a sufficiently large font so that you can see it from a distance. Elements of the grading: The critique sheet will contain four elements; each will involve ten points possible in the grading for the total of thirty points: (a) Delivery skills — How well did the speaker manage eye contact, gesture, vocal variety, emphasis, and rate? (b) Organization (and timing adjustment) — Did the speech follow the prescribed sequence? Were the main headings (subsets of the body) systematic in some way? Were the main headings properly worded and properly emphasized? (Points will be deducted if the speech is shorter than 3.5 minutes or longer than 4.5 minutes). (c) Introduction and Conclusion — Did the introduction and conclusion achieve the purposes described above? The topic I want to write about is informing them on knee surgery and arthofibrosis. Becuase I’ve had 3 knee surgeries within the past year and my recovery is taking a lot longer than people without arthrofibrosis. So something about how arthrofibrosis affects recent very after knee surgery.

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Tags: 150-200 words discussion with a scholarly reference, 200-300 words response to classmate discussion question, 250 word analysis essay, bachelor of nursing assignments, case study

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