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Posted: September 24th, 2022

GCU NUR514 Full Course

Week 1

DQ1 Discuss the shift to value-based health care and its
impact on the roles and responsibilities of advanced registered nurses. What
major evolving trends in the health care policy and delivery systems will
affect your practice in the next 3-5 years, and how do you think advanced
registered nurses leaders will continue to influence the direction of health

DQ2 From your experience, how can developing strong
interprofessional relationships increase collaboration and benefit patient
outcomes or organizational initiatives into today’s dynamic health care
environment? What are some ways you can form an interprofessional team and
collaborate with other advanced registered nurse roles in support of
organizational initiatives or improved patient outcomes? Make sure to
incorporate the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) competencies
in your response.

Organizational Leadership and Informatics

Week 2

DQ1 Describe a scenario in which there was a conflict
between nurses working in your current or previous work environment. What was
the primary cause of the conflict? What conflict resolution strategies would
you employ to manage this conflict and promote civility in the workplace and

DQ2 Compare and contrast servant leadership with another
leadership style or theory such as transformational leadership. What are the
primary characteristics of each? What appeals to you about them and what
strengths and drawbacks do you see with each in terms of influencing
organizational culture as a nurse leader?

Organizational Leadership and Informatics

Week 3

DQ1 Discuss organizational factors that can drive the change
within a health care organization. Also, discuss the ethical, social, legal,
economic, or political implication of the change within an organization and on
the profession of nursing. Integrate a specific example of organizational
change you have witnessed in your response.

DQ2 You have been selected to serve on a community outreach
committee within your state’s nursing organization. The committee includes
registered nurses of different specialties. At your first meeting, it becomes
evident that not everyone is in agreement with a recent position statement
about the role of spiritual care, with some members arguing they will no longer
support the committee if the position statement is not revised or reversed. As
a nurse leader, how could you draw from change theory to address these concerns
and encourage collaboration on the committee?

Organizational Leadership and Informatics

Week 4

DQ1 Imagine you are working in an outpatient specialty
office. Your nursing director has informed you that due to “accountable
care” your office might be penalized by having too many diabetic patients
that are above the hemoglobin A1C (HBA1C) goal of 8. The national benchmark is
that only 20% of your population should be above 8 and your office shows 40%.
Your physicians have also been informed by their management of the same issue.

Develop a plan using enhanced communications with patients
to reach the benchmark goal. What might you do if you had the resources to
accomplish this? You should consider all the technology you might be able to
use such as a patient portal, wireless home monitor, texting, and secure
messaging for example.

DQ2 What challenges do current reimbursement models pose for
nurse leaders in their obligations to promote quality, cost effective patient
care. What strategies can effective nurse leaders use to overcome those
challenges? Discuss any specific examples you may have witnessed a leader
implement in the practice environment in your response.

Organizational Leadership and Informatics

Week 5

DQ1 Review the Graduate QSEN Competencies. Focusing on the
areas of Quality Improvement (QI), Safety, and Informatics, summarize the
essential knowledge, skills and attitudes that an advanced registered nurse
should possess to competently promote the use of health care data and
information to improve care in the clinical setting. Discuss two specific ways
information and technology can improve clinical practice, administration,
education, or research in your response.

DQ2 Discuss a key event in the evolution of nursing informatics
and the characteristics of nursing informatics as a specialty. In what ways do
the roles of informatics nurses and nurse leaders intersect?

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