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Posted: September 18th, 2022

Human Sexuality essay

Discussion 1 400 words

Complete the prompts for Discussion 7 and contribute a response to at least two classmates’ posts. Examine information about The Maltz Hierarchy of Sexual Interaction provided on this site and explore other areas of her site.

· Briefly explain each of the six levels, providing examples of each and identify the variables included in this model.

· How might this model be useful or significant to the field of study and those using it?

· How can parents and other adults teach adolescents to develop intimacy in relationships?

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Reply 1 Nicole 60 words

According to the article, the Maltz Heirarchy of Sexual Interaction is a progressive framework for understanding and evaluating sexual behavior. It is compared to serving a purpose in regards to sexual interactions and behaviors much like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The model looks at negative and positive sexual behavior as well as the impact it potentially has on a relationship. Maltz’s model fits for all relationships whether heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual (Matlz, 1995).

Level -1 is known as the impersonal interaction level. This level entails a lack of responsiveness to one’s self or partner’s personal experiences or safety. This is usually done out of ignorance, denial, callousness, and self-centeredness. Often times the behavior(s) in level -1 produce feelings of regret and shame and consent can be given from both sides. An example of negative behavior for this level would include unprotected sex or sex while under the influence of alcohol or drugs (Maltz, 1995).

Level -2 goes a deeper into the negative impact and is known as abusive interaction. “Sexual relating are an act of conscious domination and exploitation according to the article”. The behaviors that fall in this category are said to damage the self-esteem and trust among partners. Non-violent rape, spousal rape, incest, and humiliation are behaviors considered level -2 and are usually carried out using lies, manipulation, shame, and coercion. An example of abusive interaction would be a husband forcing his wife to have sex without her consent because it is her “duty” as his wife. Behaviors of this sort are often against the law as well (Maltz, 2019).

The lowest most disintegrated and disconnected level is level-3 also known as the violent interaction. Serial killers and cult abusers that sexually torture their victims are considered to have violent interactive behavior. Those with violent interaction behavior seek total control and express their sexual energy thru rage and hostility. They also tend to operate in a preprogrammed manner and often times have major psychological disturbances and pathology (Maltz, 1995).

Maltz’s model not only looks at the negative but at the positive sexual behaviors. Level +1, the role fulfillment level, is said to be the stepping stone to connectedness, self-esteem, integration, and positive intimate bonding. These behaviors are often times based on well defined gender roles but the shared assumptions generally lead to a lack of communication. Behaviors that fall into the role fulfilling level allow for partners to enjoy a sense of safety and satisfaction and lead to mutual respect, physical safety, and commitment. Courtships, new relationships, and those who follow strict religious guidelines usually have level +1 behaviors (Maltz, 1995).

Making love is the next level on Maltz’s model. Level +2 creates mutual pleasure and allows for experimentation outside the normal gender roles thru intimacy. Communication about sex allows partners to learn more about each other while enhancing their sexual expieriences. Behaviors in this level allow for both partners to address their needs and achieve sexual fulfillment. “Sex becomes a celebration of the body according to the article at this stage”. These behaviors create a bond, allow for more pleasure, and create more openness in a relationship (Maltz, 1995).

The highest positive level is known as the authentic sexual intimacy level. These behaviors establish qualities of respect, safety, communication, mutual committment, sensual pleasure, and love. It creates a deep connection that can peak at times or be a whole experience. These behaviors allow each partner to gain a greater sense of his or her own wholeness. Emotional honesty and intimacy are considered more important than the actual sexual acts themselves such as time or number of orgasms and creates deep feelings of security and safety (Maltz, 1995).

This model can help many people ranging from therapists, sex addicts, victims, survivors, and many more. Maltz’s model can help therapists explain positive and negative behavior and how partners can move thru the levels as positive and negative behaviors escalate. Those who are survivors of negative sexual behaviors can use the model to find if behaviors from future partners are positive or negative and develop new healthy expectations as they heal. Therapists can also use the model to help sex addicts find more fulfilling relationships and change their behavior in a positive manner. The model shows that the nature of our sexual behavior has to do with choices we make (Maltz. 2019).

Parents and other adults can use this model to teach adolescents what is acceptable and not when it comes to sexual behavior. If someone sees there choices as being negative or reckless such as using manipulation to force their partner to have sex, they can see that is level -2 behavior and see the effects it has. The model then allows them to look at other choices to create more intimacy and have a better understanding of positive behaviors. It also allows for adolescents to check their partner’s behavior to make sure their relationship is moving in a positive manner and not falling down thru the levels into an unhealthy situation.

Maltz, W. 1995. The Maltz hierarchy of sexual interaction.

Reply 2 Destiny 60 words

Level -1: Impersonal Interaction- involves lack of responsiveness to individuals or their partner’s personal experience and safety. Examples of level one would be engaging in unprotected sex, sex under the influence, dishonesty, addiction-driven sex, and painful or upsetting sex. In level -1 people become sexual objects and typically regretful. Level -1 individuals are more misused and misunderstood, not so much abused. Partners have sexual activity without respect or responsibility, which can lead to unpleasant or negative consequences. An example of level -1 would be have sexual intercourse with someone you just met, not using protection, but consensual.

Level -2: Abusive Interaction: An individual acts to control another through psychological pressure or manipulation. Commonly seen in non-violent rape and incest. The victim is seen as an object instead of a human with no control over what is happening to them. The victim is usually degraded, damaging their self-esteem and trust in others. The perpetrators are individuals who feel entitled and usually suffer from distorted thinking, denying the personal harm to their victim. Communication is typically lies, threats, manipulation, and shaming. Level -2 behavior is against the law. An example of this would be an older adult figure in a family pursuing a younger individual to participate in sexual intercourse.

Level -3: Violent Interactions- The perpetrator uses abusive traits and has absolute control over their victim. Sexual pleasures are expressed with hostility and dissociated from their body. In this level sex organs are targets and weapons. We see these individuals typically are serial killers or cult participants. The perpetrator has control on whether the victim should live or die. An example of this would be Ted Bundy, who kidnapped, raped, and killed his victims.

Level 1+: Role Fulfillment- This level is filled with connection, enhanced self esteem, and intimate bonding. The men are the assertive figure while the women are passive. The relationship is built on social assumptions with little communication. Oftentimes we see this type of level in new relationships, courtships, and religious partnerships. Here we see sexual intercourse to not please ourselves but to please the “duties” in which we assume. Sex is not forced, but not desired. Partners still live a life of safety and satisfaction as they know what is expected of them. The respect for one another is mutual and positive but limiting. Individuals may become bored with each other. An example of this is individuals who look at a relationship like a job. They have their duties and roles and as long as those are fulfilled they are still employed.

Level 2+: Making Love- Partners focus on mutual pleasures. In this level we see individual expressions and experimentation. Sex is special and learning about each others needs for intimacy is important. We see a connection between sexual pleasures and the acts of caring for another. In this relationship partners focus more on performance and pleasing the other than typical duties seen in level 1+. At this level partners show more of themselves and communicate more freely. Examples would be partners who have been with each other for a long extended period of time. They have learned each others sexual needs and have formed a bond of caring for on another.

Level 3+: Authentic Sexual Intimacy- Establishment of respect, communication, pleasure, and love. We see a shared sense of deep connection and expressing true love. Partners get a sense of feeling whole and secure. Sex becomes and act of love and spiritual connection. Intimacy and honesty are more important than how long your partner lasts or climaxes. Level 3+ is limitless and cares simply about just being with each other. An example of this level of love would be a healthy, happy, married couple, like my recently married friends, still enjoying their honeymoon phase.

This model can help any individual in the search of love and ultimate intimacy. It shares information on physical and psychological factors of each level of love and helps us analyze which type of love we desire. Looking back on my past relationships I’ve experienced multiple of these love levels. Although my ultimate would be level 3+, I believe that love takes time and understanding to get there. I hope to maybe experience this love one day with my current partner. I have experienced other levels of love like -1 and -2. I wrote it off as being kids, searching for who we want to be, looking for reassurance in others, but ending with nothing. Looking back I realized how often I was living in the moment or not realizing my own self worth. Looking at this model and the many more years of experience and maturing it has given examples and reasoning on why I’ve changed and looked for things to satisfy the type of love I truly want.

I believe parents can help adolescents develop intimacy by acts of showing and examples. As a young child I do remember my parents truly loving each other and their simple acts of love around me. Intimacy shown by date nights, helping each other with home tasks, and sending us to grandparents house for “Alone time”. I think that’s why deep down I always knew the kind of love I wanted but was clouded in judgment of getting there. As I reached my teenage and adolescent years, my parents got divorced and my mother started to date other men. I saw her go through different levels of love, at this time I was almost going through those same levels, in the search for the wrong things. As I got older I learned and understood love and intimacy more. My mother remarried while my father still remains single. One thing I have learned is that intimacy isn’t always defined as being in a relationship. I hope other parents teach their children that. As an adult I see how my mother at times struggles with her husband on the meaning of true love and caring for one another, expressing true intimacy. My dad although single, I see his intimacy expressed in different ways. I see it in the way he loves and cares for his friends and family in the utmost pure and wholesome way. I believe teaching adolescents that intimacy is more then sexual pleasures is essential in finding fulfillment in our lives. Teaching adolescents that it is okay to communicate with their partners and share their desires and needs is necessary when it comes to the search of wholesome love.

Topic: Maltz Sexual Hierarchy Paper. EssayHelp24/7. (2019, November 2). Retrieved January 31, 2022, from (sample nursing essay examples by the best nursing assignment writing service)-maltz-sexual-hierarchy-paper/

Discussion 2 400 words

Complete the prompts for Discussion 8 and contribute a response to at least two classmates’ posts.

· Examine and discuss the following: Are there differences in the patterns of relationships between lesbian, gay, and straight couples?

· Are there differences between heterosexual and homosexual patterns of relationships?

· Consider specifically lifestyles and family life. How are these patterns the same? How are these patterns different?

I do not want to see moral judgments here. I do expect to see academically based responses.

Reply 1 Nicole 60 words

Despite society being more of a heteronormative society, lesbians, gays, and bisexuals are learning to navigate the stigmata and gain common ground. Our textbook states that all sexual orientations experience similar challenges when it comes to creating and maintaining relationships with partner(s). Heterosexual and homosexual relationships are comparable when it comes to overall relationship satisfaction and quality.Research has found that same sex relationships appear to be more flexible in regards to gender roles. This is believed to be the reason same sex couples use more affection and humor during a conflict or disagreement, are more likely to remain positive after a disagreement, and display less belligerence, fear, and domineering behavior towards each other. Same sex couples are also said to share a greater quality of relationship, compatibility, and intimacy with a lower level of conflict than heterosexual couples. Homosexual relationships due face more conflict when it comes to self-acceptance and coming out about their personal feelings as well as their relationship status. If one partner is struggling with being open and honest about the relationship to coworkers and peers, there is a higher chance for problems to arise in the relationship. Gay men are said to be less skilled when it comes to making up after a disagreement and lesbians are said to desire less closeness when compared to all types of relationship. The textbook also states that in recent studies, lesbians have a higher expectation for their partner than heterosexual men have for the girlfriends/wives (Crooks, 2020). Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and heterosexual couples seem to have similar relationship patterns and have their own conflicts but tend to deal with those conflicts and expectations in their own different ways.

When it comes to family life, it appears the patterns among the sexual orientations and family dynamics are similar. Studies have found no evidence to support homosexual and bisexual families have a negative impact on raising children. In fact, same sex families were shown to provide a more positive parenting experience than heterosexual couples. Children who were raised by same sex couples showed no difference compared to children raised by a heterosexual set of parents in regards to development, self-esteem, gender-related problems, gender roles, and sexual orientation. The only thing same sex couple children faced more than children with heterosexual parents was bullying, name calling, and lack of invitation from peers and their parents due to their parents sexual orientation (Crooks, 2020). Children are bullied for many things that do not correlate with their parents sexual orientation and are left out or not invited for numerous reasons as well. As times are changing and more acceptance of same sex and bisexual couples emerge, children will also gain more acceptance and can aide in educating their peers on acceptance.

Reply 2 Destiny 60 words

(Crooks,2021) When it comes to lesbians’ and gays their relationship patterns are more flexible then those of straight couples. Gays and Lesbians’ used more affection and humor when handling conflicts. They tend to have a more positive energy and open communication. Gay men however do show less of an ability to recover from arguments as well then straight or lesbians’. Some studies have found that lesbians’ and gays relationships have more quality and intimacy and less conflict then straights. It has been shown that in lesbians’ relationships they have more expectations for their partners then seen in straight relationships. Although we see some minor differences, many attributes are still the same. Heterosexual and homosexual don’t show many differences in patterns of relationships. When it comes to behavior or physical matters they show much of the same responses like over jealousy, guarding, and protection.

(Crooks, 2021) Over many generations a traditional family was thought to have heterosexual parents and their children, but many forms of families have changed. Research has shown that children who are raised in families with homosexual parents are no different then those raised in heterosexuals’ families. It was shown that those who have homosexual families had parents who demonstrated a more positive parenting compared to heterosexual. Although we see no damage to children from their parents in homosexual families, we see conflict to these children from outside sources. Children face many bullies and homophobes daily and discriminate against them and their families. Schools have recently included discussions about homosexuality to help families and lesson homophobia on children.

While growing up I experienced many encounters with homosexual individuals. While participating in competitive cheer for years I worked with both homo and hetero sexual individuals. My years of encounters with these individuals taught me that there aren’t many differences between the two. As we are all humans with our own thoughts, skills, and preferences. Putting all religious components aside I say hands first how homophobia really effective people and homosexuals. Many times when seen in public with my cheer team the male teammates or coaches were discriminated against and bullied for their appearances. I hated this stereotype placed on men that if they cheered they were instantly gay. Although I did have a homosexual coach, I cheered with multiple guys not gay dating women even on the cheer team or that played other sports, etc. I believe as times are changing and people are learning to become neutral on homosexual in society, we see less conflict between the two sexual identities.

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